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Castlevania Parody: Backburner Ideas


Castlevania Backburner Ideas


Family Or Love

Trevor never thought he would fall in love with a monster, let alone the very son of Dracula. There might be a balance to the world right now, but the Belmont family had strict rules against mating creatures of the dark. So when his family catches Alucard in bed with Trevor they are rightfully pissed and want him dead, but Trevor would rather be disowned that give up the man he loves. Alucard/Trevor

It Started With A Drink

Trevor frequented the taverns between fighting monsters. He never expected a monster to be in a tavern with him. Yet, there he was, possibly the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen, a man both human and vampire. He intended to kill it, not bed him but it all started with one little drink. Alucard/Trevor

Chase Me, Bite Me, Own Me

Trevor was hunting the legendary child of dracula, they had crossed paths once, but Alucard got away, so the hunt was on, he took on monsters along the way and was almost killed, that is until Alucard saved him. It was so easy before, now he chases Alucard for other reasons.  Alucard/Trevor

Demons Right Hand

An army of hell has arisen to shake the world, humans and demi-humans alike are being hunted. This army is being led by 5 demons that have to be stopped. A strange party is formed to bring down these terrors. Alucard/Trevor/Hector/Isaac

Belmont Chastity  

The Belmont family is a noble family, so they have a policy of having their sons and daughters wear a chastity device until marriage. Trevor has had to wear his for years, and when his family home was lost he thought the key to his cage was gone to. Years with the cage on has caused his penis to shrink, and can't fault his family for quality, the cage was enchanted to fit his cock. Cock Cage Alucard/Trevor

Ultimate Sin

Trevor had killed so many vampires in his life, so many monsters, but he never met a man like Alucard. He also never considered becoming a vampire either, his family considered it the ultimate sin. Alucard/Trevor

Caged Belmont

Alucard can be kinky, his deliciously perverted mind is one of the reasons why Trevor loves him. He's also open to trying almost everything, what he wasn't expecting was to have his penis caged. Alucard says give it a week and if he doesn't want it anymore he'll set him free. He wasn't expecting to like it so much! Alucard/Trevor

Curse of the Vampire

Trevor kills a vampire, but before he dies he places a curse on him. Trevor is de aged, but his mind is still in tact. So its up to Alucard to help him and protect him. Trevor hates to be babied, so he says, but when he returns to his original form things are different. Age Play Alucard/Trevor

We Are Monsters

Trevor was bitten by a werewolf, there is no cure only control. He uses his curse to kill other monsters and on nights of a full moon he chains himself up, it's not the best life. Then he finds Alucard someone who might be capable of freeing him from his loneliness, after all they are both monsters and human. Alucard/Trevor

Full Moon Bellmont

Trevor has a secret, there is a reason why the Bellmont's are so good at fighting monsters, his ancestors sought a power to counter the mighty vampire, there was one the werewolf. Trevor usually has control of his inner beast, but on the night of the full moon he sometimes can't control himself. Trevor/Alucard

Omega Bellmont

Trevor is the last of the Bellmont Family, he has it rough, people hate him, and he's an omega so he's got shitty alphas and betas trying to have their way with him. He never expected to find an alpha and beta pair he actually liked. Alpha Alucard/Beta Hector/Omega Trevor

Beta Bellmont

Trevor has been one happy beta, his alpha Alucard is strong, great in bed, and doesn't treat him like trash. He doesn't think his life could get much better then he finds an omega. He thinks he's perfect and he hopes Alucard loves him to. Alpha Alucard/Beta Trevor/Omega Hector

Delta Bellmont

Trevor didn't know what he was, he thought he was a freak and pulled himself back from having relationships. Alucard knows what he is, he's just a Delta, nothing odd or freaky he's beautiful. Herm Trevor/ Alpha Alucard

Becoming A Monster

Sypha calls on Alucard to save Trevor, he's hurt and dying but Alucard can save him, if he turns Trevor into a monster. Alucard isn't sure about this, but Sypha begs him. Alucard turns into a wolf and bites Trevor turning him into a werewolf. Trevor is pissed, but not at Alucard. Alucard/Trevor

Like A Beast

The Bellmont family had quite the collection of spells in their library. Including a large selection of penis spells. Alucard learns them all and tries them out on Trevor, not that he's complaining. Beast Monster Alucard/Trevor

The Revived  

There were some forces not even Dracula would fuck with. He knew how dangerous certain powers were and should just stay dead. To bad he didn't tell Hector this as he was tricked into reviving this ancient creature, unleashing the creature known as cock hugger upon the world. Rule 63 Cock Tail Cock Hugger, Size Manipulation

The Tomb

Trevor was sent to explore a tomb but it was a trap, he was a sacrifice to unleash an ancient creature upon the world. Even Alucard struggles to handle these monsters and the world is reshaped. Rule 63 Cock Hugger Size manipulation  

Our Love Our Master

Sypha and Trevor are together, but things have not been going well in the bedroom. It seems years of practicing penis magic has dropped the Bellmont family natural endowments. Sypha says everything is fine, but Trevor is finding it harder and harder to well get hard. They decide to add a new element to their relationship, Alucard. Trevor can't believe how excited he gets from watching Alucard with Sypha, and how jealous he becomes. Cuckolding Hentai Yaoi Hyper Alucard Micro Trevor

Chosen Love

Sypha reveals she's been seeing both Alucard and Trevor at the same time and that she can't choose between them. The boys start to compete to see who she will choose but things don't go the way she expects as the two choose to be together without her. Alucard/Trevor   

Ultimate Submission

Alucard's hypnosis is kind of unique, it works more on those who want to be dominated and rules over, the more they want it the faster they fall under his control, but he's never seen anyone though that actually gets turned on by his hypnosis. Mind Control Alucard/Trevor

One Shots


Alucard needs to replenish his strength, some blood would do wonders. Sypha offers up hers, but Trevor refuses and decides to bite the bullet, and give up his blood. The experience is oddly arousing. Alucard/Trevor


It wasn't uncommon for vampires to keep pets, some humans hated it, some humans chose it. Hector was destined to become a vampire's pet thankfully he found a master who shows him love. Alucard/Hector

While She's Away

Sypha leaves Alucard and Trevor alone, she tells them not to kill each other, but she had no idea what they would do when she left them alone. Oral Sex, Frotting, Alucard/Trevor

Replenish Magic

In order for Alucard to use his impressive skills he has to use magic, when his magic is drained he has to replenish it. Trevor has to help, not that he's complaining. Trevor/Alucard

Magic Reflection

Alucard has found a ring that reflects magic casted on him. Good timing to as Trevor had an idea about how to put the half vampire in his place. His family had a collection of spells based around penises. One of them being a cock shrink spell, not only did it shrink the cock it made the person more submissive. Size Manipulation Alucard/Trevor

I'm A Size Queen So What

Trevor has rarely admitted it but he's happily bi, when it comes to men he has a weakness for guys with big dicks. So its no wonder he hooked up with Alucard, but after coming through the Belmont spell archive he found some spells including one to make a man bigger. Hyper Alucard/Trevor

Bigger, Bigger, BIGGER

Trevor messes around with one of the Belmont cock spells, finding one to make his penis grow, he may have messed up the spell or perhaps it worked too well. Hyper Trevor

Long Mission

Alucard is going on a long mission away from Trevor, its been forever since they've been apart. Alucard uses one of the Belmont penis spells to bring a dildo to life for him. Trevor says he doesn't need that he can wait, but Alucard has been keeping him satisfied with sex for so long. He gives in, he should have listened to Alucard as the toy feeds on sexual hunger, Trevor holding out only made it increase.  

Surprise Surprise

Alucard and Trevor are a couple, they have a wonderful sex life, and take turns surprising each other on their anniversary. Alucard finds some help in the Belmont penis spell archive. Two Dicks Double Pen Alucard/Trevor

How To Handle A Horny Vampire

Vampires can get a little wild when they go into heat. Trevor has to help him out, he can't do it on his own so he pulls out his arsenal of Belmont penis spells. Stamina Hyper Trevor/Alucard


Alucard hates to admit it but he misses Trevor, he finds out the man is missing him to. Using his father's looking glass, he spies on Trevor having some alone time, he uses a Bellmont spell and links their cocks together. Alucard/Trevor

Watch Me You Bastard

Trevor might have an exhibition fetish, and Alucard cares more than he knows. Using a special looking glass he can keep his eye on Trevor, the hunter can feel it when he's being watched. “You are watching me aren't you, I'm doing this for you, so you better watch me you bastard!” Exhibition Voy Trevor/Alucard   

Magic Viagra

Trevor just wanted to find a spell to boost his stamina, he wasn't expecting this. He's been hard for hours, so horny it hurt, he couldn't ask Sypha to help him with this. Thankfully Alucard finds him and knows how to help. Alucard/Trevor


Alucard finds he rather enjoys the taste of Trevor's semen, but the male can only produce so much, that is until Alucard finds a spell in the Bellmont family penis spell archive.  

The Bigger Man Tops

Trevor was already pretty confident in his size, and he had the old school way of thinking of the man with the bigger cock tops. Alucard didn't care for such things but if that's how his lover wanted to play it. Alucard/Trevor

Ace in the Hole

Alucard and Trevor are constantly having a dick measuring contest so to speak, Sypha has enough of it and tells them to just whip it out and measure. Trevor uses some of his family penis magic to win and fuck the pretty vampire. Hyper Trevor/Alucard

Just Fuck Already

Sypha groans as Alucard and Trevor have gotten into another fight. They claim to hate each other but Sypha sees different, so she tells the two to just fuck already! Alucard/Trevor

Vampires Share

Trevor thinks he's lost his chance with Alucard now that he's with Hector, but Hector knows something that Trevor doesn't. Vampires like to share, and so does he. Alucard/Trevor/Hector

Careful What You Wish For

Trevor wanted a big dick, he wished for it. His wish comes true and he has a massive penis, but its so big he can't move. Leaving him at the mercy of a sexy half vampire. Hyper Trevor Alucard/Trevor

Can't Resist Him

Sypha can't smell it but he can. Alucard has powerful pheromones, one whiff has his cock hard and wanting, the second whiff makes him so hard it hurts, the third whiff he's cumming in his trousers. Scent Kink Alucard/Trevor

Fall of Bellmont

Trevor has to face many a humiliation after his family falls, he's stripped, caged, and used horribly. He's saved by Allucard, but that humiliation has awakened things inside him. He wants to be used, and Alucard is the perfect man for the job.  

What Happened Last Night

Trevor had a bit too much to drink and he can't remember what happened the night before, perhaps the person next to him can fill in the blanks. Trevor/Alucard


Trevor is sure he can resist vampire hypnosis. Alucard wants to test that so they make a wager, let's just say Trevor loses and bad. Mind Control Alucard/Trevor

Forced Break

Trevor pushes himself too hard, he often refuses to take breaks or relax when needed. His boyfriend Alucard knows what he has to do to make sure his boyfriend relaxes. Mind Control Alucard/Trevor

Wolf Mount

Alucard can never say Trevor is boring, the male was so open and kinky he was shocked there was anything the man didn't like. Though he never expected him to ask to get fucked while in wolf form. Beast Knot Alucard/Trevor

Trevor's Shrunken Day

Trevor takes out a nest of monster mushrooms, and gets shrunk by them. He's stuck at 11 inches tall, but Alucard says its only temporary, might as well have some fun with it.  

Trevor's Musk

Sypha says that Trevor stinks, and kicks him out so he stays with Alucard. Trevor does indeed smell, but not in the way Sypha claims. He's gone into heat, and his body was producing pheromones to call for his mate. Alucard/Trevor

Beer Makes His Clothes Fall Off

When Trevor drinks things can get a little wild, a good buzz isn't usually to bad, but too many drinks his clothes start to come off and he's dancing naked on the tables. Alucard has to deal with this a lot. Alucard/Trevor  

Conjuring A Cock Tail

Trevor was pretty happy with his size, so his families penis spells didn't interest him except one had him curious. After casting the spell, he sprouts a tail, and a phallic one at that, only he screws up the spell to tame it and it goes wild on his ass, and this is the sight Alucard walks in on.

Oh Sweet Apothecary

Trevor has feelings for Alucard, and he wants them gone. So he goes to an apothecary to try and get the feelings removed. The person agrees but instead gives him a love potion amplifying his feelings. Trevor/Alucard

Hypnotic Eye

Trevor was investigating disappearances and learns it was the cause of a unique cyclops, one that didn't turn you to stone it hypnotized you. Trevor thought he couldn't handle it but he's soon hypnotized and joins the group caught in its spell. Milking Hypnosis

Damn Vampires

Trevor and Alucard are having a fierce argument, going back and forth like children. Alucard puts an end to it and Trevor wakes up covered in cum and very happy balls. He blushes and mutters “Damn vampires,” Mind Control Hypnosis Trevor/Alucard

What Happened Last Night

Trevor got so drunk he doesn't remember anything of what happened the night before, and he wakes up in bed with Sypha and Alucard. They are happy to tell him what happened or show him with a repeat performance. Alucard/Trevor/Sypha


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