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Bleach Parody: Tier 1


7th Division Kurosaki

Ichigo has a rather unique zanpakuto, he stands as the lieutenant of the 7th squad. His captain may be a bit strange but he's happy in this squad. Together they learn the nature of their souls and the souls of others.

Chap 1 Hunt

It was a warm scent, Komamura Sajin had caught it and it had stirred up his feelings. Not many knew what he was, or their mating habits. Scent was a big part of it since he had left his home and hid his appearance to be among the soul reapers he never thought he would find his mate.

It was calling to him, the scent of a powerful alpha. It was weird no other soul reaper had ever affected him like this. Not even Yamamoto who had saved his life, and was one of the most powerful soul reapers alive.

No, this scent came from someone young. He visited the academy clad in his armor and mask. People recognized him as a captain. He was polite but he kept searching for the bearer of that scent.

Then he saw him, a boy with vibrant orange hair. He was sitting beneath a tree reading a book. There was an aura of power about it, it was like he could barely keep his power in check at all.

Komamura gulped. The scent was so strong and making him get aroused. He was even producing slick. 'I have to get away before I lose control.' his legs wouldn't move, they were frozen under the tremendous power before him.

His scent was beckoning him, demanding he submits and displays himself before his master. His cock was so hard it hurt, his insides were hot and slick. Yet the smell made him feel so good!

The boy's power just sitting there, it was amazing he hadn't collapsed under the strain. The boy looked up from his book and spotted him. Komamura tensed. He got up and was coming towards him. 'No don't come any closer I can't take it.'

He whimpered. “Hey are you okay?” the boy reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. The touch even through his clothes was like being struck with a lightning bolt. He came into his fundoshi and his body struggled to stand upright.

“I...I am fine...” he panted out.

“You don't sound fine, take off that helmet let me see.” he was reaching for his helmet. He couldn't, in a flash, he vanished using flash step. “Ehh?”

Komamura went back to his squad and collapsed onto all fours. 'I didn't even get his name.' he hung his head low. 'I'm pathetic.'

He watched the boy from afar, daring not to get too close. The boy's scent even from far away was powerful. Alluring, beckoning him but he resisted. There were days he tried to avoid seeing the boy all together but even that proved problematic.

No matter how far he ran he couldn't escape the boy in his dreams. Those beautiful eyes and tantalizing scent, and that striking orange hair. Komamura was in love, he wanted to know more about the boy.

Then he would look in the mirror and he remembered why that wasn't possible. If the boy saw him, his real face his real appearance, he'd never want him. If Ichigo was of his kind there would be no problem, but to be rejected by an alpha would forever be a mark against him.

He never thought he would get to meet the boy face to face or face to mask, but then came the time for the placement of the new soul reapers who graduated from the academy.

To his surprise Ichigo, he learned the boy's name from the papers he received, was in his office. 'Ichigo Kurosaki?' the name made him shiver. He put a name to the face, and it suited him.

Though now he was sweating bullets. His whole office now was filled with the boy's scent. “Ahh so you are the squad 7 captain,” he spoke, and poor Komamura was trying not to jizz himself again in the boy's presence.

He was hard and already producing slick. It was torture to be before an alpha. His body was feeling lighter than it had been in a long time to boot. “So you are going to be my captain from now on right?” Sajin tensed and he nodded. “Please look after me Captain Komamura!” he bowed.

Ichigo learned his name from the intro to squad 7. “Could you show me around Captain?” he went to touch him and Komamura flinched and jumped away. “Ehh?”

“Captain?” he didn't want to jump away, he really didn't. Every fiber of his being wanted to be under that boy's touch. He was just so pent up and even from where he stood he could feel the boy's power if anything he's gotten stronger.

“Uhh Ichigo-Kun, tell me you have learned your zanpakuto's name correct, can you perform shikai?”

“Oh yes,” he smiled. He drew his sword. “My zanpakuto is called Shiro. It is a living type, now howl Shiro!” his zanpakuto glowed and took new shape. It looked like a dagger but the handle seemed to be like a mouthpiece, and there were holes in it like a flute. The real surprise came in the massive white wolf that appeared beside Ichigo. “This is Shiro, what do you think captain?”

Komamura's eyes widened. “Impressive.” Shiro was huge, but there was more to him than just size. “Though your Zanpakuto doesn't seem to be made for combat.”

“We got a few tricks up our sleeve, and Shiro is good at tracking hollows.” Ichigo pats him behind the head, and Komamura felt a pang of jealousy. “I have my own way of fighting, would you care for a spar captain?”

A challenge! It made Komamura shudder, no that's not what he wanted not at all. He wanted Ichigo to claim him as his alpha. “Not today, let me show you around.” he walked five steps ahead of him and showed him around.

It was a simple tour, but Ichigo kept Shiro out.

“Is this alright? Not too boring?” he asked.

“Not at all, outside of the academy I have never been outside the Kurosaki clan grounds.”

Komamura was surprised. He hadn't thought about it before, too distracted but the Kurosaki clan was a big deal. They were a family surrounded in mystery. Most never left the clan grounds or joined the gotei 13, but rumors say they are a fierce group each with their own unique ways. It is said that each member of the family has their own unique zanpakuto that's different from any other family member.

“Thank you for showing me around Captain, but there is still one thing you've yet to show me.”

“And what is that?” Ichigo smirked.

“Could you show me what's behind your mask captain?” a sudden chill raced up and down his spine.

'Crap this is bad?' Ichigo had gotten close to him and Shiro was behind him. They had come to a pretty secluded place to boot. In this position it was clear, Ichigo was on the hunt.

To be continued

Chap 2 Behind the mask

“You know Captain I've been smelling a beta for some time now.” Komamura shivered his penis throbbing.

End preview

Chap 2 Behind the Mask

Ichigo after awakening his zanpakuto Shiro developed some useful traits. He communicated with his spirit and learned about sub classes. Some soul reapers were more in touch with these classes than others.

He could never forget the strange masked male. He wanted to see behind that mask, he didn't know why. Talking with Shiro, he learned the male might have been a beta male.

The boy felt eyes on him all through the academy. Doing some research he learned there was a masked captain and decided to get placed in his squad.

During the tour, he opened his senses and caught the whiff of an aroused beta. 'Oh, king he craves you.'

'You don't know that.' he followed the captain but no matter how far he kept his distance Ichigo could smell the male's slick. The smell of his arousal, the friction in his pants only fueling it. 'Okay maybe you do.' Shiro chuckled.

It was nice to stretch his legs. The Kurosaki compound was always so confining. Sure there were plenty of reapers to spar against, but he wanted to see soul society, even visit the human world. His family had strict rules, he had to jump through hoops just to get into the academy.

The Kurosaki clan was a rag tag family, their powers and abilities were different. Ichigo's being one of the only living zanpakuto among them. They were special forces, called on when threats to soul society reached the most dire. No one outside of the head captain had any clue or info on their abilities. No documentation, no records, outside of Ichigo who joined the ranks of the academy.

The tour ended, and Ichigo wanted to see what was behind that mask. “You know Captain I've been smelling a beta for some time now.” Komamura shivered his penis throbbing. “Who could that be?”

“Ichigo-kun...” an alpha, he took a step back and met against Shiro. “I...I...can't...”

“You don't need to be scared of me captain.”

“You'll be scared of me.” Komamura was at his limit.

“Let me be the judge of that.” Ichigo moved closer. “You've been watching me haven't you?” Komamura was trapped, Shiro had his nose up the male's ass. The anthro shivered. “Have you been playing with yourself?”

Komamura whined. “Must be hard not having an alpha to take care of you?”

“It is!” he moaned out. He blushed behind his mask, he just admitted to being a beta. Ichigo caressed his mask with one hand, the bulge with the other.

“Please show me,” Komamura growled. He caught the boy's hand towards his mask but did not stop him from feeling his bulge.

“Please...” he moaned.

“Show me!” Ichigo commanded, releasing his alpha pheromones. Komamura buckled his tail wagging.

“Yes alpha,” he removed his helmet and closed his eyes in fear. There was no gasp, so he peeked and Ichigo was starring at him intently. No fear, no disgust, no hatred, just pure honest interest.

Ichigo was speechless for a moment. He didn't know what he was expecting but this man, this furry, sexy, beast of a man, to hide behind that mask is a sin. One word formed on Ichigo's lips, as he marveled the wolf-like face, fluffy brown fur with white under his muzzle. “Beautiful!”

Komamura blushed. No one had called him that before, but from the boy's scent and the glisten of his eyes, he wasn't lying. Normally if an alpha didn't like a beta their scent would respond in kind. If anything the scent was even stronger, more welcoming.

“May I?” Komamura knelt down and allowed Ichigo to touch his furry face. “So soft.” Komamura purred as Ichigo found the perfect spot, scratching him behind the ear in just the right spot.

His tongue hung out as his cock pulsed. Ichigo continued stroking that spot while his other hand came up to scratch under his chin. 'No more...I'll cum...fuck...don't stop!' the attention was so good.

The beta's rod pulsed and he came. “Ichigo!” his thick load soaked his fundoshi. Drenching it, and his crotch. He fell against Ichigo, nuzzling his neck.

“That feel good?” he pets his head, Komamura nodded. He sniffed him loving the manly aroma Ichigo released. The furry sniffed him, giving a nice little growl in joy.

Shiro chuckled. “It's no good to be so pent up captain.”

'He's producing so much slick, he's begging to be fucked.'

“Captain, can I court you?”

“Court me? Take me I'm yours!” he'd waited for so long, needed this male, been haunted by him in his dreams. No one had treated him like this he wanted more. Ichigo sealed his zanpakuto.

“Naughty boy.” Komamura's tail wagged happily. The two vanished in a flash step. They reached Komamura's room. “Strip for me.”

A wave of shyness hit him, but he obeyed. Stripping off his shinigami robes, and revealed his furry body. His nipples were peeking through his fur, the hard fleshy nubs looked so erotic.

The anthro was built broad shoulders, thick strong arms, massive pecs and rock hard abs. Down the pants went and revealed his furry legs, off went the gloves and boots. He was soon in only his soaked fundoshi. Even the back was drenched from all his slick.

Ichigo whistled. His dick was tenting the soaked garment. “I'm not gonna fuck you Komamura,” the male froze fearing he did something wrong. “I want to badly, but I barely know you and I want to.” he came up to the male and dropped his fundoshi. His hot cock pulsed in the air and Sajin whined.

His heart fluttered, Ichigo wanted him and not just for his body, wanted him. His alpha wanted him.

Ichigo kissed him, along his muzzle and fondled his balls. His tail wagged, his furry nuts being massaged.

Sajin licked him back. “Alpha...Ichigo...your scent called to me. I want to be yours, more than anything. I will gladly wait.”

“You don't have to wait alone. You've been suffering and I'm going to take care of you.” his hand came up to caress his hard cock.

“Ohhh!” his knees buckled. His cock was thick, Ichigo could not wrap his hand around it. He pumped the shaft.

Sajin growled happily. Ichigo reached around and began fingering his slick hole. “OHHHHH!!!!” two fingers went in so easily.

Ichigo wiggled the digits and pumped him faster. Sajin's eyes rolled up and with a lustful growl, he came hard. He felt his pulsing and covered his head with a hand and took the brunt of his orgasm.

He removed his hand and fingers and brought up his cum slicked hand and licked it clean, and he even tasted his slick. “You taste delicious.” Sajin gulped. The look in Ichigo's eyes was positively primal, a flicker of gold crossed his gaze.

“Thank you!” Ichigo sat down on his bed. 'I have an alpha in my bed, thank the soul king!' he crawled into his bed not even bothering to get dressed and he rested his head in Ichigo's lap.

Ichigo whispered all the things he would do to Komamura. The furry male shuddering in joy. 'Still, think you should mount him.'

'I know you do Shiro, and I will when the time is right.'

'You worry too much, you deserve to be happy king.'

Ichigo morphed his zanpakuto. He brought it to his lips and began to play his sword like a flute. Komamura's ears flicked, the music soothing his mind body and soul. He rolled over onto his back, falling into a deep slumber, dreams filling his mind.

To be continued


Chap 3 Captain and Lieutenant

Squad 7 had certainly noticed a change in their captain. The man was still wearing his helmet and heavy armor, and he was making rounds and was a bit talkative. They did notice the man was a bit stiff now and then. He rarely made his own rounds he usually had his former lieutenant or one of the other seated officers to do it for him. It was good to see him about.

He made his rounds with Ichigo in tow. Their new lieutenant was also very friendly. He followed the captain almost like a puppy, if they only knew. It was Ichigo who suggested that Sajin make the rounds.

“Good morning captain!” he was met with bows and respect. Ichigo was met with the same though not as much.

'They really like their captain, he's strong and gentle, but he's scared to reveal himself.' Ichigo thought.

“What's next on the agenda?” he asked and Ichigo pulled out a clipboard.

“We must collect the daily reports, I'll deliver them to the main office once they've been gone over. After that we have lunch, and once all the paperwork is complete you'll have free time before dinner, after that you'll have training practice with the new recruits.” Ichigo listed off, and Sajin nodded.

Sajin collected the daily reports, before heading back to his office. Ichigo shut and locked the door. Once it was safe, Sajin collapsed against his desk, nearly knocking over his paperwork.

His body shook. “Ichigo!” he moaned.

“Please remove your clothes captain.” Sajin removed his helmet, he had been drooling a little. His body trembled as he removed his clothes. His hulky furry body getting exposed. His thick cock tented his fundoshi, and he was positively wet on both ends, but what was more interesting were the devices strapped to his legs. Wires traveled up, connecting to whatever was in his ass.

His dog ear twitched, hearing the buzzing of the three vibrating eggs inside him. They'd been inside him since morning. The vibrations teased his insides all day. His manhole spasming from the sensations. “This is embarrassing!” he moaned.

“The toys remain so long as the helmet does.” Ichigo walked over to Sajin and caressed his furry cheeks.

“Ahhh!” his hips raised. Ichigo removed his drenched fundoshi allowing his fat cock to spring free. His length was dripping wet.

“Now get to work captain you have a lot of reports to finish.” Sajin sat down, moaning as the vibes shifted inside him. “Finish them before lunch and I'll reward you.” he kissed the male's furry cheek.

Ichigo had his own paperwork to finish, but Sajin was busting his tail. Never had paperwork been finished so quickly. Ichigo looked over the reports. “Nice work, come here!” Sajin obeyed, his legs were shaky so he crawled towards his lieutenant.

As embarrassing as being naked in his office, his hard dick bouncing, and vibes buzzing away at his ass was...he was enjoying himself. He was always hiding his true self, having to wear thick heavy clothes to hide who and what he was with Ichigo, he didn't have to do that. The feeling of freedom was amazing!

Ichigo removed his shoes and exposed his bare feet. “Present yourself puppy.” He obeys spreading his legs and offering his hefty cock. His slick was dripping all over the floor.

He brought his feet into the furry male's crotch. 'So warm!' he glided his feet over the fat cock. Pre smeared all over the soles of his feet. The manhood pulsed between his feet.

Ichigo chuckled as he stroked Sajin's cock. He was quite good, toes teasing his aching flesh, pads and heel rubbing and brushing. His furry balls bounced as he bucked his hips. He was so on edge it didn't take him long to cum.

His seed erupted, a thick jet of manly cream sprayed all over Ichigo's feet. Sajin was left panting.

He flinched when he got touched. “Good boy, you came beautifully.” he pats his head, giving him a scratch behind the ears.

Sajin snapped out of his daze. “Oh my, I made a mess, I'll clean it up!” he gets started licking Ichigo's feet.

“Hehe, that tickles.” Sajin stops for a moment, fearing he upset the alpha. “Keep going, your tongue is great.” The praise sent sparks through Sajin.

He went back to work licking his alpha's feet. Once the cum was gone he kept going, simply enjoying the male's musk and taste. They had walked quite a bit, working up a nice musk. Sajin was enjoying the foot licking as much as Ichigo was. He got more into it, reaching down to paw at his own cock.

He was close but what set him over the edge was when Ichigo turned up the vibration speed. “Ichigo!” he moaned and came again.

A thick stream of cum pelted the ground making a puddle. “No messes,” his alpha says and his tone sends shivers down his spine. He doesn't waste a second and starts licking his cum off the floor. “After the mess is cleaned up, get dressed I'll go get us some lunch.”

He slips his shoes on and heads off. 'He is a fine beta, king.' Shiro speaks from his soul. 'Indeed he is, but I don't want him hiding, not his appearance or our relationship.'

'So that is what you meant by time is right, you are too soft king. You always take on other people's problems and try to help them.' he whined. 'You should worry about yourself a bit more.'

'That's what I got you for Shiro.' he got them both lunch and headed back. Sajin had cleaned up and dressed but he wasn't wearing his helmet. Ichigo smiled.

They dined together. Ichigo had picked all of his favorites, and not a carrot in sight. He got a little excited and began to stuff his face, only to stop and see Ichigo staring at him. “Sorry,” he says looking down and blushing in embarrassment.

“Don't be,” and Ichigo proceeds to stuff his face as well. “Don't hold back on my account.” Sajin's heart fluttered.

He didn't need to put on a mask for Ichigo he could be himself. They finished eating in a flash, the meat was nice and juicy and the sauce was delicious. “I'll go deliver the paperwork, please continue with your work.” He collected the plates and moved to collect the paperwork.

“I could do that,” he moved and got stopped by a kiss.

“I am your alpha but I still have a job to do, my captain.” he collected the documents. “I'll be back.” he left, and Sajin put his helmet back on.

Sajin sat down, jerking slightly as the vibes shifted inside his ass. He got to work on his own paperwork, hoping to finish before Ichigo returned.

A knock came to his door. 'Ichigo!' his cock jumped. 'Back already?' he went to the door. “Oh Tosen, hello...”

“Sajin, I brought lunch.”

“Thank you, but my lieutenant and I have already eaten.”

“Together?” the blind shinigami raised a brow. “Sajin you must be careful.”

“Careful?” he blinked behind his helmet.

“Yes, while there is no rule against fraternizing with your lieutenant it's morally wrong. We hold a higher rank, and thus they must respect our orders and keep a professional relationship.”

Kaname Tosen was Sajin's friend, or so he believed. The man had a deep sense of justice and viciously anal moral code.

“Here, you should eat a proper meal.”

“Oh thanks you Tosen,” he took the lunch and opened it. Veggies, veggies, and more veggies no meat at all. Sajin visibly deflated. “You shouldn't have.”

“A healthy meal equals a healthy body.” True but Sajin needed meat, for a healthy meal. Plus his most hated food carrots was in there in surplus. “No need to thank me, see you Sajin.”

Tosen was nice and all but sometimes his acts of kindness seemed a little mean. Still Sajin was deep in thought, Ichigo was an alpha, but he was younger than him. They were at different ranks as well. 'Ichigo could find betas his own age, he shouldn't be wasting his time on a monster like me.' he got back to work on his paperwork.

Ichigo finished his errands and returned to Sajin's office. “Captain, have you finished with your paperwork.”

“Yes...” he seemed off.

“Something wrong?” he approached.

“No, just been thinking. It's nothing.” Ichigo wanted to be with him, he wanted to be with Ichigo and like Tosen said there was no rule against it. 'Tosen is just being a prude.'

“How would you like to spend your free time, captain?” Sajin blushed at the thought.

“Anything I want?” Ichigo nodded. “Please sit on the couch.” Ichigo sat down on the large couch in his office. Sajin began to strip once more and laid across Ichigo's lap. “Is this okay?”

“Of course,” Ichigo began to pet and stroke his fur.

Tosen didn't understand the alpha and beta instincts, they were never wrong. He was drawn to Ichigo, to deny his feelings would be to deny himself food or water.

Ichigo scratched him in all the right places. His body shivered from the scratching, and the brushing of his fur. His eyes rolled up in bliss, and his ass hiked into the air.

The orangette removed the vibrating eggs from his ass. Sajin whimpering as each one popped out of his ass. His hole twitched at the loss.

He wasn't left empty for long. Fingers brush his hole and quickly sink in. “One day I'm gonna fill you with my cock, thrust in and out of you like this.” he worked his hole fast, thrusting his fingers in and out.

Komamura howled and moaned happily. His tongue hung out of his mouth as Ichigo continued. “I'm gonna breed this hot little hole.”

“Mmhhhmm,” he moaned, pushing back onto Ichigo's fingers.

“And one day, when you go into heat I'm gonna knock you up, and have you carry my pups.” Sajin lost it, he came hard. The thought and Ichigo's words sent him over the edge.

He'd never cum so much in his life, his slick gushed over Ichigo's fingers. Sajin was in a state of bliss, his mind swimming with ideas of the future his new lieutenant and alpha planned for him.


The days passed like this, Ichigo buying new toys to train and pleasure Sajin's ass. Though no one could see his face, but Sajin seemed happier, he almost always stayed in his office. Many of the seated officers were worried about him, but since Ichigo arrived he was more active with the other reapers. He was also taking part in more Captain's meetings.

To be continued

Chap 4 Preview

Ichigo attends the lieutenant meetings and runs into a few potential mates. The full moon has come and Sajin has gone into heat. It's time…

End preview


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