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Digimon Adventure Parody: Patreon Reward



Tai 12 inch: Aguman 24 inches

Matt 8 inch :

Takeru 7 inch :

Derek 4 Inch: Shellman 8 inch

Michael 5 Inch: Seadraman Two Cocks 5 Inch

Gennai ?

Chapter 5 https://www.patreon.com/posts/23274689

Chapter 6 Power of Friendship!

Matt's clothing vanished in blue light, a yellow latex-like substance came from the ring spreading over Matt's body like a second skin. It hugged the musician's body, upon reaching his abs, the latex turned blue and pink. His nipples pebbled from the sensation and the latex covered them perfectly. His cock and balls were collected and the latex made a hammock for them, his crotch tingled and Matt's cock doubled in size, his balls growing massive. His ass was covered and gripped tight, growing plumper and a little more bouncy.

The latex spread up his neck, framed his forehead and a long horn protruded from it. With a smile, he waves his hand and a long fur coat appeared, it was white with blue stripes, having a hood with eye holes and even a hole for his horn, giving it a cape and cowl look, he slides his arms in, the fur coat giving him large purple claws. Once he put it on it changed his eye color to red.

“Gabuman!” he shouts, as his transformation completes. He gasped at his new self, his muscles were stimulated and his new assets were quite the surprise. He blushed and caressed his plumper ass, and he couldn't help but imagine Tai groping and fondling his plumper rear. “Tai!” Gabuman gasped. “I have to save him!”

“Go, you have the strength, show them the power of friendship!” Gabuman nods and charges forth.


Seadraman was freezing everything, laughing as he went. “Michael, stop this,” Tai groaned out, his naked body trembling. “You are hurting people, innocent people.” Tai was tearing up. “If you want to hurt someone hurt me!”

Seadraman stopped and gave Tai a sinister look. “I am!” he laughed and continued attacking people. “Not so hot now are you, hahahaha!”

“Blue Cyclone!” Gabuman rushed in, spinning and gathering force before hitting Seadraman, the blue energy he built up was released like a cyclone sending Seadraman flying. He dropped Tai and Gabuman grabbed him. “Are you alright?”

“I'm fine,” Tai smiled. “Thanks for the help!” Gabuman smiled and hugged Tai close, happy he was okay. 'Agumon must have got in touch with Gennai, thank goodness, but who's this guy?'

“Gah!” Seadraman got back up. “Who the hell are you?”

“I'm Gabuman, and I'm gonna take you down.”

“Don't get in my way, I want to have my revenge!” Seadraman hissed.

“Revenge, what is wrong with you?” Seadraman's shadow contorted to show Deviman.

“He's another hero, perfect, crush him and bring me his Miraculous, or I will take away the gift I gave you.” the shadow says before reverting to normal.

“Yes Lord Deviman!” a dark aura washed over him. “Water Shock, Ice Blast,” he fired the attacks rapid fire. Gabuman grabbed Tai and dodged the attacks. He jumped into the air avoiding a tail attack from the villain. “I got you, Ice Blast!”

Gabuman pulls his fur coat around them, taking the blast and taking no damage. “That won't work on me!” He landed and sits Tai down. The ground was frozen, making Tai shiver from the cold.

He pulls a piece of fur from his coat, infusing it with his energy the small piece turns into a full coat. He wraps it around Tai, to keep him warm. “This will protect you, I'm gonna take this guy down.”

(Que Run Around Music)

Gabuman rushed at Seadraman, the ice breaking under his feet. “Mach Jab!” He surges forth and punches Seadraman with his claw.

“Gah!” he coughs as the wind got knocked out of him.

“Machine Gun Blow!” Using his coat's claws he let loose a barrage of blows, punching the hell out of Seadraman.

'He's so fast!' he growls and lashes out with his tail. Gabuman jumps back, doing a flip and lands effortlessly. “Water Shock!”

“Little Horn!” He sent his energy into his horn and clashed with the water attack dispersing it in all directions.

“I will not lose, I won't be humiliated again!” his rage fueled his power. “Ice Blast!”

“Blue Blaster!” he fired blue ice-like fire and the two attacks clashed, but Gabuman's attack won out and Seadraman got blasted back.

'Matt, its time to use your final attack.' Gabumon spoke to him through their link. 'Once you use it, you'll be drained and revert back to human form in a short time.'

“Got it!” The pink markings on his abs began to glow, as did his claws. “Beast Attack!” His fur coat was lit ablaze with blue flames and Gabuman charged forth, like a blue meteor he slammed into Seadraman bringing an end to this fight.

Seadraman reverted back to Michael, his speedos pulsing with dark energy. 'Now you can purify him with your power, the power of friendship.' Gabumon explained.

“Power of Friendship!” His ring glowed, releasing his energy and purifying the dark energy and reverting everything back to normal, the ice melted and the damage getting reversed.

“Oh man, what happened?” Michael rubbed his head.

“Deviman took advantage of your negative emotions, and you caused quite a commotion.” Michael blushed and looked down in shame.

“I'm sorry, its all my fault.” he gave a bow to Tai. “I'm sorry for pushing you into the pool, and thank you for saving me.”

“Hey, its cool man,” Tai says. Gabuman smiled, this was classic Tai, some might call him simple but he didn't overthink things, for better or worse.

“How can you be so nice to me, I was a dick to you?” Michael teared up, Gabuman put his hand on his shoulder.

“We all have moments in our lives where we act out, and even when we make fools of ourselves, you can't change what you did but you can take a step forward. Maybe with some friends, you'll be able to find the right path to take.” Tai stepped forward and offered his hand.

“I'm not your enemy if you'd like we can try to be friends?” Michael stepped forward.

“I don't have a lot of friends, I might mess up.” Tai shrugs.

“You'll do your best, and I'll do mine, and we'll see what happens.” Michael took his hand and shook it.

Matt's ring pulsed. “I gotta run, stay safe you two.” Gabuman got away in time before transforming back, his fur coat around Tai vanishing.


As Tai reunited with Agumon, Matt had a chat with Gennai. “Thank you for this power,” he says.

“Do try to keep this a secret, even with someone you trust and love, if in a moment of weakness they fall to the dark and Deviman gets a hold on them it would spell disaster for this.” He filled Matt in on the battle he was now a part of.

“Well you can count on me,” he says and Gabumon cheers.

Matt returned to the others in the class and everyone was abuzz about the newest hero. “First we had Aguman, then we got Gabuman, this is amazing!” Izzy was geeking out. “Next time I want to get proper footage!” the blonde smiled.

He may have taken on this power to save Tai, but he had lots of friends he wanted to protect. “Matt!” Tai hugged him. “Thank God you are okay.”

“Uh yeah Gabuman saved me, I'm glad he saved you too.” he hugged his boyfriend back. 'I'm gonna protect you.'

Tai kissed Matt, surprising the blonde at how intense it was. “I thought I had lost you for a bit there.” he shuddered, tears falling on Matt's shoulder. It was a good reminder, Tai put a lot on his shoulders and seemed so strong and together but he was human.

“You are never gonna lose me.” he brushed away the tears and kissed him. “Nothing is gonna tear us apart.” The two kissed.

Sora watched the two, feeling rage build up in her. 'That blonde slut, how dare he put his hands all over Tai. Just you wait!' the two went to the locker room.

Classes were gonna be postponed with counseling for anyone that wanted it or needed it. Tai and Matt were doing what they needed, in the showers. Making out as the warm spray cascaded down their fit bodies, hard cocks rubbing against each other.

Michael watched in shock. “Wait, they are together?!” he gasped. 'I thought he was with Sora?' he grew hard at the scene before him. He wasn't the only one Derek was also observing the two, getting excited at the sight of them.

The two looked at each other. “Hi,” Michael says.

“Hi,” Derek says, the two blush before looking back at the heavy make-out session that made the water look cold in comparison. After an awkward silence, they each whip out their hard cocks and began fapping to the two. The audience didn't even make them flinch, Tai and Matt were so into each other the rest of the world didn't exist right now. Not that an audience would bother them to begin with.

Their climaxes hit with the shower washing away the evidence, they continued their make out, for a few minutes longer, before washing up and getting dressed.


Etaman was pissed. “Now there are two heroes to deal with!”

“Calm yourself Etaman, I know what I'm doing.” he smiles.

“You can't beat one hero so far, let alone two.”

“Maybe, but now there are two Miraculous I can obtain for our lady!” he chuckled. “Plus I am not out of plans yet, the human heart is full of wickedness I just need the right pawn!”

To be continued...Team Up

A new enemy appears and Gabuman and Aguman show up to stop him, however, things don't go well, they are fine heroes in their own right but working together took time. The bad guy gets away so the two have to reflect and learn to work together as heroes.


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