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Overlord Parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 4 https://www.patreon.com/posts/overlord-of-men-23898312

Chapter 5 Angels and Demons

Ainz had collected quite a bit of information, in a new world, information was power. It sucked that their money wasn't usable but making money should be easy enough. The knight and his party arrived.

“Are you the one that saved this village? You have my thanks.”

Ainz gave a respectful bow. “Not at all I am but a simple magic caster.”

“I am the captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff.” he gets off his horse. “Under the orders from the king, I have been searching this area in order to root out the knights that have been causing trouble.”

“Nice to meet you, Sir Gazef, I am Ainz Ooal Gown. I am a just a traveling magic caster, I happened upon this village and the knights you were searching for. Gazef scoured the scene before him, there were dead bodies of the knights he was after. His gaze trained on the Death Knight, and Demiurge.

“Master Gown, did all of this?”

Before Ainz could answer one of his men approached him. “Captain, we've been surrounded by a large number of forces...I believe they may be the enemy!”


“They've encircled the village and are approaching!”

“My lord its true, and these ones are different than the knights that came before,” Demiurge speaks, he could feel the enemies.

“It must be the Slane Theocracy. They are always seeking ways to weaken the kingdom.” Destroying the Re-Estize Kingdom's strongest warrior would do that.

As they spoke Captain of the Sunlight Scriptures, Nigun Grid Luin was rousing his men for battle. “Attention all units! The prey has entered the trap. Prove your devotion to God. Begin!”


“So many magic casters and those appear to be angels.” Ainz recognized them from the game Archangel's to be specific. “There doesn't appear to be anything of value in this village to warrant this level of force unless it is you they are after.” Ainz points out.

“I didn't think I'd become the target of the Slane Theocracy as well.”

“I've been told strong men tend to make a lot of enemies,” Ainz says.

Gazef chuckles. “It does come with the territory.” He knew against this many magic casters he would not survive fighting them and their angels. “Master Gown, would you be willing to be employed as a mercenary?”

“I will have to decline.” While Ainz liked the idea of being an adventurer, becoming a mercenary one's typically who chose sides based on those with the deepest pockets, was not something he wanted to become.

“Then...as decreed by the Kingdom's law will you subject yourself to conscription?” Some of Gazef's men surrounded Ainz, swords drawn.

“Then I too will meet you with great resistance.”

Demiurge growled and was itching to punish these fools for turning their blades on his master. Gazef and Ainz stared each other down, as best they could with one wearing a mask.

The captain gave a signal and the men sheathed their swords. “Nothing to be done then. Master Gown...I pray for your well-being. Once again, I express my thanks for saving this village.” the two shook hands.

“You intend to face them on your own? You may very well die.”

“That may be true, but I can't run away and leave this village to suffer.” he looks to Ainz. “This may be a selfish request, please protect this village, one more time.”

“I will act as bait, and break through the encirclement without fail,” he says.

“Leave the village to me, I will protect the people of this village, you have the word of Ainz Ooal Gown.” he searches his robes as a cover for summoning an item. “Please take this with you, it will bring you luck.”

“Thank you,” the men mount their horses and ride off for battle.

“They are charging into death, by my calculation they don't have the power to beat the magic casters and their summons.”

“Demiurge, I take it you don't care for humans much?”

“Hm, I'm not really sure if I hate them. We inhumans are naturally stronger than most humans, so it's likely most would see them as inferior. but humans can grow and reach great strength, and there are some born with great power that can rival greater inhumans. There are humans who are lower than scum, and others while having no talent for combat are brilliant and capable of creating something interesting.” he pondered. “I suppose I would say I do not hate all humans, as they do have their merits.”

“Believe it or not, there was a time I was looked down upon, seen as weak. The weak can become strong. I think looking down on someone by race alone, spreads ignorance and can lead to hate and bitterness.” Ainz sighed. “I will not ask anyone in the tomb to love humans, but hope to keep their minds open and judge those on their merit and character.”

“Is that why you gave that man the item and promised to protect this village, going as far as to stake your glorious name on it?”

“Perhaps, but...in truth, I think it would be a waste to let a man like that die.” Ainz could feel the strength in his resolves, the love of his kingdom and his men.

'How merciful lord!' Demiurge had seen such a state of mind with many of the tombs residences. Albedo herself felt that humans were lower life forms not with mercy or protection. Others thought that humans were bugs, and should be crushed without a thought. On principle, that wouldn't do, humans were indeed weak but they were all weak once, and even if they sought out other inhuman tribes there was no guarantee they could trust them. They were strong because the supreme beings raised them to be strong, so it stood to reason since they were strong they could cultivate humans and get them to reach higher strength as well. 'Humans could also serve in Lord Ainz's harem, I'll have to make a note. Our Lord does deserve the best.'


Gazef's plan was to break the line and have the focus land on him, allowing his men to escape. They opened their attack with arrows which were quickly deflected by magic.

The Captain was thrown from his horse by magic, and before his men could help him he had to face one of the angels. He managed to cut into one and knock it to the ground but it quickly got back up healing its wounds. “I see,” he closed his eyes and focused. “Martial Art.” his body glowed red as the skill activated, the red aura moved to his blade. “Focus Battle Aura!”

He cut through the angel, and this time killed it. The victory was short lived as the magic casters simply summoned more angels. “Anything goes with magic huh?” he was surrounded by the angels now. 'So I was the target huh? I must leave the rest to you Sir Gown.'

A rousing cry drew his attention, his men returned to fight against the magic casters and angels. “Stand with the chief warrior till the end!”

“You fools I told you to retreat!” Gazef gasped, watching his men clash with the angels. “You fools...you guys truly make me proud!”

This might not have been the wisest decision, the magic casters quickly switched their attention forcing the men off their horses and sicking the angels on them. “We might be at a disadvantage if we take out their leader the rest should fall!”

He charged at Nigun. A few angels charged at him but he wasn't backing down. “Martial Art, Six Fold Slash of Light!” his sword glowed red again, and in an instant was able to kill six angels at once.

Four more angels charged at him. “Martial Art, Instant Counter!” he cut one down. “Flow Acceleration!” he moved faster and while spinning in the air was able to cut down three more angels instead of one. This led to invigorate the men and they fought harder.

“Impressive,” Nigun says. “To have mastered that many attack skills, but it's not enough.” Not only did they summon more angels, the magic casters focused their attacks on Gazef, blasting him with magic bullets.

The magical blasts stripped Gazef of his armor bit by bit with each shot. The man coughed up blood, his men were down barely clinging to life, some were already dead. Gazef stood his ground, holding tight to his sword, even as his upper armor was broken, his undergarments shredded, his pants were in tatters. He faces a whole army of angels from above and a group of magic casters before him.

“A commoner in fancy armor is still just a commoner, you might be seen as the greatest but before our power you are nothing.” The angels began to overwhelm Gazef, as soon as he cut down one two more would swoop in and strike. His muscled body was beaten and scorched from magic attacks. “Finish him, don't just use one, teach this lowly dog his place.”

Gazef was brought to his knees, but he didn't stay there, standing up with his force of will. “I'm not done, I am the Kingdom’s head warrior!” he stands firm gripping his sword. “I am one who loves and protects this country!” even as blood ran down his chin. “I will not lose to those who seek to dirty this country.”

“You will die here precisely because you spout such nonsense.” Nigun chuckles. “Gazef Stronoff, what can you do in that state?”

“Once we kill you, we will massacre the villagers as well. Cease this futile resistance and lie down like a good dog.” he smiles. “As an act of mercy, I will make sure your death is painless.”

His words made Gazef laugh. “What's so funny?”

“You are a fool,” he says making Nigun glare and growl. “There is someone far stronger than I in that village. When he comes for you it really will be a massacre.”

“A bluff, how unbecoming of the man said to be the strongest. Angels kill Stronoff!” Before the angels could attack Gazef heard another voice.

“Looks like it's time to switch.” In an instant, Gazef found himself back in the village with his injured soldiers. On the ground beneath them was a circle of healing magic.

“What just happened?”

“We don't know sir, Lord Ainz created this area calling it Fairy Life Field, after that he disappeared and you and your men appeared.” Gazef looked down at the charm Ainz had given him, thankfully he had pocketed it. The totem vanished and Gazef smiled.

“That man...” he closed his eyes and fell back into the healing magic's embrace. “I see!”


“Who are you?” Nigun asked.

Back on the battlefield, Ainz and Demiurge had appeared in Gazef's place. “Nice to meet you Slane Theocracy, my name is Ainz Ooal Gown, please call me Ainz.”

“Why are you here?” Nigun asked.

“You see I have a relationship with that village.”

“Oh, so you have come to beg for the lives of the villagers?” Nigun chuckled. “When really you just came to die. You saved that mongrel Stronoff, but you have saved nothing as all we have to do is get past you, and he will meet his end.”

“Do you think that I had no chance of victory, that I would just abandon that man to his fate? The fact that I'm here should tell you I'm sure of my victory.”

“Why would you interfere, do you side with the heathens of the Re-Estize Kingdom?” Nigun asked.

“No, no, you see I overheard your talk with the Chief Warrior. You really have a lot of balls.” Nigun was taken aback. “You announce that you'll massacre the villagers that I bothered saving. I cannot imagine anything more offensive.”

“Offensive?! Big words, magic caster.” he laughs. “What will you do about it?”

“Surrender your lives to me without resistance and there will be no pain. However, if you refuse, you will die painfully and in despair for your foolishness.”

“Angels attack!” Nigun commands. Two angels rush Ainz and seemingly stabbed him. “How pathetic.”

Demiurge chuckles. The angel's attacks did nothing to Ainz, he quickly had the two by their heads, and they were struggling to escape. “Didn't I tell you?” he repeated his earlier words of offering their lives without resistance. “Don't you know it's important to listen to the warnings of others?”


“It must be some kind of trick!” his men were freaking out.

“It's a skill, High Tiered Physical Nullification. A passive skill that completely nullifies the physical attacks of low leveled weapons and monsters.” He recognized them as Archangel Flames from Yggdrasil. “I want to know why you all can use the same magic and summons as Yggdrasil, but I'll put that aside for now.”

He stepped forward. “It's my turn now. This is a massacre.”

Nigun began to sweat. “All angels attack at once!” the swarm of summoned angels moves to attack Ainz.

“Demiurge, stand back for a moment.”

“Yes Lord,” he sprouted wings and jumped back.

“Negative Burst!” A dome of dark magic covered Ainz, which he released and destroyed all the archangels at ounce.

“What is this, who is this guy?” Gazef's words echoed in his mind. 'This is the man he spoke of? No, this is impossible!'

His men were freaking out, calling Ainz a monster. They let loose a barrage of different spells, ranging from elemental magic, status magic, basic damage spells, they struck Ainz but did no damage. “Who taught you that magic?!”

One of the men screamed and infused his slingshot with magic enchanting the rock with piercing magic. He fired it, to which Demiurge appeared before Ainz, and with a quick flick of his tail he knocked the projectile back and blew the attacker's head clean off. “Demiurge you didn't have to interfere, such an attack would not have harmed me.”

“I know my lord, these magic casters are pitiful, to think they would throw a pebble at one as great as you. Allow me to fight these weaklings.”

“I'm afraid this lot would not even count as sport. Though my curiosity is burning, if you tell me who taught you Yggdrasil magic and summons, I might consider sparing your lives.”

“What is this Yggdrasil you speak of?” Nigun asked. “You speak nonsense!”

“A pity, it seems you don't know. Very well the massacre shall continue. Demiurge sit back and watch, for now, I wish to crush these fools myself.”

“Yes Lord,” he fell back.

“You...you heretic, Principality of Observation! Attack!” Nigun had a stronger summon at his side. It summoned a mace and charged at Ainz. He blocked the mace with one hand.

“My, my, I guess I should fight back.” he points at the angel. “Hell Flame!” a dark fire formed at the tip of his finger, it floated over and touched the angel, quickly consuming it with hellfire.

“One hit?”

“How is that even possible?!” Nigun gasped. “Just who are you Ainz Ooal Gown!? There is no way you could just be some simple magic caster.” Such a high-level angel could not be defeated with just one hit.

“Captain Nigun, what should we do?” one of the magic casters for the Slain Theocracy asked.

“Protect me, if you want to live, buy me some time!” he searched his robes. “Ill summon the highest tier angel!”

'Is that...a magic sealing crystal? So, they even have items from Yggdrasil...is he summoning a Seraph? Someone of his level probably couldn't conjure and control anything too strong, but if it turns out to be a Seraph Empyrean, I will have to go all out.' he thinks. “Demiurge, I may need you for this.”

“Yes Lord,” Demiurge turned his hands into claws in preparation for battle. He could smell a powerful angel, but he couldn't tell exactly what is sealed.

“Behold, the form of the highest tier angel!” Nigun calls out. “Dominion Authority!” while his men cheered and gasped in awe, Ainz was floored.

“This is his full power? This angel was the trump card he was concealing?”

“That's right, I have determined that you are worthy enough to use this item.”

“I'm speechless.” he facepalms.

“That's right! It's perfectly normal to shake in fear, for you are gazing upon an angel of the highest tier!” he laughs, feeling confidence rise in him. “I didn't originally want to use it, but I felt that you were worth the cost.”

“How could this be...” Ainz groans. “This is stupid!”


“I can't believe I put up my guard against such child's play.”

“Child's play? What are you saying?”

“He's saying the angel you summoned is pathetic, not even close to the higher tier we are used to facing,” Demiurge explains. “Do not blame yourself, lord, no one could foresee he would summon something so weak.”

Nigun felt feat creeping up his spine. “No...you are lying...Dominion Authority, strike him down with Holy Smite!” the staff it carried burst as it prepared its magic. “This is seventh tier magic that no man can go against. Taste the power that annihilates demons!”

A burst of holy power struck Ainz, and this time he did actually take damage, being undead holy magic was super effective. Nigun thought he won until he heard Ainz laughing. “So this is what it feels like to take damage!” he chuckles. “This is pain!”

Nigun's jaw dropped and stared in absolute horror. Demiurge began to applaud. “As expected of Lord Ainz, your power is amazing!” he chuckles. “This is all going according to plan.”

“What?” Nigun backed up.

“Are you confused, then allow me.” He took a deep breath then began to release his demonic aura. His men collapsed and literally pissed themselves in terror.

“Other than the surprising weakness of the angels, everything has gone according to plan.” he steps forward. “My turn now, know despair!” he cast Black Hole and it ripped the angel apart and sucked it into a void before vanishing into nothingness.

“A power that surpasses demons, who the hell are you?”

“Ainz Ooal Gown, in the past, there was no one who did not know this name.” A strange fissure was felt. “It seems someone was watching you from afar, using information magic. My barrier activated so I doubt they saw much.”

“My country was watching me?”

With terror in their hearts, the men began to beg for their lives, Nigun offering up his own men for the chance to serve under Gown. “You are mistaken, I was after your lives from the start. I told you to offer up your lives without resistance and you would know a painless death, you refused so now it shall be painful.”

Some tried to run. “Demiurge if you please.”

“Of course, Hellfire Wall!” he created a wall of fire that had the magic casters trapped, some dying by getting too close.

Ainz killed them all, putting the fear of him, revealing his true face as he finished them off, all except Nigun. He beat him into unconsciousness and sent him back to Nazarick.

When he awoke he was bound naked and gagged, a terrifying monster approached him. This was Neuronist Painkill, special intelligence(torture) officer. “Don't be scared little one we will have lots of time to have fun together.” Nigun cried as he was tortured and his mind drained for the glory of Nazarick.

The two made their way back to Nazarick, the village was safe, and the healing spell he left in the village would wear off in time. Demiurge was fanboying over his lord. “Lord Ainz was so badass!” he shivers at the raw power, the tactical actions, and well the badassery of his lord.

Upon returning to Nazarick Ainz revealed his new name, and his guardians swore their loyalty once more, and so began their quest to spread the name of Ainz Ooal Gown through this world.

To be continued...Ainz's First Mate!


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