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Yugioh GX parody: patreon reward

 Chapter 6 https://www.patreon.com/posts/centaur-jaden-6-23655208

Chapter 7 Test War: Jaden Versus Chazz

Crowler was confident in the skills of his Obelisk Blues, which was a problem. Jaden was an Obelisk Blue, and his skills were quite impressive. ‘Why is he siding with the lowly Red Dorm, maybe they bribed him?’ he laughed at the thought. ‘What could those Slifer’s offer him, that the Bue Dorm can’t?’

He shook his head. It didn’t matter, but a test war so early in the school year was troubling. What had he let loose in his dorm? He couldn’t remove Jaden, he had no cause, it would look bad if he suddenly got demoted, he’d be accused of being sore about losing to him during the exam match. “But if Jaden loses this match I’ll have grounds to demote him from my dorm.” he chuckles at his brilliance.

Syrus overheard this and went to tell Jaden.


Jaden was working on building furniture and making repairs to the red dorm. “Hmm demoted?” he stops for a moment.

“That’s right Crowler is gonna use the test war as a way to demote you.” Jaden wipes some sweat from his brow.

“So?” Jaden says and gets back to work.

“Ehh?” Syrus blinks at him in surprise.

“Sy, I don’t see a difference between the Red Dorm, Yellow Dorm or Blue, the fact there is such a vast difference between the dorms is a problem.”

“That’s true,” Syrus hangs his head, he didn’t want Jaden to be demoted. A hand patted his head. “Huh?”

“That doesn’t mean I intend to lose, I plan to win and help boost the Red Dorm up,” he says and Syrus blushes.


“I’ll finish up here and we can have some Duel Training,” Jaden says making the bluenette blush. The training took place at Jaden’s room. The centaur saw it as killing two birds with one stone with this specific method.

Once safe in Jaden’s room the door locked and Syrus stripped out of his clothing. He ordered a special item to help train Syrus’ ass to one day take his full centaur cock.

Syrus blushed as he took the 8-inch vibe, he licked every inch to get it ready for his ass. The fact Jaden was watching him do it, only fueled his own arousal. Syrus straddled the toy, shivering as it kisses his hole. In his own anticipation, he’s been practicing, playing with his ass, dreaming of both of Jaden’s monster dicks. He sinks down onto the toy. “Jaden!”

“Easy, go slow Sy, just relax.”

“Yes,” he shivers, feeling his ass tighten around the toy, he breathes slowly calming himself, and his insides relaxed allowing him to sink down. Inch after glorious inch was taken, his insides twitching. ‘And Jaden’s dicks are even bigger than this!’ His penis twitched in delight.

Jaden held a remote to the toy and switched it on, Sy gasping a low buzz began through his insides. “Jaden!” his legs buckled.

This was their training, Syrus would fight Jaden like this, as he lost life points the centaur would increase the vibrations. If Syrus took his life points Jaden would strip, if Syrus could strip him naked Jaden agreed to claim him in his human form.

The nudity was to help Syrus get over his shyness, if he can duel while naked and a vibe up his ass, then dueling fully clothed would be a cake walk. The vibration also helped Sy play while dealing with distractions. He’d lose if he came too soon, or lost all his life points.

“Let’s begin!”

“Yes!” Syrus moaned, standing up and reading his duel disk. The early training didn’t go that well as Sy would cum quickly from the vibrations and anal stimulus, but the card training also remained. Sy was learning about his cards and how they worked together, and to better use his card’s effects. So not only did his stamina and confidence grow, so did his card skills.

He did have moments of doubt, especially when Jaden beat him in the duel. Jaden, however, whispered words of praise to him while starting a session of heavy petting. The toy was removed and Jaden hugged him and cuddled with him, caressing the boy here and there. Sy was pretty sensitive after training but Jaden was slow, careful and loving.

It made their alone time all the more special. Even if Syrus wanted to be embarrassed when he moaned at a certain touch, Jaden didn't let him. He committed all the boy's erogenous zones to memory and told Syrus how wonderful it is. Even the boy's cock that Syrus felt was small and pathetic, Jaden told him how he was looking forward to having Syrus inside him, to feel this cock as Syrus fucked him in his centaur form. His words painted a beautiful image that made the bluenette shudder in delight, sometimes even achieving orgasm.

To end their alone time, they shared a bath together, washing each other's backs. “Nothing bonds men more than sharing a bath together,” he says. Syrus had to admit when Jaden washed his back he did feel closer to him. When he got to do the same he got really into it, Jaden's musk making him hot and tingly.


The day of the Test War came, Syrus prayed to Slifer, hoping Jaden would be okay. Bastion found Jaden before the match.

“Do you know what you are doing?”

“Yes, I'm about to have a Test War.”

“I've heard about Chazz he uses two decks Darkness and Fire, both decks share some cards between them so he's well versed in both.”

“Good tip, thanks Bastion.”

“I'm not giving you a tip, I'm trying to give you a warning. Something like this will have you ostracized from the other Blue Students."

“That might be true, but I have my own pride, I couldn't like myself if I turned my back on what I believed in just because it made some people unhappy. I don't like how the Blue Dorm treats the Red Dorm like dirt, this mentality is imbalanced so I'm gonna do my best to restore that balance.”

“It doesn't add up.” he shakes his head.

“I'm not doing this to crush the Blue Dorm from within, I think the dorms should be equal, no more or less.” Bastion sighed.

“Then I wish you luck.” he knew Jaden was good he saw the boy's skills during the exam, but a test war duel would set things in motion.

“Thanks, why don't you join me and Syrus for a victory dinner, or a loser lunch, who knows we'll see what happens.”

“You are an odd one Jaden Yuki.”

“You have no idea,” he chuckles and heads out to his match.

Bastion took a seat in the stands, as did Syrus.

Chazz and Jaden faced off with each other. “Students we have a test war, Representing the Blue Dorm Chazz, and representing the Red Dorm Jaden!” Crowler announced. “Rewards of this duel have already been discussed let's get on with the duel!” the crowd cheered, the Blue dorm was cheering Chazz and booing Jaden. The Red dorm was cheering for him.

“Last chance to back out, why humiliate yourself for those slackers?”

“Enough talk, even if I told you, you wouldn't understand. Let's duel!”

“Your funeral!” they each draws cards.

Jaden/Chazz: 4000

In a test war, the dorm rep who is challenged gets to go first, so it was Chazz's move. “My move!” he draws a card. “I summon Clown Zombie in attack mode.” The zombie clown appeared on the field.

Clown Zombie ATK 1350

“I'll put two cards face down and end my turn.”

“Nice move, here's mine.” Jaden draws. “I summon Centaur # 1 Attonne!” the blue centaur appeared on the field with shield and sword.

Attone ATK 1600 + 400 = 2000

“Go Attonne, destroy his Clown Zombie!”

“Not so fast, I have a trap. Doomed Attack!” The trap card revealed itself, it allowed Chazz to destroy a monster that declares an attack so long as he discarded a monster from his hand. He sent his Dragon Zombie to the graveyard, and a monstrous claw came up and dragged Attonne to the graveyard. 'Go on take the bait.' Chazz thinks, he has one other face down for Jaden to walk into.

“Well, I can't leave my life points unprotected.” He had Double Summon in his hand but he had hoped to save it. “I activate Double Summon, which allows me to summon another monster, so I call out Centaur Priest Fauna!”

Fauna appears with his long golden hair, dark skin, and yellow horse body. Fauna ATK 1500

“Ha, I knew you'd use that, I have a trap!” Chazz revealed his other face down, the Continuous Trap Card Rising Graveyard. “Now whenever you summon a monster I'm allowed to special summon a zombie monster from my graveyard.” It did have its drawbacks if your opponent summons a monster and you don't have a monster in your graveyard to summon this card gets destroyed. If this card is destroyed by card effect other than its own destroy all monsters special summoned by this card.

“Wait that means...”

“Yes, the monster I ditched is coming back, now rise Dragon Zombie!” The rotting dragon rose up and joined the field.

Dragon Zombie ATK 1600

“I'll use his ability to increase my life points by 500.” Fauna spun his staff creating a vortex of flowers.

Jaden: 4500

“I'll play 1 card face down and end my turn.”

Chazz draws. “My turn, here's the next zombie to send you to the grave. Zombie Warrior!” a decaying samurai looking creature appeared on the field.

Zombie Warrior ATK 1500

“Now go, Dragon Zombie, blow his centaur away!” The rotting dragon lets lose a rotten gas stream from his mouth.

“You aren't the only one who can play a trap, Medusa's Mirror.” A gray mirror with stone snakes coiling around it, the breath hit the mirror and got blasted back destroying the Dragon Zombie.

'No matter, my plan is still going strong.' he thinks. “Attack Zombie Warrior!” the two clashed, destroying each other. “Now Clown Zombie attack!” the creepy zombie kicked the ball he was riding, hitting Jaden.

Jaden: 3150

“My turn,” Jaden draws. “I summon Centaur #5 Elaine.”

A blonde centaur with a white horse body appeared on the field, he carried a shield and dagger with him. Elaine ATK 800

“Thanks, now I can special summon my Dragon Zombie.” the zombie returned. “I can't believe you'd summon such a puny monster, but it seems you love weaklings!”

“It's time you learn the hard way, Elaine attack Chazz directly.” The blonde charged, bypassing his monsters and slashing Chazz.

“Ahh!” he cries out.

Chazz: 3200

After the fight, Elaine switched to defense mode. Elaine DEF 2000

“Tch, my turn!” Chazz draws. “I summon Chthonian Soldier.” he summoned the armored warrior. “Next I'll equip him with the Zombie Sword!” a cursed blade is equipped to the warrior. “For each Zombie monster on the field, he gains 400 ATK.”

Chthonian Soldier ATK 1200 + 800= 2000

“This isn't good, if Jaden summons a monster, Chazz's trap card will revive the Zombie Warrior, making his soldier stronger than his Centaur's high defense, but if he doesn't summon a monster Chazz can bring out a zombie next turn anyway, and once his defense is gone the army of zombies will crush him,” Bastion says, thinking Chazz had Jaden cornered.

“Your move!”

Jaden draws. “I'll play Pot of Greed, and draw 2 cards.” he draws again.

“I summon Centaur #4 Dallim.” A pink haired centaur joins the field, carrying a lance and shield. Dallim ATK 1600

“My trap card activates, Warrior Zombie returns.” his zombie came back, and his soldier's attack increased to 2400.

“My turn isn't over yet Chazz, I switch Elaine to attack mode. Next, I play the Spell Card Block Attack.” Using it he switches Dragon Zombie to defense. His Defense being 0.

'So he's gonna have Elaine destroy my dragon, and Dallim destroys my clown, no matter I got a zombie monster in my hand, even if I can't finish his next turn if he summons a monster I'll get my dragon back.' Chazz smirked.

“Elaine, attack Chazz directly!”

“What?!” the blonde centaur charged and slashed Chazz with his knife. “Gah!”

Chazz: 2400

“Now Dallim, attack his Dragon Zombie!”

“Why did he do that...unless?!” Dallim charged and pierced the rotting zombie with his lance. The zombie was bested but the lance kept going and pierced Chazz.

Chazz: 800

“No way!” Chazz gasped, and his soldier lost ATK points.

“Sorry but Dallim has a piercing effect the difference between my monster's ATK and your monster's DEF comes out of your life points,” Jaden explains.

'This is bad, and he has a monster who can strike me directly, I have to destroy it now!'

“I'll put 1 card face down and end my turn.” Elaine switched into defense mode.

Chazz draws, and summons Revive Zombie, raising his soldier's ATK back to 2400. “Say good-bye to your weak little centaur!” He had his soldier attack Elaine.

“You activated my trap card Chazz.”

“What?!” he was so focused on destroying the threat of the little centaur, he forgot all about his face down.

“Invader's Trap!” His soldier tripped the trap releasing a blast of arrows that destroyed him, and his zombies in one fell swoop.

Chazz lost, he had nothing left. On Jaden's next turn he had Elaine finish him the boy's points dropping to 0. Chazz slumped to the floor in defeat.

The red dorm cheered. The first Test War, a victory for the Red Dorm!

To be continued...Chapter 8 Friends and Foes


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