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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1


Dragon's Blood Bond

Igneel didn't want to leave Natsu fully alone, so he used ancient magic known as blood magic to fuse some of his blood to Natsu and create a living being. It bonds with Natsu and acts as his protector and guide, which Natsu would appreciate if it wasn't whispering perverted things into his ear.

Chapter 1 The Bond

“What are you doing pops?” A boy with pink hair wearing a scarf and lose shorts approached a large red scaled dragon. The mythical beast had a few scars but was otherwise a flawless specimen of a dragon.

“I'm preparing something special for you Natsu.” He was mixing something with a large stone, and a bowl he had carved out of a tree. Using one of his massive claws he cuts into his palm and drew blood, and had the blood mix with the mixture.

“Ohhh, are you doing magic? Teach me!”

“I have taught you well, my boy.” He taught Natsu the art of Dragon Slayer Magic, fire magic would not be able to harm him, and by eating fire the boy would gain strength. If he had the time he would have taught the boy more, so much more. Time was short, the sacred time would soon strike and he would have to leave the small boy alone. He playfully pets his head with one of his fingers. “This is ancient magic, old magic, not something you should learn.” he frowned slightly, but curiosity won the boy over.

“What is it?”

“It is a kind of gift for you, now stand back.” the boy obeyed. Igneel began to chant speaking in a language Natsu could not understand. As he spoke the words the sky grew dark, and a chilling wind whipped through the air.

Natsu had to brace himself against the tree as a fierce storm whipped up. White clouds turned black and began forming circles in the sky above Igneel. He began repeating a chant over and over, sparks of lightning crackling between the cloud rings.

The boy could taste the magic in the very air itself, a great heat began to spread from the mixture, that began to bubble as smoke rose from the mix higher and higher, until it reached the sky. There was an explosion, the clouds lit ablaze, as a raw surge of nature chased the smoke and hit the mixture. The bowl split, turning the wood to ash as the concoction was forced into the ground, becoming a bubbling pool of goo.

Natsu was thrown back from the force of the impact. “Wow, what was that?” he came back to the puddle. Igneel was panting, practicing the old magic would kill a human, even lost magic was cupcakes to this.

“Natsu, you must never try to recreate what I did here, what I have done is very dangerous,” Igneel explains.

“I understand, but what is it?” the goo rose up letting out a noise. “It's alive!” he gasped.

“This is a symbiote Natsu, born from my blood and old magic. I made it for you, but it won't live long without a host. If you bond with it, it will join you and stay by your side for life. As you give it life, it will intern protect you.”

“How do I bond with it?” he asked.

“Simply cut your palm and invite it into yourself.” Natsu used one of his canines and bit into the palm of his hand. He offered his now bloody hand to the goo. The goo turned its gaze upon Natsu, becoming more dragon-like as it slithered in the air.

It seemed to sniff his blood, before letting out a cry. It dove into Natsu's open wound, the goo leaving the crater and invaded Natsu's body. The boy gasped, an incredible warmth spread through his form, his heart pounding. “Ah!” he was brought to his knees as he got all tingly. It took several minutes but Natsu got used to the sensation.

He stood up and looked at his hand to find the wound healed, then he saw the goo in the crater was gone. “Where did it go?” responding to him the goo slipped through his body able to appear on the outside of its host.

“You called?” it asked. It had eyes, teeth, and its head was in the shape of a dragon.

“Whoa, how are you doing that?” He looked around and the ooze slithered around.

“I am part of you, you are part of me, we are one!” It says, sliding back into his body and reappearing on his belly. “I look forward to living with you.” It nuzzled him.

“You should have a name since you came from Igneel, I'll call you Drago.” Drago licked his cheek, liking the name. “I love him, thank you!” he hugged Igneel's tail and the dragon smiled.

“Remember Natsu it might be a part of you, it will know you inside and out, but it has its own unique abilities and feelings. Do try to get along.”

“We will!” they run off to go play. He hoped he'd given Natsu enough to survive and be happy when he was gone.


On that day, Igneel disappeared, leaving behind Natsu, Drago, his teachings and his scale scarf. Drago was there to comfort him and they still had each other. They searched for Igneel far and wide, but had no leads and were running low on food. They overheard that guilds took on wizards, and offered them room and board, and being a part of the guild also let him go on missions that got him money. They'd have a home while searching for Igneel.

He was very happy to have Drago through the hard times, when he was lonely and when missions got tough. While his Dragon Slayer Magic had improved over the years so had his combo with Drago. His symbiote could make armor for Natsu, become dragon claws, give him dragon teeth, dragon tail, dragon wings.

It wouldn't be so bad to always have someone to talk to if Drago wasn't a massive pervert. Natsu had grown from a scrawny kid, into a buff wizard for Fairy Tail, he wore a black vest that showed off his strong arms, broad shoulders, fine pecs, and sexy abs. His baggy pants masked most of what was going on below the waist, the nest of pink pubes that crowned his crotch, his heavy cock, and massive balls. The dragon orbs had grown massive since Natsu's focus was more on finding Igneel and getting stronger than finding a lover.

Drago was not having it, to him Natsu was king, he was the best, a fine piece of a sexy dragon. Anyone would be lucky to have Natsu's love because he loved Natsu, and his Natsu deserved the best. He's tried his best to teach him the joys of his flesh, the pleasures he was denying himself, and trying to open his eyes to the grade A men around him.

To his disappointment, Natsu didn't see his attempts as helping. More so as perverted teasing, hard to blame him when he woke up getting his morning wood sucked on by Drago, his nipples teased, his body caressed at the worst possible time. In Natsu's mind, he put up walls, not wanting to get attached to anyone, encase they leave him as Igneel did.

Drago was a bit happy when Natsu told him that he trusted him best cause they'd never be apart. As nice as that was, he wanted his partner to be happy.


Natsu was flying to Hargeon Town, a large port town. He was following a tip of someone seeing a Salamander nearby, so he thought it might be Igneel. He could have gone by train, except Natsu hates trains, not just trains; boats, magic cars, carriages, all modes of transportation made him sick to his stomach. It was his biggest weakness.

Thanks to Drago he didn't have to go by train, sprouting wings and flying towards the town. “I'm telling you he's into you,” Drago says.

“Not this again.”

“You mean to tell me you don't see the way he looks at you?”

“Oh, you mean with anger, as he picks fights with me.”

“You say pick fights, I'd call it his way of flirting.” Drago was talking about Gray Fullbuster, the two had a kinda-sorta rivalry, and Natsu had to admit battling Gray did help him grow stronger. “He always gets naked around you.”

“He's a streaker, he got that habit from his teacher.” Gray was always losing his clothes, often caught streaking in the buff or in his underwear. He's the kind of wizard well embarrassed at getting his dick and ass exposed, he'd fight naked if he had to.

“You don't think Erza would have beaten that out of him by now, I'm telling you he's trying to get your attention. He wants you.” Natsu blushed.

“There you go again.” Natsu sighed. “I swear you think every guy in the guild has the hots for me.”

“Not all, but those that do you should give them a chance,” Drago says. “I think you would pleasantly be surprised.

“And what mate all of them?” he rolled his eyes.

“Igneel-sama taught us that mates are like treasures and its important to protect your treasures.”

“We do better on our own.” He's fought together with his guildmates before and as a guild, they can stand together and form teams for certain missions, but that didn't mean he had to mate any of them.

“I just want you to be happy.”

“I am happy, I've got you, so let's go find Igneel and reunite our family.” Drago stopped talking and flew him to Hargeon.


The Salamander was just a guy a scum bag named Bora who was running a slave trading scam. He tricked girls and guys with Charm Magic, lured them to his private ship then had them drugged to send them to auction and labor camps.

Natsu defeated Bora and his men and handed them over to the knights. “I'll never talk, you can crush me but the slave trade will never be broken, good luck finding all the innocents I've taken.” Bora was the head he knew how many people he's trafficked and knew who he sold them to. The knowledge in his head was crucial. “Even if you torture me, you'll never get the info you need.”

“He probably has the info protected with memory magic and seals.” A knight says.

“I got this.” Natsu grabbed the guy by his head as Drago spread over him, he grew larger, his muscles swelling, the goo becoming a skin-tight body suit.

“W-what the hell are you?”

“We, are your end!” the goo invaded Bora's ears and attacked his very mind. Bora screamed in terror before he went quiet and started to drool.

“Such a disgusting mind.”

“What did you do to him?” the knight asked.

“Ate his mind seals and all.” He got some paper, he fed the info onto the paper. “Here, the trading routes, auction locations, camps, and a ledger of everyone who's bought and sold people.”

“Thank you!” the info would be able to help a lot of people, in less than a week's time the slave trading group was brought down and their clients punished.


Drago had a toothbrush scrubbing out his mouth. “That was vile!”

“You read my mind all the time.” Their bond was that deep, it was an interesting union that Natsu explored into the technique before, a mind freely shared was easier and safer than having to devour a resisting mind.

“He was disgusting, you owe me big!” he says as he spits out some of the toothpaste.

“Fine, what do you have in mind?”

“Ask Gray out for a date.”

“What?!” he gasped.

To be continued.


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