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Hunter x Hunter parody: Tier 1

Chap 7 https://www.patreon.com/posts/lamia-x-lamia-7-23699215


Gon 2 Cocks 16 inches each

Kurapika 6 inches

Leorio 8 inches

Killua 4 inches soft 9 inches hard

Chapter 8 Strange Tests and Blimp Rides

-x-Only 50 applicants were left in the Hunter Exam-x-

Leorio came to but didn't remember much about what happened. He was shocked at the nudity of Gon and Killua.

The second phase was to take place in the Visca Forest Park, Satotz left them in the semi-capable hands of their next examiner. The next examiner was skilled as a hunter, but their temper and pride tended to make them not the best suited as an examiner. Menchi, was a Gourmet Hunter, which some of the applicants considered a joke. Her partner Buhara was also a Gourmet Hunter, and their test was cooking.

This spurred on laughter from the applicants, not all but enough to piss off Menchi. The ingredient they had to use was Pork, there were stations supplied to prepare the dish. All they had to do was make a dish that satisfied their pallets.

Gon was nervous, he's hunted and cook food before, but that was for survival not to satisfy a skilled cook. While he had trained his taste buds up some there was no way he could cook properly.

His comrades seemed to think the same, but before they got to the cooking part they had to get the pork. Many of the applicant's arrogance was showing thinking this would be a cake walk.

They had no idea how terrifying the pigs of Visca Forest were. They were quite vicious man-eating beasts and tough as steel. Some hunters thought of knocking them out with poison, but that would cause issue with the meat. So they had to catch the pigs without becoming dinner themselves. Their powerful snouts smashed through even steel.

Once Gon figured out their weakness, being their forehead, the applicants began catching the pigs one by one. The cooking began but the arrogance came back in full swing. Buhara approved of the food brought to him but Menchi failed them without taking a bite.

Menchi could tell how something was cooked just by looking at it. From the dish, she could see if was overcooked or undercooked, how hot the fire was, how fast they turned the pig, and more it was really quite astounding. Not that any of the applicants appreciated her appraising eye.

Leorio went for showmanship, but Menchi still didn't eat it, calling it a kids meal. Killua tried next, but his knowledge of cooking was 0, so he tried to make the dish look presentable going for a Hawaiian style look he'd seen on tv once, no luck Menchi didn't try a bite. Kurapika made an actual tasty looking dish, but while it looked pretty and Menchi did try it, the flavors conflicted with each other so it was gross.

Gon was the last and he did his best, he took the organs and made it into a stew, he took the bones and reduced them to powder, mixing them with the guts he didn't use for his stew, he rolled them into balls and popped them into some extra broth to cook. He slices the meat and cooked going for what he hoped would make the best flavors. He brought up his dish and both Menchi and Buhara was surprised.

It smelled good, looked good, it actually made Buhara hungry. Menchi was impressed the Gon used all of the pig, even its bones were used to make an extra layer to the dish. Menchi tried it, while she didn't like everything Gon's meet slices were under seasoned and his stew needed more time to cook to draw out all the flavors it needed, but the balls were excellent.

Since Gon messed up two out of three of his dish, he of course failed. The exam ended with no one passing, thankfully Satotz was observing and noticed Menchi's bad habits rearing their ugly head. He called the Chairman to handle this situation.

Menchi's decision did not go over well with the other applicants, some planning to attack Menchi, others less skilled and dumb enough to try. She said the only one who came close was Gon and had he not been restricted by his natural lack of pallet he probably would have passed.

An applicant named Todo lost his temper with Menchi and tried to attack her, but Buhara stepped in and knocked his ass back. She didn't need his help, in fact, Buhara was protecting the guy Menchi was gonna kill him.

What the applicants failed to realize they might be gourmet hunters, but they were as skilled as any other hunter type. They tracked through dangerous areas, faced massive and deadly beasts, all to find the rarest and tastiest of ingredients. So to think they were weak, was to court with death itself.

Hisoka was about to fight her himself, but thankfully the chairman showed up. While he agreed with Menchi on a few points, he deemed it excessive to fail every applicant. Chairman Netero worked behind the scenes only getting involved when issues like this came up. He could understand if Menchi was honest about failing them, if not challenging the unknown was her only reason but it was clear she snapped when an applicant insulted gourmet hunters, and she made the challenge more difficult than need be.

She was gonna resign, but Netero had a better idea.


Menchi herself would be taking part in the next phase of the exam, and the applicants would be allowed retake it. This time they were going for boiled eggs, and not just any egg would do. They were brought to Split Mountain, and would be hunting Spider Eagle Eggs.

Spider Eagles made their nests in deep ravines like the ones before them, it made it difficult for predators to steal their eggs. Menchi showed them how it was done, she jumped down into the ravine and grabbed hold of the web.

She waited for the right moment, jumped grabbed an egg, and was brought back up to the top on a strong gust of wind. It was a natural phenomenon that Spider Eagles use for when their young hatch, the gust from the updraft brought them up to safety.

“This sounds fun!” Gon and Killua jumped first, Leorio and Kurapika following the naked boys. Other applicants followed their lead grabbing hold of the web. Menchi gasped, having not explained everything yet.

One applicant let go too soon, with no wind he fell to his death despite grabbing an egg. Things weren't looking good as the web couldn't hold everyone's weight and it looked like it was going to snap.

Gon told them to wait, he could smell it in the air when the gust was coming. Three applicants couldn't wait and tried for the eggs anyway and ended up falling to their deaths. Just as the web was about to snap…

“Now!” everyone released, dropping down and grabbing an egg, a gust came and brought them up to safety. Some applicants were too scared to even jump. The eggs were boiled and even shared among the applicants who didn't jump. They got a taste of something delicious, and hopefully some insight into the unknown.

So it was just a blimp ride to the next exam site.


Beans informed them they could do as they pleased until the next phase, the blimp was stocked with food, water, and even recreation facilities. “You can even rest, it will be some time before we land, good day.”

The naked boys hit the kitchen, running around the blimp in the buff. Killua was slowly accepting his naked and exposed state, the breeze between his knees was oddly nice. Not as nice as it was to hang around Gon, the lamia was keeping him close which he was very okay with.

Leorio and Kurapika chose to rest, despite Tonpa trying to play mind games with them. He was still trying to crush other applicants, but it seems exhaustion trumped his mind games. While they slept Gon and Killua relaxed, watching the passing sky, the lamia had snuck some food from the kitchen.

“So you come from a family of assassins?” Gon asked.

“Yep, I've been trained in the family business since I can remember.”

“That's cool!” Gon says, Killua was surprised, normally no one believed him.

“I guess, but you seem a lot cooler, what's it like you know being a lamia?” he laid across Gon's tail.

“Hmm, dunno probably the same as it is for you to be human,” he smiled. “The tail can be handy though.” he curls his tail, allowing the tip to caress Killua's butt.

“Gon!” Killua moans. His cock stirred to life, and he rocked his hips, rubbing his cock and balls against Gon's tail. His scales felt so good against his naked skin.

“Killua, can I kiss you?” the boy blushed, but nodded. He pressed forward and captured his lips. A moan is shared between them. The tip of his tail teases Killua's tight pucker, making him rock harder against the scales.

After their kiss Killua smiles. “It's been different, Aunt Mito was always trying to protect me from those that want me dead or would enslave me, or use me for parts. Though if I become a hunter I'll be protected.”

“That I understand, my family has some major bounties on their heads. I kinda wanna become a hunter to catch them all!”

“I guess we both, have had our struggles.” he looked outside. “I wasn't unhappy with my life on our island, but if I didn't leave I wouldn't have gotten to see this, try new things, meet Leorio, Kurapika, or you.” The tip of his tail trails down his crack, teasing his taint and sliding back up, “I'm very happy to have met you Killua!”

“Me to Gon!” he pushes back and takes the tip of Gon's tail into his ass. The two kiss as the lamia's tail slides into his ass, the scales caressing his sensitive insides. As the two kiss, Gon's massive 16 inch dicks slip from his sheath allowing Killua to see his cocks for the first time.

The white-haired boy's eyes widen. “Two dicks! So big!” he caresses the two monster cocks, he licks his lips at the sight of them, his insides twitching, and tightening around Gon's tail. Gon gives him a nod, he could play as much as he likes. They had plenty of time until the next phase.

To be continued...Duel and Tower Challenge

Gon and Killua have some fun, before bumping into the chairman, who faces off with them. They arrive at the next phase and must take part in the next difficult exam.


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