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Things might be tough next couple of days i was trying to get as much done as possible because i'll be going to a doctor tomorrow on the 15th the drive there and back is gonna be a pain, literal physical pain cause being in a car for less than an hour is almost torture for me. I don't know what's gonna happen if they gonna mri me, a scope or if they gonna do the surgery on my tear right there tomorrow. Until I find out please consider the next couple of days a break for me. I don't know what's gonna happen if anything i will try to work on organizing the backburners some more

So if I don't post anything next couple of days I do apologize, but its gonna be do to medical issues, last time i went to this doctor office i was in so much pain when i got home, that's not even counting on who knows what they gonna do to me there

So please bare with me, if you new to my patron I got injured at work last year in 2017, I followed all the steps the company had for me got the run around jumped through hoops, got shitty doctors who wouldn't believe me or approve the tests i asked for, and after finally getting said tests a tear was found got the nerves in my back burned and a shot into my IT Band still don't know what's up with the knee but for some reason doctors want to check things off one bit at a time.

Please bare with me I'm hoping that this won't be causing any major setbacks.



Fingers crossed all goes well for you. =X

Damion Andrew

Get well soon my friend.

Carter madison

Please do not feel bad about not posting anything. Just take care of yourself, hoping all goes well at the doctor.