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Reincarnated as Slime Parody: Tier 1


Slime Lord

Rimuru’s name and skills have allowed him to become a slime lord, quite the powerful creature, and he gains some respect. He gives names to monsters and they evolve, his followers think their master deserves a proper harem and work on getting him one. Rimuru/Harem

Chapter 1 Becoming Friends

Satoru Mikami had a normal life, he was a middle-aged businessman, who worked hard and climbed up the social ladder. If he had any complaints it was that he hadn't had a lover.

On a day he was called out by his junior, Tamura, who was showing off his new girlfriend. The guy was a hot shot, but a good guy, so he was cool with giving whatever advice he could and hey, Tamura was treating him to his favorite restaurant.

Their time together was cut short as a mad man ran down the street wielding a large knife. He ran straight at Tamura, but Satoru pushed him out of the way and got stabbed. The mad man twisted the knife before pulling it out causing his blood to gush out of the open wound.

He collapsed and in the confusion and panic, the mad man got away. As he lay dying, Satoru thought about how he felt, the pain, the warmth of his blood, how cold he felt, he even asked Tamura to do him a favor and destroy his computer for him. Little did he know the Voice of the World was listening to him and was creating a new form for him based on what he said. He thought about how he was losing so much blood, and lamented on the fact he was still a virgin at his age, he apologized to his manhood and promised he'd chase after girls and be more assertive in his feelings.

In his final words, he asked Tamura's girlfriend to look after him, for him, which she agreed. The life left his eyes and they closed, the last beats of his heart fading away. As one life ended a new one began.

Satoru's consciousness remained, his soul floating through a rainbow of colors as his new body was formed around him. He was no longer human, he had become a monster. One without blood as Satoru had thought about how much blood he was losing. It narrowed down the monster species pretty quick and thus he had become a slime.

There was no denying it, his once super manly body...Satoru's words, not mine...was gone and now he was a tiny adorable slime. At least he thinks he's adorable, since becoming a slime he didn't have a voice, or sight, or taste buds. It took him a few tries just to figure out how to move in his new body.

From what he could gather he was in a cave of some kind, and there were plants inside. He accidentally absorbed one and his slime skill Absorb, broke it down with Dissolve and he was able to learn what it was thanks to one of the features of his unique skill Predator, a high-quality herb used to make healing potion, which he found he could do himself, so he did. His other unique skill Great Sage, helped explain things to him, it spoke in a similar voice to the Voice of the World, but it was his own unique skill.

Since he had nothing else to do and walked? Slithered? Rolled? Moved around gobbling up all the herbs he could find. He didn't know hunger or fatigue so it gave him something to do. The herbs were stored in a special space inside himself, a feature of Predator known as Stomach, and anything inside could be broken down and absorbed, or used to make new items such as the healing potion. It was lonely so he often found himself talking to Great Sage, and learning about the world around him and his skills.

He had Heat and Cold Resistance, which unlocked his current Thermal Fluctuation Resistance. He also had Electricity Resistance and Paralysis Resistance. Being a slime he could Self Regenerate, and he had Physical Attack Resistance and Pain Nullification.

Finding some magical ore, he absorbed that too and stored it inside his stomach. After devouring herbs like Pac-man, he was able to make quite the supply of healing potion. Great Sage explained about Magicules, and how they existed in everyone and everything, and how they were important when using his skills.

He got a bit over excited and ended up falling into a lake. It was weird, he didn't need to breathe so he wasn't drowning, but he didn't know how to swim in this body, or if he could even swim. It took some thinking but he figured it out, he sucked in the water and used it to launch himself out of the lake.

Acquired: Hydraulic Propulsion Skill

The unique slime ventured deeper into the cave and bumped into something hard. It dented his body and yet he felt no pain, and even the dent repaired itself after a few seconds. 'Man, what did I hit?'

“So it is a slime that comes before me.”


“Little one, what has brought you here before me?”

'Hey, stop with the little one stuff, I'm not little you baldy!'

“Baldy!” a roar shook the cave. “I was gonna be nice since I haven't seen someone in so long, but you dare insult me! You got some balls slime!”

'Wait you can hear my thoughts? I'm sorry I snapped, you see I can't even see you.'

“Hmm, well I can help you see if you promise not to run away when you see me.”

'You can help me see? Yes, you got a deal.' The mystery creature taught him Magic Sense, using magicules he'll be able to see the world around him.

Would you like to activate Magic Sense? Yes/No

'Yes!' his magic sense reached out and he began to see the world around him for the first time. 'This is amazing!' he went back over to the lake and he saw, yep he was a slime. He went back to the mystery creature and gasped. 'A-a-a Dragon!'

“Greetings slime, I am the Storm Dragon Veldora, the youngest of the four true dragons!” he was trapped inside a prison of magic. The dragon gestured him forward. “It's rare to see such an articulate slime, you must be a unique.”

'A unique?' Veldora explained how there were two ways to come to this world, one was through reincarnation as Satoru did, it was rare but it did happen. The other way was through summoning, it took many wizards and a lot of magical power and it brings someone from Satoru's world to their world. A contract is formed and the summon becomes a slave to the summoner.

Satoru didn't like that, but this world might have people from his world in it, he'd like to find them if he could. Veldora explained in this world, it was eat or be eaten, and the strong often ruled the weak. Satoru understood that even in his world those with the money and power often made the rules.

After the initial shock, Satoru was kinda excited to explore this world, with wizards and adventurers and heroes. It seems Veldora was often going on a rampage here and there, so it was no surprise when a hero showed up to stop him. “I admit I underestimated my opponent, but even when I went all out I was still beaten! I was then trapped here inside this great magic cage known as the Endless Prison. I've been trapped here alone ever since.”

'How long have you been imprisoned?'

“300 years give or take,” he says.

'300 years!' Satoru couldn't believe it. He thought his 30+ years of life without a lover was bad. 'You must have been so lonely.'

“I'll admit, you are the first person I've talked to in 300 years, I've been so bored.” he hung his head low.

'Maybe you shouldn't have been rampaging.' Veldora blushed and scratched his chin.

“Well, I only did it to unwind now and then.”

'Is this how all dragons think?' Veldora sulked. 'Are you gonna be okay in there?'

“I'll be in here for another 200 years...” he says.

'What happens after that?' a little slime question mark appeared over his head.

“Then I'll die.”


“This cage has been slowly draining my magical powers, soon I'll run out and I'll cease to be.”

'Draining…' he put two and two together, the reason why there were so much high-quality herbs and ore in the cave was that his magicules were being drained and poured into the cave. 'That's horrible, to be alone for so long and it to end like that. I wanted to go see if I could find other beings from my world but…'

“No its okay, you can go, I understand. If it's not too much trouble...could you...could you come back and visit?”

'No its okay, I'll stay.'

“Really!” he got really excited, only to cool down. “Do what you want.”

'Is he tsundere?!' the dragon was a pretty lonely guy, he could understand that. He felt bad for him. 'Say Veldora, how would you like to become friends?'

“Me, the great Storm Dragon Veldora, friends with a slime?”

'Well if you don't want to,' he turned and hopped away.

“Wait, I didn't mean that,” he cleared his throat. “I will allow you to become my friend.”

'Just can't be honest, very well, from this day forward you and I are friends.' Rimuru was able to reach through the endless prison and Veldora reached down with his claw and they touched each other. It was the beginning of a new bond that would shake the world.

To be continued...Becoming A Slime Lord

Satoru finds out he can pass through the Endless Prison and touch Veldora. He decides to give the lonely dragon a hand on a certain part of himself. Feeding on dragon semen Predator unlocks some skills for him. Things only get better when Veldora offers to give him a name, and in-kind Rimuru gives him a family name.


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