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Black Butler Parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/growth-contract-23505018

Chapter 2 His Servants Eager

Phantomhive Servants were held to high standing, able to handle any multitude of tasks with their unique skills. Ciel had the best of the best, beyond his demon butler. There was Mey-Rin, a highly skilled sniper, born with incredible far sight, her skills allow her to use powerful rifles without a scope. Her former boss believed that being a sniper was the only thing she was good for, Ciel thought different, after they met he gave her special glasses that help her eye sight. She was also happy to wear the skirts he got for her. She was so happy he believed in her, and did her best to handle things.

Then there was Baldroy who Ciel often called Bard. He's an American veteran, after serving in a war he was found by Sebastian and brought to Ciel, and became the boy's chef. He keeps a large collection of high powered weapons on hand, and sometimes uses a flamethrower to cook. Despite his cooking disasters, Ciel is happy to have him around, the blonde has a passion for cooking and warfare and a talent for fixing electronics.

He also had Finnian, who Ciel called Finny, he was the gardener. He was once held in captivity and had to watch his friends kill each other in death matches, getting daily doses of a mysterious substance, which gave him superhuman strength. The facility he was being kept at was raided, and the scientists tried to destroy the evidence which included Finny, the boy fought and escaped and was found by Ciel. He was a bit shy at first, scared he was gonna break things just by touching them, he got over it and grew to love being outside.

Last but not least, was the former Phantomhive Head Butler, Tanaka. Due to an injury he remains in a chibi mode and often oversees various tasks.


Ciel wasn't able to sleep with pants or boxers anymore, as his morning wood would rip apart anything he tried to wear. So he got a plus sized shirt that on his smaller frame covered most of him. It had a boyfriend shirt-like effect. Sebastian greeted him in the morning. “Master, it's time to get up.” he knocks on the door and got no response. “Master?”

He opened the door and smiled. Ciel was still in bed, but his massive cock was up, the boy's sheets tenting from the massive man meat. He sauntered into the room, being quiet as a mouse. The sheets were pulled back and Sebastian gasped as his master's massive dick came to view. He licked his lips. While demons and humans had different views on things, sex was universal.

Sebastian quite liked his master's size, it was delicious looking and smell so good. While he was above average for humans, he'd be quite welcome in the demon world. He removed his gloves and began to feel up the massive length. 'So warm!' it had been awhile since he played with a big dick. Ciel had certainly made his stay in the human world an enjoyable one. He takes a whiff of the manly musk, it was delicious and he salivated.

The demon kissed the tip. 'Did you miss me?' the cock pulsed in his hand, he licked the boy's cock head and used his tongue to peel back his foreskin. 'Delicious!' he licked all around the boy's tip, tasting his manliness. Sebastian worshiped the boy's dick, swirling his tongue around before descending down, and back up again.

Ciel groaned in his sleep, his butler was giving him one hell of a tongue bath, but that was just the appetizer before the main course. He wrapped his lips around the head, and with one smooth motion swallowed all 16 inches at once. “Ahh fuck!” Ciel was snapped awake, as his cock was consumed. “Sebastian! Again...ahhh!”

What a way to wake up. Sebastian had 0 gag reflex and didn't need to breathe, the fact he inhaled through his nose, was only to bask in the delicious musk. Ciel blushed. 'Every day with this!' he covered his face as Sebastian bobbed back and forth. He didn't need to slurp but he did so because it made Ciel twitch in his mouth, he might not want to see but he'd hear it.

Sebastian felt the all to familiar twitch in his mouth and throat. He loved it, Ciel's dick was so big and thick, he gulped around the massive shaft, letting his mouth and throat milk his massive penis. Ciel bucked off the bed, his balls lurching as he came. His thick cum shot down Sebastian's throat and filled his belly. The climax lasted for several minutes, and as the last of his seed came, Sebastian pulled back to the tip, catching the last few spurts in his mouth. “Mmm,” he rolled the cum over his tongue, savoring the flavor before gulping it down.

“Must we do this every morning?”

“Would you prefer to handle it yourself?” he asked, licking his lips.

Ciel growled in frustration. Trying to jerk off his monster cock alone, was tiring and a major hassle. He blushed and shook his head, having Sebastian chuckle. “Shall we start the day?”

“Yes,” Sebastian had drawn him a bath, and while Ciel washed up, Sebastian stripped the sheets, and took them for cleaning. By the time he was finished Ciel was drying off and getting dressed. He couldn't wear underwear and had to tuck his dick into his pant leg. His big balls alone made wearing underwear unbearable.

Ciel had a busy day, after breakfast he had some lessons then lunch, and he'd be having dinner with a guest later today. “What would you like for lunch today?” He picked it out and selected his tea.

“And have Bard serve it today.”

“As you wish my master.” He was a tad jealous.


Another part of Ciel's new body were the powerful bursts of arousal, it didn't take much. It could be the whiff of a man, a stray thought, seeing something mildly arousing, could cause his monster of a cock to rise into a painfully erect state. Ciel found getting consistent orgasms helped deal with this problem. If his monster cock was properly satisfied he was able to have some peace and quiet.

Thankfully his servants understood most of his condition and were happy to help him. Baldroy arrives with his lunch, just as he asked but the blonde was dressed in nothing but an apron. “Thank you for choosing me today master.” Ciel blushed at the sight of his practically naked servant. Bard was well toned, and manly as all hell, with hairy pits, a little hair on his pec valley, a treasure trail down his abs to his man bush, and sexy hairy legs. He was natural raw and manly to the extreme, the apron only added to his natural charm and sexiness.

Ciel groaned as his cock began to harden. Bard licked his lips as the boy's pants began to bulge. The blonde had a love for big guns both outside and inside the bedroom. He was quite sure his master had the biggest cock, and has since ruined him for other men, not that he was complaining. His own nice piece, a solid cut 8 inch dick began to rise at the sight of Ciel's bulge. He sets the table, giving Ciel a view of his sexy ass and backside. “Bard!” his dick was about to rip through his pants.

“Yes master!” he finished setting the table and crawled under it. He lowered Ciel's pants, the boy groaning as the pressure eased. Bard got his cock out, giving a moan of his own at the sight of it. He rubbed his cheek against the massive man meat, his sexy stubble tickling his sensitive length. “So big!” he laid kisses along his length.

As Ciel got to work on his lunch, Bard enjoyed his lunch of man meat. He wasn't able to deepthroat him as Sebastian could, but he was able to swallow half of it. What he couldn't fit in his mouth he stroked with one hand. He moans around the 8 inches and pumps the rest of the 8. His master tasted so good, his tongue caressed the underside, and when he was at the head he lapped at the head, collecting the pre-cum as it spilled from his length.

His free hand reached back and began to play with his twitching hole. His ass was quite jealous of his mouth, getting to enjoy the large manhood. One finger became two then three, he thrust them in and out, as his mouth bobbed back and forth. Ciel was quite used to this, so he was able to eat all while Bard was worshiping his cock, and enjoying it fully. He could feel and hear the blonde's moans, the hungry sucks and happy licks.

He finishes eating a few minutes before his orgasm hits, he leans back in his chair, spreading his legs more as Bard sucks him faster. “Bard!” Ciel moans as his orgasm hits, his cock expands and his thick cum floods the man's mouth. Bard saw stars. 'So thick, so rich, so much!' his own cock twitches as his orgasm hits and he cums, shooting more on his apron and partly on the floor.

Baldroy pulls back to the tip, Ciel's cum flooding his mouth quickly. He gulped it down quickly, as more spurts came and filled his mouth up in seconds. He kept pumping Ciel through his orgasm, milking him of several more spurts. He pulled off a bit too soon and caught two spurts in the face, a grin spreading across it.

He cleans up and climbs out from under the table. “Will, that be all I can help you with, master?” His ass was still itching for some fun.

“We have a guest coming, I should get off one more time,” he says. Baldroy doesn't miss a beat, he lays across the table, and spreads his cheeks, exposing his twitching hole. “You are quite the size queen Bard.”

“I'm happy to serve you, master,” he says. The sight of the man's sexy ass and the tight hole was enough to have Ciel hard as a rock. He rubs himself against Bard's cock collecting some of the spent cum and lubing himself up. He lines up his length with Bard's ass and pushes in. “Ahhh!” The blonde moaned as the tip breaches him.

Ciel moans as Bard's tight hole, causes his foreskin to get pulled back. Inch after glorious inch sank into the American, by 13 inches Bard was cumming again, his hole tightening around Ciel's massive dick. With his climax, he thrust in burying his full 16 inches inside his cook. The blonde arches his back and came again, his stomach bulged from the boy's monstrous length, his ass stretched wide around him. “Are you alright Bard?”

It took a few minutes for Bard to answer, his thoughts were leaving him along with his cum. “Bard!” Ciel playfully slapped his ass.

“Ahh yes, never better master!” he moans. He braces himself against the table. “I feel you inside me, I'm so full, I love it!” It amazed Ciel Bard could take so much and enjoy it. Sebastian said men were more durable than women, but to be careful as he could still break men with his size.

Ciel began to move, pulling back 8 inches before sliding back home, he gave short quick thrusts that rocked Bard hard. “Ah ah ah ah ah master! Ahh ahh ahh ahh!” The blonde's toes curled. The friction was glorious, and the shorter thrusts kept them connected. Ciel was so big it was impossible to miss his sweet spot, the heavy cock grinding his insides.

Bard's cock bounced and bobbed with every thrust. He was drooling, enjoying every thrust. The boy's pre-cum was spilling inside him making his insides nice and wet. Allowing Ciel to move even faster. “Master I'm cumming again!”

“Me too, in or out?” he says speeding up his thrusts.

“In, oh please lord, in fill me up!” Bard cries out, his climax hitting him. His hole tightened and Ciel gave a few thrusts inside before cumming deep inside him. Bard shivers as his stomach and insides were flooded with cum, Ciel's cock keeping him perfectly plugged. His rock hard abs ballooned as his stomach swelled, he looked about 3 months pregnant.

Ciel's cock softens and slides out of Bard's now gaping hole. “I'm sorry Bard,” he says as he sees his cum escape from his slowly closing entrance.

“Don't be, it is an honor!” Bard turns round on shaky legs and begins cleaning Ciel's dick with his tongue. Once he was clean he fixed the boy up, pulling up his pants. “I'm sure Finnian and Sebastian feel the same way. When things get hard you can count on us to take care of you.” Mey-Rin loved her master, but she couldn't help him in this aspect, if she could she would.

“Thank you, take some time to collect yourself, and return to your duties when you are able.” Bard salutes.

“Yes, sir!” Ciel left, there were still things to do before dealing with their guest.

To be continued...After A Long Day


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