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Bleach Parody: Tier 1

Chap 1-3 https://www.patreon.com/posts/24111110


Chap 4 Lieutenant Meeting

There is something to be said by one's soul, a soul is said to be forged under two divine forces of nature, alpha and beta, now these divine natures weren't set in stone. It was highly possible for an alpha to become a beta and vice versa, but usually a person would live and die, a thousand times without tapping into this part of themselves. There were some born who were closer and more sensitive to this nature, those that have are able to feel the others pressure or catch the scent of a beta or alpha, and a bond formed through this nature was a powerful one.

Komamura knew he was a beta, but often ignored it as so many he met didn't know or care about his nature. Meeting Ichigo had allowed himself to explore it more than he had in the many years of his life. He was slowly opening up more and more, his inner beta happy to have found such a strong alpha.

He was counting the days until his heat would come and Ichigo would claim him. His alpha's touch felt amazing, stroking a part of him that's been in great need. The need for contact and bonding. He still wasn't ready to show who or what he was behind the mask to the others but to Ichigo he felt so free. Ichigo was happy to play with him, promising him more love and pleasure as his heat drew closer.

“Its good of you to join us again Sajin, your appearance at captain's meetings is a welcoming surprise.” Yamamoto points out. Captain's meetings had both a weekly and monthly gathering, the weekly meetings weren't mandatory unless in times of crisis, so Sajin often skipped them, sending a proxy, and focusing more on other duties. It wasn't too odd, as Kenpachi almost never came to the weekly meetings finding them boring. The monthly ones were mandatory as the captains needed to come together and discuss important topics at some point together. “I take it things are working out with your new lieutenant?”

“Yes sir, very much so,” he says and gives a bow.

“Excellent, let us begin.” Going to these meetings was Ichigo's idea in hopes of Sajin opening up to the other captains, and to add some spice to it Sajin was fitted with several toys.

A large butt plug stuffed up his ass, with three to five vibrating eggs stuffed inside him. His cock was bound by two vibrating rings, keeping him from cumming, but not stopping his pre-cum from overflowing and wetting his fundoshi.


Being a lieutenant was a difficult job, depending on the squad and captain you had to deal with. Each of the lieutenants had their own tasks and responsibilities, the work load shifting depending on the captain. The laziest lieutenant had to be Omaeda who not only neglected his lieutenant duties but even basic shinigami training. The oldest lieutenant was Chojiro Sasakibe and he served the Head Captain and he had a lot of duties like overseeing the lieutenant meeting. The youngest lieutenant is Yachiru and she answered to Kenpachi Zaraki, she often pushed her duties off onto Ikkaku who was the seat below hers.

The weekly lieutenant meetings however were mandatory, unless out on assignment or dealing with an immediate issue. A captain could come in their place under those circumstances. Information was important. Depending on the topics or issues needing to be discussed the meeting times differed from one to the next. One meeting could be under 10 minutes while others could last up to 3 hours.


Ichigo saw quite a few familiar faces in the meetings. Renji Abarai, Kira Izuru, and Momo Hinamori, the four having been in the academy together. Shuuhei Hisagi was their sempai and had graduated before them. They had been bounced around a few times, experiencing different squads and learning what they could before obtaining the ranks they held. Renji in Squad 6, Kira in Squad 3 and Momo in Squad 5, with Ichigo in Squad 7.

“Yo Ichigo,” Renji greeted the orangette when he entered the room.

“Hey Renji,” Ichigo says. “How are things?”

“Captain Kuchiki, is very strict, but I'm not backing down,” he says. Ichigo chuckled.

“I didn't expect you would, you've been keeping up with your training?” Renji scratched the back of his head.

“Yeah, but I can't get a good spar anymore. Its hard to let loose! Even when I was in the Eleventh no one pushed me like you.” he blushed. The two dueled often back in the academy.

“Well, you know where to find me if you ever want to spar,” Ichigo says.

“Your captain won't mind?”

“I handle my duties pretty well, I'm sure he'd be fine, we can even use the Squad 7 training hall.” Renji grinned.

“Alright, just you wait, I'll show you how strong I've become!”

“Looking forward to it.” the two bump fists.

“Didn't you get enough losing to Ichigo in the academy?” Kira Izuru stepped up to them.

“Shut it, Kira, I didn't lose that often.” Renji folded his arms. Momo overheard and came over as well.

“In 698 sparring matches, you lost exactly 698.” Renji blushed. Momo and Kira laughed.

“Renji, ignore them, our matches were the most fun I had in the academy. Just as I pushed you, you pushed me to.”

“Thanks, Ichigo,” he says. Even Kira had to admit, in terms of raw power Ichigo and Renji were the top of the class in combat training, with Momo and him holding high marks in kido.

“Muscle heads the both of you.” Kira shook his head.

“What'd you say?” Renji grabbed him.

“You lot should probably take your seats soon, once everyone arrives we'll be starting.” Shuuhei came over and broke up the two. Seating was based on the squad, so Ichigo and Renji sat next to each other. Omaeda watched the group and grumbled.

“Really, the academy should raise their standards letting ruffians and weaklings get by,” he says, before stuffing his face.

A childish laugh turned his attention. A pink haired girl popped up on him. “Hahaha, if that were the case you should be sent back to the academy since Ichi and Red are way stronger than you.”

“Oi!” she snatched his chips and downed them before taking her seat. She crumpled up the empty bag and threw it at Omaeda. This was Yachiru, the youngest of the lieutenants, but don't let her appearance fool you she was quite powerful and even terrifying.

The other lieutenants arrived, except for Squad 13 that didn't have someone in the position currently. The meeting seemed to be a long one today, which caused Ichigo's mind to wander a bit. With the full moon coming soon Komamura's heat was just around the corner. The thought alone cause his manhood to stir, and while Ichigo thought of his upcoming mating to Komamura, Shiro was looking at the next potential mate to add to the pack.

Someone in this very room in fact, there were a few potentials. Ichigo formed bonds with a few guys, what those bonds would become would be interesting to see. Among the lieutenants Shiro could say Renji, Shuuhei, and Kira would make fine mates, each have a unique strength, that would make their pack much stronger. It would do good for Sajin to be with other mates, to break him of his fear and shyness. Even Shiro had to admit the male had come a long way, he didn't get why he was hiding himself to begin with, but whatever.

The only issue was even Shiro couldn't tell what someone was even in his unsealed state if they weren't aware of their nature. Of course, there were ways to tap into that nature, the first of course was being born with it like Ichigo and Komamura, it can awaken through combat, it can awaken through sex, and it could be triggered artificially but that could cause complications. Shiro growled, to him Ichigo was his king, and his King deserved a fine pack to follow him, but his king wanted to take things slow. 'Doesn't mean I can't keep an eye out for potential when the King is happy there isn't a cloud in the sky.'

In Ichigo's soul world, there was a vast field and forest, with trees reaching high into the sky, lit up by stars and the most beautiful moon. When Ichigo was happy things were clear and beautiful when he was sad the moon turned blue and the clouds gathered and it rained. When he was angry the moon turned red, and his soul clouds became a storm. While he didn't like the rain, he had to admit his King looked beautiful when angry.

The meeting finally ended, the only thing of note was strange power fluctuations with hollows in the human world. Rukia Kuchiki was the Soul Reaper in charge of monitoring and she was sending back pretty odd data.

“Renji, she was a friend of yours right?” Ichigo asked after the meeting.

“Yeah, but we haven't been in touch since she joined the Kuchiki clan.”

“She had high marks in the academy I'm sure she's doing fine.” Izuru points out.

“Still, its weird, why would such strange hollows be appearing in Karakura Town?” Ichigo pondered.

“Its scary, it reminds me of that day when Captain Aizen protected us from those giant hollows.” Ichigo remembered, it was the day they met Shuuhei, that day was quite odd as well. 'That day, and now this? Shiro what do you think?'

'It could be coincidence king, hollows do grow stronger by eating souls and other hollows. So a few with strange abilities wouldn't be that odd. The giant hollows could have been lured by your group's unique spiritual pressure.'

Ichigo felt something was off, but maybe he was just over thinking it. Before he could bring up his thoughts Omaeda bumped into him. “Oh so sorry, didn't see you there,” he says and pushes past him.

“Omaeda!” Shuuhei stands up moving to scold his fellow lieutenant, but Ichigo stops him.

“It's not my fault, this guy is just standing around and blocking the way,” he says. Ichigo twitched, was he really gonna play that.

“You are from Squad 2 correct? The Stealth Force?”

Omaeda snorts and smirks. “That's right!”

“I worry about them then, if you are the lieutenant and you can't watch your foot work.” Ichigo gives him a fake smile. Renji, Kira, and Shuuhei chuckle as Omaeda's face went red.

“How dare you mock me, my captain is an elite soul reaper, her skills and speed are top notch. I know who you are, you serving under the creepy captain who wears the helmet...” he was cut off as a sword was placed at his throat.

“Listen here you pompous pig!” he glares at Omaeda. “You can insult me all you like, but don't you dare insult my captain!” Ichigo's spiritual pressure raged, and Omaeda felt the air knocked out of him.

Ichigo pulled his zanpakuto away, and the fat man was brought to his knees. “Consider this your first, last, and only warning.”

'Who the hell is this guy?!' Omaeda was sweating heavily. He would try to complain to Soi-Fon later but the woman wasn't having it and hit Omaeda for his stupidity.


The day before the full moon, Sajin informed his squad he would be indisposed of and was not to be disturbed. Another odd change was that Ichigo didn't give him any toys. He went the whole day without his ass stuffed, no touch, and no vibrations. It oddly built up his need more.

Ichigo made sure all his tasks were taken care of and were with him as the sun was setting. He found Sajin in his room, naked his fur bristled and cock hard and hot. When he went into heat he couldn't stand wearing clothing, he mostly just stayed in his room with a barrier up to keep him in and everyone else out.

The orangette could feel his own blood pumping, the full moon effected him as well. His cock remained in a semi-hard state all day. Sajin was looking beautiful in the light of the setting sun, he couldn't wait to see his beauty in the moonlight.

He barely had the door closed when Sajin embraced him. “Ichigo...Alpha...” he purred. Ichigo chuckled and pet him.

“Sajin...” His soul wanted to claim him even now, but they had some time. They parted so Ichigo could strip, Komamura eying him hungrily especially his alpha's massive dick, still not in a fully hard state.

The boy sits down and Komamura rests his head in his lap, letting Ichigo pet him. “How many heats have you gone through alone?”

“Too many to count.”

“Are you ready to become mine?”

“Yes!” he moans.

“This will be my first time too, I'll admit I'm nervous but excited.” he pets him, feeling his soft fur.

“I'm excited too, but I'm happy.” Since coming to Soul Society he wasn't sure if he'd ever find a mate.

The sun set, and the moon was rising high into the sky. Sajin felt his heart pounding, his arousal rising and his rational mind slipping. He dropped low and began licking Ichigo's feet, an act of submission.

Ichigo raised his foot in acceptance, and the furry male responded in kind licking the sole of his foot and taking in whiffs of his scent. Ichigo chuckled, loving each lick, his tongue was so long and strong. He did the same to the other foot and Ichigo raised his arms, folding them behind his head.

Sajin rose up, ignoring Ichigo's massive dick to going to the boy's pits. His soft fur brushing against his skin as he went. He sniffed Ichigo's pits taking in his alpha musk. A shudder tears through him, his hole twitching a river of slick escaping his tight ass. He licked Ichigo's pit, loving the taste as much as he did the smell.

His tail wagged and he moved to sniff the other pit, his hard cock bobbing and weeping in delight. Beneath him was a puddle of his slick and pre-cum. A strong sign of his excitement and want. Every whiff and lick stroking the raging fire that's been inside him for years.

He drops down to Ichigo's crotch, nuzzling his length and after taking one whiff from his pubes he came. His thick cum pelting the floor as he whimpered with need. “Sajin...” the male didn't respond. “Sajin...” the male licked his cock, running his tongue across his length and balls. “Beta!”

Sajin shifted recognizing him. “You want my cock?” he didn't hesitate quickly whipping around his ass raised high, his glistening hole twitching with want. “Good boy!” he lines up behind Komamura, gripping his plump furry cheeks and fondling his fine ass.

He slaps his heavy alpha cock against his hot beta hole, his slick rushing out and coating his length. His dick kisses his entrance. “Mine!” Ichigo growls and thrusts home.

“Yours!” Komamura howls, and cums hard! Ichigo's long hard dick, plunges into Sajin's wanting hole, not an ounce of pain was felt, the male so horny he only felt pleasure. Ichigo growls as Sajin's insides tighten around his dick. He doesn't cum, not yet, the night was still young.

He was gonna see Komamura through his heat and mark him forever as his.

To be continued...Heat and Mating


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