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Bleach/Rising of the Shield Hero Parody: Tier 1

 Chap 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/24387254

Chap 3 Trust and Contracts

Ichigo had a feeling he knew what Bazz-B wanted to talk about, and he wasn't interested. “I'm busy,” he tried to walk past him but Bazz-B caught him and held him firmly.

“Make time,” he says sternly.

Ichigo sighed. 'Might as well get this over with.' he went with Bazz-B. “What do you want to talk about?”

“You know, these rumors that are going around, are they true?” he asked.

“Would you believe me if I told you I didn't do it?” he gave Bazz-B a stern look.

“Honestly, I don't know, I don't know you,” Ichigo balled his hand into a fist. “But I also don't know Bambietta either. So I wanted to get all the facts before I make a judgment.”

“Well you'd be the first,” Ichigo sounded so hurt. “Not even the other heroes believed me.” he didn't trust him. 'He was probably put up to this by the others to get me to confess, well fuck them.'

“Ichigo, I'm not your enemy. If you didn't do this, let me help you.”

“Whatever, do what you want.” he tried to walk off.

“Ichigo!” he grabs Ichigo by the shoulder only to have his hand slapped away.

“Don't touch me!” Bazz-B could see the hurt in his eyes.

“Ichigo, let me ask you just on thing.”


“I've had this feeling for awhile, do you like guys?” Ichigo blushed.

“So what if I do, are you gonna make fun of me, or insult me?” he snapped.

“No, this...” he pulled Ichigo close and captured his lips. Ichigo's eyes widened for a moment, he felt his heart start to pound, and he got pulled into the moment. Ichigo kissed Bazz-B back and began to dominate the kiss, the Mohawk male moaned into the kiss. The kiss broke apart for air, both males were hard from such an intense kiss. “Wow!”

Ichigo blinked and quickly pushed Bazz-B away. “Don't do that.”

“I'm sorry, I don't think a lot of things through, I go with my gut a lot.”

“Just stay away from me! I don't need your pity!” he snaps.

“Ichigo, I'm gonna find out the truth. So please don't cut yourself off, I did in my world. I ran away from people who wanted to help me, so let me help you.”

Ichigo didn't say anything and walked away. Bazz-B hit himself. “Idiot!” he scolded himself. He had a past of his own, he saw himself fall into some bad places, he had lost things to. 'Ichigo don't give up, I don't think you are the kind of guy who would do that, now I just need to find proof.'


Ichigo couldn't shake the blush on his cheeks. 'Why did he do that?' he touched his lips. 'He was a good kisser to.' images of Bambietta, Askin, and Cang Du crossed his mind ruining his high and he shook his head. 'Get a clue Ichigo, you are on your own. You can't trust anyone.'

His stomach growled. “Better get some food.” He went to the tavern to get a meal. 'Since then I haven't been able to taste anything.' he tried some food and it tasted like nothing, not bland, not salty, not anything. While he was there three men approached him.

“Hey there Shield Hero, you looking for a party.” Ichigo sparred them a glance.

“We can help you out.” one of the other men said.

“If you are serious, you'll be paid on how you work. If you do nothing you get nothing, I get 40% of all treasure and drops we get.”

“What?!” the third man gasped.

“Then you get everything, how do we know you'll pay us?”

“If you work you get paid, I'll deal out the funds based on how much you contribute. If you don't I'll take the excess.” the three men look at each other.

“Sure, sure, let's go hunt.” Ichigo stands up, and they follow him out.

“Lets hit up the equipment shop.”

“We need some new gear.”

Ichigo was getting Bambietta flashbacks. “Buy your own gear, I have no obligation to do so.”

“Enough, just hand over your money.”

“As if we'd wanna work with someone like you.”

'Liars, traitors, all of them!' Ichigo sighed. “Really, you should have just done this from the start.” he reached into his cloak.

“Well, aren't you accommodating.” instead of giving them money however he gave them a taste of his orange balloons. The monsters chomping on the creeps, scaring them off and they bounced off and rolled back and jumped back onto Ichigo.

'This is pointless, I can't fight on my own, even with martial arts, it takes too long to beat these low-level monsters, it takes too long to gain experience to level up. If I can't level up, I can't fight stronger monsters, and I can't gain more experience. What a vicious cycle.' he was barely at level 4 now, at this rate by the time the waves come he'll be killed. He'd gotten a look at Bazz-B's level he was in the low 30's.

“My my my,” Ichigo whipped around ready to throw one of his balloons. “No need to be so defensive my friend, I come with an offer.” There was a very odd man, he had white skin and weird hair and he was dressed oddly even for this world.

“An offer?” Ichigo didn't drop his guard. “You are just in time to make one, seriously you can't trust anyone these days.” Mayuri chuckled.

“You need party members yes? Well, I have what you need.”

“You do huh?” Ichigo dropped his guard. The man gave a huge, almost scary grin.

“Oh yes, word travels fast, the Shield Hero who travels with just monsters at his size. I find that fascinating, so I sought you out, and I'm glad I did, my eyes do not deceive me!” he grins. “I'm sure you will be a wonderful customer. Follow me!” he leads Ichigo to a secluded location, down a back alley.

“Why would you want to help me, I'm the Shield Hero you know?”

“Shield, spear, axe, hero, villain, makes no difference to me it's my job to get people what they need.” Ichigo's eyes widen as he enters the man's shop. There were cages all over, with demi-humans of all kinds inside them.

“What is all this?”

“Forgive my late introduction, my name is Mayuri and I'm a slave trader. This is my slave shop!” Ichigo looked around.

“Why would I want a slave? I'm out of here.” he turned to leave.

“Wait, wait, wait, you need party members right, well slaves come with a special seal that makes it impossible for them to lie or betray you.” Ichigo stopped in his tracks and Mayuri smiled. “A slave must obey an order given by their master or the mark punishes them, so betrayal is impossible.”

“And this is legal?”

“Ohh yes, the kingdom approves, most slaves are used for labor but some are quite fierce and would make an excellent party member for you.”

“Alright, let me see what you got.”

“Wonderful, I knew you would like to browse my wares.” Ichigo did feel bad, but he needed to survive, he couldn't survive all alone. He needed this, needed someone he could trust and would act as his sword.

He pulled off a sheet to reveal a mostly beast lion woman. “This is my strongest slave currently.”

“How much?” He could see his stats, 75 several times more than his own. He also noticed she was female.

“Fifteen gold pieces.” Ichigo raised a brow at him.

“You know I don't have that much, but you showed me your most expensive slave anyway.”

“Of course, I'm giving you an eye for quality. I hope to be doing a lot of business with you in the future,” he says. “What type would you prefer?

“I see,” he looks around. “A male would be preferred. Something cheap that isn't broken.”

“I was sure you'd like a female, with that rumor...” Ichigo banged his hand against a cage, many of the demi-humans grew quiet sensing his rage.

“I didn't do it!” he snapped.

“I see, you don't seem the type, I just want my clients to be happy,” he leads him around. “The males are this way.”

Ichigo hears some coughing and is drawn to one of the cages. Inside he sees a young red-haired boy, he looks skinny, and he had red fur on his wrists and ankles, and he had a long monkey tail also red. “Raise your head.” the boy does and Ichigo looks him in the eye. “What's your name?”

The boy flinched and backed away from him. “You do have a name right?”

“Re...Renji...Renji Abarai.” he says. He says before coughing.

“Forgive him, he probably won't be very useful, he's sickly and his former master loved his torture. He might not last much longer.”

“He's fine, I'll take him.” He could see something in Renji's eyes. The contract had to be made, Ichigo cut his finger and added his blood to some magic ink.

“Let's begin,” Mayuri dips a brush into the ink and goes to Renji, placing manipulating the mark on his chest. Renji cried out in pain as the mark took hold of him.


“The pain is only temporary, its a taste of what to expect should they betray their master,” he explains. “The slave crest on his chest makes it so he can never defy you.”

His Icon activated revealing that he had formed a contract with Renji, and he got to see Renji's stats. “Party member settings?”

“Now this boy is all yours.”

“Thirty silvers right?” Mayuri nods.

Through all his foraging and hunting he had managed to get 50 silvers. He pays for Renji, giving Mayuri an extra silver for commission. “A pleasure doing business with you.”


Ichigo brought Renji to Benihime's. “Ah Ichigo welcome back...” he was shocked to see the boy with him.

“If you have any clothes on clearance that will fit him show me those, and he needs a weapon.” Kisuke sighs, and picks out something simple since he's a beginner gets him a small knife.

Renji is given a bath and fresh clothes. He wears a black shirt and some brown shorts, and his knife was attached to a holster belt. “Take out your knife, Renji.” he lifts his cloak and reveals an orange balloon. “Try to kill this thing.”

“A monster!” Renji falls back on his butt.

“Kill it! This is an order.”

“No...I'm scared...I...” his slave crest reacts and shocks Renji.

“It will only bring you pain, do it.” Renji takes his blade and charges. The attack was too weak and he couldn't pop the balloon. “Too weak, try again!”

“Yah!” Renji charges and this time pops the balloon. To Ichigo's shock, they both gained experience.

“I got experience too?”

“When you made the contract, you set him up as comrade didn't you?” Urahara explains. “Didn't you do that with the other woman?”

Ichigo growled. 'That woman, she truly never intended to be my comrade. She used me to the bitter end.' Urahara could see the rage building inside Ichigo. “Renji, listen to me, you are going to be my sword, you will kill monsters for me!” Renji was a little freaked. “In return, I'll protect you.”


“Come on, let's go hunting.”

“Y-Yes, coming!” Renji followed after him.

“What a mess,” Urahara says. 'Ichigo do not let the cruelty this world has shown you corrupt you, I saw it in your eyes you are still a good man, don't lose sight of yourself.'

Ichigo only had three silvers left. As they walked through the town, Ichigo noticed how other people were treating demi-humans.

Renji's stomach growled. “Are you hungry?” he shook his head, only to have his stomach growl again. He blushed. “Let's go you can't go hunting on an empty stomach.” They found a place but Renji was worried about a sign that says they don't serve demi-humans. He hesitated but went inside anyway.

When they entered Renji noticed took one look at his new master and began to whisper things. “Can I order?”

“Huh? I-I guess...” it was clear he didn't want to, but he heard the rumors about those that try to cheat or deny him business. Renji saw another kid eating a rather delicious looking lunch.

“I'll have the cheapest meal you have,” Ichigo noticed where Renji was looking. “And he'll have whatever that kid is having.” the man nods and Ichigo gives him the money for the food.

“Why?” Renji speaks up.

“Did you want something else?” He shakes his head no.

“Why are you getting it for me?”

“Because it looked like you wanted it.”

The food arrived and Renji's eyes sparkled, his tail wagging happily. He takes the flag out of the kid's meal and starts to dig in, eating so fast he nearly chokes. “Slow down, is it that good?” he gives him a drink and Renji washes his food down and nods.

Ichigo tries to eat, but he still couldn't taste anything.


Ichigo's shields currently were the Orange Shield, which he personally liked so he set it to default mode. The Yellow Shield, and the Leaf Shield. He gained small stat boosts for each shield which stacked. Upon becoming level 4 the Leaf Shield also gave him a boost to his Foraging Skill, allowing him to get stronger quality drops.

He had Renji fight monsters, while he acted as bait, letting the creatures attack him and while he held them off Renji went for the kill. Once he reached Level 3 they ventured further, finding stronger balloons. They came across three different mushroom-like monsters, Ichigo blocked them with his shield allowing Renji to cut them down.

From their drops, Ichigo got small Red Shield, Mush Shield, Green Mush Shield, and Blue Mush Shield. He gained a Plant Identification 1, Apprentice's Compounding, and Simple Compounding Recipes 1.

Continuing their adventuring, Ichigo stopping to collect herbs here and there until they come across a river. “I'll catch us some fish, save us some money.” After catching his first one he gets the idea to feed the fish to his shield. It worked and Ichigo unlocked the Fish Shield; getting Angling Techniques + 1.

This allowed him to catch more fish, and he built a fire to cook them. His Icon gave him helpful hints on how his new skills and techniques worked. Renji eats some of the cooked fish as Ichigo worked on mixing some herbs. He was able to make some medicine, after a few failed attempts. Once he made the first, he fed it to his shield.

Petit Medicine Shield unlocked, Petit Poison Shield Unlocked. The medicine shield boosted the effectiveness of his medicine. He worked on making medicine again.

Renji had made it to Level 3 and Ichigo was level 5.

“Master?” Ichigo looked to Renji. “Who are you?”

“A hero. The shield one,” he says

“You mean one of the Legendary Five?!” Ichigo nods.

Renji couldn't believe it, his parents told him stories of the Shield Hero. How long ago the Shield Hero was always kind to the demi-humans and protected them. Renji wanted to meet the shield hero one day. “If you are a good boy, maybe one day you will meet him.” All the kids in his village looked up to the shield hero, one of his childhood friends saying she would marry the hero one day.

“Please, tell me your name!” Renji says.

“Ichigo Kurosaki.”

“Number One Protector!” Renji smiles, but its cut short as his stamina dropped allowing his illness to grip him. He fell into a coughing fit, feeling his temperature spike.

Ichigo gives him some medicine. “Drink this, its a bit bitter but all good medicine is, so my dad says.” Renji takes it and drinks it.

“B-bitter!” he swallows it down, and the medicine did help.

“Get some sleep, I'm gonna keep working.” Renji obeys and lays down.

His rest wasn't peaceful as bad memories haunted the red head. During the last wave monsters attacked their village, Renji's parents ran with him as they were hunted by a three-headed dog monster. His father was already injured, they tried to evacuate with other families but got scattered.

“We are sorry, you have to survive!” his mother tells him.

“Renji, please forgive our selfishness, but we want you to live.” They were corned at a cliff overlooking a river. The three-headed dog monster approaching them. “I'm sorry!” he pushes Renji off the cliff into the river just as the monster descends killing them both in an instant. That was the last image he saw before he fell into the river.

“No!” Renji shot up in bed. “Dad! Mom!” he cried reaching out to phantoms. “Help...no...help us...”

“Renji!” Ichigo rushes over to him. The boy was clearly half asleep, the nightmare shaking him. “It's okay,” he pulls Renji to him, and the boy clings to him crying. “Don't cry, it's all right.” he pets him, running his fingers through his hair.

He holds Renji and lets him cry. Whispering that it was okay and that he was safe. The boy eventually fell back asleep his tail wrapped around Ichigo.

To be continued...Fear and Friends

Bazz-B is on a hunt for the truth having a word with Uryu. Ichigo tries to sell his new medicine, finding medicine was in more demand than the herbs. Knowing he had to spend a little money to make money he buys some equipment to better make medicines. Renji struggles to face a new creature as he's scared of blood, the victory is short-lived after they go mining for minerals to sell and a dog monster shows up that brings on flashbacks for poor Renji. “Renji, run away, I'll hold it off long enough for you to escape!”


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