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Bleach Parody: 

Chapter 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/24298953

Chapter 2 Lies and Betrayal

Because Ichigo had the least party members, he was given an increased monthly reward from the Kingdom's treasury. Each Hero getting 600 pieces of silver, while Ichigo got 800. “Grow strong Heroes and protect us from the waves!” the king says and everyone gives a salute and promises to.

The parties leave. “Take good care of her Ichigo!” Askin says as he leaves with his party of women.

“Do try to level up quickly,” Uryu says as he leaves with his party.

“Don't get killed out there.” Cang Du says leaving with his band of adventurers.

Bazz-B gives him a fist bump before leaving. “Become a fine tank dude,” he says before leaving with his party.

“Shall we go?” Bambietta asked, giving him a smile. Ichigo nods, she takes his hand and leads him into town. Something Ichigo was noticing was the various creatures that occupied the town along with the humans. Bambietta explained they were demihumans.

'Hmm, wait a minute, how come all the adventurers assembled were just human, are there no demihuman adventurers?' he thinks.

“Shield Hero-sama,” Bambietta pulled him from his thoughts. “Shall we buy some equipment before we go hunting?”

“Sounds good, where should we go?”

“I know a good place, follow me!” she says and scampers forward, Ichigo following behind her. She brought him to a weapons shop called Benihime's. The owner was a tall blonde man, wearing a green and white hat, a green kimono and clog like sandals.

“Welcome, I'm Kisuke Urahara.” he greets. “What can I do for you?”

“We are looking for some gear,” Bambietta says.

“Hmm, do I know you miss?” Kisuke eyes her, Bambietta chuckles and hides behind Ichigo pushing him forward.

“I'm nothing special, I've just heard you were a skilled craftsman, and willing to make a deal. The perfect start for a new hero!” she says.

“Ohh, you are one of the legendary five?” Kisuke brightened up focusing on Ichigo. The boy blushed and chuckled.

“Yeah, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki the shield hero.” he showed Kisuke the shield on his arm.

“Ahh so you are the Tank, well I'm happy to help, look around and see what you like.” he went to prepare some blades for Ichigo to try. Ichigo was so excited, he couldn't wait to try a weapon out and start leveling up.

Urahara brought out a selection of decent swords for beginning, from iron to steel to the magic core. Ichigo stepped up to try one, but as soon as he touched it, sparks flew, and not the good kind. Ichigo yelped as if he was shocked and dropped the blade. “What the heck?” he tried the steel blade and the same thing happened when he tried to hold it sparks erupted creating a powerful jolt forcing it out of his hand. He tried the magic core sword and the same result, it dropping and hitting the ground.

“I've never seen this before,” Kisuke says.

Ichigo's Icon pops up alerting him to the issue, he was in violation of his equipment. He was not allowed to wield any other weapons besides his shield. “Fascinating,” Kisuke came around and brought out monocle looking device. He used his appraisal skill but only learned so much. “It appears to be a normal small shield, but there is something I can't identify. So this is one of the holy weapons, I can feel a strange power from it.”

“Really?” Ichigo stares at his shield, thinking maybe he didn't draw the short straw after all.

“Why don't we try some armor instead,” Bambietta suggests. She picks out some chain mail, and Ichigo tries it on. “How much?”

“Well normally it would cost 300 silver, but for one of the legendary heroes, I can give a discount,” Urahara says as Ichigo strips out of his other world clothes and puts on some new clothing and the chain mail.

“What about resale?” she asked.

“Oh, just 100 Silver.”

Ichigo comes out of the dressing room. “Why did you want to know that?”

“Obviously, once you level up you'll need better armor, you aren't gonna hang onto your old armor,” she says.

“Oh, good point, thanks I'm new to all this.” he chuckles and rubs the back of his head.

“No worries Shield Hero-sama, let's go hunt!” they pay for the armor and head out into the field. The first enemies they encounter were Orange Balloons, bouncy and bitey monsters that can zip around.

They spotted Uryu who was taking out the Orange Balloons easily with his sword. “You can do it, give it a try Shield Hero-sama!”

Ichigo steps out and the orange balloons spot him, they fly at him and Ichigo tries to punch one it lands but it quickly bounces and back, and three jumps on him biting him. “Hey it doesn't hurt!” he looks at his shield and sees the energy coming from it. 'So my shield is protecting me from their attacks, alright then!' Ichigo calmed himself and did some fighting routines, building up his strength he began to use his martial arts knowledge to try and fight the balloons.

He wasn't able to do a lot of damage, but he was able to take out quite a few with a bit more ease. His experience increased and he actually made it to Level 2. When balloon monsters exploded they left behind their bits, which Bambietta said he could sell for more money. Another feature was he could feed it to his shield.

His shield powered up slightly and he unlocked Orange Shield. Ichigo activated it, and the shield changed to a brilliant shade of orange, the core remains the same. 'This is so cool, so I can feed monsters to my shield and make it stronger.'

“So this is the power of the sacred weapons, interesting.” She says. She draws her sword. “My turn!” she winks at him before going to town. With her sword, she was able to kill the balloons much more easily than Ichigo.

They fed half of the drops to Ichigo's shield and brought the rest of them back to town to sell. Bambietta took them to a shop that takes monster materials, and they got some more money, a bronze per piece. After collecting their haul, they returned to Benihime's.

Bambietta began looking for armor even getting herself a better sword, one with a magical core. She got some pretty fancy armor and an expensive sword. “Bambietta isn't this a bit much?” it would eat up most of their funds for the month.

“Of course not, the stronger my gear, the stronger I am, and the further we can go and the more rewards we will get.” She hugged his arm, pressing her breasts against him. “Trust me, Hero-sama.”

Ichigo blushed and agreed. Urahara gave him a discount, which left them with 200 silvers. For their rooms and food, that brought them down to 150. “This is so good, I thought the food at the palace was amazing.”

Bambietta chuckled. “Thank you for the wonderful gear Hero-sama, I think we can even venture to a dungeon.”

“A dungeon?”

“Yes, you can fight all kinds of monsters there, and there is a chance of finding treasures.”

“That's awesome!” Ichigo was pumped, he couldn't wait until tomorrow. This world was like a dream come true, he may not have been a gamer, but he was having fun.

Bambietta chuckles. “We should celebrate, let's have a drink together.” She had bought them wine but Ichigo hadn't touched it.

“Oh uh, no thanks, I don't drink.”

“Come now, I don't want to drink alone.” she downed her glass. “Won't you please drink with me?” she clinked her glass with his. He was getting a bit uncomfortable it seemed like she was flirting with him.

“I'm sorry Bambietta, but I really don't drink. I'm gonna turn in.” he gets up from the table.

“You really don't know anything,” Ichigo turned to look at her. She looked to the bar and he followed her gaze. “In this country, it's considered an insult for a man to turn down a drink from a lady.”

Ichigo gave a bow and apologized. “I'm not much of a drinker, but let's work hard together to prepare for the waves!” she gives him a smile and he heads upstairs. He runs into Bazz-B's team. “Where's Bazz-B?”

“Bazz-B-sama told us we could retire, he figured he'd find stronger monsters at night and said he was doing something called night fishing?”

“He's tough.” Ichigo was impressed.

“We intend to check on him in shifts, good night.” they pass him going to a room.

“I should ask Bambietta about the night thing, we might gain more experience facing monsters at night,” he says and turns in. No point bothering her now, he was exhausted and figured she was too. He removed his chain mail and washed his clothes and hung them up to dry. The inn they were staying at offered some rest clothes, so he put them on. “Today was crazy, but so fun, with Bambietta's help I think I can get stronger.”

Out of habit, Ichigo pulled an old tourist trick and his some money on his person, slipping some coins into his shield. He sighed happily and laid back in his bed. “A whole new word huh?” he smiled.

He overheard two people talking next door. “Askin and Cang Du are staying here too? Guess its to be expected.” he turned over and went to sleep.


Morning came…

Ichigo yawned, stretching and waking up his muscles. He looked over to see where his chain mail was placed only to find it missing. “Gone?” he went over to the desk and found his bag of silver coins was also gone. “Gone!” Even the clothes he got in town were gone. “Gone, gone, gone!”

He ran out of the room, unaware of the knights arriving outside. “Bambietta! Wake up, we've been robbed.” he banged on her door. “Bambietta!” he called.

Knights arrived, surrounding him on both sides. “You are the knights from the castle, you have to help me, I've been robbed!”

“Shield Hero Ichigo Kurosaki, please come with us.” they brought him to the castle, and he was taken before the king. Uryu, Askin, and Cang Du were there and so was Bambietta.

“Bambietta!” Ichigo exclaims, happy to see she was okay. The girl yelped and hid behind Askin. “Bambietta?” he turned to the king. “Your majesty, I don't know why I'm here, but this morning I was robbed and if we hurry we can catch the one who…”

“Silence!” the king shouted. He sighed and rubbed his temples. “Bambietta, I apologize but could you please recount your testimony once more.”

The girl sniffled. “Yes, last night after dinner, I received a knock to my door, when I opened it the Shield Hero barged into my room drunk.” Ichigo stared at her in shock.

'What is she saying? I did no such thing.'

“The night is still young, he said. Then he began tearing off my clothes and he pushed me down onto the bed. I managed to get away and went to Askin-sama!” She had gone to his room naked and told him the same thing.

“That's a lie, I did no such thing!” Ichigo shouted.

“I can't believe you would lie, you disappoint me!” Askin says. Pointing his spear at him. “If not for Bambietta-chan I would have gone to kill you right then!”

“I didn't do it!” he looked to Cang Du and Uryu. “You guys have to, believe me, I would never do something like that even if...” In truth, while Ichigo wasn't very good around forward and aggressive women he actually didn't like girls, but before he could say that.

“Enough!” Yhawch shouted. “To think the Shield Hero would be such scum, to break one of the greatest sins in the country.”


“It is a sin for a man to force himself on a woman, the punishment is death!” he says.

'What is all this, I didn't do anything?' the palace guards kept him in place, pointing spears at him. “If you are gonna accuse me of this, I demand proof!”

“Here it is,” a knight stepped forward. “After searching the Shield Hero's Room we found this in his bed.” he held up a perfectly intact piece of sexy underwear.

“Ah!” Bambietta cried and clung to Askin.

“You scum!” he hissed.

Ichigo froze. “This is a setup, that wasn't in my room.” he looked at Askin and gasped. “You, you are the thief.” Askin was wearing his chain mail.

“Are you talking about this? This was a gift from Bambietta-chan!” he says proudly.

“And it looks so good on you Askin-sama!” she hugs him. He pulls away from her to face Ichigo, and he's joined by Cang Du.

“To think scum like you would be summoned to be a hero.” Cang Du says. Uryu remained silent, and simply adjusted his glasses.

“I say we execute him now, serves the bastard right!” Askin says.

Ichigo was trembling, he didn't like this, he didn't understand this. 'Bambietta why are you saying these things tell them the truth.' he looked to her and his eyes widened. Bambietta's face twisted into a fierce smirk, she stuck her tongue out at him and pulled down her eyelid.

All the pieces fell into place. He should have realized the moment she spoke Askin's name. 'She never once called me by name, she was setting me up from the start.' She had him buy her armor and weapon, she stole his money and armor and gave it to Askin. All the smiles and pretty words, it was all lies.

“You betrayed me!” Ichigo shouted. His shield pulsing with his rage.

“So the scum when backed into a corner chooses to lash out instead of admitting his guilt.” the king sighs. “We never should have summoned the Shield Hero.” the court began to whisper about him, and how he was unnecessary they only needed the other four after all.

Ichigo grit his teeth. What was the big deal, so what if he was the Shield, he was forced to come here, and he was happy to help? “You don't want me fine,” he snaps. “Then send me back to my world!”

“Running away, what a coward.” Cang Du says.

“Good, get lost, who wants to work alongside a rapist?” Askin says.

“Shut up!” the knights tried to hold him down, but it didn't work, the shield pulses and forced them off him and he stood up. “Just send me back, you can summon a new Shield Hero, or not I don't care.”

“We can't send you back, and we can't summon a new hero either, the only way new heroes can be summoned is if the previous heroes die.” This shocked the other heroes as well.

“That means we still have to work with this guy?” Askin asks, and Ichigo glares at him making the male flinch.

“So what are you gonna do, lock me up till the next waves come?” Ichigo asked.

“As much as I'd like to, legend says we need all five heroes to stop the waves. Know this, word of what you've done has spread don't expect to have a moment's piece from this day forward.”

“Whatever, I don't plan on working with you fools. I'll stop the waves my own way!” it hurt, that no one believed him, he felt hurt and betrayed, sure they didn't know each other but still to have them turn their backs on him. As he went over what Bambietta said he was able to poke several holes in her story, but even if he brought it up no one would believe him. He saw such hate and disgust in their eyes, Bambietta had no remorse for what she did, he could see it in her eyes. He shuddered to think what would have happened to him if he had actually drunk with her.

He was about to leave feeling the money he hid in his shield shift. “Here this is what you wanted right?” he threw the money at their feet. Askin tried to grab him, but Ichigo slapped his hand away. “Don't touch me!”

In an instant, Ichigo had lost his money, his honor, and the trust he once had. As he walked through the village, and people were pulling away from him in disgust, possibly fear. People were whispering about him, and he hated it, he just grits his teeth and kept walking. 'This sucks!'

“Ichigo!” Urahara found him and hauled him down an ally. “I heard what you did to that girl, get ready I'm gonna have to punch you.”

“You too,” Kisuke got a good look into Ichigo's eyes.

“Ichigo...” he released him.

“Not gonna hit me now.”

“No, I changed my mind.” Kisuke Urahara had a good eye for weapons and people. As he looked into Ichigo's eyes he saw a whole lot of hurt and pain, he could see Ichigo wasn't that type of guy. “Here, you can't go running around in the inn pajamas.” he gave Ichigo a new outfit, a button up shirt, and some sturdy pants, and a green cloak.

“How much?”

“Nothing it's free.”

“How much!” Ichigo snapped.

“Normally five coppers.”

“Consider it a loan, I have hunting to do.” he walks off.

“Ichigo... don't die out there.”


Ichigo fought all day and night, even with his martial arts he was having trouble just fighting balloons. He was exhausted, he spent all day fighting balloons. 'This isn't gonna work.' he barely made it to level 3.

His stomach growled. “Damn it!” he noticed the balloons rolled over to him. Ichigo got an idea.

He returned to the town and went to the monster material shop. Someone before him got a copper piece for each orange balloon piece. When Ichigo stepped up the shop keeper flinched at the sight of his shield. “How much for all this?” he put down a large pile of orange balloon pieces.

“Oh my, this is quite a lot, I see 30 pieces here, I'll give you one copper piece for the lot,” he says with a smirk.

“Excuse me, you gave the other man a copper piece per drop.” Ichigo narrowed his eyes.

“Well I decide the price, after all, its the same for any business.” he gives Ichigo a shrug while having a malicious smile.

“Is that so, then how about these?” Ichigo raised his green cloak, to reveal he had orange balloons biting into him.

“Eh?” Ichigo grabbed him and held him in a headlock, the orange balloons attacked him, biting him all over. Ichigo was protected by his shield the shop keeper wasn't so lucky.

“I'm not trying to rip you off, I'm just asking for a fair price, understand?”

“Y-yes!” Ichigo released him.

“I am a businessman, as much as I may want to refuse, the goods and money are without sin.” he pays Ichigo properly.

“Be sure to let the other vendors know, if they try to cheat me they will get covered in bites.”

“Don't worry I plan to!” the shop keeper says.

As Ichigo walked through the town he spotted some herbs in a shop window. He looked down at his money and frowned. Urahara was moving some merchandise from the back and he found on the counter 5 copper pieces. “Ichigo...”


Ichigo went out to fight monsters again, only to have as much luck as he's had so far beating them. He did, however, find wild herbs, ones he spotted in the shop. He collected an herb and fed it to his shield.

Leaf Shield Unlocked!

He changed his shield, and it did look like a leaf. He picked another herb and watched in surprise as his Leaf Shield's ability allowed him to increase the quality of the herbs. He did so doing some herb picking and brought the high-quality plants to sell. He fetched a good price for those.

As he left the shop to go find a place to sleep, he was stopped by Bazz-B. “Ichigo...we need to talk.”

To be continued...Trust and Contracts

Ichigo and Bazz-B talk, but Ichigo doesn't trust him or anyone else anymore. This is further displayed when some punks try to team up with Ichigo, but like Bambietta they were just trying to get his money, proven further when they try to rob him. After the scuffle, he meets a shady man known as Mayuri who claims he has what Ichigo needs.


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