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Naruto Parody: Tier 6

 Chap 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/narutos-moon-orb-23526442

Chapter 3 Battle on the Bridge

Naruto's training has done wonders for him, since his transformation his cock had grown more and more, becoming a grower dick. His cock remaining in a semi-erect state at 13 inches, but when he gets fully aroused his cock grows larger and thicker its max size hard at 26 inches. The fox looking hybrid partook in his massive rod, using both hands. He loved to think of how wonderful it would be to thrust his cock inside Sasuke, to see the Uchiha stuffed full of his dick. His mind wandered to the other males in his life, like their sensei.

The man was a gray fox, he may have been older than Naruto but that didn't stop the blonde from wanting to dominate their sensei. He knew the man was a pervert, so he wanted to see his face completely engrossed in pleasure. The ninja was so wound up, he wanted to be the one to unwind him and reduce him to a bitch in heat. He was stronger, could take much more of a punishment than Sasuke could, it had the blonde fox wanting to try out kinds of kinky things with their teacher.

His feelings for Sakura had shifted, her feminine features shifting in his mind and becoming more masculine. The idea oddly arousing, but he focused on the two males on his team now. His climax hits and he roars, a volcano eruption of cum shooting up and raining down upon the field he was training out in. Naruto gave himself a tongue bath, lapping up his own cum. 'I should give them a happy ending to.'

Naruto walked up a tree and decided to try out one of his new jutsu.


Sasuke and Kakashi were sleeping in their respective rooms at Inari's house. A brush of wind came through and their blankets were mysteriously pulled away from their bodies. Sasuke was sleeping shirtless, wearing only some night pants and boxers. Kakashi was dressed in a black top and his pants and fundoshi.

An invisible force washed over them both, their pants being pulled down and pooled around their ankles, showing off the male's respective underwear. The invisible force was felt again their underwear being moved down their bodies to pool around their ankles. Sasuke's crotch was exposed showing off his soft 11-inch dick, Kakashi was the same but his cock was 14 inches and in a semi-hard state, he was having a good dream.

All of this was done by Naruto. His “Eye in the Sky Jutsu” allowed him to use wind chakra to watch over Sasuke and Kakashi. Using his “Phantom Air Jutsu” he was able to strip the two males and exposed them for his peeping pleasure. Naruto made a seal with one hand and stroked his cock with the other.

His technique reached out and took hold of their respective manhoods. With each stroke of his own cock, they felt it on theirs. Sasuke moaned softly, as his soft dick grew hard, reaching its max size of 12 inches. Kakashi moaned softly as his cock reached full hardness. Naruto licked his lips at the sight of them, as well as stroked his pride in being larger than both of them combined. He pumped himself faster and faster, doubling the stimulus on the two.

They writhe and moan in their respective beds. Sasuke was the first to cum, thick long ropes of cum erupting over him, splattering his face, neck, chest, and toned stomach. Naruto didn't stop pumping, causing Sasuke's cock to practically be milked through orgasm, an additional four spurts coming from his penis. Kakashi was a harder nut to crack, his cock was a darker shade than Sasuke's so it was a sign of his more experience.

Oh he did cum, Naruto made sure of that, but Sasuke was hitting his second orgasm by the time Kakashi had his first. The blonde chuckles and pumps himself faster, the wind chakra grips them both and pumps them in kind, making their balls bounce. His teammates writhe in their beds, bodies getting flushed and heated from pleasure. Kakashi's second orgasm came sooner than the first, climaxing the same time as Sasuke's third orgasm.

The beauty of his jutsu was that if he had slipped in to play with them himself their ninja instincts would have stirred them awake, sensing his presence. However using this technique he was able to play with their dicks as they slept, using their pleasure to rock them like a lullaby and keep them in a pleasure filled sleep. Each orgasm having them fall deeper and deeper into slumber.

With both drenched in man milk, Naruto felt his work was done. 'Boy are they in for a surprise?' he chuckles happily.

'You are a wicked kid.' Kyuubi approved.

'I learned from the best.' Kyuubi wasn't about to take all the credit, he may have advanced Naruto's training but the boy was perversely wonderfully creative. He did his fox nature proudly.

Naruto slipped into his own room for a well-deserved rest.


Sasuke gasped as he woke up covered in cum. He gasped and checked the room finding traces of no one. 'I can't believe I came so much from that dream!' He assumed he kicked off his blanket and clothes in his sleep. Said dream was of a certain blonde in a sexual manner, harking back to their first kiss, but after the kiss, it didn't end. When Sasuke turned back to glare at Naruto, the blonde was naked and cock hard.

Before he could question why Naruto was naked, Dream Sasuke found himself naked as well, and Dream Naruto began fucking his mouth right in class. Much to his horror, Dream Sasuke enjoyed the dominance and began playing with himself as his fellow classmates hooted and hollered and egged Naruto on. 'Naruto can't know I like him like this, it's better if he thinks I hate him, that way HE will think I'm alone and he won't hurt anyone I care about.' Sasuke got up to go get a shower.

Kakashi wasn't as phased by waking up covered in cum, in fact, he collected some of his semen and began playing with his ass while pumping his morning wood. 'How long has it been since I've let someone play with me here, who am I kidding how long has it been since I've had sex with someone?' He jerked off, going as far as to slip three fingers into his ass and stir up his insides.

He got cleaned up after he came, getting dressed to start the day. He checked on Naruto who was sleeping heavily and decided to let the boy sleep since he was training so much. So Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura went to the bridge with Tazuna, only to find many of his men were knocked down and injured.

Zabuza was back, with Haku in tow. “So you were on the same side after all.”

“Its a wonderful trick, don't feel bad your not the first to fall for it.” Haku points out.

Zabuza summons a heavy mist to face off with Kakashi, Haku faces off against Sasuke with Sakura defending Tazuna. Sasuke was using their latest training to face off against Haku, the Uchiha using kunai against Haku's senbon needles. 'He's fast, but I can keep up with him.' He controlled his chakra

What he wasn't expecting was the fact that Haku was a Kekkei Genkai user, he blocked one of Sasuke's attacks and then used one hand to form strange hand seals. 'One-handed seals?!' From the water around them Haku forged ice mirrors to make a prison of ice. Haku knocks Sasuke back and vanishes into the mirror, his reflection appearing on all of them.

While the battle on the bridge carried on Gato had sent men to gain some leverage against Tazuna, namely his daughter and grandson. He sent two men to retrieve them, Inari froze in terror and was knocked around. “Hey, do you think Gato will let us sell this kid?”

“Maybe, his old man fetched a good price.” Inari gasped.

“Not so fast!” Naruto came in and quickly dispatched the would-be dispatchers. Inari cried and embraced the blonde.

“You saved me!”

“Of course I did, its what I'm trained to do. Having courage is important, but no one can do everything you gotta figure out what you can do as you are now.”

“Do you think if I trained, I could become strong like you?”

“You bet, now I gotta go help my friends, look after your mom 'kay?” he races off to the bridge.


Sasuke was in trouble, he had taken quite a bit of damage from Haku's attacks. Sasuke had tried to melt one of Haku's ice mirrors with his Fireball Jutsu but no luck. Kakashi wasn't fairing much better, Zabuza's mist cover was proving effective against the Sharingan. Also, Zabuza could target Sakura and Tazuna forcing Kakashi to take the hit for them.

Naruto arrives making quite the show of it. Sakura scolds him claiming that a ninja's job was the art of deception not making a flashy show of yourself. Kakashi was about to agree until he noticed that Zabuza's attention was focused on the blonde. Kakashi took this chance to land a cut on Zabuza with one of his kunai. “Nice try Kakashi, but you won't get a second hit.” Zabuza escaped into the mist.

'I don't need a second hit, thanks Naruto, you gave me exactly what I need.' he pulls out a scroll and places Zabuza's blood on it, and began preparing a counter attack.

Naruto also ventured into the ice prison, to help Sasuke. The Uchiha failed to take advantage of the distraction Naruto provided and was even more surprised when Naruto entered the prison. Haku tried to rain down a hail of needles on them but Naruto had something special. “Wild Gust Jutsu!” A fierce twister of wind blasted back Haku's senbon and even managed to crack a few of Haku's mirrors.

“Naruto where did you learn that...” Sasuke's jaw dropped. Wild Gust Jutsu indeed as a layer of Naruto's henge vanished making it look like his clothes had blown off. He stood in all his naked glory, minus his furry features. “You're naked!”

Naruto flexed. “See something you like, Sasuke?” the raven blushed.

“This is no time to be joking baka!” Sasuke scolded, but he got a bit of a nosebleed.

“So big!” Even Haku was suffering a bit of a nosebleed from the sight of the naked and hung blonde.

“Sasuke you can use fire style right?”

“Put some pants on!” Sasuke shouted.

“No time for that. I can use the wind style, it can amplify the power of fire style, if we work together we can take this guy down.” Sasuke was impressed, that was actually a good plan.

“Alright, let's do this!” The two began to weave symbols.

“Fire Style...”

“Wind Style...”

Haku snapped out of his daze a bit too late to stop them.

“Fireball Jutsu!”

“Gust Cannon Jutsu!”

The two jutsu combined, creating a fierce drill of fire and wind that ripped apart Haku's ice mirror. Haku dodged it at the last second, but his mirror was destroyed. “You two...that's enough!” he began to weave hand signs. “Ice Flash Jutsu!” The mirrors released a blinding light making the two gasp.

Haku was able to restore his ice mirror. “Ice Clone Jutsu!” he created clones of himself and hid them in his mirrors. He joined them and the light faded.

The two tried again, but with clones in each mirror, the rain of needles came down while they tried to attack. They tried to dodge but they suddenly found themselves outnumbered, even when they managed to combine their attacks they destroyed only one mirror/clone at a time, giving the real Haku time to make a new mirror and a new clone.

“This guy is tough!” Naruto groaned.

He has more years of experience, Zabuza has trained him well.' Kyuubi explains. ‘You can take him but you’ll need to go all out on him, that means dropping the henge.’

‘If I drop it now Sasuke will see, then it’ll be game over.’ Sasuke knew about his clones, so he came up with a new tactic, the clones plus his Phoenix Flower Jutsu, to destroy all the mirrors at once. It didn’t work, as the clones took the hits, blasting the two with needles.

Sasuke was knocked down for the count, but he fought bravely. ‘He’s fine kid, just unconscious, he was fighting Haku long before you showed up, and even after the long battle, he still managed to protect his vitals. He’s impressive...kid?’

Naruto caressed Sasuke’s cheek. “You made two mistakes, now I can fight you by going all out, and two you hurt my Sasuke!” Naruto roared. He dropped his henge, and let his furry features fly.

“What’s this?!”

“So you were using Ice Clones, it wasn’t just normal speed, Sasuke’s plan would have worked otherwise.” he flexed his claws and released his chakra. It washed over Sasuke and forced the needles out of him.

“That form, what are you?”

“Me? I’m just a ninja from Konoha, who found a funny little orb, now I’m something more. I’m gonna kick your ass!” He used his Tornado Fist Jutsu and began to crush through Haku’s clones and ice mirrors like they were paper. Haku tried to dodge, but even when Naruto missed, the jutsu inflicted some damage.

By the time Naruto was done, Haku was naked and down for the count. Naruto pinned him down, pinning his cock down with his foot. “You aren’t half bad, it was fun fighting you, if you hadn’t hurt my Sasuke I’d have liked to play with you more.” Haku grew hard under Naruto’s foot, coaxing the fox boy to give him a foot job, grinding his heel a bit against his balls. Haku moaned as he was too weak to move.

Kakashi had also finished taking down Zabuza, summoning his ninja dogs to track Zabuza and pin him down. He would have landed a killing blow, except Gato, showed up with an army. “Damn you all where is it, the treasure give it back!” he shouted.

“Do you intend to betray us, Gato?” Zabuza glared.

“SHUT UP!” He shouted. “You aren’t anything, I’m ruined if I don’t get that treasure back, not even you can protect me from him!” he pointed at Kakashi. “You lot, this happened because of you, you have to have it!”

“Gato, consider our contract terminated, don’t think I will forgive you for this!” Zabuza hissed.

Kakashi let him go, and the two went wild on Gato’s men. Naruto restored his henge and summoned clones to support. Back up arrived s Inari helped rally the villagers, and Gato was brought down for good. Now for Zabuza and Haku, they were missing ninja. “But Kakashi-sensei, we can just let them go, our mission was just to protect the bridge builder, now they have no reason to go after Tazuna-san’s life, so they aren’t our targets.” Naruto points out.

“You’ll just let us go?” Haku gasped in shock.

Kakashi sighed. They weren’t bounty hunters, they were ninjas on a mission, and Naruto was right since Gato was brought down, the contract was broken, they were free to go, they were the Mist Villages’ problem, not theirs. “So it seems, try to stay out of trouble.”

“Thank you, Naruto-kun, I hope we meet again on better terms.” Haku winks at him before they take off. Naruto had edged Haku for some time, driving the boy wild with lust, so Haku swore to keep his secret in exchange for orgasm. Naruto let him cum and Haku had passed out before the fight with Gato's men.

What’s more was Gato himself, Inari wanted to know what happened to his father. After some painful interrogation that would make Ibiki proud they managed to learn Inari’s father was sold as a pet to a Kage’s son, that’s all he knew, they didn’t know which kage but it was a start.

Inari wanted to get stronger, so he wanted to return with Naruto and co, to train and become a ninja. His mother approved, so he got ready and packed. Sasuke had recovered nicely. “Man I had a weird dream, I saw Naruto as a fox god!”

“Hehehe, a fox god that’s funny Sasuke.” he smiles. “By the way Sasuke, can you come with me for a bit, I’ve got something cool to show you?”

“Show me what?”

“Oh it’s something cool I found, you are gonna love it.”

To be continued


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