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My Hero Parody: Patreon Reward


Chapter 6 Plan B

The silence was deafening, broken only by Kirishima by making himself known. “Answer him, Izuku!” Katsuki looks to the red head.

“What the hell are you doing here, weird hair?” Katsuki snaps at him, a blush burning on his cheeks. He knew he heard.

“My hair isn't that much different than yours really, and I was hanging out with Izuku. Don't you want to hear it, Izuku's answer?” Kirishima and Bakugo look to Izuku.

“I...I still love Kacchan, even though he hurt me, I don't think I could ever stop loving him.” Katsuki smiled.

“And me?” Kirishima asked the blonde glared at him.

“We haven't known each other long, but I do feel a connection to you, one that I felt with Kacchan, it's different but its there.”

“Tch, what the hell Deku!?”

“I understand,” Kirishima says.

“Wha?” Katsuki looks between the two.

“Let's talk!” Izuku takes them inside and to his room.

“So what's the plan nerd, are you choosing me or him?” he points his thumb at Kirishima.

“I can see why he likes you,” Kirishima says with a grin.

“Fuck it, pick me and ditch this guy.”

“Sorry, but I'm not going anywhere, Izuku told me what happened between you two. I know you guys are close, and I don't want to break that manly bond.”

“So what, you are just gonna hang around? Watch us have sex?”

“I actually am curious, Izuku told me, but seeing is believing.”

“You told him!” Katsuki glared at Izuku. He turns back to Kirishima. “You pervert!” Kirishima chuckles.

Izuku had been quiet for a time, having retrieved something from his desk. He took a deep breath. “I think I have a plan.” he showed them the document.

“The fuck is this!” Katsuki roared.

“Oh wow, I heard about these.” Kirishima looked over the document.

“Where the hell did you get this?” Katsuki asked.

“My mom,” he twiddled his fingers, embarrassed a bit. “She knows I've been conflicted for a while now, and she wanted me to make up with Kacchan, she thought this would make a good plan B.”

“Gah!” Katsuki glared at the document again. “A harem!”


A by-product of Quirk Marriages, a Harem Union was an established form of marriage. The intent was to see and to see quickly if different quirks could combine to make hybrids or become stronger, even fuse to make new quirks. There were some conditions; the harem head had to support all his mates and the children made with them.

It certainly was an option, the paperwork was all there, and easy to fill out. Izuku would sign as the head, Kirishima and Bakugo would sign as his mates. There was a checkbox by each of their signature names, by checking this box it meant that the harem brothers as they were often called got to fool around with each other, if the box was left unchecked, only Izuku could touch them.

“This is your plan B?” Katsuki couldn't believe this. “What's plan A?”

“I continue to date Kirishima, and you and I are just combo partners, and possibly friends no more no less.” Katsuki didn't like plan A.

“What's plan C?” he suggested.

“I won't date anyone, and focus on my hero training and take a vow of chastity.” he wasn't kidding.

“That conviction is so manly, its cool!”

“Dumb ass, are you really okay with that?” Katsuki hissed.

“No, I'm not but if that's what Izuku wants then I'll honor his wishes, won't you?”

“Hell no, because Deku won't be happy that way, I know him!” he clenched his fists. “I may have made mistakes, but I know Deku, you won't be happy if you cut ties from either of us!”

“So you can be manly to huh Bakugo?” the blonde crossed his arms.

Izuku took the paper. “I'll admit I have thought of it, but I won't ask you both to sign this.” He signs his name on the document. “Kacchan, Kirishima, this might seem selfish of me, but I do want both of you in my life, in one form or another.” he offers them the documents.

“The bond between men is a powerful thing, I get it! You can count me in for Plan B!” he signs his name.

“You...” he grits his teeth.

“Hey, I'm a simple guy, Izuku wants us both we both want him, I don't see the problem.”

“And if other guys want Deku?” he growls.

“So long as Izuku wants them back the more the merrier right?” Bakugo's brow twitches. 'This guy...is he a moron…?' He looks at the document, this was his only option to be with Izuku like it was before. The way things were now felt wrong, knowing Izuku would one day go off and be with someone else and they would end up as basically co-workers. After U.A. they'd get a job and Izuku would go home with Kirishima or whoever.

“Damn it fine, Plan B it is!” he signs his name. “I'm yours Deku!”

“Kacchan!” Izuku hugs him, he missed this, he missed these hugs, and unlike before Izuku wasn't pulling away. Katsuki returned the embrace. Much to his shock Kirishima suddenly hugs him from behind.

“Oi!” the red head simply snuggled into him making the blonde blush. Izuku chuckled and pressed against Katsuki more. It was a man sandwich and the blonde was the center. He grumbled but settled between them.

When the trio parted Kirishima took the document and checked the box next to his name. “What are you doing weird hair?”

“I was curious what kind of person you were, but I can see behind that prickly exterior you are a good man Bakugo. I'd like to form a bond with you as well.” Katsuki blushed, knowing what he meant by that.

“You want to have sex with me?!” He hissed.

“Yep!” Kirishima grinned.

“I'd like to see that,” Izuku says surprising the two. “Since mom gave me the papers I've had dreams of the two of you, and us together doing things.” he's blushing, getting more nervous as the two stares at him.

“Fine,” Bakugo snatches the paper and checks the box. “But don't think I'm gonna go easy on you, your ass is mine!”

“I don't think so Kacchan,” Izuku takes the document. “Kirishima will be the first mate, and your ass belongs to him.”

“What?!” Katsuki gasped. “Why?”

“Why? Why?!” Izuku was on Katsuki in a second. “You may have confessed to me Kacchan, but you really hurt me, you made me feel used, unloved!” Katsuki felt guilt grip his heart. “I'm willing to take you back, but I haven't fully forgiven you for how you treated me! So until that time, your ass belongs to Kirishima!”

Bakugo's jaw dropped. “No worries bro, I'll go easy on you.” he gave a playful swat on Bakugo's ass.

Katsuki tried to glare at Kirishima but Izuku made him look at him. “But this can be a start.” he captured his lips in a fierce kiss. Heat spreads through Bakugo's body and his legs melt into jelly.

'I've missed this, his kisses have gotten better.' the kiss was so gentle at first but he could really feel the love Izuku had for him now, his heart races and he kisses back.

“So hot!” Kirishima says watching the two go at it. Izuku's kiss was surprisingly fierce getting spurned on by Bakugo, and it started off so gentle too. ‘This passion! So this is how they kiss.’ He gulped and licked his lips.

When the kiss broke for air Katsuki was left panting. “Fuck Deku...” he panted. Izuku smirks and turns and offers room to Kirishima. The red head steps forward, sliding in perfectly. Izuku kisses him, making Kirishima moan.

Katsuki watched as his Deku kissed another guy, but maybe he was still a little high from his kiss with him, but he was getting turned on watching the two. His cock twitched, watching the kiss grow deeper.

Izuku mapped Kirishima’s pointy teeth with his tongue, before playing with his. The kiss broke, and Kirishima was trembling. He turned and kissed Katsuki, drawing a moan from the blonde.

All the boys were hard and wanting attention. “Kirishima, kiss Kacchan,” Izuku says after breaking the kiss.

“Wha,” the red head didn’t hesitate, capturing the blonde’s lips in a manly kiss. Katsuki’s eyes widened, he felt the red head’s lips caress his and his cock twitched more.

“This is so hot!” Izuku says, his hands roam down their backs and caress their plump rear. This made Katsuki moan, his lips parting allowing Kirishima to deepen the kiss. A strange yet familiar flavor invaded his mouth.

‘I know this taste!’ His eyes grew fierce. ‘Spiky hair sucked Deku’s dick!” It spurred Katsuki on and he battled Kirishima’s tongue with his own. It was a manly dance, their tongues dueling like swords.

It broke only for air, and the two were left panting. All three of them were hard and positively throbbing. “I think, I think this is gonna work.”

“When men bond, what can go wrong?” Kirishima chuckles.

“Moron, but Deku’s right I think this will work, and Deku...I really am sorry, I was dumb.” Izuku hugs them both.

“I know, but Kacchan is a good boy, prickly but good.”

“I can see it.” Kirishima agreed.

“Let's try to get along, and if issues arise let's talk them out properly.” Izuku looks between them.

“Agreed,” they say in unison.


Inko arrived home just as the boys step out of Izuku’s room. “Katsuki-Kun and Eijirou-Kun?” Izuku smiles and shows the documents. Inko teared up. “My baby is getting a harem!” she was so happy she cried tears of joy. She hugged each of them. “I’ll mail this right away. Oh, I’m so happy for you sweetie!”

“Thanks, mom!” Izuku blushes.

To be continued...Chap 7 Going to U.A.


Lord Zero 1606

Nice to see that Kirishima is the first mate of the harem and that Katsuki came to accept it. Can't wait to see which of his new classmates are going to join them, I really hope for Shouto.


Kirishima being first mate will serve as a constant reminder to Katsuki not to fuck what he's got up… Plus, the red-head can be a pretty good peacekeeper in his own right. ^^