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Yugioh GX Parody: Patreon Reward

 Chap 15 https://www.patreon.com/posts/21836751

Chapter 16 The Duel Giant

Jaden was on one of his nightly walks/slithers. “Mmm, life is good!” the night sky was so clear, and the island was so wonderful to explore. The red dorm had become his base, and his harem was growing nicely. “I wonder though, will they be okay with my true form?” it was a common fear of lamias. “No matter, I'll make sure they love so much even when they know the truth they'll accept me. For now its fine.” he sighs and continues his slithering, when a loud explosion draws his attention. “I sense a duel!”

He slithers towards the noise and hears some screams. “You lost, so your best card is mine.” A large male covered in the coats of obelisk blue students stood before a groveling student from the house of blue.

“Fine it's yours take it.” the giant male did, stashing it away.

“On your feet, your punishment isn't over.”

“Ehh?” he found out soon enough as the giant male yanked off the student's jacket. Bit by bit the giant male stripped the student and left him naked. The giant wasn't done with the boy yet as he easily maneuvered him and proceeded to spank him. His large hands struck both cheeks, again and again, turning the cheeks a blazing shade of red.

Once he was done spanking the student he dropped him, the boy landing on his sore ass with a yelp. Jaden was about to step in when he felt a strange pulse of energy. A flash of light occurred blinding Jaden as powerful magic was worked on the defeated male.

The naked student gasped as his endowments began to shrink, he was pretty sizable too, his once proud 9-inch dick shrank down to a puny 1 incher. “No my cock what have you done to me?” he looked around but the giant was gone. He cried running off into the woods and back to his dorm.

“Well, you don't see that every day.” He definitely felt the power of a shadow charm, but who could be the one using it?


The next day a lot of the Obelisk Blues were talking about the Duel Giant. Not only was he playing with the ante rule, but they say he takes the jackets of the students he beats as trophies. No mentions of cock shrinking but most guys probably would have kept that secret if it happened to them.

Most of the Obelisk Blue students were more worried about losing their best cards and humiliated. Others took this attack on the Blue dorm as a challenge and were planning to defeat the Duel Giant themselves, which is how the Duel Giant claimed so many victims.

Jaden tried to get more information on the Duel Giant, but none of the Obelisk Blue's would talk to him. “Give it up Jaden, why do you care about this Duel Giant anyway?”

“Let's just say I have my reasons.” He knew of one Obelisk Blue who would talk to them. They went to Torrey's room and were greeted by Jaden's servant.

Torrey had heard the rumors, and he gave them the basics. “This has everyone's panties in a bunch, some Obelisks think the Duel Giant is a myth and that the others were careless and lost their cards. The others see it as a challenge, and have tried to take down the giant themselves, which hasn't gone over well,” he explains while kneeling naked before Jaden, his hard 4 incher twitched in want.

“Oddly enough there are several boys who were once quite flashy in the locker rooms have become more reserved, that were attacked by the Duel Giant.” He was stroking Syrus and Chumley's dicks as Jaden lazily stroked his own, his foot came forward and began to rub the boy's twitching dick.

“Not many are talking cause they don't want to get in trouble for playing with the ante rule, but the Obelisk Blue dorm is facing heat, so Crowler is pushing hard to try and crush this giant. He sees the loss and humiliation of his dorm more than the ante rule problem.” he shivers and starts to pant, his pre-cum running over Jaden's foot.

Torrey pumps Chumley and Syrus faster using their pre-cum to do so, all while bucking his hips. Jaden responds in kind, using his toes to squeeze the boy's penis and add extra stimulation. “He also hasn't gone after any female students or any of the year 3 students like Zane.”


“Ohh!” Syrus and Chumley moan as they cum, their hot seed spraying into Torrey's face, the boy shivered in delight but didn't cum. His penis twitching heatedly against Jaden's foot.

“That's all I know,” he pants.

Jaden smiles. “Excellent work,” he pets his head, waves of delight washing through Torrey. “I think you've earned a reward.” he wags his twin big dicks.

Torrey scrambles up and climbs into Jaden's lap. “I've been training myself each day, I'm ready.” Jaden checked his readiness finding the boy's hole quite pliable. He smiles and praises him.

He takes one of his cocks and lines it up with the boy's stretched hole, his manhood slicked up with pre-cum. His first cock slides in, as his second slides between his legs, rubbing against his perineum, balls, and cock! Torrey couldn't hold back and came, his cum spraying all over Jaden's long dick, as his insides tightened around the first.

Jaden starts to move to create glorious friction inside and out. “Ah ahh ahh ahh master!” he moans, feeling Jaden's dick stretch him wide and deep. He was seeing stars, loving the stretch in his belly. Back and forth, back and forth, delicious friction that had Torrey's mouth watering. The boy had hearts in his eyes as another orgasm built up inside him.

Syrus and Chumley weren't idle either, the show before them stirring their loins. They began to fap to their love making, knowing all too well the feelings and sensations Torrey was enjoying. One hand played with their cocks, the other was playing with their respective holes. They watched as Jaden's dick fucked Torrey, making his stomach bulge, while his second dick continued to rub against the boy's smaller cock and balls.

Jaden's hands came around and began toying with Torrey's perky nipples, he pinches and flicked the perfect buds, sending strong bursts of pleasure straight down to his pulsing dick. “Ahh master, I'm gonna cum!” he moans, body trembling.

This only promoted Jaden's actions, pinching the boy's nipples and driving into him faster, changing from long thrusts to shorter thrusts. Torrey was thrust over the edge and he came blowing a second load all over Jaden's second cock. His clenching heat pulled Jaden over the edge, his twin dicks cumming in unison. One spraying semen all over Torrey, while the other pumped him full of cum.

Syrus and Chumley found their respective climaxes and came all over Torrey, adding to the mix of cum over his body. From head to toe, he was covered in rich man milk. Torrey was blissing out, the hot cum marking his skin made his body tingle, his insides marked by his master's cum.

“Thank you for the information,” Jaden says, and kisses the boy, tasting Chumley's and Sy's cum on his lips. Torrey moaned into the kiss. The kiss started gentle, growing more passionate as the minutes ticked by. Torrey felt so good he ended up cumming again.

“Happy to serve Jaden-sama!” they got o use Torrey's private bathroom to clean up, and they redressed. Torrey promised he would let them know, if any new information came up, but Jaden told him not to go looking for the giant himself.


Crowler was indeed pissed, his dorm was being made a fool of, he needed someone to bring this giant down. He spotted Jaden, Syrus, and Chumley walking around in the Blue Dorms. 'What is that lot doing here? Wait...this is perfect I can use Jaden. Even if he brings down the giant I can have him expelled for playing with the ante rule.' he chuckles at his brilliance. “Oh Jaden!” he calls.

“He's happy to see us, something is up!” Syrus points out.

“How would you boys like no homework for the rest of the year.”

“I like grilled cheese but I'm wary of who's serving it.” Chumley points out.

“Have you boys heard of the duel giant?” he asks.

“Yeah, he's the guy who's kicking your dorm's butt.” Crowler flinched and fought back a frown.

“Yes quite, I'm willing to offer the three of you no homework for the rest of the year, in exchange, you take down the Duel Giant, do we have a deal?”

“Not quite, forget the no homework thing, instead, I want you to improve an increase in the Red Dorm's budget, and not for taking down the giant, but solving the mystery of the giant.”


Jaden smiles and folds his arms behind his head. “The way I hear it some of your students don't believe this giant exists and that they simply lost their cards. If this turns out to be true, I don't want you going back on the deal.”

“Fine, but only if the rare cards that were missing are found and returned to the owners,” he says and stomps off. 'Where did he get that information.'


Locating the giant wasn't going well, if not for Jaden seeing him with his own eyes did he know it was real. The group took a break and saw a duel going on, it was an Obelisk Blue student against a smaller boy from Ra Yellow.

Jaden's eyes flashed gold as he looked at the boy's hand. 'He's got Earthquake, that card will earn his victory. He just has to play it and he wins.' He thinks.

The boy was named Brier, he made it into Ra Yellow because of his dueling skills, but when it came down to the duel itself…

'Come on Brier, just one more move and its all over.' he thinks, but soon got distracted as his opponent began to mess with him, taunting him and insulting him, and his comrades were also digging into him.

“Hurry up shrimp, are you slow as well as short.”

“We don't have all day, shrimpy make a move!” his friends shouted.

“I uh I'll...”

“One two three let's go make a move you are going too slow!” Brier flinched.

“I'll attack!” he says, and his monster does.

“What?!” Jaden gasped.

Brier walked right into a trap, literally, the Blue student left the trap card Reinforcements which increased his monster's attack and winning the duel for him. Brier slumps down in defeat.

“Hey look he's even smaller now.” they laughed and walked off. Brier got a wicked look on his face, as anger fueled him. Jaden felt the waves of negative emotions.

'I felt that.' The boy met up with a taller male, who certainly could pass as the duel giant. Jaden went to Bastian for the details on the two Ra Yellows.

“Brier? He's a good duelist but suffers from massive stage fright, and he makes mistakes.”

“What about the big guy?” Jaden points him out.

“Beauregard? He's no Duel Giant, he actually got into the school on a game developing scholarship. He's here to design games not play duel monsters.”

“Hmm?” Jaden ponders.

“What are you thinking Jaden?” Syrus asked.

“I think I got a lead.”

He follows the two and sees as Brier was being mocked for being small, Beauregard was mocked for being huge. Jaden could see the boy was a gentle giant, and Brier was doing his best to avoid conflict, but the words of others were reflecting heavily on him, stroking the flames of rage. He noticed one other thing, but that wasn't important right now.


The boys had a stake out, and found the boy that had dueled Brier earlier that day, stripped, red assed, and his cock shrunk. “There he is!” Syrus pointed out.

The trio chased after him until he was cornered. Jaden challenged him to a duel. Jaden put his whole deck up to get back all the cards the blue duelists lost.

The giant was using an orc and goblin deck, and while he thought he had an advantage with his Giant Orc and his Second Goblin combo, Second Goblin able to equip itself to Giant Orc and keep it in attack mode.

“You should know, that Orc's and Goblin's know not to step foot in a Lamia's Jungle!” Jaden says and plays his field spell. He summons Lamia Sister #1, the effect of Lamia Jungle activating letting him destroy a spell or trap on the field and thanks to Second Goblin's ability it qualified.

One Goblin down, and with the double power-up Lamia Sister # 1 getting a boost from her effect of 400 points, and another boost from Lamia's Jungle of 600 points she had enough power to blast the giant orc.

The explosion from giant orc's destruction knocked the giant back to reveal Beauregard. Brier came out wearing a headset and wearing what looked to be a watch charm, it was more like a band with a shifting ring that acted as a magnifying glass. “So you two are the Duel Giant!” Syrus gasped.

Brier huffed. “We won't be taken in without a fight.” his charm glowed.

'Oh no you don't, I'm ready for you this time.' Jaden countered his charm with his own forcing it to deactivate.

“How?” Brier gasped.

“If you mean how did I know it was you, I felt your anger back in the duel arena and again the hall way, plus I can tell your skills from that duel.”

“But I lost that duel.” Jaden shook his head.

“I saw your hand, you could have won in a number of ways but you froze from stage fright.” he raised his hand to hold up to fingers. “How I stopped your shadow charm, you are a beginner you do not know how to use your charm freely enough to compete with me.”

“Please its not his fault, we just couldn't take it anymore, we made the blue students who mocked us get a taste of some payback. If you have to turn us in, take me instead.”

“Whoa easy guys, I'm not taking anyone in...yet, first I want to finish our duel, out in the open.”

“Fine, but I don't intend to lose.” Despite Brier showing confidence and skill, Jaden didn't go easy on them. The lamias crushed the goblins and orcs, and the victory fell to Jaden. “So are you gonna turn us into Crowler?” he asked.

“No, I'm not, I do however want you to hand over your charm.” Brier gasped.

“But...with this, I'm stronger, with this I'm better! I can't go back to being little Brier!” he began to tear up, “They mocked me for being small so I made them small!” Jaden put a hand on his shoulder, people could be cruel, you could be the best looking guy in the world, and you could still find someone to insult you. His sisters had found many humans who felt they weren't worthy because of this, wasn't this, wasn't that, but that nonsense was meaningless to a lamia.

“You don't need this, you are very skilled, you fought your heart out, you may have lost but you didn't give into stage fright. If we dueled again you might have won, but win or lose tell me honestly, it was fun right?” Brier blushed but nodded.

He took the charm off and gave it to Jaden. “Thanks, Jaden, you can turn us in now, I'm ready to face my punishment.” Beauregard put a hand on his shoulder, and Brier touched his hand.

“I'm not turning you in,” Jaden says. Syrus thought Jaden was gonna take them both into his harem. He wouldn't object since they seemed like good guys. “You guys have gotten a raw deal, but I have a feeling things are gonna get better for you, the both of you.” he took the cards and jackets back. “I have a plan, I just wanted to duel you out in the open, and now that I have I think you both will be fine if you stick together.”

“But Jaden won't Crowler cut the extra funding now?”

“I told you I got a plan right? Trust me, the mystery of the duel giant is solved.” he smiled.

“One thing though, why didn't you invite Brier or Beauregard to join the harem?” Chumley asked.

“Well if they wanted to play with us, but I have a policy of not splitting up a couple.” It was a lamia's policy

“Couple?” Syrus and Chumley looked at each other. Jaden had eyes and could see the powerful bond of love between the two, it wasn't connected but maybe that would change.


Brier has lacked confidence for awhile, but dueling Jaden made him see if there was something he wanted he should go for it. “Beauregard, I uh, I love you!” he confessed.

“You finally said it.” he teared up and kissed the smaller male. “I love you too!” They returned to the Ra Yellow Dorm, to consummate their feelings. Clothing was removed, as the two shared more kisses.

Brier may have been short but he was all man below the waist packing 10 inches of thick man meat. While Beauregard may have been big and intimidating, he was a size queen. After a bit of foreplay, the larger male was getting fucked into his mattress, Brier groping his plump ass as he fed him all 10 inches. His fat 5 incher twitching and pulsing with every thrust. “Brier ahh fuck me, so big!”

“So tight, I've wanted to do this for ages!” The bed creaked with Brier's powerful thrusts.

“Me too, please faster!” Brier obeyed, shorting his thrusts but increasing his pace, his cock grinding his sweet spot in the best ways. The larger male was drooling, he was close so he reached down and began playing with his heavy cock. The two came together, Beauregard rolled them over and pulling Brier to him for a heavy make-out session, his spent cock leaving his gaping hole, a sea of cum leaving him. They each had a dream for the future, and they had each other, that was more than enough. Brier swore he would stand up to the Blue dorm, with his dueling skills, and his friend now lover swore to stand up for himself more, he also saw he needed to be more confident. If things got tough they also had friends to turn to as well.

Brier cuddled up to his lover, and the two had the best sleep they had since coming here.


Jaden waited till Syrus and Chumley went to bed before heading out. “This charm isn't like anything I've studied but it seems to have the power of the Spell Card Shrink as a base.” Brier had told him he had found it when he was hiding from some bullies. When he touched it he seemed to know what it could do. Thus was the power of most shadow charms, how far their powers went depending on the owner. Jaden didn't like it, and felt this charm was too dangerous to exist.

He crushed it with his lamia strength, breaking its magic, restoring the men to normal. “If there are other shadow charms out there, ones not in the book of shadows, who else could be wielding them.” Jaden sighed. He returned the cards and jackets to their owners slipping the rare card in the respective pockets. He matched the owner's scents.

His plan worked, the duel giant became a hoax as all the cards were recovered along with the jackets. Crowler scolded the duelists for being so careless and causing such a fuss. Those that had their cocks shrank did learn a lesson if they become better people or not who's to say. Even lessons in humility don't always stick.

Crowler was fuming, he had to honor his promise and increase the Red Dorm's Budget. 'First, the cards were lost now they were found, first there was a duel giant now there's not, I feel like I've been made a fool!' he growled in frustration.

To be continued...Chap 17 Maiden in Love


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