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One Piece/Monster Musume parody: Tier 1


Luffy- Human – 10 inches

Law – Lamia – 7 inches

Wiper – Harpy – 5 inches

Zoro – Centaur – 14 inches

Chap 6 Full Moon Despair

Luffy was brought home, Shakky apologized. “Sorry there Luffy-kun, the effects should wear off in a few hours.” the boy was laid out on the couch. He couldn't feel his arms or legs. He'd never felt so weak and dazed in his life.

Law, Wiper, and Zoro peeked into the room. “We are sorry,” they bow their heads.

“It's fine guys,” he gives them a smile. “Shakky-san says I'll be fine in a few hours.” they frown.

“This is my fault,” Law says. “No, it's my fault.” Wiper says. “The fault is mine,” Zoro says.

“I promise to pull back,” Law says.

“Pull back?” Luffy asks.

“And I promise to not be so rough, I’ll try not to pester you as much.” Wiper says.

“What brought this all on?” Luffy asks.

“We talked about it, we shouldn’t put so much on you and we shouldn’t fight,” Zoro explains. “We’ll try to reign ourselves back a bit.”

“Don’t say that. I want you to be yourselves, stuff happens. Sure you guys get a little excited, and you shouldn’t fight like that but we are nakama and this is your home.” he says before getting a little woozy.

“Luffy-ya!” the trio reach out for him flinching slightly. They were touched by his words but were worried about hurting him.

“Guys it's fine really.” he gives them a smile. Shakky steps back and the monsters come forward. Luffy was exhausted from the tranquilizers. He raises a hand and Law catches it. “No tears okay?” Law nuzzles his palm. “I’ll be fine...” the boy passed out.

“Luffy-ya!” Law gasps, and the other two tense up. Quickly looking to Shakky for answers.

“He’ll be alright, he’s gonna be out of it for a while. I’ll be taking responsibility for this one.” Shakky explains. “This was quite the mess. I still need to talk to Luffy about...” the trio looks at her. “Oh, it’s nothing.” Shakky orders take out for them. The trio was still too upset to eat, guilt clearly eating at them.

A loud gurgle was heard, and the four at the table looked between them. It wasn’t from them, a loud yawn followed and Luffy entered the dining room/kitchen. “Hey guys, is there some for me, I’m starving!” he opened his eyes and the monsters jumped him.

“Luffy-ya!” “Master!” “Captain!” they tackled him. “Whoa!” Shakky couldn’t believe Luffy was able to handle all these monster boys, many hosts can barely handle one. ‘He just might be the perfect test subject for that!’ she smirked.

Luffy ate while passing in and out of sleep. It was kinda cute really, he’d wake up and continue eating. Shakky stayed to keep an eye on him, but outside of a mild headache, Luffy was feeling alright. “Luffy, can I have a word?”

“Sure what’s wrong?” they leave the room, but the trio were listening.

“Nothing is wrong, as you know taking the virginity of monsters, or vice versa is strictly prohibited.” Luffy nods. “Yes, I know.” They knew too, despite their desires Luffy couldn’t be with them sexually because of the law. Shakky smirks. “You see there have been movements to make appeals to the law, there’s a bunch of legal jargon. But you see, we need a test family a trial run to make sure it’ll work.”

“I’m not really good at tests.” Miss Shakki chuckles.

“Don’t worry you won’t have to do much. The change is to allow monsters and humans to marry. If your married then taking one’s virginity would be allowed.”

“What?” Luffy gasps.

“It’s simple, you just have to marry, Law, Wiper, or Zoro. If your their husband you can mate with them within the law.”

“Marriage?” he blushes. “Why would you bring up a marriage?”

“It would be the next logical step in our society. That’s why we are doing a test.” Luffy ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ll be seeing you Luffy-kun,” she says before leaving. Outside it was late, the sky a mix of orange and blue. “Wait, I feel like I’m forgetting something. No matter, I’m sure it’s nothing.”


Luffy sighed. “You guys heard everything didn’t you?” the trio peeked out. “Right,” Luffy ruffled his dark hair. “You guys should go to bed, I’ll clean up in the morning,” he says heading up to his room. The monster boys share a look.

Night fell and the full moon was out…

Luffy lay in bed thinking. “Marriage huh...I’ve never even thought of dating anyone. Then Law showed up, and Wiper-kun, and Zoro. They each make my heart beat fast, I know I like them, but what is marriage to me.” Luffy looked to a picture of him and his brothers. “Ace, Sabo, what does marriage mean to you guys? What would Gramps say? Till I met them, I’ve never wanted...”

Luffy’s door opened. Law entered his room, naked… he slithered over to the bed. “Luffy-ya...does wanting to marry me upset you that much?” Luffy sits up. “I know I’m a monster, a lamia, but you know my feelings for you are true!”

“That’s not it Law, I care about you a lot before I met you I’ve never thought of dating anyone before. I don’t know a thing about marriage.” Luffy admits.

Law smiles. “So it’s not me?” he smiles and suddenly pins Luffy to the bed. “Law?!” Luffy gasps before Law captures his lips. The human finds himself in Law’s coils, the kiss they shared was hot. ‘Law’s never kissed me like this before.’ When the kiss broke Law was left panting.

“Luffy-ya, I want to be yours, if we get married you can take me!” he says, playing with his mating hole.

“L-Law...” Luffy sweats, Law’s eyes looked clouded, almost primal. “Make me yours, become my husband.” He rubs himself against Luffy’s crotch. Law’s long cock was out of his sheath, he moaned and writhed against Luffy. “Luffy-ya yes!” He seemed to be lost in the semi frot.

His dick was pulsing and dripping on his clothes. “Ahhh!” Law cries out and cums all over Luffy. “What a mess, you need to take off your clothes right now!”

Suddenly before Law could strip Luffy and get busy a muscle man bursts through the window. The man had wings on his back, his hair in a long braid, he was ripped; broad shoulders, fine pecs, rock hard abs, fat 9-inch uncut dick, toned ass, and hairy legs. The male kicked Law and knocked him off Luffy. “Master!”

“Wiper?! What the fuck?!” Luffy gasped.

“I suddenly got big, this is my true form master,” he says. “I think I’ve become like this to be with you properly master.” his arms were free of his wings now, so he ran his hands over his chiseled form. The massive wings retracted into his back becoming tiny adorable wings. “Do you like?” he rocks his hips making his dick bob.

Luffy gulped at the sight. Wiper smirked, with a few flicks of his talons he shredded his clothes, the boy’s hard cock sprang up. “Gah!” Luffy gasped.

“Oh Master,” Wiper gets up close and personal with Ash’s cock. “In this form, I can be with the master!” he starts licking Luffy’s dick, making the boy groan. “Your cock tastes so good.” he purrs and fondles Luffy’s balls as he licks back and forth along Luffy’s shaft.

“Wiper!” Luffy moans. Wiper swirls his tongue around the tip, lapping the pre as it spilled out. “Mmmm,” he moans, he wraps his lips around the head and sucks on it, using his free hand, he pumps the rest of Luffy’s shaft. ‘It’s so nice to have hands!’ he thinks happily and sucks on Luffy’s dick like a sucker.

Luffy groans and pants, and soon finds his release. His cum erupts into Wiper’s mouth and fills his mouth to the brim. Wiper moans, sloshing the cum in his mouth a bit, savoring the flavor before swallowing it. His own climax rocks him and he cums on Luffy’s bed. He pulls off Luffy’s cock. “Yummy!” he says licking his lips. “Master’s cum is delicious,” he says.

The raven-haired boy comes back from cloud nine and sees Wiper had turned around, spreading his cheeks and offer his hole. “Master fill me, breed me. I want to be yours!” he moans. “Become my husband please!” he pleads.

“Wiper...” he shifts and Wiper acts fast, pinning him to the bed with his talons, he rubs his ass against Luffy’s dick. “Master!” he moans.


Luffy’s door gets kicked in and the door slams into Wiper and sends him flying back away from the boy. “Luffy-sama!” Zoro comes bursting in. “Zoro, what’s going on?”

“I’m afraid they’ve lost themselves and there is the culprit.” Zoro pointed out the window towards the full moon. “Monsters have varied effects during the full moon, but most of us become more primal and wild during it.”

“Zoro are you okay?” Luffy asks the male had burst in butt naked. “Yes I am fine, I’ve trained to stay calm during the time of the full moon,” he claimed, though the massive manhood, that was weeping all over the floor sorta gave him away. “Are you sure?” Ash touches him and Zoro moans, cumming all over the floor. The sheer volume of cum flooded the room. Luffy noticed Zoro’s balls did look more swollen then they were before. Zoro blushes and slumps into his own cum pool.

“Captain, I can’t control myself during the full moon,” he confesses.

“Zoro it’s okay.” Zoro feels a warmth spread through him.

“Oh captain, I knew it you are the only man for me!” He hugs Luffy and the boy gasps at the overwhelming strength Zoro could muster. He was released, and Zoro turned around and offered his ass. “Please become my husband, I want you, I promise to serve you with all my might.” Luffy blushes, the centaur’s hole was twitching like crazy.

Luffy tried to slip away, when one of Zoro’s legs kicked out, it hit the nearby wall and made a massive hole in it.

“Luffy-ya!” Law got up. “Master!” Wiper rose as well. “Captain!” Zoro moaned.

‘This is bad, they’ve gone crazy, they can’t control themselves even if we tried to mate they’d kill me.’ Law rushed forward for Luffy, only to slip on the cum covered floor and slam into Zoro, Wiper tried to follow as Luffy bolted out of the room, only to slide in the cum. The trio collided together and struggled to get up. It almost looked like they were mud wrestling but in cum.

Luffy tried to call Shakky, but the woman had already turned in, completely forgetting about to warn Luffy about the full moon. The trio finally broke out of Luffy’s room and chased him down the stairs. They chased him around the house, my my my what a mess. Luffy managed to avoid getting, smacked, clawed, and stomped. It was quite the sight to see, the naked Luffy running away from the equally naked monster boys.

Luffy had no escape, going from room to room until they burst into the kitchen and tackled Luffy down. “Now Luffy-ya, you’ll become mine!”

“No, the captain will become mine!” Zoro snaps.

“No! The master will be mine!” Wiper snaps.

“Tell us Luffy-ya, who will you choose!” they looked and saw Luffy lying down, not moving, a puddle of what looked like blood. The trio froze, paling thinking they had killed him. They fainted from the shock only for Luffy to rise up, a broken ketchup bottle beneath him. “Oh man, what a mess.” The trio was passed out but still hard. Luffy couldn’t help but smile. ‘I can’t leave them like this.’ he separates them.

Luffy sucks Law’s dick, fingering his mating hole. The lamia moaned in his sleep, his hips bucked into Luffy’s mouth. The raven doesn’t stop until Law cums, his mating hole tightening around his finger. Luffy swallows the cum and helps Law’s softening cock back into a sheath. He gives Law a kiss on the forehead and pets his head.

With Wiper he to finger’s the man’s tight hole, his plump rear jiggles at the sensation. He sucks on Wiper’s big balls, reaching around to pump Wiper’s big dick. The harpy moans and writhes in pleasure, bucking into Luffy’s grasp. He cums hard blowing his load all over the floor. Luffy gives Wiper a kiss on the cheek.

Moving onto Zoro, he thrusts two fingers into Zoro’s twitching hole. The centaur moans, his massive dick pulsing in need. Anal stimulus seemed to be what Zoro needed, so Luffy added a third finger, and fondled his big nuts. With the other two it was slow probing, but with Zoro, he fingered him like he had done it for years. The way his hole spasmed it seemed to crave more. By the fourth finger, Zoro came, making yet another mess.

The raven was left to clean up the mess after he was finished, he brought each of them into the living room. He got blankets for each of them. Luffy finally got through to Shakky and told her what happened. She apologized for not warning him beforehand and promised to cover the damage.


By morning Wiper had returned to his normal, but temporary self. “What happened last night?” Law asks.

“Why are we sleeping in the living room?” Luffy came downstairs, he had a few cuts and scrapes but otherwise was fine. “We need to talk,” Luffy says.

He sits down and tells them what happened last night. The monsters blushed in embarrassment and apologized. “Guys, I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t know anything about marriage, I barely know about dating.” he rubs the back of his head. “But I care about you, all of you. So I want us to date and get to know each other more, and when the time comes then we can figure out about the marriage stuff.” They smile at the prospects. “Oh, and you guys are going to bed early on nights of the full moon understood.”


Luffy’s honest answer had them thinking. They didn’t know much about human marriage either. From what they read, marriage is a sacred union between people, it should be respected and the vows taken seriously.

Lamia’s didn’t have single husbands in a sense, they had tribe husbands. Where the men would sleep with all or small groups of lamias. Thinking about it left a bad taste in Law’s mouth, but for him, things have changed. He wanted to be the only lamia in Luffy’s life. ‘Maybe, we could be our own tribe...’ he thinks.

Harpies didn’t have single husbands either. Wiper had plenty of half brothers and sisters, but he had no idea who his father is. Harpies tended to fly around, make a nest and after some time they were off again depending on their cycle, after a point, they leave it to their kids to fly off and make nests of their own. ‘I don’t want another harpy to have Master, but I haven’t gone through the change yet either.’ he thought sadly.

Centaurs valued the strong, the strongest of centaurs had multiple brides, because he was shown to protect them and care for each of them. Now some centaurs did find a human master who they pledged their loyalty to, but their union while emotional and intimate never got intimate. Zoro had never met a human as strong as Luffy before, he wanted to swear his love and loyalty to Luffy and Luffy alone. ‘I don’t just want to become some centaur’s bride, I want to be Luffy’s bride.’ he thinks.

It was a lot to think about, but one thing was clear. Their love of Luffy wasn’t gonna change, only grow stronger.

To be continued


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