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Reincarnated as Slime parody: Tier 1


Rimuru’s Fan Club

Rimuru was aware that his people liked him, but he had no idea just how much they loved him. Enough to start a fan club about the slime, just how deep does there love go. Rimuru will have to find out. Slime Sex: Rimuru/Harem

Chapter 1 Fan Club Begins

Rimuru was aware that he was liked by the Goblins, he promised to help them, and protect them from the dire wolves. He treated their wounded and taught them tactics on how to fight.

When the dire wolves attacked his tactics proved successful, the wolves charged and were taken out by arrows and his steel thread, those that got passed the arrows hit the fence and got stuck by his sticky thread, only to get killed by the goblins. The leader was killed and eaten by Rimuru. The slime thought they would hate him, but instead swore their loyalty to him.

In this world it was eat or be eaten, there were no hard feelings once the fight ended. The weak submitted to the strong, and Rimuru was strong.

He gave them names allowing the Goblins to evolve into Hobgoblins and the Dire Wolves to become Tempest Wolves. As they evolved so did their feelings for the slime. Many of the goblins and tempest wolves would fanboy/fangirl over Rimuru when he came around. When Rimuru was human he never got this kind of attention so he had no idea. He'd blush and wave, some of the Hobgoblins would faint or cheer.

Ranga, the leader of the Tempest Wolves, became his own personal wolf, and he loved his position if his adorable tail wags were any indication. He was one of the three commanders of the Rimuru Fan Club.

Rigurd who was the elder of the goblins was made the leader of the hobgoblins. His new body was a lot younger, and he got ripped! From a tiny goblin to a super tall, super muscly hobgoblin. His love of Rimuru was so strong, he got physically aroused. It's partially why he did so much flexing, hoping his glorious muscles would distract from his massive manhood that threatened to rise.

He helped found the Rimuru fan club, which many joined. Rimuru was their benefactor, their protector, he named them after all. Though they didn't have the exact same love as Rigurd did, except for his son Rigur 2, or Riguru.

Riguru loved Rimuru, he may have been young and spirited but his feelings were true. Like his father, he loved Rimuru in a special way so he took a commander position in his fan club. All it took was a single word of praise that seemed to make everything bright.

Ranga, Riguru, and Rigurd didn't know why their feelings for Rimuru were so different from the others but so similar to each other. All three have had dreams of the slime doing wonderfully naughty things. They hadn't met such a unique slime before so the possibilities were high.

Tentacles, shapeshifting, they even thought being consumed by the slime was oddly arousing. Rimuru didn't have to eat them, but a slime bath and full body stimulus were hard to beat. They compared dreams and fantasies, and not only strengthened their bond but their desire for Rimuru.

Harems weren’t uncommon in the monster world, someone as strong as Rimuru would certainly have one. Until the time he was ready to take them they would support him as his fan club.

The fan club grew when the four dwarfs join their little group, another victory for Rimuru. These four were skilled artisans in their own right and were able to teach the other goblins. They were quick learners, and their group grew stronger. They ventured deeper into the Forest of Jura to build a home for everyone.

Rimuru’s goal wasn’t wicked like world conquest, not that anyone would oppose such a plan, but that wasn’t his goal. He wanted food, clothing, and shelter for his people. Nothing more, nothing less, admirable indeed. With the dwarf teachings and skills, they were able to get proper clothing an armor, and their buildings were much improved.

The fan club got the dwarfs but a new commander joined. Kaijin, his feelings for Rimuru were similar to that of those of Gazel Dwargo. Those feelings wouldn’t go away both had a place in his heart, in fact, if the gods will it, he’d like the three of them to have fun together.

Kajin also gave the commanders special rods, he called them Training Rods. He said they’d need to prepare themselves if they wanted to be Rimuru’s mates, and training one’s ass is a perfect way. He made rods in all different shapes, sizes, and girths, with Rimuru’s mimicry they had to be prepared.

The fan club commanders were worried when Rimuru found his destined one. A woman named Shizu, but it seemed their bond wasn't a romantic one and ended bittersweet. The poor girl had the Fire Spirit Ifrit inside her and it slowly consumed her.

Rimuru had no choice but to stop it as Ifrit went wild and caused all kinds of trouble. The spirit underestimated him and got eaten, Shizu becoming free from its hold. The commanders did wonder what happened to the fire spirit. “He's being well taken care of,” Rimuru told them.


Ifrit was stripped naked, slime having dissolved the garments and left the spirit in all his naked glory. Slime shackles binding the spirits ankles and wrists. He was forced onto his knees, his tail raised high as slime tentacles invaded his body. One in his mouth, muffling his moans as another slime tentacle invaded his ass, filling him deep and stimulating the spirit's sweet spot, another encased his cock, diverting some of the slime to penetrate his dick, stimulating his pipe and attacking his prostate on both ends. Other slime tentacles latched onto other body parts, that were erogenous zones to the spirit, like his nipples, his balls, his feet, and tail. These slimes including the slime on his dick gave him a nonstop sucking stimulus.

His body was caught in a never-ending cycle of pleasure that made him cum, over and over again. His cum was absorbed and diverted forcing it into Ifrits mouth and ass, and his body absorbed his cum to replenish his magicules which allowed him to continuously cum and never become spent.

Rimuru couldn't be angry at Ifrit, not really it wasn't his fault he was placed inside Shizu, but he couldn't let him off completely. So he split the difference, life in his stomach but all the pleasure he could take.


Shizu was actually a lot older than she appeared, now with Ifrit no longer inside her she could no longer maintain herself. Her body was starting to wither away, so she asked Rimuru to devour her not wanting her body left in this world. Rimuru obeyed giving her the sweetest of dreams to send her off.

Upon this act, Rimuru gained a human form. His popularity only growing he looked sorta like Shizu in the face, but his hair was blue and his eyes were yellow almost a bright golden color. His gender was a bit suspect, but Rimuru could be whatever gender he wanted, he leaned more towards mell only because he felt bad if he took on more female traits like he'd be perving on Shizu and he had too much respect for her for that.

The next group to join was the ogres. There were only 6 of them, as their home and people were ravaged by orcs. Due to a misunderstanding, they thought Rimuru was responsible so they attacked him. The slime handled it well, using his skills to stop the ogres without killing them. It ended with a show of force, and the Orge princess revealing he wasn't their enemy.

Rimuru had been distant, not partaking in meals since as a slime he couldn't taste, but now that he had a human form he decided to join them for a meal. He invited the ogres and learned of their fate, so he offered them a place to stay, even giving them names.

They also evolved into oni, growing stronger and gaining some of Rimuru's skills. Five of the oni joined the fan club, but they got three new commanders. Benimaru, Souei, and Kurobee, all three felt a strong pull of desire, ogres always served and followed the strong and Rimuru was quite powerful. Upon evolving their admiration turned into a burning love, so they each worked hard to try and prove their worth to Rimuru.

Love and fun had to wait, as an army of orcs was coming, they were after the lizardmen next, so Rimuru offered them a treaty of protection. It was undermined by the Chief's son Gabiru, who was tricked into thinking his father was getting old and too scared to fight the Orc Lord, not realizing the terrifying power of it.

The battle began with both sides taking losses, it almost seemed like the end of the lizardmen until Rimuru and his group showed up. They rescued the chief and saved Gabiru while taking apart the orc army bit by bit.

After the Orc lord evolved into an Orc Disaster, things got pretty hairy as it looked like nothing could stop this thing, even Rimuru fighting with Great Stage couldn't put it down. So Rimuru took him on the best way he knew how, by eating him.

It was a duel between staved and predator, and Rimuru eventually won out promising to devour not only his sins but the sins of his people. He gave in and was devoured. The orcs were taken in and Gabiru was taken in after his banishment for his coup d'état.

He named the Orc Lord's son after him, naming him Geld, and he overwrote Gabiru's name allowing him to evolve further into a dragonewt, and Geld evolved into a High Orc.

These two became commanders while a few others of their kind joined the fan club. Though having Gabiru become a commander might have been a mistake, not because he didn't have the hots for Rimuru, he did, he wanted to be praised by the slime more than anything. No, its because he has a big mouth and can't keep things to himself.

“Rimuru-sama, I just wanted to tell you how happy I am to be a member of your fan club. I will work hard and train to become someone you'd deem worthy as a mate,” he says.

“Fan club?” Rimuru blinked. “Mate?” things were about to get very interesting.

To be continued


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