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One Piece Parody: Tier 1: PDF Copy

Chapter 5 https://www.patreon.com/posts/cupid-luffy-chap-22506604

Chapter 6 Pirate Hunter Zoro

“Ah uhh ah Luffy are you sure you want to go to where Zoro is?” Koby was blushing and trembling. “I mean there’s a marine base there but...ahh...” Luffy didn’t respond but his mouth was full.

After Koby and Luffy escaped from Alvida’s ship they had set a course for the marine base of Shells Town. Luffy was excited, and Koby was excited being around Luffy. He’d had a stiffy for a while, he was too embarrassed to take care of it, especially with the target of his affection was right there.

Luffy noticed his discomfort, and discovered the boy’s aroused state, and was happy to give the boy a hand or a mouth. Before Koby knew it his clothes were discarded and he was laid out, his hard 5 incher standing tall and twitching.

Koby was embarrassed and tried to cover himself, but Luffy batted his hands away and got to work. He sucked down the boy’s cock with ease. Koby howled and bucked, toes curling from the overwhelming pleasure. He came quickly, which the cupid male drank down his first climax.

Being a quick shot didn’t bother him, he kept sucking Koby’s dick, his tongue work stimulating the boy’s dick and keeping him erect. All Koby could do was lay back and enjoy, as Luffy milked him for orgasm after orgasm.

He’s been sucking the boy’s cock for hours now, instead of feeling drained Koby felt energized, so he was able to keep them on track. What’s more Koby’s cock was growing stronger from Luffy’s oral stimulation, with each passing orgasm they got further and further apart even with the increased sensitivity. ‘The boy still has room to grow.’ Luffy could taste that Koby’s cock was still developing, it was on the verge of something amazing.

Koby was flying high on cloud nine, he wasn’t allowed to touch himself on Alvida’s ship, not that he really got excited but, some morning he was. He was blue balled for 2 years, now his balls were happy.

“Luffy ahh, are you seriously gonna ask Zoro to join your crew?” He moans, running his fingers through Luffy’s soft dark hair.

Luffy pulls off his cock but continues to pump it as he talks. “Not sure, I’m gonna see what kind of guy he is first.” Koby shudders. “Keep a lookout Koby,” he turns the boy around, in the doggy style position.

He spread the boy’s cheeks and kissed his hole, licking his tight pucker as he pumped the boy’s dick. “Ahh Luffy not there, ohh so good!” he lost it and came, his cum pelting the boat.


The honeymoon ended when they spotted Shells Town. Luffy lets Koby relax and get dressed, and they dock. They explored the town, as they headed to the Marine Base, the people were a bit jumpy not just at Zoro’s name but of the Marine Base Captain. Axe-Hand Morgan, he got his fame after capturing a certain pirate, he rose through the ranks with his strength and coldness.

Koby was concerned as to why everyone was so scared of Morgan when it was Zoro who was the criminal. “Well, we’ll find out when we see him.” Koby had told him, that Zoro had the reputation of a demon, cutting down anyone who got in his way. He may be a bounty hunter, but he was considered as bad as the pirates he hunted.

They reached the wall. “Let’s go,” using his wings he flew he and Koby up to rest against it. “Now where is this demon?”

“They aren’t just gonna have him out in the open?” Koby gasped as that’s exactly what they did. Roronoa Zoro was tied to a post, his upper body, and arms were tied tight giving no room to resist or struggle.

“If we untied those ropes he could just get away.”

“No Luffy, he’ll kill you!” Koby protested.

“Hey!” Zoro shouted. “You are an eyesore get lost.” Zoro was weakened, He’d been tied up for three weeks already, with a week left to go. Luffy could see the male was strong, even though hunger was ravaging his body he was hanging tough on his will alone.

Before the two had a chance to act a ladder is propped up beside them, and a little girl climbs over the wall, lowering a rope down. “Shh,” she snuck over the wall.

“Luffy stop her!” Koby pleaded.

“Why?” he blinked in confusion.

The girl went over to Zoro and offered him food. “Here, I made them myself.”

“Get lost kid, get out of here now!” he snapped, the girl flinched.

“Now, now, no one likes a bully.” A blonde male came into the execution yard followed by two marine guards. Koby breathed a sigh of relief, believing the girl would be safe from Zoro now. Luffy saw this as a different way, and he was proved right.

The boy was named Helmeppo, and he was the son of Captain Morgan. His name alone struck fear into the girl. “Hahaha, even children know to fear my daddy.” he snatched one of her rice balls and ate it, only to spit it out. “You idiot, these are full of sugar!”

“I thought they would taste better sweet.”

“You should know better!” he snatches the food and stomps them into the ground. The girl cried, which annoyed the blonde and he had one of his men throw her out, literally. The guard whispers and tells her to curl up, to avoid severe damage before throwing her over the wall.

Luffy jumps and flies catching the girl, they landed safely and the girl smiles. “How awful!” Koby couldn't believe a marine would do that.

“You bastard,” Zoro growled, and Helmeppo simply laughed.

“Who's scared of a caged beast, why don't you just give in and die already,” he says.

“Tch, I don't plan on dying, just one more week and I'll pass this trial.” he was confident.

“That's assuming you make it one more week.” he was about to walk off but gave Zoro a hit.

“Hit me all you want but my spirit won't break.”

“We'll see...” Helmeppo left, and Zoro coughed. His body ached, he was starving and thirsty. A normal man would have died of starvation or dehydration already, but Zoro was staying alive through his warrior's will and the strength of his will alone.

So you can understand his state of mind when someone with large white wings suddenly appeared before him coming down from the sky. 'So beautiful!' Luffy had flown over the wall, his wings stretched out wide. “Are you here for my soul?” he asked, Luffy tilted his head to the side. “I've heard that when a warrior is close to death he'll see a vision of a heavenly being with wings that comes to guide his soul to the other side.” he blushed. “Even if my reaper is cute I can't go with you, I need to keep fighting.”

“I'm not here for your soul, I would like to have you though.” he smiled, returning his wings to a chibi like state. He tells Zoro the girl was safe before introducing himself. “My name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm a pirate.”

“You're a pirate?” He was checking Luffy out. “I don't believe it.” He had an eye for strength, and he could tell the boy was physically strong, but there was also something more to him.

“Well I don't have a bounty or crew yet, but I'm looking for them.” Luffy was eying Zoro as well.

“Then look somewhere else, I have no intention of becoming a pirate.”

“Why not, pirates have the most freedom, chasing dreams and having adventures!” he says with a smile

“Pirates cause all kinds of terror and trouble.” It was his experience with them anyway, the more trouble they caused the bigger the bounty.

“Says the guy everyone calls a demon, aren't you known for being some big scary bounty hunter?” Luffy cocked a brow at him.

“People can say whatever they want about me, but I've never done anything in my life that I regret, so I won't become a pirate. Go look for your crew elsewhere.” He needed to leave before someone saw him there and hurt him.

“Hmm, well I actually haven't asked you to join my crew yet,” he says with a grin crossing his arms. “I'm looking for strong guys to join me, are you strong?”

“Heh, I'm going to be the greatest swordsman in the world one day, so you bet your ass I'm strong.” Luffy chuckled, and Zoro felt his heart flutter. This boy's smile was doing things to him.

“Roronoa Zoro, the world's greatest swordsman, that's a wonderful dream.” Luffy smiled, and Zoro's heart fluttered again.

'Oi stop it, he's a pirate,' he tried to shake the thoughts but his mind added. 'A sexy pirate!' Zoro shook his head, to fight against a blush. “Look, you need to get out of here now, get lost!”

“If you insist,” he turned.

“Wait!” he stopped Luffy and had him collect the smashed rice balls. “Feed it to me.”

“Are you sure its mostly dirt?”

“Do it now!” he snapped. Luffy fed it to him, and he coughed. “It was good, tell the kid thanks for the food.” Luffy smiled.

“See, I knew you were a good guy.” he hugged Zoro. The swordsman blushed as Luffy's warmth and sweet manly scent washed over him.

“Oi!” he was tied up, but even if he wasn't he wasn't sure if he'd push Luffy away. The boy was warm, smelled so damn good, his manhood stirred in his pants. Luffy could do whatever he wanted to him, being tied up, and he was oddly okay with that.

He gulped as Luffy looked him right in the eye. “I had a feeling you were a good guy, you have a big heart Roronoa Zoro.” he kissed the male on the cheek. Zoro was stunned, the stiffness in his body melted away, the aches were soothed, he felt warm and tingly all over.

'What did he just do?' Luffy pulled back and the swordsman whined at the loss. He blushed as Luffy went to leave, starring at the boy's ass as he went. He gulped as his hard cock pushed at the fabric of his pants. 'Oh man!'


Luffy and Koby found out the truth of Zoro's predicament, it was Helmeppo's fault. He was causing trouble with his vicious dog. He was actually threatening the girl and her mother, but Zoro took the “punishment” for them, they made a man to man deal.

Zoro would be tied up for a month, and if he survived he'd be let go and all would be well. Helmeppo wasn't making it easy, beating on Zoro whenever the whim took him. Luffy didn't like it, but it was a man's promise and Zoro was determined to see it through to the end.

Helmeppo came into their place of business. “Bring me your finest meal and keep the check to yourself,” he says. Luffy's eyes narrowed, this boy had no love in his heart, he saw little value in those around him. “Man, I'm so bored, there's nothing interesting to do.” he rocked in his chair. “I know, I could execute that fool Zoro that'd be fun!” he laughed.

Luffy acted, hitting Helmeppo hard and knocking the fool flat on his ass. “Y-You hit me!” Helmeppo screamed.

“Luffy no!” Koby grabbed him and tried to stop him.

“How dare you hit me, do you know who my daddy is?”

“I don't care!” Luffy snapped. “You are scum, Zoro is a million times more honorable than you!” Helmeppo ran off screaming and crying. “Koby, I've decided, I'm going to have Zoro join my crew!”

To be continued...Pirate Zoro!


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