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Seven Deadly Sins parody: Backburner


Seven Deadly Sins  

Fall From Grace

Meliodas was once a proud member of the goddess clan, but after working with a member of the demon clan to stop the Holy War, he was punished for his sin for betraying his kind. He’s cursed to live forever among humans, while his comrade is cursed to live and die over and over. Meliodas/Harem

Red Ark

Meliodas was a powerful arch angel, who fought on the front lines, he killed many demons until the treaty was signed. Despite his past Meliodas never hated demons, so when the treaty was broken by his own kind he sided with demons, and worked on stopping the holy war. Time passed, and after the demons were sealed he was cursed to live among humans, his grace lost to him. Despite that he still tried to live his life. Meliodas/Harem

Goddess of War

Meliodas was a powerful member of the goddess clan, he fought fiercely against the 10 commandments, even managing to kill two of them. He liked to fight and battle, and when the treaty was signed he tried to find new purpose with the humans and other races. Things were going well until the goddess clan broke the treaty and plunged the whole world into a war. Meliodas was furious with the goddess clan, but didn’t side with the demons either. Many years later Meliodas has given up his grace in an attempt to try and live a normal life as a knight.  

Goddess of Love

Among the Goddess Clan there were few who could rival the power of the four arch angels, there were the 6 perfections, it is said their power was even higher than the great four. Through them a treaty between the demons and the goddess clan was able to be signed.  However the treaty was broken and a new war, one that sucked in the other races. Meliodas the Goddess of Love was furious, he tried to protect the other races but was seen as a traitor and was punished for it his Grace taken from him he is cursed with immortality, cursed to forget a loved one each time he is killed. Switcher Meliodas/Harem

The Sealed Goddess

In order to stop the Holy War a goddess sacrificed themselves to seal away the demon clan into the coffin of darkness. The Bandit Ban heard the story of the sealed Goddess, and went in search of him. He falls in love but doesn’t know how he can help him, so he seeks a way to live forever until he can find a way to set his love free. Meliodas/Ban

The Goddess’ Sin

Meliodas is a member of the goddess clan, and like so many of the seven deadly sins, he was blamed for something he did not do. Meliodas was blamed for breaking the demon and goddess treaty, he severed his grace and even without it he was quite powerful and was able to become a holy knight. He knows the truth of himself, as well of those of the sins arounds him. Meliodas/Harem

Run Away Goddess

Meliodas was engaged to be married, not only was he the son of the Goddess Queen he was the wielder of the Sacred Blade, a holy weapon used for fighting demons. They want Melliodas to marry and have an heir to pass the blade to. Meliodas doesn't want to do this because he wants to mate for love not just to have an heir. Meliodas/Harem

Holy Order

A goddess cursed to walk the earth, unable to die by the hands of time, but should they be slain are reborn losing their memories. So the once pacifist has to fight to stay alive, protecting the key to the awakening of the demon clan. He trains a group of knights in order to assist him in protecting the key, but even he could not predict what would come next. Meliodas/Gil/Howzer/Griamore/Harem

Goddess of Spirits

Meliodas didn’t agree with the war, but he fought to protect his comrades. He always dreamed of running his own tavern so when the treaty happened, he tried to achieve his dream. Then the treaty broke and the whole world was thrown into chaos. Meliodas was pissed and everything he knew and believed in was turned upside down. Meliodas/Ban/King/Harem

Last of the Dragon Clan

The dragon clan was nearly wiped out during the Holy War. The last remaining was Meliodas, after thousands of years he’s able to obtain human form and joins the holy knights and works to protect the world, a plot to free the demons from the coffin of darkness is set, but are they the only threats. Two Cocks Meliodas/Harem

Lamia Knight

Meliodas was the first non human to join the holy knights, he was the last of the lamia race. One of many races that fell during the holy war. He has a very unique set of skills and is quite handsy and playful. It’s tough for him being a knight but his skills are legit. Hypnosis Two Cocks Meliodas/Zaratros/Dreyfus/Hendrickson/Harem

Centaur Knight

During the time of the holy war, the centaurs fought hard to protect the land battling against the demons, but when the goddess clan broke the treaty throwing the world into chaos again they gathered the other clans against both sides. Many fell during battle, the most powerful centaur was Meliodas, strong enough to bring down 2 of the 10 commandments, so the demon king cursed him with immortality, to never join his comrades or fall in battle. Switcher Meliodas/Harem  

Arachne Knight

The demon king ordered many executions of races during the holy war, he couldn’t have them joining the side of the Goddess clan. The arachne didn’t want to be involved but were forced to they were overwhelmed by the demon strength. After they were sealed, Meliodas found himself alone given the key to the dark coffin to protect, he’s found by the King of Liones and is made into a holy knight. Meliodas/Ban/King/Harem

Wolf Knight

The werewolf clan tried to help fight against the demons even attempting to have the other beastman races join them, but many were too scared and refused to help. The werewolf clan fought hard against the demons almost being wiped out. Meliodas was able to kill two of their elite soldiers, so the demon king cursed him with immortality so he can never join his pack in the after life, and each time he is killed he loses more and more of humanity and will one day just be a mindless beast. Meliodas/Harem

Milk Bar

Meliodas runs a very popular milk bar, he collects the milk from his staff of monster boys. The blonde takes very good care of his boys and protects them, its no wonder they fall for the blonde. Love is the secret ingredient that makes their milk so good. Meliodas/Minotaur Ban/Fairy King/Holkstar Gil Howzer and Griamore

Demon’s Tavern

Meliodas is a demon and it was his dream to run a tavern and live a decent life. His tavern caters to all kinds and has all kinds working there. Meliodas can’t cook for beans but he’s got many skills that help keep his employees and customers happy. His employees work for tips but not from the customers. Hyper Male Lac Meliodas/Ban/Gowther/Gil/Howzer

D and D: Doms and Dicks

AU: Gil has a crush on Meliodas, the hottest dom in the circuit, he wants to be dominated by the male. He’s seen all the videos with his current sub Ban, and he wants what he wants, he wants to be tied up, he wants to be caged, he wants to pleasure Meliodas and become his sub. Meliodas/Ban/Gil + Side and One off pairs

Pet Training

Meliodas has two jobs, part time bar owner, and part time pet trainer. He trains guys and gals how to be pets, its not uncommon for free pets to fall in love with their trainer. Meliodas has a big heart and is happy to take them in, some even work at his bar. Its a good life, but nothing like family to throw your world upside down. Pet Play Meliodas/Harem

Broken Pieces Fit Together

Meliodas was known as the greatest master in the circuit, but after his sub passed away Meliodas wanted to give up on the game, that is until a sub known as Ban shows up at his door. Can Ban’s ernest desires bring Meliodas back to the game? He seems to believe a lot of subs could use a master like him. Cock Cages, Toys, Bondage Meliodas/Ban/Arthur

Bar Keepers Secrets

Meliodas seems to be just a simple bar owner, lot of people tell him their secrets and their troubles, he offers his place as a safe haven, what happens in his bar stays in his bar. You need a place to stay, he’s got one, need a job you got it, want to figure out your sexual desires, he’s happy to help. Toys Cock Cage Exp Meliodas/Ban/Mael(Estarossa)  

Forbidden Love

The strongest demon, and the most fearsome angel no one knew they were actually in love. They wanted the treaty more than anyone, however when their relationship was exposed, the treaty was severed and things got messy. The two are cursed one to live forever and lose himself each time he dies, the other to be reincarnated again and again. Meliodas/Mael(Estarossa)/Harem

Mark of the Demon

When Meliodas mates with someone he leaves a mark on them, this mark forms a bond between them. Not only does this make them stronger, but it also gives Meliodas power over them. It’s the ultimate bond, and requires great trust and desire. Those who bare his mark are harem brothers. Meliodas/Harem

Demon Pheromone

Meliodas wears a powerful scent blocker to keep his demon pheromones in check, but if he gets excited sometimes there is nothing that can hold them back. One whiff could put a human into a lust drunk state for a few days if not a week, other races may very. One day Ban steals his scent blocker as a joke and things get a little wild.   

Love Sick Pig

A strange wine from the Goddess Clan is circulating the land, and people are acting on their feelings of love. Meliodas being a demon isn’t effected by the wine, but must help his friends and comrades through the wine. He thinks its just a simple aphrodisiac, but as the goddess clan puts it there is no cure for love. Meliodas/Arthur/Ban/Gil/Howzer/Gustaf Dreyfus/Hendrickson King/Gowther

Demons of 7

The seven greatest demons in the demon king’s army are the sins, each demon blessed with the power of an Orb of Sin. Meliodas was once the demon of lust, he stole his orb and escaped to the human world and helped the goddess clan seal the demons away. He must bare the weight of his sin, the king believes Meliodas will help strengthen his kingdom and prepare for a great threat.  

The Great Strip Rock Paper Scissors Tournament

Liones decided to hold, the great strip rock paper scissors tournament. Things get a little wild and crazy, with so much naked muscle being shown no matter who wins the tournament the guys win in the end. Mix and Match Wild Yaoi pairs

Legendary Size Contest

The sins are said to have a secret contest, the winner gets to do whatever he wants with the losers. Some of the knights are curious about this yearly contest the male sins gather to take part in, they each think they have a chance at winning, only to lose to Meliodas, of course 7 hearts was needed to support that monster. They get swept into the swing of things. Hyper Switcher Meliodas/Harem

The Days In Purgatory

Meliodas and Ban have spent years in Purgatory together, this is a tale of their time in Purgatory and how they've spent it together. From the months and months of hanging around naked, to their fighting, their make ups, to their bond growing ever stronger. Meliodas/Ban

Vampire Bar

Howzer is looking for work, his dad says if he doesn't get a job soon he'll be out on his ass. He finds a strange bar with a rather interesting clientele, the owner himself was a vampire, the cook was a vampire's slave, and the waiters were vampire children. Will Howzer keep his job, or end up a snack, or worse turned.  

Incubus Bar

Meliodas is an incubus, but its always been a dream to run his own bar/tavern, even have a staff of sexy men. In order to do that he needs money so he became a holy knight for a time until he was framed. He sold his gear for the money to run his bar, things are a bit crazy but he keeps his bar going in order to keep the spirits up. Switcher Cock Milking Costumes Meliodas Harem

Demon Slayer Rises

A holy knight awakens a terrifying being known as the Demon Slayer, not only is he immune to the commandments, he can also negate magic. Demon Slayer doesn't discriminate, if you're a demon you die, so of course he turns his sights on Meliodas. The sins won't allow him to die, but they may not be able to stop him.  

Dead Kingdom

A powerful necromancer has discovered an ancient power source increasing his powers and unleashing an army of the undead. It is very hard to defeat these undead soldiers and those killed by the army join the army. Its up to the sins and the holy knights to stop this threat, but can they as more and more powerful people are turned into zombies.  

The Dark Creation

The sins have gone to investigate disappearances and strange pulses of magic, a strange sorcerer has created a terrifying new creature. Ban finds it and it grabs him and changes him. It seems he was in the final stages of his plan and the creatures hatch and get loose upon the realm. Cock Hugger Cock Tail Meliodas/Ban/Harem

Demon Makers

The Commandments decide to build a new demon army, using humans and other races. Using an ancient creature and tool of the demon clan. Once the creature takes hold of you it warps your body and then your mind, depending on one's magical power determines if you'll be a lower demon or a higher one.  

Merlin's Pet

Merlin created a rather strange creature, but she says its unstable and can't be released. Gowther bnds with the creature and lets it out, allowing the creature to multiply and go crazy in the kingdom. Things are changed and not even Merlin can reverse what's been done. Size Manipulation Cock Hugger     

Delta Demons

The demon clan wasn't like the other races, those of alpha, beta, and omega. They were the missing link Delta, Meliodas being one of the last few deltas on earth is a rare find, quite the prize for an alpha like Ban. King a fairy alpha wants to protect Meliodas from Ban, the two clashing. Gowther doesn't get it but he likes playing with Meliodas. Delta Meliodas/Alpha Ban/Alpha King/Beta Gowther/Alpha Escanor/Alpha Gil/Beta Howzer/Omega Griamore/Harem

Alpha Captain  

Meliodas is an alpha but he hasn't taken a mate in centuries that is until he met Ban, a lustful and greedy beta who wants Meliodas and he always gets what he wants. Alpha Meliodas/Beta Ban/Omega King/Beta Gil/Omega Howzer/Harem

Immortal Omega

Ban is an omega, and he can be greedy, even after becoming immortal. He wants a strong alpha or at least one that can entertain him. First he gets Meliodas, a powerful demon who bares his own curse of immortality, then they share a fairy beta named King. Then he gets another alpha named Howzer, and more. Alpha Meliodas/Omega Ban/Beta King/Alpha Howzer/Harem

Gamma Goddess

Meliodas is a member of the goddess clan, this unique clan is race of Gamma's a missing link between alphas and omegas. Most are too proud to submit to anyone so most of them lead celibate lives. Meliodas is not one of them, he falls in love with a human named Ban an alpha. Meliodas is cursed to die and resurrect and each time he does he forgets his past, he retains some things but not everything. One thing he forgets is Ban, so the alpha sought out immortality so he could always be with Meliodas and find a way to break the curse. Gamma Meliodas/Alpha Ban/Omega King/Beta Gil/Beta Howzer/Beta Griamore

Immortal Delta

Ban is a Delta, a rare missing link between a beta and a omega, The demon and goddess clans were a special breed of Gamma, a race capable of dominating even alphas, and each one is born with two dicks, and have strong pheromones. Ban falls for Meliodas and forms a pack with the Gamma. Gamma Meliodas/Delta Ban/Beta King/Alpha Gil/Alpha Howzer/Omega Griamore

Omega Captain

Meliodas is an omega, but a powerful one, it takes someone equally powerful to dominate him. This was true even 3000 years ago. The demon king wanted his son to mate a powerful demon but Meliodas ended up killing him instead. He wanted to find his own mate, and he almost did but the two were torn apart. He eventually finds Merlin and is given strong suppressants. Will he find his first mate again, will his pack be able to take on the threats facing them. Omega Meliodas/Alpha Ban/Alpha Arthur/Beta King/Alpha Gil/Alpha Howzer/Alpha Griamore/Alpha Mael

Alpha Treaty

A treaty was formed between the goddess clan, and the demon clan, and to commemorate this treaty a demon and a goddess formed a mating bond. However when the treaty is broken the two are forced apart. Meliodas wants to believe he'll meet his mate again, in the mean time he forms a pack in hopes of getting his mate back, but he had no idea what happened to him.  

Omega Treaty

A treaty was formed between the goddess clan and the demon clan, their strongest goddess was to mate the strongest demon in order to form a bond and union between the two. It was the goddess cln who broke the treaty some not approving of the union, even though there was no complaints from the alpha. Though their bond could not be severed even by the king of demons and the queen of the goddess clan. When the demon clan was sealed away the mating bond kept Meliodas safe from the effect, however he bares his own curse he must deal with. Mael/Meliodas/Harem

Nudist Bar

Meliodas could be quite the perv but he has his own beliefs on freedom, so he runs a nudist bar. He's naked, the guests are naked, even his employees are naked. Its quite the erotic fun place, where Meliodas is happy to lend a hand, mouth, even his ass to his guests and employees. Bottom Meliodas/Harem

Ass Eating Demon

Meliodas had a love of many things, good booze, good food though he can't cook for anything, he loved a good fight, and if you wanted to call him anything he was a butt man. From plump to toned, big and small, he loved it. He gained a certain title among some circles The Ass Eating Demon of Liones. His rim jobs and foreplay were second to none, even Escanor himself had to admit Meliodas gave a rimjob that made a man melt. Rimming Meliodas/Harem

Love Awakening

With a new holy war on the horizon, the knights and sins are looking for a way to gain power. Meliodas and Merlin know a way if the guys are willing to take part. Many witches and wizards gained power through sex, this would be a large boost especially since many of the knights were virgins. Bottom Meliodas/Harem

Hunting the Spider Bat

The sins are hunting a monster known as a spider bat, there is not a lot of information on it, so they try to be cautious. However these creatures have powerful mind control abilities, and once they nab Gowther they begin picking them off one by one. Mind Control Hypnosis

Mission into the Drunken Mist

The King asks for the sins help when the Grand Knights go missing on a mission, it seems an old demon has been awakened and has recreated their territory and filled it with the ultimate sake mist. Just breathing in this area can cause one to get wildly drunk. Those drunk can be influenced by the demon. Brainwashing Drunk

Slime Hunting

The sins were tasked with hunting a sudden slime uprising in a village, things were going well until Ban faces the source of the slime outbreak a parasite slime. Ban tries to kill it but gets overwhelmed and infected. The slime takes control of Ban and uses him to breed more children and create new carriers. Things look bad as Ban has many holy knights and even the other sins, that is until he tries to infect Meliodas. Being a demon he can't be infected by the slime, using his skills he works on undoing the slime's effect. Ban/Harem Meliodas/Harem

Attack of the Perverted Mushrooms

A witch modifies some of the monster mushrooms that exist, their spores have new and rather erotic effects, destroying the armor and clothing of knights, shrinking dicks, growing dicks, creating tentacle mushrooms on bodies that fuck their host. Tentacles

The 12 Devas

The treaty between the goddess clan and demon clan wasn't broken and the races were allowed to live in harmony with humans giants and fairies. However the quest for power can lead those down a dark path. Camelot has legends of an ancient evil ones that existed before the holy war even began, holding old and powerful magic. When one of Arthur's enemies releases these monsters upon the world Arthur must seek help. Meliodas/Arthur/Harem

Heir to the Throne

The clans have formed a treaty allowing demons, fairies, goddesses, giants, and humans to all live together. New kingdoms are formed and territories set up. Meliodas is the heir to the demon king throne, not that he wants it, his body guard is a thief that he caught trying to rob the demon king's palace. His father wants him to find a proper mate so he can take the throne, Meliodas doesn't want to and there are some who feel Meliodas is unfit for the position and trying to kill him. Meliodas/Ban/???

Bad End: Demon Captain

Meliodas knows his curse, he knows that if he dies he loses a piece of himself each time. That didn't stop him from jumping into danger and protecting those close to him. Now the Meliodas they knew is gone, and the Meliodas of 3000 years ago is back, and peace is the furthest thing from his mind. With his demon powers back on mass, he sets of to conquer this world.  

Bring Him Back

Meliodas is killed by Estarossa and is currently trapped in Purgatory. In order to get him back Ban must travel to Purgatory and get his soul back. Merlin warns him that no one comes back from purgatory, that his body and soul will be ripped apart. He doesn't care he lost one person he loved he wasn't about to lose another. Ban/Meliodas/???

Lamia's Tavern

The treaty of the Goddess Clan and the Demon Clan held up, there were still trouble makers and threats but without the Holy War many of the races were allowed to live and thrive. Some humans still looked down on the inhuman races but demons and goddesses often looked down on them to. Meliodas is a lamia who had a dream of running a bar, but in order to get the money he had to sell himself in a way, he made a contract with the king for funds and he would do jobs for him, train knights, and take out threats. Because he's a lamia he can't cook for nothing, so he needs a good team to help keep his business going. Lamia Meliodas/Harem  

Dragon's Tavern

With the treaty between the goddess clan and demon clan standing many monster races were not dragged into the holy war and were able to survive. The world had a semblance of peace, there were still the rogue now and then, and forces were needed to help put a stop to them. Meliodas is a humble dragon who's lived long enough to take semi human form, he wants to run a tavern but needs money to do so. With his strength he gets into the Holy Knights and makes a deal with the king. New Enemies Meliodas/Harem

Meliodas of Purity

Meliodas was a fierce and powerful demon, on the battle field he faced his enemies without a weapon or armor, no clothes at all. This was because of a few things, the biggest reason was of the commandment Meliodas possessed. The commandment of purity, its holder was not allowed to wear clothes as the commandment believes clothing, armor, and weapons are impure, and that we are at our purest when in our most natural state. When the curse is activated one is not able to fight Meliodas if they are wearing armor, clothing or carrying weapons. Switcher Meliodas/Harem

Treasure of the Sea

Ban was a bandit turned pirate wanting to claim the treasures of the sea, some would call him a selfish or cruel man, but he doesn't care what others have to say about him, not that he hasn't knocked a few teeth in along the way. After a severe storm Ban thought it was over for him until he was saved by a merman named Meliodas. Futa Merman Ban/Meliodas

Seven Deadly Pirates

Meliodas leads a crew of seven fierce pirates, they go around drinking, stealing, and having a good time. They live by their own code, they were the unwanted, criminals, and sinners, without a home or place to return to, but they found it with Meliodas. If they had one rule, don't mess with their captain! Switcher Meliodas/Harem

King's Ransom

Arthur was a young prince, thrust upon the thrown of King, and one of the Kingly duties he must perform is marry and have an heir. He doesn't want to be forced to marry anyone, he loves his country and his people, but the restrictive life of nobility was suffocating him. So imagine the breath of fresh air when he's kidnapped by pirates and taken out to sea for ransom. Bottom Arthur/Harem

War for the Throne

The demon king is finally ready to pass his throne onto a son but which son. Meliodas and Zeldoris are tasked with finding an army and duking it out for the throne. Zeldoris has his reasons for wanting the throne, Meliodas was willing to just give up and let him have it but due to certain reasons he has to fight. Meliodas/Harem

Army of Darkness

It all started when an idiot read from a cursed book and unleashed a terrible evil on the world. The world's days are numbered and its gonna take an army to stand up to the terrifying powers that have been unleashed. Meliodas was the guardian of the book has little time to stop this evil from taking over the world. Meliodas/Harem

Meliodas the Sword Hero

Meliodas was just an otaku, when one day a strange book summoned him to a new world, legend speaks of three heroes that will be summoned together the sword, the bow, and the spear. These three heroes will unite the kingdoms and stop the waves of catastrophe from destroying the world. They are told to go to town to build their party, along the way Meliodas meets Ban a thief and ends up forming a bond with him. When a theft occurs in the castle Ban is blamed, but Meliodas sticks up for him and is willing to bare the sin even though he believes Ban is innocent. Meliodas/Ban/Harem

Waves of Disaster  

The King has had a vision of great disaster, the Waves would soon begin again. He calls for brave warriors to take up the sacred weapons, and build teams to face the great evil. Much to the surprise of the Church there weren't any humans chosen to bear the sacred weapons but all inhumans. Legend says that new heroes can't be chosen until the old ones are dead. Meliodas/Harem

Shield Hero Meliodas

Meliodas was a skilled gamer, breaking records using the weakest class in the game. Despite the handicap he proves his skills, he fell for the story of the Shield Hero, and wished he could have an adventure like the Shield Hero in the game. So imagine his shock when he's summoned to a new world its not all happy times as a group seeks to underimine the king and have the shield hero ruined. Meliodas/Harem

How Not To Summon A Dragon Sin

Meliodas is a hardcore gamer, and a bit of a closet pervert. He pours his his frustrations into his game play taking out gamers with the greatest of ease. Imagine his surprise when he's summoned to a world similar to his game by a fairy and a fox demi human. The two try to enslave him only for the magic to be countered and they get enslaved themselves.  

Meliodas' Curse

After his father catches Meliodas with an angel bottoming no less he decides to curse him. The boy's demon cock which was already a monster becomes infused with the moth and flame curse. Anyone who bares witness to his cock is drawn to it, and once they get a taste they can't get enough. Meliodas is pissed as now none of the guys that want him won't top him. He knows its not their fault but he wants to break the curse one day and get his anal needs filled. Hyper 

Demons of War

In times of war, sometimes a kingdom will summon a demon to fight for them. Some are willing to do it in exchange for lives, souls, etc, but the demon Meliodas has a different payment in mind. With a kingdom facing destruction they have no choice but to pay up. Its not all bad, theres quite a few volunteers.  

Secret Demon Power Ups

With the threat of the 10 Commandments the knights are looking for ways to get stronger. They have tried training but there is not enough time. Hendrickson claims he knows a way for Meliodas to help everyone get stronger. Its true, and the power up is amazing but are the others willing to do it. Cumflation Growth Through Sex Meliodas/Harem

Love of Sin

Meliodas had to build a band to fight the great evils of the world, bearing the names of sinners he collects them one by one. Merlin, Ban, Harlequin, Escanor, Gowther, and Drole. The group becomes the seven deadly sins, fierce warriors of legend. Even when scattered the group must come back together to prevent an old evil from awakening. Meliodas/Harem

Goddess of the Spring

Meliodas is a member of the goddess clan, because of his strength he's tasked to protect the fountain of youth. He's been guarding it for over 400 years and has gotten very lonely, he encounters the thief Ban, and after nearly four centuries he feels general happiness. When a demon attacks Meliodas chooses to save Ban at the cost of his life. Ban is willing to do anything to bring him back, even willing to make a deal, even if it means Meliodas comes back as a demon. Ban/Meliodas

Guardian of the Forest

There is said to be a sacred forest, where demi humans can call home, it is protected by a Dryad, said to be one of the last. Not only does he protect the forest, but also the fountain of youth. Which is the perfect prize for a thief named Ban, but what he finds there makes him want something more. A story where a thief falls for the spirit of the forest, and faces his many suitors to keep him. Meliodas/Ban  

One Shots

Their First Time

Ban is drunk, and decides to ask Meliodas to have sex. To his surprise Meliodas agrees and they go to his room, Ban thinks he’s seeing double but turns out his captain is just that special. Two Cocks Meliodas/Ban

Greedy Ban

Ban is the fox sin of greed, he craves it all. His partner and captain is a pervert and is able to handle many of his needs. Top bottom all of it, and his captain has a nice piece to boot. Switcher Meliodas/Ban

Gil’s Fantasy

Gil’s had a crush on someone since he was a kid, that crush has grown and changed since then but the feelings are strong. Though he’s been apart from this someone for a long time, he still holds them close to his heart and can have them in his dreams. Wet Dream Solo M Meliodas/Gil

They Fit

Ban is a size queen, when it comes to dicks the bigger the better. Meliodas has the biggest cock in all the demon realm, so mating with anyone can be tricky, horny immortal meets hyper hung demon they fit. Hyper Meliodas/Ban

Ban’s Needs

Ellaine and Ban are together, but she knows that Ban has needs that she can’t satisfy. So she’s happy to share him with Meliodas. Rough Sex Exhib Meliodas/Ban

First Time

Gowther is having trouble understanding love and lust, he’s tried to understand by watching, but is still confused so he asks the captain for assistance. Meliodas has no issue helping him.  

Memory Manipulation

Gowther messes with the mind of the captain, making him forget his current partner and thinks he’s his lover. Ban is pissed as he’s bound and gagged and forced to watch as his lover fucks another man in front of him.  

Drowning His Sorrow

Howzer was dumped by Diane, so he tries to mend his broken heart with booze. Meliodas finds him and knows just the cure for a broken heart. Meliodas/Howzer

Punishing Ban

Whenever a Sin did something wrong it was up to the captain to deal out punishments. With Ban it can be difficult it seems he enjoys punishment a little too much, maybe even doing naughty things to get punished. Spanking Meliodas/Ban

Punishing Meliodas

Meliodas' terrible cooking has earned him one massive punishment, he's bound by merlin and has to make amends to all the sins, and even Hawk. Turns are taken and Meliodas is fully stuffed and punished. Hyper Beast  

Underwear Thief

Ban has been known for pulling pranks on his fellow sins, so he got a brilliant idea using his power to snatch their underwear. What he didn't expect was for one pair of underwear to arouse him so. Scent Kink Solo M

Naked Training Meliodas and King

King and Meliodas go into the training cave together, as per the rules of the druids they are not allowed to take anything including clothes. King and Meliodas fight, and feelings are brought up. Meliodas/King

Naked Training Meliodas and Gowther

Meliodas goes into the training cave with Gowther the two leaving their clothes behind. Gowther is distracted by the captain's body and wants to understand these feelings, so Meliodas teaches him ignoring their training for something more. Meliodas/Gowther

Naked Training Meliodas and Gil

It was an honor for Gil to be teamed up with Meliodas, but the fact they have to enter the training cave naked is a tad embarrassing especially as just the sight of a naked Meliodas has the pink haired male popping an erection. Meliodas sees and they can't train like that so he gives Gil a hand. Meliodas/Gil

Naked Training Meliodas and Howzer

Howzer thought he had feelings for Diane, but as he's going in to train butt naked with Meliodas he finds his little knight rising to the occasion. To make matters worse  seeing the demon's large tool was getting him hot and bothered. Meliodas/Howzer

Naked Training Meliodas and Hendrickson

Hendrickson thought Meliodas was gonna hate him, after everything he's done, but the blonde is surprisingly forgiving and notices that Hendrickson keeps stealing glances at his body. Meliodas has some fun with Hendrickson before leaving the cave.

Love is a Hurricane

Howzer didn't fall in love easy, because in his mind love was a powerful feeling. Love is a hurricane, one that swept you away to another state of being. It can rough, tough and even painful but the reward for weathering the storm was always key. Howzer felt this storm upon meeting Meliodas at a fighting tournament. Howzer/Meliodas

Low Tolerance

It seems Gil inherited his father's low tolerance to alcohol, one drink gets the pinkette so tipsy and out of it, once he starts taking his clothes off in the bar Meliodas takes up up stairs to sleep it off. Gil confesses his feelings for the blonde, Meliodas thinks he's just drunk but Gil is willing to prove it.  

Playing the Bad Guy

While Gil is being monitored by Hendrickson, he has Meliodas at his mercy, in lightning bondage and his clothing dissolved by electricity. He has to play the bad guy and Meliodas knows and can play along. Bondage Gil/Meliodas

Like Father Like Son

Gil has a super man crush on Meliodas, has had one since he was a kid, now he's a young man and his love has only grown stronger, while visiting his father after training he learns his father is the same way. Though catching his crush fucking his father into the bed was quite the shock. Meliodas/Zaratras/Gil  

Ban's Birthday Gift

It's Ban's birthday and Meliodas has something special for him, using his treasure he makes 4 doubles for a total of Five Meliodas to play with Ban. Its his best birthday ever! Double Pen, Oral Sex, Switcher, Fisting, Bukkake 5 x Meliodas/Ban

Ban's Mistake

Ban is chasing after a wanted witch, she's been practicing death magic and destructive spells, so being an immortal he toys with her only for her to find a spell to best Ban. A powerful curse made from the blood of an incubus. Ban's muscles grow and destroy his clothing, and his cock and balls grow so large he's immobilized. He does kill the witch which proves a mistake as while Merlin can stop his growth from growing till he explodes because he's immortal she can't undo the current state of his body. Hyper Ban/Meliodas

A Slave To Demon Dick

Ban has fooled around with a lot of guys, he's topped and bottomed, and always had fun, but one cock he can never resist and becomes absolute putty to is Meliodas' cock. The male's manhood has natural pearl implants on top of being massive.  

Fairy and Pearls

Ban tells King about Meliodas' pearl implanted cock, he doesn't believe it and wants to see proof. He does and the sight of it excites the fairy king, Meliodas is quite the chill demon, and if King wants to play with his dick let him. Meliodas/King

Fairy Wine

King supplies Meliodas with a special wine made by the fairies, not realizing that for those outside of the fairy race the stuff is a potent aphrodisiac. This is all King's fault so he has to deal with an incredibly horny Meliodas who sampled the wine. Meliodas/King

Twice the Fun

While Meliodas is sleeping Ban sneaks into his room for some fun, King follows him and finds him messing with their captain. Ban invites him for some fun and at first King doesn't want any part in it, then Ban reveals a unique fact about Meliodas' body. He's got two dicks, one for each of them, King gets carried away. Meliodas/Ban/King

Royal Fun

Meliodas is a demon prince and Harlequin is the king of the fairies, he thinks his royal friend is bored and could do for some fun. King is shy, and Meliodas is such a good kisser and things just happen. He's worried about getting caught, and Meliodas is focused on having fun. Meliodas/King

Pride in his Skills

Escanor was proud in his skills, all his skills even the ones in his bedroom. Meliodas believes he's better, the Lion Sin, takes that as a challenge and he's gonna prove his skills. Hyper Escanor/Meliodas

Tis The Season

King feels the time of the fairy mating to begin, during this time all fairies do not wear clothing and go wild. King hoped he could ignore it, since he was so far from the fairy forest. Nope! He takes too long and is caught in a pleasure trap, the very fabric on his body stimulating the fairy wildly. Meliodas find shim and helps him through the season. Meliodas/King


King and Ban have a fierce rivalry with each other, this even comes to their love of the captain and often to compete to see who's the better lover. Meliodas has two dicks so they each have a cock to play with to compete to see who can get him off first. He doesn't have the hearts to tell them his cocks are connected and when he cums they both cum so there never can be a winner.   


Ban experiments with a special oil for some special alone time, not realizing its enchanted for couples. As Ban grows hotter and more desperate he can't contain his voice and attracts Meliodas who finds Ban slicked up glistening and horny beyond human sanity. Meliodas/Ban

Wind Tearing

Meliodas and Howzer have a spar, and the holy knight releases his most powerful attack on Meliodas, he lets it hit, it doesn't hurt him but does destroy his clothes, exposing Meliodas' naked body to Howzer. The sight excites him now he can't spar while trying to suppress his arousal.  

Friends Share

Gil has a crush on Meliodas, Howzer has a crush on Meliodas, the two often fight over the blonde trying to see who deserves him. Meliodas finds out and smacks them both for their insolence. He then reveals they don't need to fight when they can share. Two cocks. Meliodas/Howzer/Gil

Incubus Game

For an incubus like Meliodas hypnosis and sex are like a game to him. He's taken over a small town and when some Holy Knights come to investigate he enslaves them to. Its so cute when they try to turn the tables but Meliodas overwhelms them. Meliodas/Howzer/Gil/Griamore

How They Decide

Meliodas and Ban are two horny guys loving to fuck and get fucked, instead of fighting who tops and who bottoms they solve it with a game of simple rock paper scissors. No hard feelings and get to the sex faster. Rimming Oral Anal Meliodas/Ban

Tiny Ban

Ban gets shrunk do to a mushroom monster and is forced to spend the day in a 10 inch state. Its not all bad as Meliodas takes care of him, and since they don't have this opportunity every day they decide to make the most of it. Size Difference  

When Life Gives you Lemons

Meliodas is turned into a giant, his clothes are ripped off and he's even bigger than Diane. Ban gets the bright idea of making the most out of the situation, he climbs into Meliodas' dick and when the giant blonde cums he's shot out into the air. Meliodas gets the idea to sell tickets as his giant body gets used as a playground.  

Taking Out Meliodas

One of the commandments believes that Meliodas is too much of a threat even to kill so uses a curse to put Meliodas into a death like sleep. Not even Elizabeth can wake him, when Ban heres what happens to his captain he races to his side, after a confession and a kiss Meliodas is awakened. Ban/Meliodas

Milk Experiment

Merlin loves to experiment and sometimes pulls the sins in on them. Meliodas takes a pill that causes him to lactate. Because he's a demon the milk produces quickly, making his pecs swell. Until the pills wear off he needs someone to help him get the milk out. Ban/Meliodas/King

Fairy Memories

The former fairy King shares his memories with Harlequin including the moments where he and Meliodas fucked like horny bunnies. Harelquin is of course embarrassed by this and also aroused and can't look away as he experiences this. Meliodas/Gloxinia

Too Big To Handle

Even among giants Drole was said too be big to handle, it was hard to believe that it was a small blonde demon that was able to handle him. Meliodas was wonderfully creative, ready willing and able to satisfy the four armed giant. Meliodas/Drole

Temp Shrink

Drole and Meliodas are in love but haven't been able to have a physical relationship as even among giants he's huge. His partner is so sexy and he just wants to be with him, when he accidentaly steps on a mushroom monster he gets shrunk.  He's now in perfect mating size, even in human size, he's hung like a horse and has four arms to properly love Meliodas. Drole/Meliodas


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