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Bleach parody: patreon reward


Chap 8 https://www.patreon.com/posts/normal-life-not-23486573

Ichigo 10 Inches Soft 12.5 inches hard

Grimmjow 6 inches soft 8 inches hard

Grimmjow’s Toys

The first set was vibes, the smallest being 6 inches to 10. After the vibes were two very large dildos, one looked bigger than all the vibes and incredibly thick, the second was smaller but had little rubber spikes along the shaft. A string of anal beads, Two butt plugs that were simple but thick, A cat tail butt plug. A ball gag, an assortment of cock rings, one of which had a little bell on it.

Last but not least, was a set of cat ears, a collar with a bell on it, special underwear with holes in special places, and a full-on cat boy outfit, there was even a leash.

Chapter 9 Party Surprises

Grimmjow was positively brimming, he hasn't been to a pet party in a while and was happy to show Ichigo off to his world. Though he had a feeling Ichigo was gonna be surprised. He probably could have warned Ichigo but just as he promised to keep his secret, he couldn't reveal any pets or masters in the circuit. “Last chance, do you want to back out, we can stay and play by ourselves?” Grimmjow was dressed and ready, having a bag for the change of clothes needed.

“As fun as that sounds, I'll admit I'm curious, and I haven't really been to a party in a long time,” he confesses. Ichigo was dressed in a nice jacket, with a red undershirt, and nice pants that matched his jacket.

“Then tonight is about your fun master, the second you want to leave tell me the safe word and we'll leave.” he embraces Ichigo and nuzzles his orange locks. “Mmm, are you sure you don't wanna stay?” he grinds his hips against him.

“Quit it,” he chuckles. The bluenette gives a nip to Ichigo's neck before releasing him. “What's with the bag?”

“It's a party thing, let's go.” The two headed out, well tried to but were stopped by Isshin and Masaki.

“Don't stay out all night you two,” he says sternly.

“Oh you both look so handsome.” she hugs them both. “Let me get a picture.” she zips back to find the camera.

“Mom,” Ichigo sighs feeling mildly embarrassed.

“My son I know you are not much of a party boy, but there are things you have to know, don't drink anything, don't touch anything, don't let anyone touch you...”

“Dad!” Ichigo's whole face was red. Masaki quickly pushed Isshin out of the way.

“Have fun sweetie, look after each other,” she says, quickly taking a few snapshots of the two as they make their way out. As they headed for the Pet Shop, Grimmjow caressed his collar lovingly.

'This is gonna be great, it has to be great!' they reached the spot and Ichigo was amazed, he must have passed by this place a dozen times and never knew what was here. They entered and were greeted by Hanataro.

“Grimmjow-san!” he greeted. “You came!” he looked to Ichigo. “This is your master?” he blushes. “He's so handsome!”

“I know right!” Grimmjow grinned, throwing an arm around Ichigo.

“Um hi,” Ichigo greeted feeling oddly nervous. He was trying to be confident but the nerves were building up. 'Calm down, this is a party, just have fun!'

“I'm Hanataro, it's nice to meet you Ichigo-sama!” he gives a polite bow. Ichigo noticed his collar and tag.

“It's nice to meet you too, will you be going to the party?” he asked.

“Yes, my master will be coming later, once he arrived Nel-sama said she'd have someone else take my spot so we can enjoy the party,” he says blushing. “Follow me,” he leads them to a room with an assortment of lockers. “Please change in here and enjoy the party.” he returns to his podium.

“Change what does he mean change?” he looks from Hanataro to Grimmjow who was already half naked and stripping off his clothes. He folded them and put them in his locker. “Whoa!” Ichigo blushed, he didn't think he'd ever get used to seeing Grimmjow naked. “Uhh...”

“Pets are naked outside of accessories and collars,” Grimmjow says so matter of factually, Ichigo felt hot.

“So wait, all the pets here are naked?” Grimmjow nods, he changes his collar to the one with the bell.

“Care to do the honors?” he asked raising the kitty ears and the cat tail butt plug. Ichigo blushed and took the items, he put the cat ears on Grimmjow's head, it was odd how well they fit him. He lubed the plug and pushed it into Grimmjow's ass. “Mmhhmm!” he purred his cock rising to a semi-hard state. The last accessory was the cock ring with the bell, Ichigo slipped it over his hardening length.

“Grimmjow, how come Hanataro's collar is different than yours?”

“You'll see it at the party, pets that don't have a contract won't have a collar, pets like me with a temporary contract will have one, but pets with the lifetime contract have that tag, hand picked by their master,” he says, he puts the bag in the locker.

“I see,” he was learning a lot about pet play.

“You should get ready to master.”

“I have to get naked?” his heart began to beat faster, and his anxiety was trying to take hold of him. “This was a bad idea, I can't, I...”

Grimmjow silenced him with a kiss. “Relax master, the masters are just shirtless, only the pets are naked.”

“Not helping,” just the thought was stirring up his loins. Grimmjow cupped him through his pants.

“If you get too excited I can take care of you, and if you fancy a stray pet you can ask them to give you a hand, even some collared pets are allowed to play with the masters, its only those with tags do you need direct permission from the master to touch them.” he nuzzles Ichigo. “Tonight is about you, we are here to have fun if it gets too much just say your safe word and we are out of there.”

Ichigo was quiet and Grimmjow was worried. 'Maybe this was too soon.' to his shock, Ichigo removed his jacket and shirt. He slapped his cheeks, he kissed Grimmjow passionately. 'Or not!'

He broke the kiss and playfully slapped Grimmjow's ass. “Let's do this!”

“Yes master!” he gave Ichigo the key, he slipped it into his pants pocket. They went through the opposite door from the one they entered and Ichigo gasped. Naked, so much nudity!

Male and female pets were bare for all the world to see, some were wearing dog ears, cat ears, and bunny ears. Some were caged, some were bound like Grimmjow, others were letting it all hang out regardless. He could tell the pets from masters instantly, female masters varied some were baring full frontal nudity some were wearing a bra.

“Grimmjow!” Ichigo jumped at the strong voice. “You came!” Ichigo's jaw dropped as a mountain of a man came over to them, from his nudity and collar he was a pet, but what drew Ichigo's eye was the man's massive dick that was bouncing and bobbing with every step.

'Oh wow!' the thing was like a third leg, Ichigo was hung sure, but he'd never seen anyone bigger than him before.

“Hey Kenpachi!” the two shook hands. “Great to see ya, this is my master, Ichigo.”

“This is him huh, nice to meet you. Names Zaraki Kenpachi dog pet, call me if Grimmjow ever gets boring in the sack.” he winks at Ichigo and gives him a grin.

“Oi!” Grimmjow elbows him.

“Thanks, but I don't think I could take that beast your packing, I'm surprised anyone could.” Kenpachi started to laugh. “What's so funny?”

“Nothing, nothing, I get that a lot.” he wipes a tear from his eye from laughing so hard.

“He's a total bottom, he may have been born with a massive monster, but he prefers to be taken and dominated,” Grimmjow explains.

“It's not totally useless, through pipe play I've learned new ways this big dog can be of use to me.”

“Pipe play,” it sounded familiar.

“There are toys that can be inserted into a man's cock pipe, the stimulus inside can be just as good outside, and with my size I can even take most fingers, getting fingered on both ends is amazing.” the image crossed Ichigo's mind and he blushed. “In all seriousness, if you'd like to spice things up, don't hesitate to call on me, we've performed together so we can work off each other well.”

'Performed...together…' the thought of the two together sent blood straight to his cock. Kenpachi could see Ichigo was lost in thought, but from the bulge in his pants was a good sign he had a shot. He gave Grimmjow a thumbs up before he went on his way.

“Hanging in there master?” he asked, snapping Ichigo out of his mental theater.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just….never thought about this stuff...” There were so many sexy guys, all naked and exposed, it was a bit overwhelming. ‘This is why I showered alone.’ Ichigo was trying not to stare.

“Master, you don’t have to be shy, we pets like to show off, all the pets here are seasoned.” Ichigo nods. There was low music but even more chatter.

“You guys performed together huh?”

“You wanna see? Kenpachi would be happy to do it.”

“His master wouldn’t mind?”

“Kenpachi is big on temp contracts, he’s not the type to settle down with just one master when he has the chance to play with so many.”

“Ah, and what about...” he was about to ask what Grimmjow was looking for.

“Grimmy!” A female voice cut through the crowd. Before Ichigo had a chance a green haired woman wearing a bra and pants bounced over and hugged Grimmjow. “This is your new master he’s so cute!” she released him and set her sights on Ichigo quickly pulling him into her breasts.

“Nel you’re suffocating him.”

“Ohh, sorry,” she released him. “He’s just so handsome.”

“Is she, I mean are you Grimmjow’s former master?”

“Indeed I am cutie, he is one of my favorites.” she smiled at him. “I also handle the contracts and shows in this circuit. I looked over yours Itsygo.”

“And she’s already given you a pet name.”

“I can’t help it, look at him he’d be an amazing dom pet, those are in short supply.” Grimmjow pulled Ichigo away from her.

“He’s my master!” he growls.

“Easy Grimmy, I want you to be happy after all.” she pulls a card from her pocket. “While I do train pets, I also teach masters.”

“Nel!” To his surprise, Ichigo took the card.

“Thanks,” he says.

“Enjoy the party you two.” she left them. Ichigo could see further into the room there was a stage and booths, and to his shock, there were already some masters getting service by pets in the booths.

While Ichigo took in Grimmjow’s world, inner Grimmjow was doing backflips. If Ichigo was willing to train to become a better master he might be willing to keep him. There were things Ichigo was too embarrassed to discuss with him, but maybe with Nel, it’d help him open up.

As the two mingled, Grimmjow noticed several pets eyeing his master, getting excited at the sight of him. Ichigo in kind noticed masters looking at Grimmjow, he oddly felt possessive of the bluenette.

He took his hand and held it tight, and Grimmjow returned the squeeze. Truth be told it did make him feel better. He wasn’t used to guys flirting with him let alone naked ones, but with Grimmjow, with him, he felt okay.

“Ichigo?” the boy froze, he recognized that voice. He turned around and froze at the sight of a very naked Renji. Since Ichigo was either the first to shower or the last, he hadn’t seen anyone in class naked. Renji was ripped, and he had really sexy tattoos marking all over his body.

“Renji...why are you here?” his mind jumped and started to lean towards panic.

“I’m a pet, a bunny.” Ichigo realized it must have been Renji who gave his email to Grimmjow. “I had no idea you were in the circuit, Ichigo.”

‘This is bad, he saw me here, what if he tells everyone, everyone will find out, not again, not again.’ Ichigo began to shake. “Why didn’t you tell me Grimmjow?”

“Master, calm down.” he leaned in close. “Just as I didn’t out Renji to you, Renji isn’t gonna say anything either. We don’t out each other,” he whispered. “I promise, I didn’t tell Renji anything.”

“Why don’t we sit at my booth?” Renji led them to his reserved booth. “I just joined the circuit officially, I finished my training and I’m looking for a master,” he says.

The two sat on either side of Ichigo. “I see,” Ichigo says. “Sorry, it was just a surprise seeing you here.”

“It was a surprise for me too. I knew Grimmjow was in the circuit, but you...”

“It's recent, I just joined myself. I’m not sure if I’m cut out for all this,” he says. ‘I almost freaked out back there.’

“He’s being modest, he’s a natural, best master I’ve ever had,” Grimmjow says.

“High praise,” Renji chuckles. “You know Ichigo I’ve kinda had a crush on you for some time, you were always so distant at school I was just happy to be your friend,” he confessed.

“You did Renji?”

“Don’t believe me?” he pulled back to show his raging 9-inch dick. Ichigo blushed. ‘He’s even got tattoos on his dick.’ His crotch was shaved and he has tats crowning his crotch as well.

“What do you say, care to take in a lost rabbit?” he asked.

Ichigo looked to Grimmjow. “I think you can handle two pets master, but it's up to you.”

“Umm, what’s this Bunny thing?”

“You don’t know?” Renji looked to Grimmjow.

“What, I’m a Neko, so I gave him the cat contract.”

“Would you just tell me?” Ichigo says.

“Okay there are three kinds of rabbits, there’s the Rut Rabbit, which are bunnies that like to top, they usually are selected for submissive masters. Then there are Horny Bunnies like me, I’m a switcher, and while preference differs, I want to be dominated by my master alone and fuck his pets,” Ichigo got the image of fucking Renji, and that fought with the image of Renji fucking Grimmjow. His cock loved both images so his mind shifted and combined the two. Ichigo fucking Renji into Grimmjow. “Then there are the breeder bunnies who like to get fucked by their master and his pets if possible.”

Ichigo was panting, his cock was painfully hard now. Grimmjow noticed the reaction. “Pet, do you mind submitting to Renji?” Grimmjow shivered. Even Renji shivered and felt his hole quiver at the tone in Ichigo’s voice.

“He’s got a nice cock, a nice bod, and if it would please you, master, I would suck him off right here and now for you. If you wished it I’d take the greatest joy submitting to him.”

“Hot damn...” Renji gulped licking his lips.

“I want to see...” Ichigo says, exciting the two pets.

To be continued...Chapter 10 Kitty and Bunny


Damion Andrew

Oh Yes!!! This is great!! Just imagining Kenpachi's massive prick is enticing and I love the interactions Ichigo has with everyone. I'll admit that I was hoping the next person to join would be Kenpachi but that tease was good enough for me. Also Renji being sweet and a bunny pet. Love it!!

Lord Zero 1606

His collection begins. Cat and bunny, wonder what other animals he is going to get.