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Reincarnated As Slime Parody: Tier 1


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Werewolf

Satoru Mikami is killed protecting his friend, and due to the man’s words he finds himself reincarnated in another world as a monster. His form was chosen at random, he wakes up in a cave and while he still looks a bit human he doesn’t feel human. Werewolf Rimuru/Harem

Chapter 1 Reincarnated as Werewolf

Satoru Mikami had been left to his own devices by his family. He was a hard worker, he worked as a business man and rose up the ladder, he made good money, and often helped out his juniors. He often led teams on projects to great success, a fine leader who many of the juniors respected. It wasn't any surprise that so many actually fell for him.

He was so thoughtful and kind, knew how to listen and was generous to boot. So the fact he didn't have a lover came as a surprise. Tamura was a hot shot, and a go-getter compared to the other juniors. While they lusted from afar, he went after Satoru.

Things went well…

“Ahh ahh ahh Satoru-sempai! Ahh ahh ahh!” Tamura moaned as he was getting fucked from behind. He was on his hands and knees in Satoru's bed. The man's fat cock was plundering him so well. It was their first time for both of them, but Satoru prepped him so good, and stimulated him so well his first time was amazing. He was so horny and aroused the older male slid right in.

His bed creaked from the thrusts, and the sound of skin striking skin echoed in the room. “Tamura, you are so tight, you take me so good!” he kissed the younger male's neck, shoulder, and back. The act and words, made Tamura blush from ear to ear. “You sound so sexy.” he sped up his thrusts making Tamura moan louder.

“Satoru, you are so big, you feel so good!” His 8-inch long, 4 finger thick dick had stretched him so wide, the friction coming and going was making his mouth water. Tamura's own 6-incher twitched and wept, bouncing and bobbing with every thrust. “Ahh I'm getting close!” The man's dick kept brushing his sweet spot, making his insides tighten and his body grow hotter.

“Cum for me,” he nibbled on the boy's ear as he reached around, and began pumping his weeping erection. “Ahh no fair, can't stop...cumming!” He arched his back and came hard, making a mess of Satoru's sheets.

His clenching inner walls pull Satoru over the edge and he cums deep inside the younger male. Satoru rolls them off to the side, as to not squish him. “I love you Satoru!”

“I love you too,” he kisses the younger male and the two make out for a bit. The two pant, as they rode the last waves of orgasm. Satoru recovers first, and pulls out of Tamura and starts with the clean up. He had tissues and cleaning wipes in his night stand.

“You are amazing Satoru-sempai.” Tamura was watching him.

“I'm not all that special,” he says as he wipes the boy clean. A lot of people would say he was average. He liked to think he was a hot guy with a rocking body but up till today, he hadn't had a girlfriend or boyfriend.

“Yes you are, you fucked me like that and you are still like this.” he points to the man's still semi-hard state. “My legs feel like they are jelly.” Satoru kisses him.

“It'll pass, and when you can walk we can grab a shower together.”

“Sempai, you are amazing, have you ever thought of having a harem?” Satoru blushed, and Tamura smirked. “You have, haven't you?”

“I think its normal for guys to have that fantasy,” he says.

“Want to make it a reality, I know at least five other guys who want to be with you, and wouldn't mind sharing.”

“You really are a go-getter.” he chuckles.

“I know what I want, and I want to form a harem with you.” A harem was allowed so long as the head of the harem could support each member of it. So it was possible for Satoru to have a harem. “Let's go out on a date and we can talk about it more.”

“Sure, lets go.” he kisses Tamura again and the two make out in the shower. After drying each other off, they got dressed and headed out for their date.


Tamura wanted to treat Satoru, so they headed towards his favorite restaurant. “Satoru, no matter what you choose, know that I want to be with you, if its a harem or just us I'll be happy.”

“You are just saying that, but you know maybe a harem wouldn't be a bad idea.” the boy brightened up and hugged him. The two laugh, as Satoru spins them around, embracing the moment of joy they shared between them.

Sadly the moment ended when a scream was heard. A crazed man came running down the street carrying a large knife. Tamura saw the knife and froze in terror, but Satoru pushed him away. “Sempai!” Tamura screamed as he was stabbed.

The crazed man twisted the knife before pulling it out, causing his blood to spill out. Satoru dropped to the ground and the man ran off. “Call 911 someone please!” Tamura dropped to the ground and tried to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the wound. “Sempai, sempai?”

'It's hot, it's hot but I feel so cold!' Satoru thinks.

Accepted: Hot and Cold Resistance acquired, the two skills unlock Thermal Fluctuation Resistance.

His vision was cutting in and out but he could see Tamura was crying. “Sempai, please don't go, this is all my fault.”

“Shh, Tamura I wanted to protect you, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.” he coughs blood coming out.

“Save your strength, the ambulance is on its way.”

'The wound isn't closing, that bastard cut me good, it hurts!' he teared up.

Accepted: Self Regeneration acquired, Melee Weapon Resistance acquired, Pain Nullification acquired.

Tamura couldn't stop crying the blood wasn't stopping. “If...If only I was stronger...I could have protected you better...” he coughed. “If I was faster maybe I could have stopped him.”

Accepted: Monster Species Selection Narrowed: High Speed and Strength Requirements Approved!

“Sempai! You can't die, we were gonna make a harem together, you have so many guys that want you, but were too shy to ask you out.”

“Heh, you were always a hot shot.” he coughed. 'Having a harem would have been nice, maybe in my next life, I'd have the strength and the confidence to go for it. I wonder though how many coworkers I drank with secretly wanted me.'

Accepted: Harem Bond acquired, Master Stamina Acquired, Unique Skill Harem Master acquired. Intoxication Resistance acquired, bonus skill Poison Resistance acquired.

'Who's talking...is it Tamura? I'm sorry my little soldier, I wish I could have been better to you. You showed Tamura a good time thank you my little friend, I didn't think it would be our last time either. I wish we could have had our life together, I had a lot of years to make up.' He thought about his time as a virgin, and thought how if this was a game, he'd have qualified to becoming a Wizard, and with his age he'd have been a Sage, and how hard working he was. 'The future would have been bright, we'd have hunted down those guys and added them to our harem and we'd have taken good care of them to!'

Accepted: Monster Species Narrowed Down: Sage Skill Acquired, and will be evolved into the Unique Skill Great Sage! Unique Skill Predator acquired, Predator Skill will evolve into the Unique Skill Hunter!

“Tamura, my place is yours, I love you...” his eyes closed.

“Sempai!” his heart stopped, but he died with a smile on his face.


His soul did not pass on in the normal way, he was brought to a new world, and he was given a new body and new self. He woke up in a forest. “Huh where am I?” the city he was in was now a strange forest. “Where's the hospital, did I die, is this a dream?” he pinched his cheek. “Well that doesn't hurt, maybe this is a dream?”

Answer: This is not a dream, you felt no pain, due to Pain Nullification skill you possesses, be warned you can still take damage.

“What who is that?” he looked around but saw no one.

Answer: I am your skill Great Sage, granted to you by the World. I can offer you information on your skills and the world around you.

“My skills, what are you...” he looked himself over and gasped. “Ahhhhh I'm a furry!” He had pads on the bottom of his feet, and his feet were bigger and furry, he had fur up to his hips. His balls were large and furry, and his cock was hidden inside a sheath, his ass was furry and he had a tail. His upper half was surprisingly not furry, he was younger now, and his body was ripped, he had pecs and delicious 6 pack abs, the kind he always imagined he had. He had big hands and claws, and his fur spread up to his elbows. He touches his face and feels pointy canines, and big furry wolf ears, and his hair was wild. “What am I?”

Answer: You are a werewolf, you are a unique one capable of shifting between mostly human and full beast mode. You can activate your full beast mode using your magicules, but you can use it freely during the full moon.

“Magicules?” Great sage explained what magicules were and how they worked. “This is like those RPG's I used to play as a kid I love fantasy RPGs.” His love of fantasy had evolved over the years, he had several files of monster and inhuman porn on his computer.

It took him awhile to re-learn how to walk, but what he wasn't expecting was to stumble into a pitfall and end up in a strange cave. “Man what a drop!” he gasped as his leg was twisted the wrong way. “My leg!”

Answer: Do not panic, Self Regeneration Skill activated.

Sure enough, his bones and muscles repaired themselves. “Well that's handy.” he got up and looked around. “Well might as well explore, one place is as good as another. I wonder what I'll find down here.”

To be continued Chapter 2 The Cave of Veldora!


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