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Bleach/Rising of Shield Hero parody

Chapter 3 https://www.patreon.com/posts/24422380


Chapter 4 Fear and Friends

Bazz-B was not happy, he asked around and no one from the night in question was talking. “Please sir, I don't want any trouble.”

“Then tell me, what you saw that night.”

“I...I can't...” he looked terrified.

“Tch,” Bazz-B grabbed some gold from his bag. “I understand you don't want to talk to me, but you must keep some kind of record of how much you sell.” He handed the man five gold pieces. “Let me see those records and no one will ever know.”

The man agreed. Bazz-B checked the records and saw only 2 drinks were ordered for the Shield Hero's table. 'This isn't enough, some people can take two drinks as if it were nothing, and others can get drunk on just one drink. It's also odd no one is talking, everyone assumes Ichigo is guilty, so why hide anything? Unless there is something to hide?'

He wanted to talk to the other heroes but they were often busy hunting. By chance, he ran into Uryu. “Uryu, a moment.”

“Where is your party?” the glasses boy asked.

“I told them I had business in town and to keep training on their own until I return.” he gave Uryu a strong look. “I need to ask you about Ichigo.”

“The Shield Hero, what about him?” he looked away.

“Do you believe that he assaulted Bambietta?” Uryu was shocked at the question.

“Well...” he began. “I'll admit there was something odd about Bambietta's story.”

“Tell me,” Bazz-B says.

“She claimed he tore off her clothes, and when Ichigo demanded proof her underwear was found in his room, but the underwear was perfectly intact, not a rip, tear anything, it was too perfect like it was never worn, to begin with.”

“You think it was planted to frame him?”

“I'm not sure, it was certainly odd, why would they frame a legendary hero?”

“I'm not sure, but things aren't adding up.” he crossed his arms.

“I feel bad, perhaps it was mob mentality perhaps I was simply a coward, but I couldn't speak up before. With no proof, I kept my mouth shut.” Uryu frowned. “I didn't have many friends in my world, I kept to myself and didn't get involved.”

“It's hard to break certain habits, but its never too late to do the right thing.” Uryu nods.

“Bazz-B, if Ichigo was truly framed, there might be something going on we are not aware of. You should be careful.” Bazz-B gives him a thumbs up and walks off. It had been bothering him too, from the time they arrived, to meeting the king, to the rumors being spread, it seemed the Shield Hero was looked down upon, but why?


Ichigo brought the medicine and herbs he made to a shop. “You made this hero-san?” the shop keeper was shocked. “This is some high-quality medicine. Is this really your first time making it?”

“Yes, it is, old man, what's more, profitable selling medicine or herbs?”

“Hmm, well since the waves lots of monsters are about, so medicine is in high demand.”

“Good to know,” he looked around and saw instruments that were used for making medicine. 'Well gotta spend money to make money.' he thinks. “Do you have any old equipment you'd be willing to part with, I'll buy it from you.”

The shopkeeper agreed and gave Ichigo some old tools. Renji was outside, watching some kids play with a ball. “Renji, let's get going.” he came out and saw Renji staring at the other kids. “Do you want a ball?”

“No, not at all,” he says, but his tail wagged giving him away.

'He really wants one huh?' he finds the seller and gets one for him. “Here, you can play with it after we do our work.”

“Thank you master!” he blushes.

They went to an inn to stay the night, only for the owner/manager to flinch when he sees Ichigo. “Welcome how can I help...uh, the Shield Hero...”

“I'd like to rent a room,” Ichigo says. “My companion might scream at night, though.” The manager flinched in disgust, Ichigo could guess what he was thinking. He flashed some fresh balloons that were biting on him. “You will give us a room.”

“R-Right away sir!” he runs off to prepare the room. Ichigo sighed.

'I need to find a way to survive until the next wave of catastrophe hits.' Renji and Ichigo spent quite a few days together, the red-head got to see the town, Ichigo gave him food whenever he asked for it, let him rest when he needed it, and even stopped working when Renji wanted to show him a trick he learned with his ball. Ichigo gave Renji a hair cut and even bought him a hair tie to hold his hair back.

Renji saw how hard his master worked, even after they hunted, Ichigo would work on making medicine, and sorting materials for them to sell. He understood money was tight, so he was doing his best not to be a burden, but even when he made mistakes his master didn't treat him cruelly. He even had an accident in his bed, but instead of yelling or striking him Ichigo gave him a pat on the head.

They were getting stronger bit by bit, so Ichigo wanted them to venture further into the forest. It was then they were attacked by a rabbit monster, it lunged and went right at Renji. “Watch out!” Ichigo blocked the attack, he took the bite. “Now, Renji stab it!”

“I can't...” he backed away.

“What's wrong, hurry up!” Ichigo says.

“If I stab it, it'll bleed.” Renji backed up more. “I'm scared of blood!” his slave mark reacted, shocking Renji for his refusal.

“Listen, if you can't fight, then I won't be able to look after you anymore.” Renji gasped. “A Wave that threatens the world's existence is coming soon. I have to get as strong as I can before it does.” he kept a firm grip on the rabbit monster. “Defense is all I'm good for, so I need someone to fight for me. If you can't do that...I'll find someone else.”

“You are going to fight the Catastrophe?” Renji asked.

“That is my job,” The rabbit was still biting at Ichigo, but the hero kept a firm grip on the monster not letting it escape.

Renji grabbed his sword, and the seal ceased. Ichigo got ready holding the monster in place for Renji to stab it. Blood gushed, covering the two. “Master...I'll fight for you.” he panted. “So please don't throw me away.”

“All right.” he pats Renji's head. “Good job.” Ichigo had to face this reality it wasn't a game. One mistake and they'd both end up dead.


Since they had leveled up some, Ichigo decided to get them some new equipment. Renji needed a stronger weapon, so they went to Urahara. Kisuke was the only one willing to give them a discount and information. Renji's weapon was upgraded to a short sword. “Is there any villages nearby we can reach with our current gear?”

“Ah looking to make some extra money?”

“Right, the shops around here are...you know...”

“Giving you a hard time, stay strong kid. I believe the Village of Lute will be your best bet.” he gave Ichigo a map and after getting some supplies the two were off.

They killed more rabbit monsters along the way. “Master, is there something special I can call you?”

“Call me whatever you want,” he says and they carry on their journey. They reach The Village of Lute in good time.

Ichigo found a buyer for the furs they gained. “These are some nice furs, I'll give you some silver for each.”

“Thank you, tell me, do you know anywhere someone can make a large amount of money quickly?” he asked.

“Hmm, that would be the coal mines, you can mine special ores in there, but I warn you since the waves started its become a den of monsters.” the shopkeep sighed. “I have no idea what our “heroes” are doing?”

Ichigo agreed to mine for them and was given a pickaxe to use and some rope. Ichigo had the bright idea to feed the rope to his shield and unlocked the Rope Shield. It wasn't very fancy but it allowed him to conjure rope from it and use it freely, it also came with a new skill. 'Air Strike Shield?' he tested it out summoning a green energy shield in the air.

“Master?” Renji peeked into the cabin holding a pickaxe of his own.

“It's nothing, let's go.” They ventured into the cave and it wasn't long before they were attacked by giant spiders. “Renji!”

“Right!” the boy used his new short sword and cut down the creepy bugs. He fed them to his shield and unlocked another new shield Silk Spinner Shield. Armor Stat Boost + 1, Silk Weaving Level 1, Steel Thread Skill. 'A capture skill? Still nothing offensive, but I can use this shield to make silk and sell it.' The shield had a spider design in a diamond pattern.

According to his Icon, the shield could only make so much silk a day and would need to recharge.

“Renji, the villagers claimed this place is a den of monsters, I don't want us to get surrounded if things go south, we run.” Renji nodded.

They found a good spot to mine, and Ichigo got to work. Renji helped a little bit but he could only get small pieces out. Ichigo was going for the larger ore clusters. “This should fetch us a pretty penny.”

“Huh?” Renji noticed some strange footprints in the cave.

“Renji?” the boy fell back, backing away in terror. A growl was heard, and Ichigo turned to see a two-headed dog monster coming from a cave tunnel. Renji was shaking with fear, eyes widening as common sense gave in to terror. His mind flashed back to the time when his village was attacked and his parents were killed.

“No!” Renji screamed.

The two-headed dog attacked. Ichigo grabbed Renji and jumped from a cliff, falling deeper into the cave. Thankfully there was a large lake to break their fall. Ichigo used his Rope Shield, to lasso a rock and pull them out of the water. “Renji, are you okay?”

“Dog monster...killed all the villagers, even Dad and Mom...” he began to tear up.

“During the first wave?” Renji nodded. 'No wonder he has nightmares, and cries at night.' The dog monster wasn't done with them and tracked their scent to their location. “Is that the same dog that killed your parents?”

“No, that one had three heads.”

“Listen Renji, take that thing out right here and now.” He could see its level, it was stronger than them, but they had to do this. “If you fight and we get stronger, we can fend off the waves of catastrophe and prevent that tragedy from reoccurring.”

The beast got closer and closer. “There isn't a way to bring your parents back to life, but we can prevent other kids from going through what you did.” The beast charged an Ichigo met it, blocking one head with his shield, but the second head bit down, tearing into Ichigo's shoulder.

Renji's eyes widened as Ichigo's blood was spilled. “Now, Renji!”

“No...” the beast tore into Ichigo causing more blood to spill.

“If I die, so will you!”

“Please no!” Renji begged.

“Then hurry up and kill it!” Ichigo didn't want to do this but decided to try and give Renji a push. “That's an order!”

Renji's slave mark reacted shocking the boy, but the memories were making it too hard to move. Ichigo could see the tears in the boy's eyes.

“Renji, forget it.” the slave mark stopped its punishment. “If you can't fight then get out of here.”

“But what about you?”

“I'll buy you time to escape,” he says. “Now go!”

“What?” Renji gasped. “That'd be just like then...” his parents had died protecting him, he didn't want that to happen.

“Just go!” Ichigo hisses as the creature tears into him some more.


“Ahhh!” Ichigo cries out in pain.

'No not again, not master.' he remembered all the good times they had together. The meals they shared, the battles they fought. 'Don't go!' he saw his parents fade away, then Ichigo. His grip on his sword tightened. 'Don't leave me!'

The fear broke and Renji's eyes narrowed. “Don't die!” he charged at the beast and stabbed it in the head, forcing him to release Ichigo. The beast whipped its head back and sent Renji flying, but he didn't drop his sword.

Says something for a creature of level 15 it doesn't die so easily. It charged at Renji. “Air Strike Shield!” Ichigo used his skill and blocked the beast's attack. “Now Renji!”

“Raahhh!” he stabbed the beast right in the chest, piercing its heart in the process. Renji fell back panting, his heart was pounding so fast.

“You did it, Renji.” He gave the boy a smile.

“Ichigo-sama!” he ran over to him and hugged him.

“Ouch, even with the shield's power that wound still hurts.” Renji cried into his chest.

“Don't ever die! Please don't leave me alone! Ichigo-sama!”

'He chose my name,' he pets Renji's head. “You attack, and I defend. That way, neither of us will die.”

“Right!” Renji continued to hug Ichigo nuzzling into him.

“We'll leave once I feed that monster to my shield.”

“Okay, Ichigo-sama,” he says and holds him. He let Renji hold him, rubbing his back, he had done really well. Everything made sense now, he just hoped they both could get stronger.

Ichigo's mind began to wonder. He thought about the state they were in if too many monsters or more powerful monsters attacked them in a group they'd be overwhelmed quickly.

'We've been lucky so far. Maybe its time to get another party member.' Once Renji was satisfied with cuddle time, Ichigo fed the monster to his shield unlocking the Two Headed Dog Shield, it had a pretty useful counter attack so that would be useful.

Ichigo had to use some medicine to recover, and after selling the ore they headed back to the city. “Ichigo-sama where are we going?”

“To the Slave Shop to talk to Mayuri.” Renji grabbed him.

“You aren't gonna sell me are you?” the boy got teary eyed.

“No Renji I'm not gonna sell you, you've gotten very brave and very strong, but I think you could use a friend and we could use another party member.” he pets his head.

“A friend? But I have Ichigo-sama!” he says and glomped onto him. Renji had friends before in the village but he had no idea where anyone was or if they were even still alive. So he tried not to think about it. “If you aren't getting rid of me or replacing me, I'll follow whatever decision you make Ichigo-sama!”


Mayuri hadn't changed much since last they met. “Welcome, I see you and Renji have gotten stronger, was I right, or was I right!”

“You were right, I was hoping to buy another, someone more ready for battle.” Mayuri's grin made Renji nervous.

“I knew you'd be an excellent customer, follow me.” he led them to the male side again, where some rattling could be heard. “This one has been quite the troublemaker, he's been returned 6 times already.”

Inside the cage was a young boy with wild blue hair, kitty ears, black claws, and a long blue kitty tail. He was wearing a loincloth and a collar. “I'm no one's house pet damn it, I'm a warrior!” he growled and thrashed.

“Feisty isn't he? His name is Grimmjow, I'm afraid if he's returned again he'll have to be put down.” Mayuri says. “He's becoming bad for business.”

Ichigo approached and Grimmjow glared at him. 'Another fool wants to buy me, I'll show him.' Ichigo reached out to him and Grimmjow bit his hand.

“Ichigo-sama!” Renji was about to rush forward but Ichigo raised his free hand to stop him. Grimmjow was strong, but he was only level 3, his bite caused him no pain. Ichigo got a good look in his eyes.

'He's a fighter.'

Grimmjow didn't understand how his bite did no damage. 'This guy isn't that strong how is he…' he stopped when he looked and saw the shield on Ichigo's arm. “You are...the Shield Hero?” he couldn't believe it. The legendary hero who protected and cared for demi-humans was here right in front of him.

He gulped and surprising both Mayuri and Renji he licked Ichigo hand where he bit him as an apology. Ichigo smiled and pressed forward, bringing his hand to one of Grimmjow's fluffy ears. “Ah!” the bluenette blushed as Ichigo began to rub it.

“Grimmjow, would you fight for me?” the bluenette gasped and leaned into his touch. He couldn't believe this, it was his dream to fight for the Shield Hero of legend.

“You'll let me fight?”

“Yes, you can kill as many monsters as you are able, I would like you to help me prepare for the upcoming Wave.” He rubbed and scratched Grimmjow's ear eliciting a purr, his tail thrashing happily behind him.

“I...I'll do it...” Ichigo released him and turned to Mayuri.

“I'll take him.” Mayuri let Ichigo bring the demi-human out of his cage Grimmjow nuzzling against the orangette. “Ichigo-sama has a nice scent,” he says purring.

“Why are you smelling him?” Renji pouts feeling oddly jealous.

The bluenette grins. “I thought he'd smell like berries, but he smells even better.” Getting one last whiff before Ichigo set him down. Grimmjow received Ichigo's seal, and he was added to his party.

“Grimmjow this is Renji, I trust you two will get along, we need to work together from now on.”

“Okay,” the two say in unison. Ichigo pays 50 silver for Grimmjow making sure to give Mayuri his commission. From there it was to Benihime's for armor and gear.

“So you got another one?” Urahara raised a brow.

“Renji needs a friend, and I need all the help I can get.” Even Kisuke had to admit the kid had a point. From the look of Grimmjow, the boy was a fighter, he'd never make it as some rich ass hole's pet or some jerks labor horse.

“I don't want armor, I can fight like this.”

“You can't fight half naked.” Grimmjow didn't want to wear clothes, but they compromised and Grimmjow skipped the shoes. He got pants similar to Renji's but a more v cut shirt. Kisuke got Grimmjow a dagger similar to what he gave Renji when he was first starting out. They had a meal together, and if possible Grimmjow had worse table manners than Renji.

They went out to hunt and Grimmjow was a natural, if not a bit wild. He would sometimes throw his weapon at a monster killing it, then use his claws to rip apart the other nearby monsters. Renji and Grimmjow would often compete on who could kill as many monsters as they could. Since Grimmjow was new, they stayed in the lower level areas so Ichigo could see his stuff.

Much to Ichigo's surprise not only was Grimmjow a natural but he leveled up quickly. “How'd he get so strong already?”

Grimmjow grinned. “I'm a panterean, we are a proud warrior race, not only are we natural born fighters, but we have a natural ability to level up faster than other demi-humans.”

“That's not fair!” Renji growled.

“Better try harder then.” Grimmjow shrugged and brought his haul of drops over to Ichigo to be praised. Renji did take his advice, getting his old dagger and using his tail to hold it. He worked and strengthened his tail so he could hold two weapons at once it made his fighting far more effective. Their levels soon passed Ichigo's but demi-humans did level up faster than humans so it made sense, but Ichigo's levels continued to rise.

When Ichigo worked on making medicine, silk, and other things to sell, Renji and Grimmjow would play together. The bluenette thought it was silly at first but actually enjoyed it. “You know I didn't play much even before the waves came, I learned the legend of the five heroes and one day I swore to myself I would train and get stronger so I could be a party member of the Shield Hero.”

“It's not so strange, there were many kids in my village that wanted to marry the Shield Hero when they grew up,” he says and the two blush.

Grimmjow and Renji came from different demi-human villages. During the first wave, there were tons of monsters going wild across the land, the kingdom didn't care about demi-human villages so a lot of them were wiped out.

Grimmjow had no idea if anyone from his village was still alive. His mother died of illness, and his dad died fighting during the Wave. “Don't worry, Ichigo-sama is working hard to make sure what happened doesn't happen again.”

“He defends, we attack!” Grimmjow says with a grin. The two did bond, but that didn't stop their rivalry any. Even with a second mouth to feed, Ichigo was doing alright money-wise, it seems more drops could be found if you had more party members. Plus with more members, they were able to tackle larger swarms of monsters more easily. Ichigo was getting good at quickly changing his shields to optimize their abilities. Using Steel Thread he was able to immobilize flying opponents allowing for Renji and Grimmjow to take them down.

It wasn't all easy, Grimmjow was fast and strong but could be reckless, needing Ichigo's support to shield him from attacks, and even with Renji's new moves, faster creatures proved a problem but with Ichigo's help they took down.

To be continued Chapter 5 The Wave

A few weeks have passed, and Ichigo learns that the Wave is less than a day away. Its the only thing he's noticed as his party has gone through quite the change, the once children demi-humans have aged thanks to their increase of levels and are now an adult as Ichigo. Not that he notices, he still treats them as kids. No time to worry about that as the Wave starts and the heroes and their party members are summoned to fight.


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