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Akame Ga Kill parody: Tier 1

Chap 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/23447466

Chap 3 The Tour

Tatsumi was an early riser, he left Ieyasu to rest and he went out to Sayo's grave. He had to face the world knowing so much was wrong with it, the capital had become twisted and corrupted. He thought it was a place of opportunity, and instead it was a den of monsters far worse than the actual monsters they hunted. Sayo was no longer a part of their world, and Ieyasu had almost been lost as well. “I'll look after him for you, don't worry this won't be the end.” he lays some flowers at her grave.

Sayo was like a sister to him and Ieyasu was like his brother. They were friends sure, and no blood between them, but they grew up together, trained together, ate, slept, and lived together. For Tatsumi, it was a deep loss and he had little time to mourn. They had been brought to the base of the assassin group Night Raid, Tatsumi had seen their faces and knew their base which meant they couldn't be allowed to leave...and live.

Even if they had no intention of betraying Night Raid, as they learned there were powers in this world and not just mystical ones like the teigu. Torture, drugs, to name a few ways that information could be extracted. What's more, Tatsumi had a teigu, so long as he had that he'd be hunted for it. He could part with it, but Tatsumi couldn't do that. It gave him the power to save Ieyasu, and regardless of his new ahem endowments, he didn't want to give it up.

Ieyasu joined him at her grave. “How are you feeling?”

“Better, I think I got my strength back.” he flexed his muscles. “Thanks for saving me.”

“No thanks needed, I just wish...” Ieyasu punched Tatsumi in the shoulder. “Ow!”

“There was nothing that could be done, you can't get hung up on the “if only” like this. What's done is done, and we need to move forward. So what are we gonna do next?” Tatsumi could tell Ieyasu was hurting, and he also could see the male didn't blame Tatsumi for what happened. They were tricked, caught, and fucked with and if Night Raid had been a day late Tatsumi would have been in one of those cages. They could still miss her, mourn her, remember her, but Tatsumi couldn't and shouldn't blame himself for her death.

Hard to believe it wasn't that long ago they first set off to save their poor village. Now they learned why their village was suffering and they were down one party member. “We are all that's left.” Tatsumi teared up.

“Yeah, but all the more reason we need to stay strong and keep fighting.” Ieyasu was crying too, they were doing their best to put on a brave face. Sayo would be smacking them for looking so down. 'Cheer up you crybabies!' its what she said every time she whooped their butts, or when one of them lost when they were kids. When they were kids every loss seemed like the end of the world.

Tatsumi dried his eyes. “I think we should become assassins.”

“You're serious?” Ieyasu raised a brow.

“Yeah, our village is suffering from corruption, and Sayo lost to the decay of the people, living under it.”

“Sounds good to me buddy, but what about our village?”

“Well, maybe we can get extra jobs to make money, or maybe Night Raid can pay us.”

“You trust these guys?”

“I don't even know them, one stole my money and the other tried to kill me, but I have a feeling they aren't gonna just let us leave.”

“We need to have each others' back.”

“Always!” the two clasped hands and gave each other a manly smile.

“Hey boys!” Leone came up to them. “Glad to see your up, I went by your room to pick you up, but you weren't there. Thought you might have tried to escape.” She cracked her knuckles making the two sweatdrop.

“We'd never do that,” Tatsumi says.

“You've shown us such great hospitality,” Ieyasu says, the two chuckle nervously. In truth, the boys had mostly been in a coma for three days. Mostly anyway, the first day in a half the boys were worn out and needed to sleep to recover, after that they mostly kept to themselves.

“Have you made up your minds to join us yet?” she asked.

“Well...” the two shared a look.

“You've got the skills and the teigu, you just need to train in how to use it properly.” Tatsumi looked at his sword, he had no idea it had that kind of power. “And you...” she hugged Ieyasu to her chest, her big boobs pressing against him. “Can you kill as good as your friend cutie.” Ieyasu blushed.

Ieyasu muttered gibberish, 'Boobs, so big!' The pressed against him and made his head turn to mush.

In truth fighting monsters were no big deal, they trained for that, trained to hunt and kill danger beasts for survival and even money. They've fought bandits before but usually fought to disarm and capture, and turn them over to the police for a bounty. It was hard to say what any man would do in a kill or be killed situation. Tatsumi killed his would-be benefactor, but hesitation for an assassin meant the difference between life or death.

“I think you both have it in you to become great assassins.” Ieyasu gives him a thumbs up and Tatsumi sweat drops. “Let me show you around and you can meet everyone, well mostly, the boss is out on a mission with three others right now.” She led them back to the Night Raid facility.

-x-Dining Hall-x-

There was a purple haired girl named Sheele sitting and reading a book “Don't Be An Airhead”. “So the two are up and moving now, that's great.” she closed her book. “Have they agreed to join yet?”

“Not yet,” Sheele adjusted her glasses and looked at them.

“You do know if you don't join we'll have to kill you since you know our base and faces.” The two sweat drop, not the best way to encourage someone into joining seems more like an ultimatum.


“We got it...” Sheele nods.

“If it makes you feel better, I look forward to working with you,” she says and gives a bow.

She was kind of odd but seemed nice enough, wouldn't think she was an assassin though. She sits back down and continues with her book.


A Pink haired girl named Mine was on kitchen duty. “Ahhh!” the girl screamed at the sight of them. “Leone, why are they with you?!”

“I'm giving them a tour, they might be joining us.”

“I refuse!” she glared at them. “That one might be useful since he has a teigu, but him.” She first pointed to Tatsumi then pointed at Ieyasu. “He's useless!”

“I'm not useless you shrimp!”

“Shrimp! I'll have you know I am a genius!”

“Smart or not, your still a shrimp, Shrimp!” the two were in each other's faces. Sparks were flying as they glared at each other.

“Alright, lovebirds break it up.” Leone separated them.

“WE ARE NOT LOVE BIRDS!” they shouted in unison, only to glare at each other. Mine hmphed, crossing her arms and pouting like a child.

“Is she like that to everyone?” Tatsumi asked.

“Pretty much,” Leone says, with a chuckle.

“Look we are a package deal,” Tatsumi says.

“And I'm staying so deal with it half pint.” Mine blushed and glared at him some more.

“Alright, let's continue the tour.” Leone led the two away.

Tatsumi elbowed him once they were away from the kitchen. “Reminds me of you and Sayo.”

“Shut up, that shorty is nothing like Sayo.” He blushed.

“Oh were you and this Sayo a couple?” Leone asked Ieyasu blushed harder, his whole face going red.

“Nah, he had a crush on her, but Sayo liked girls.”

“So he likes girls, she liked girls, and what do you like Tatsumi?” Leone asked with a smirk.

“I uh, I actually like guys,” he says blushing. “Is that gonna be a problem?”

“Less of a problem then you might think.” She led them to the training area, there was an open area across from a dojo. A large muscular man was training with a spear. His swings were so powerful you could feel them through the air.

“Amazing he has such skill with the spear!” Tatsumi gasped.

He stopped his training and set his spear down, his body glistening with sweat. “Ahh Leone, showing the newbies around.” he approached them. “How's the extra package there?” Tatsumi blushed.

“How did you…?”

“I carried your naked body here after you transformed.” He gave Tatsumi a thumbs up. “Double dicks equals double the fun!”

“Bulat here is a switcher, he likes to top and bottom with guys.” Bulat blushed and chuckled. Tatsumi immediately imagined this big sexy guy topping was easy, but bottoming was a wild and erotic image.

“I'm the combat trainer here, it'll be my job to judge your combat ability to see if you're ready for the field. I'll be training you both, and you...” he focused on Tatsumi. “You need to train in how you use your teigu and get control of its power.”

“Thank you, I want to get a lot stronger.” he shook his hand. “I look forward to sparring with you Bulat-san!”

“We'll be in your hands Bulat-san!” Ieyasu says and gives him a bow.

Bulat chuckled. “Please, Tatsumi, Ieyasu,” Leone had shared their names with the others already. “You don't have to be so formal, you can call me Big Bro!” he gives them another thumbs up.

“Uhh sure,” Ieyasu says.

Bulat gives Tatsumi a warm look. “It would be an honor if you would call me Bulat or Bulat-Kun, or maybe if you're lucky you can call me Bulat-chan!” He gives the boy a wink.

“I've always been pretty lucky, Bulat-chan.” he gives the man a smile and returns his wink. Bulat shivers in excitement. He had a feeling there was something special about Tatsumi. It had been a while since he bottomed, he often helped the boys out, giving a hand, a mouth, or his cock. Bulat was no slouch in the cock department, and while he certainly didn't mind topping sometimes he wanted to be the one on the receiving end. Plus with another top around it would lighten his load a bit.

Leone looked to Ieyasu, who shrugged. “He doesn't have a type exactly, but he has a big heart.”

“I finished my training would either of you like to join me for a dip in the hot spring?”

“Sure I'm for it!” Tatsumi says.

“A bath does sound nice,” Ieyasu says.

“Great, I'll take over the rest of the tour Leone!” Bulat says.

“Fine but keep your hands off this one,” she hugs Ieyasu and licks his ear. “He's mine!”


To be continued...Chap 4 Hot Springs and Peeping

The boys hit the hot springs and meet Lubbock. The boss returns with the rest of Night Raid, and offer Tatsumi and Ieyasu a chance to join.


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