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One Piece/Monster Musume Parody: Tier 1

Chapter 6 https://www.patreon.com/posts/24406491

Chapter 7 Law's Embarrassment

Law was humming to himself as he tried to cook, he had several pots cooking, simmering, and bubbling. The idea of becoming Luffy's bride had Law wanting to take a more solid role in the house. So he decided to try and become an ace in the kitchen. He was wearing an apron and nothing else, as he checked on his pots.

“Law, what's with the sudden interesting in cooking?” Luffy asked.

“Hehe, that's because of this!” He revealed a magazine.

“A bridal magazine?” Luffy gasped. “Where did you get this?”

“Shakky,” he says. “I want to try hard and become a proper bridal candidate for you.”

“Law you don't have to...” he was cut off, as one of Law's pans caught fire, and quickly increased in flames. “Fire!”

“Gah!” Law quickly smothered the pan with a lid. “I got it covered.” he breathed a sigh of relief. “I'm gonna make dinner today, a good wife is a good cook, you know!”

Luffy sweatdropped. That wasn't exactly true or had to be but Law was so determined. Little did Luffy know Law had other ideas as to why he wanted to cook, the bridal magazine playing a part in it. His true goal was a certain play.

He imagined Luffy returning home, dressed all nice with a briefcase. “Law, I'm home!”

“Welcome back Luffy-ya, would you like dinner, a bath, or maybe you want...me?” In his fantasy his nipples were hard and perky, peeking through the flimsy but adorable apron.

“I'll have you for dinner in the bath, Traffy!” He imagined Luffy stripping hipping quickly, taking him to the bath and taking his big huge dick and claiming his breeding hole.

“Ohh Luffy-ya you are so horny! I love it!” he drooled as his fantasy played out in his mind. Law sighed happily, blushing and tail wagging in delight.

'Law's thinking of something perverted again.' Luffy thinks and drinks some tea. Law suddenly tensed. “Law?”

The lamia had gotten hard drawing attention to a certain condition, he hadn't realized. His pot began to bubble over, and Law gasped. Without thinking he touched the pot handles without oven mitts. “Ahhh!”

“Law!” Luffy ran into the kitchen and turned everything off. Law's hands had to be bandaged having been burned. They would heal just fine, most monsters had a pretty strong healing factor, but with his hands bandaged up like this, he couldn't take care of a certain problem. He was in his room, hiding under the covers.

'What am I gonna do?' he shifted feeling his condition worsen. “Nhh,” he groaned.

Knock knock knock

Luffy knocked on his door. “Law, don't worry the kitchen here is made for humans, anyway. I'll ask Shakky-san and see if we can get an upgrade on it.” he got no response. “Hmm, you did well for your first try, if you keep trying I'm sure you'll get the hang of cooking.”

“It's...it's fine! I don't care what happened in the kitchen!!” his voice cracked a bit, he sounded off. “So could you just leave me alone?!” he was sweating.

“What should I do?” he whispered. “I can't fix it with my hands like this...”

Luffy sighed, running his fingers through his hair, he was confused. “Something is up with Law, but I can't force him to talk to me.” he crossed his arms. “He seemed to be starring off into space and not in a daydream way. Maybe he's not feeling well.”

He took a step and heard a crunch. “What's this?” he picked it up. “Paper? Plastic? No...Just what is this?” Law shot up.

“Luffy-ya don't touch that!” he nearly broke the door down when he opened it, but he did hit Luffy hard. “Owwww, not again!” he's been getting smashed by doors more often than not.

He looks and sees Law, his tail was messed up, it looked like it had gone white, but there were rips here and there showing his dark scales underneath. “Are you shedding?”

Law gasped. “You saw!” he began to tear up, his face going red. “I never wanted Luffy-ya to see this.” the raven-haired human helps Law back to bed, where he quickly hides under the covers.

Luffy sighed. “I thought that lamias might shed their skin, is that why you were spacing out earlier?” he asked.

Trafalgar sweats, hiding his face under a pillow. “I didn't want you to see me like this, halfway through a shed, but because my hands got burned, I can't pull the old skin off...”

Luffy chuckles. “You don't have to worry about it so much...I mean...I've seen you naked, a lot before,” he says.

“For a lamia, it's way more embarrassing to be seen shedding than it is to be seen naked!” he cries a bit. “You must think I'm useless and gross.”


“I can't do anything right; I can't even shed my own skin right...I'm a failure at cooking and cleaning, and laundry...” he was trying really hard. “You finally decide to look at us as potential brides, but I'll never be able to live up to your expectations.” he cries.

Luffy sighs and pets his head. “Traffy, I don't have any expectations.” the lamia looks at him. “I just want you to be you.” he continues to pat his head, it felt so nice. “You aren't a failure, you are stressing out and I've heard that snakes can have trouble with that when they're stressed.”

He brushes away Law's tears. “But we can't leave it like that, you could get a skin disease.”

“Huh? How do you know all of that stuff?”

“Well...” he rubs the back of his neck. “I've been studying. Shakky gave me some reading material to. It's all about snakes and lamias. I have to work hard too if I'm going to live with everyone.” Law blushed.

“You don't think I'm gross?”

“Not at all, believe it or not, humans shed too, my brother and I got really bad sunburns once when we went to the beach.”

Luffy brought in some humidifiers to make the room more comfortable and he got some warm water. “Lay on your stomach, we'll start with the back.” Law obeys, he was still super embarrassed, even though Luffy said it was fine. “We'll moisten the old skin up like this...” he puts some warm wet clothes over Law's tail.

“Mm,” Law buried his face in his pillow.

“What's wrong Law?” he asked. “Does it hurt?”

“No, this is just REALLY embarrassing...”

'Law is being super cute, normally he's so cool and sexy, this shy side is actually adorable too!' Luffy thinks. “I-It should be okay now.” he removes the warm clothes. “Okay, I'm gonna start. Tell me if it hurts, okay?”

“O...okay...” Law's butt was raised high. He was twitching a bit. Luffy's hands had to fondle his ass a tad until he found a gradable piece of skin and began to pull. The white skin was quite the contrast to Law's dark scales. As the skin was peeled off Luffy rubbed his scales soothing them.

“I guess I was doing it right after all.” Luffy smiled happily. 'Seeing this part of Law, it really is snake-like, he's a really big snake at that.' he gulped. 'But…'

Law was making heated sexy noises as Luffy helped him shed. His body shaking and trembling as the skin was removed. For Luffy it was kinda hot as well, it was part of Law after wall, but it had the same sensations as if you were stripping your partner.

He was panting heatedly. “Luffy-ya, you missed a spot.” he reached back and spread his cheeks exposing his mating hole. It was Luffy's turn to blush, and he quickly removed the white skin from him. “Thank you!” he moans.

“N-No problem.” He peels some more skin off and Law moans.

“Ah!!” he trembles. “Mn...”

His fingers caressed his scales trying to get some of the tougher skin off, it took some effort, but he got it off. It made all the more difficult as Law's moans were sending heat down to his crotch.

'Don't think perverted thoughts and focus, finish what you started.'

“Gah ahh ahhhh!!” he moans. “Luffy-ya!!”

“What?!” Luffy gasped.

“M-My Tail,” he wags it, the tip was driving him mad.

“Your tail is sensitive, you'll have to bear with me.” Law nods. He starts to remove the skin and Law howls, fisting the sheets.

“Hyaa!!” he cries out, his tail suddenly coiling around Luffy's neck. “Luffy-ya please...I'm gonna go crazy…!!”

“Just a bit more almost got it!” he chokes out as Law's tail squeezes him. He got the skin off the tip, leaving Law a panting drooling mess. “There, now that we got the back scales cleaned off, we can do the ones on your stomach, turn over.”

Law blushed and obeyed, turning over, his chest rising and falling hotly. Luffy gulped. 'I forgot about this.' Law looked so sexy. Suddenly his tail coiled around Luffy's face blinding him.

“Don't look! It's really embarrassing,” he says. “I'm taking off my underwear.”

“No, it's okay I think you should do this part yourself, yes!” he says.

“I can't...” he removes his underwear. “That area is really sensitive, I need your help.”

“Okay, let's do this guide me.” This was even more intense since he couldn't see, he had to rely on his touch and Law's words. Law was covering his sheath, guiding Luffy by word alone. 'He's really soft, even though Law is so strong. He's smooth, almost silky and soft!!'

“Luffy-ya feels good!” His nipples had hardened from the sensations.

'This is bad if things keep up my snake might be the one shedding its skin.' his cock was hard and throbbing pushing against the confines of his pants. “Law, where is the last bit of skin?”

“To the right!” he moans.

“Your hand is protecting your sheath right? Okay, here I go!” Law froze, he had stopped covering his sheath in the throws of pleasure Luffy was causing. Luffy's fingers came forward and slipped inside Law's sheath. “Eh? My fingers slipped inside something.”

“AHHHHHH!” Law cried out, a powerful orgasm hit him like a thunderbolt. Fun fact about Lamias, some lamias have two dicks, and even lamias who only have one, their sheath is designed to hold two. These lamias often enjoy having their sheaths fucked and teased, the insides one giant erogenous zone.

Law came hard, his seed spraying all over Luffy, and making a mess of himself. Luffy apologized, finishing his task and helping clean off all his semen. “Luffy-ya, I love you!” he kissed the boy on the cheek.

“Traffy, I love you too.” he kissed the lamia, but on the lips. It was gentle and loving.


Law's cooking was not great, Zoro and Wiper were MIA due to Law's earlier attempts at cooking. Even Luffy's iron stomach was put to the test. Luffy's cooking wasn't amazing or anything, but his brother had taught him the basics so he wouldn't starve. The human was strictly saying Law had to study more before cooking more meals.

To be continued...The Run Away Beast

Luffy finds a furry monster boy he seems really scared. He was apparently brought into the country by an illegal trafficking ring, he's being hunted down. Luffy takes him in.


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