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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 6

 Chap 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/24774640

Ash 11 inches

Oak 6 inches

Gary 11 inches soft 33 inches hard

Chapter 2 Road to the Pokemon League

Ash travels into Route 1, and when he came across Pokemon he called out Gary. In order for him to move, Ash set him to Grower Mode, allowing Gary's massive 33 inch dick to shrink down to 11 inches soft. “Now let's catch some pokemon!”  

“Right!” Gary's pokemon had been treated by Ash and returned to him to use. He ran around naked except for his collar with his 11 inch soft dick bouncing and bobbing as he ran. It was oddly freeing, feeling the breeze between his knees.  

He had Eevee battle a Rattata, and was able to capture it. “I can't wait to show Ash what I caught.” he smiles happily. 'Maybe we can make it a game, and he can reward me each time I catch a pokemon.' he blushed. Just thinking about what Ash might do to him caused a stirring in his loins. He gasped as his cock grew massive, his blood rushing south and his dick swelled. “Fuck!” he gasped, trying to hold down his massive man meat, he stumbled back, bumping into a tree. “Crap!”this was bad he couldn't walk or move like this. 'Go down, go down,' he thought, but his cock denied his request demanding release.   

Holding his cock down was in a way stimulating the behemoth of a penis, he accidentally released the cock, his massive piece snapped up, the tip ended up slapping the tree. “Ahh!” the tip was like one big erogenous zone, his cock erupted in a sudden burst of orgasm, and his cum shot up into the tree. His thick cum splashed all over making it look like an X rated christmas tree with semen dressing. “Wow!” he pants.  

“Spearow!” Gary tensed. Slowly he looked up and sure enough there was an angry pokemon. He recognized it as another Bird Pokemon, but it wasn't anything like the calm and friendly Pidgey. This was a Spearow a vicious tempered flying type. The Spearow was covered in Gary's cum and he didn't look pleased.  

As cum dripped from his feathers and beak, he twitched in rage looking at Gary in a wild fury. “Now easy...it was an accident...no need to get...”

“SPEAROW!” It flew at Gary with a vicious Fury Attack.    

“Ah ow ow ow, come on it was an accident!” he tried to dodge the angry bird but it was too quick. He started to run, the Spearow quickly giving chase.  

“Spearow!” it attacked Gary, chasing him around the field.  

“Pidgey use Tackle!” A Pidgey swooped in knocked Spearow back. Gary looked around and saw Ash. “Gary!” the boy ran over and hugged him. “Are you okay?”  

“Yes, I'm fine, thanks for saving me.” Ash quickly kissed Gary. This was nice, Ash's arms came around him and hugged him close.  

Ash broke the kiss with a growl, finding scratches on him. “HOW DARE YOU HURT MY GARY!” He had Pidgey battle against Spearow. Ash had caught a Pidgey in his searching. The two flying types duked it out.  

Pidgey was a bit winded, but he was able to do enough damage to chase Spearow off. “Thanks Pidgey you did great, have a good rest.” he returned him.   

The fight wasn't over that angry Spearow went to gather some friends. As the threat loomed the two continued along Route 1. A storm was brewing figuratively and literally, as dark clouds loomed in the distance.  

“Spearow!” A chill runs down their spines.  

“Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!” “Spearow!”  

A swarm of Spearow was coming their way. “It looks like it has friends.”  

“There's too many to battle, let's run!” Gary shouts.  

“Let's go!” the two run, Pikachu and Charmander running at his side, with the flying types hot on their heals. The birds swooped in like a Hitchcock movie, and tried attack the boys. Pikachu and Charmander tried to help fend them off but they were relentless.  

“Gary what did you do, to make it so mad?”  

“I kinda...I sorta...accidentally came all over a tree it was in!” he says blushing. “I thought about us and got excited, I couldn’t help it.”

“All this for that, honestly.” Ash brought out the Dom ball. “Gary hide inside!”

“What!? I can’t leave you to face them alone.” Things weren’t going well, as Pikachu and Charmander were running low on energy.  

Even as the storm brew and rain began to pelt them all they kept up their attack. This was worse for Ash, as Charmander had to be returned to protect the flame on his tail. Which left Pikachu to protect them. Gary called out Eevee, but the little normal type while giving it his all couldn’t handle the storm and the swarm.  

The two were drenched and losing energy fast. When Gary slips and falls into he mud, Ash stands and shields him. “No, Ash this is all my fault.” Ash hears him but doesn’t move.  

“Pikachu, look after Gary for me!” Ash says. “Spearow, I challenge you!” He shouts. “Come and get me!”  

The swarm charges, and Gary gets up and hugs Ash, if this is the end, then they’ll go together. He hugged the boy from behind. “Ash, I love you!”  

Before Ash could respond, there was a loud Pika! Pikachu jumped over them, and released all his power just as lightning came down and struck him. This caused an overlord, resulting in a huge explosion.

“Pikachu!” Ash cried out as the two were blown back and caught up in the explosion. When the smoke cleared, the Spearow were gone, the storm was over, and the two trainers and their pokemon were knocked out covered in minor burns and dust. “Mnnmmm,” Ash groaned as he shifted. “Gary?”  

The male had been blown a bit away from Ash, and the boy crawled over to him. He checked his heart and found it beating, and his breath coming out evenly. Ash breathed a sigh of relief.  

Ash found Pikachu and Eevee and brought them over. “You guys were great, thanks for protecting us.” he hugged them both.  

“Ash?” Gary groaned, when sitting up.  

“Oh Gary!” the raven haired teen hugged him.  

“We’re alive?” he hugged the boy back.  

“Yes, we are alive, Pikachu saved us!”  

“Pika...” the electric mouse weakly says.  

“Pikachu thank you, I’m sorry.” Gary says. Pikachu pats his cheek, and licks Ash’s. Ash kisses Gary, so happy he was alive. A dazzling light had them pull apart, they looked up into the sky to see a Pokemon not even the Pokedex could identify.  

As it flapped its wings, two rainbow feathers came down into the boy’s hands. Pikachu and Eevee marveled at the almost heavenly glow, as a rainbow followed the golden pokemon’s wake.  

Ash puts Eevee and Pikachu in his back pack, and helped Gary up, they had to lean on each other to stand up. They made their way out of Route 1 to Viridian City, meeting Jenny at the crossroads.  

“Stop!” she says stopping the two.  

“Please, our Pokemon help them!” Ash says, showing the Jenny the injured pokemon.  

“It looks like you two need help to, I’ll take you to the Pokemon Center.” She recognized the collar on Gary’s neck, and could see the honest concern in Ash’s eyes. Both boys were in bad shape themselves. She got her bike and side car, and drove the two to the center.  

There, they met Nurse Joy and her Pokemon aid, Chansey. “My goodness,” she rushed over and took the Pokemon and the Chansey wheeled them to the back.  

“Wait...” Jenny stopped him.  

“Just leave it to Nurse Joy, she’s the best when it comes to caring for Pokemon.”  

“You two are in bad shape to, here.” She gave the two a glass of Moomoo milk. “Drink up, it’ll help you heal.” she went to the back. They each started to drink and sure enough their bodies began to recover.  

“I know this is a bit late, but I need to see some I.D.” she asked.  

“Oh, I’m Ash Ketchum, this is my Sub Gary Oak.” the two showed their I.D.’s Gary’s even having shifted to show he was a Sub to Ash Ketchum.  

“Alright, that all checks out. Sorry for the trouble, but we’ve had some Pokemon thieves in the area.” she gives a salute. “Officer Jenny, if you run into trouble don’t hesitate to contact the Pokemon Police.” She drove off to patrol.  

Joy finished treatment for Pikachu and Eevee, and took Ash and Gary’s other pokemon to be treated. “Your pokemon will need quite a bit of rest.” they nod.  


Since they had time Ash calls home and Delia answers. “Hey mom, we made it to Viridian City!”

“We?” Gary stepped into frame.  

“Hello Mrs. Ketchum.” he says blushing. Delia squeals.  

“Oh Ash I’m so happy you two are finally together, I thought one of you would make a move sooner or later. Welcome to the family, Gary!”  

“T-thank you.” he blushes harder, his whole face growing red.   

“You two take care of each other now, its a relief knowing Ash won’t be in this alone. You know how I worry.”  

“I’ll try not to make you worry.”  

“I’m a mom its my job. You’ll find out when you two have kids of your own.” This had Ash blushing, and Gary looked like a tomato berry. “Do us proud you two.” She hung up the phone.  

Ash and Gary knew what she was talking about. The Womb Worm, a temporary artificial womb inserted into a sub. A sub’s body has already been modified so his ass hole was only for mating now. Even female subs could use the womb worm two have and carry two children at once. The two sit down blushing, and Gary leans against Ash. “A family would be nice...someday...” he places a hand over his belly.  

“Yeah someday,” Ash places his hand over Gary’s. The two kiss, the lip lock growing more and more passionate only for an incoming call to interrupt them. This time it was Oak.  

“Ash, Gary, I heard the good news.”  

“Hey Professor!” Ash chuckles nervously.  

“I’m looking forward to seeing how you two progress together.”  

“We’ll do Pallet Town proud Grandpa!” Gary says.  

“Gary, you are quite lucky to have a Dom like Ash, be grateful.” Oak says sternly, he was a bit jealous himself, but he knew this was the outcome. Oak explains how most towns will have a Pokemon Center, and a Pokemon Market, you can get balls, healing items, battle items, and even find Dom shops to buy sex toys, dom balls and other items. They could register at the Pokemon Center, and go after Gym Badges. Once they’ve achieved at least 8 they can enter the Pokemon League. “I think that’s everything, I’ll let you go.”  

“Wait Professor, we saw a pokemon the pokedex couldn’t identify, it left us these!” he showed the rainbow feathers.  

“My word!” Oak exclaimed. “Well, I’d have to examine them myself, but they look to be quite a rare item, you two keep that safe okay?”

“We will, thanks Professor.” the call ended. The two were exhausted, Ash pulled Gary to him and the two laid down on one of the center’s couches and drifted off to sleep.  

To be continued...The Center Attacked New Sub?  


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