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My Hero Parody: Tier 1

Chap 12 https://www.patreon.com/posts/21356968


Chapter 13 Attack on USJ Part 2 Counter Attack

Todoroki landed in an area while being warped, in an instant, he froze everything around him including the villains. They didn't know what hit 'em. One that escaped his initial ice attack tried to attack him from behind, only to get frozen quickly. “I have some question for you, you are gonna tell me your plans, or I'll freeze the rest of you.”


Momo, Jiro, and Kamenari were thrown into a group of villains. With some quick thinking from Momo, she created a large rubber sheet to shield her and Jiro, so Kamenari could go wild. He did, frying his brain in the process, it was a downside of his quirk. Sadly one of the more dangerous villains was hiding.

He to had an electric quirk and was jamming all the signals out of the USJ. Kamenari in his brain fried state couldn't defend himself as he was captured and taken hostage.


Bakugo and Kirishima were warped together. The blonde was not happy, he had made a rookie move and got in the way of the Pro, and it caused them to get scattered. He took out the villains that attacked them. Kirishima was pulling his weight taking out a few of them himself.

The blonde was even able to take out an invisible, camouflage villain. “We need to move!”

“Are you worried about Midoriya?”

“Deku can handle himself, we can't just sit back and do nothing. Those guys attacked us, we need to take them out, and show them why we are students of Yueei!”

“So manly, so cool!” he hardened up his arms. “Let's move!”


Ojiro was handling himself using hit and run tactics, and Koda and Fumikage were placed together, Koda acted as bait and Tokoyami was able to crush the villains that went after him. While he couldn't use his quirk he wasn't defenseless he had superior strength.


Things were not going well for the others. Thirteen had tried to subdue the villain with his quirk Black Hole. The warp villain was able to turn the tables, turning Thirteen's quirk back on him, causing serious injury. “Iida we need someone to get out of here and get help. You are the fastest one here, you have to go!”

“I can't leave you here,” he says.

“You must, for the sake of our lives, you must run and get help!” Thirteen tells him.

“You are really arrogant, going over your plan in front of me, none of you will be allowed to escape.” Kurogiri threatens.

Iida runs, and the students work together to help him escape. One after another Kurogiri was blocked from getting Iida, be it Sero's tape, Uraraka making him weightless and Shoji throwing him off course, or Ashido throwing acid at him. Their ace in the hole was Thirteen holding Kurogiri off long enough for Iida to escape.

“Everyone, wait for me, I'm coming back with help!” He cranked up the gears and ran like hell.


Izuku, Mineta, and Tsuyu swam up close to see the situation with Aizawa. The two were horrified, Aizawa was messed up. The Nomu was tearing up his arms for shits and giggles. Izuku's instincts were on edge, he knew that monster was seriously deadly, he could smell it, sense it, feel it. Every fiber of his being was telling him to run, he knew he could not defeat that monster.

He also could not run, Aizawa was being hurt and he was trying to figure out a way to save him. Kurogiri abandoned Thirteen to inform Tomura what happened. “Forgive me, I allowed one of the students to escape. He will warn U.A. and the pros will arrive shortly.”

Tomura took it well...scratching at his neck like he was having a fit. “Kurogiri...if you weren't our warp gate I would kill you for your failure!” his arms suddenly dropped. “Looks like its game over, what a letdown. I was hoping to kill All Might!”

“We have struck a blow to the heroes sir, attacking not only the campus but one of their facilities like this.”

“It's not enough, we need to truly strike a blow. We can't kill All Might, but we can kill a pro. A skilled pro who can cancel quirks, such a person shouldn't be allowed to remain on the hero's side.” he chuckled wickedly. “Hold him still Nomu.”

Izuku's eyes widened. “Are you ready to die Eraserhead?”

“Do your worst, you can kill me, but you'll never bring down All Might!”

“A true hero until the end!” he reached out to touch him. Izuku had enough he transformed his legs and rushed out there he took the hit for Aizawa. Tomura touching his chest with all five fingers had his quirk activating and Midoriya's flesh began to decay! The skin rotting and disintegrating, revealing the muscle underneath. 'To bad for you, hero the only way to stop the spread of the decay is to sever it from the body, I got you in the chest it's game over for you.'

Tomura expected him to die, decay away like all those he touched with all five fingers, he's killed so many things intentionally and unintentionally, his quirk activated no matter what. What he didn't expect was that Izuku's own quirk triggered and began healing and countering Tomura's quirk. “You...you are alive!” he dropped his guard from the shock.

“Your quirk won't work on me!” he grabbed Tomura and tossed him, doing a full boy throw and threw him away.

“Tomura!” Kurogiri shouted. Izuku howled and transformed.

“Let him go!” He launched a barrage of hits to the creature's body but it didn't do any damage. 'Does he have some kind of impact suppression quirk. Alright then!' Izuku used his claws and that did some damage, Nomu howled and released Aizawa.

“Let's go!” Tsuyu goes and helps Izuku get All Might up. Mineta came over and added support.

“What are you thinking? How did you know his quirk wouldn't kill you?” Aizawa coughed.

“I didn't but I wasn't gonna sit back and watch someone die!” they started making their way back towards the others. Izuku noticed the Nomu wasn't really responding but something that scared him was the scratches he had made had already healed. 'Can he regenerate? Does he have more than one quirk?'

Kurogiri checked on Tomura. “I touched him and he didn't die.”

“He must have some kind of healing factor, are you alright?”

“I'm great...I want him...” he gets up and stares at Izuku, his eyes wondering the boy's form. He smiles wickedly. “I'm gonna make him mine!”

Izuku got a chill up his spine, and Bakugo got the urge to blow something up.

“Nomu capture that boy and bring him to me!” The Nomu obeyed the command, finally moving. Izuku dodged just in time.

“Get him out of here!” Izuku tells the two.

“On it!” Tsuyu says.

“Midoriya are you really gonna fight them?” Mineta asked.

“I can't win, but I don't have to, I just gotta keep them distracted. He might be strong but let's see if he can keep up!” He ran, dodging as the Nomu went after him. Nomu was fast, but Izuku was fast and small, so he was a lot harder to hit.

Tomura was watching this getting more and more excited as the werewolf flipped and jumped, looking so graceful as he dodged the hulking beast. The boy was able to fend him off in full werewolf mode, his body and instincts were sharp, he was able to stay one step ahead of him each time. He couldn't hold out forever though his time limit was gonna run out.

Izuku was backed into a corner, and it looked like the Nomu had him. Except all, while Izuku was dodging his mind was formulating a plan, he'd never use this on a human enemy but it might just work on this monster.

“Cut off a wolf's head and it still has the power to bite, don't think I wasn't gonna fight back!” He charged up One For All but focused it in his claws. “Try this Iron Wolf Claw!” he swiped his claws and he cut clean through the Nomu's shoulder, lopping off his arm.

It was a short victory as Nomu simply regenerated his arm, while the other one disintegrated. “So you do have multiple quirks, when I hit you in full beast mode, you didn't feel a thing and healing yourself like that, not to mention your speed and strength, what are you?”

“Its Nomu, my weapon against the Symbol of Peace. You are quite smart, you were able to identify a few of the quirks used to make him.” the villains surrounded him.

It wasn't looking good before the door broke down and in came All Might looking pissed as all hell. “I AM HERE!”

“All Might!” Izuku gasped happily, his tail wagging. He reverted back to human form, but his ears were out and his tail was wagging. He wasn't smiling but he was here to kick ass.

“Looks like we got a continue.” Some of the villains Aizawa took out were getting back up, but All Might made quick work of them. He saw the state Aizawa was in and told Tsuyu and Mineta to get him to safety.

“Nomu, kill him!” Tomura ordered and Nomu roared, letting out an inhuman like shriek. He charged at All Might, the two muscled beings clashed with each other grappling intensely. “All Might, be careful that things have multiple quirks,” Izuku shouted.

“Now now, let's not interfere with their fight.” Tomura had gotten behind Izuku and put his arms around him. He began feeling up the boy's muscles and caressing him.

“Hey what are you doing!?” Izuku gasped, Tomura's quirk activated upon touch, but even though Izuku's quirk countered his it was an odd feeling. He still felt the decay and felt his skin regenerate, that on top of Tomura's touch was making him feel weird.

“I can never touch anyone, they always break, but you...I can touch you as much as I want and you'll never break!” He licked Izuku's neck.

“Young Midoriya!” All Might gasped, he tried to help but Nomu was proving to be a problem. One of his quirks was Shock Absorption so he can take a pummeling. “Out of my way!” he grabbed him and tried to suplex him into the ground only for Kurogiri to interfere, opening a warp.

Nomu grabbed All Might, digging his claws into him. “No All Might!” Izuku gasped.

“Hehehe, its game over for you All Might, Nomu could beat you, but he can hold you in place for Kurogiri to split you in two with his warp.”

“I normally don't like to have people's bits inside me, but I'll consider it an honor if they are yours.” All Might hissed as Nomu had him right in his injury. This was bad, his time limit was already in the red, he hadn't recovered enough to fight these guys.

“Just watch once we kill him, I'll be taking you!” He groped Izuku catching the werewolf off guard.

Kurogiri's warp enclosed on All Might, Nomu was just a pawn it was fine if he was split in two and crushed by the warp gate so long as they took All Might down with him. He hissed as he couldn't escape from the hold of Nomu or Kurogiri.

Before their plan could succeed they were interrupted. Todoroki froze Nomu, allowing All Might to break free from his hold, his frozen bits breaking apart. Katsuki attacked Kurogiri, catching his physical form and releasing explosions. His mist dissolved and his quirk relaxed allowing All Might to escape. Bakugo had Kurogiri pinned down threatening him with his point-blank explosions. Kirishima got Tomura off Izuku, the creepy boy releasing him to avoid his attack.

“Are you alright Izuku?” Kirishima asked.

“Yes, thank you Kirishima!” he hugged the redhead.

“Oi spiky hair I let you save Izuku, why didn't you get the guy?” Katsuki scolded. He glared at Tomura. “You creepy handsy bastard keep your hands off my Deku!”

“Kurogiri, you got caught, we were so close and these pests show up!”

“Todoroki-kun freeze him completely, he can regenerate!” Izuku shouts.

Too late…

Nomu broke off his frozen body parts and regenerated quickly. The scene was horrific and caused hesitation. “Nomu kill the blonde boy!” The creature obeyed charging at Katsuki.

'Shit I won't be able to reach him in time…' All Might clutched his wound. Thankfully Izuku went full wolf and was able to catch Katsuki before he could be beaten to death by the monster.

“Kacchan!” Izuku hugged him and nuzzled him lovingly.

“Baka I'm fine, quit it!” he blushed.

“Leave this to me, I won't be caught off guard again.” Izuku was worried about All Might, but he trusted he could do it. Really with what All Might planned neither side could assist.

“That's not a bad plan, Shock Absorption can be quite troublesome, but if it was Shock Nullification, then I'd be in serious trouble, all I have to do is go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!” He drew out the power of One For All, pushing past his limit to 300%, he was pummeling Nomu like a man with a purpose. The shock waves and air pressure from their fight were so intense both hero and villain side could only sit back and watch.

He did beat the Nomu, hitting him so hard he went through the ceiling and into the distance. “I guess I have gotten soft, in my prime it would have taken only 30 hits to take down that monster, but I had to do it with 100,” he mutters.

“How he's supposed to be weaker, he's still strong, no no no no no!”

“Do you still want to fight, I'll be happy to treat you to the same trip I sent your friend.” He was bluffing, Izuku recognized the smoke emanating off his body. 'Please, just go, I've got nothing left.' His leg was shaking, and he was sweating a bit.

“No, this isn't over, I'll kill you with my bare hands!” The two charged him and All Might grit his teeth. 'This is bad, it's taking everything I have to keep this form.'


“YOU WON'T TOUCH ALL MIGHT!” Izuku transformed and surged after Tomura. He was going to intercept and give Tomura a swift punch to the face, but he was so focused on protecting All Might he forgot about his time limit. His time limit ran out and Izuku's body went numb from overuse of his quirk. 'No damn it!' His body trembled, it felt like his body went to sleep without him.

Tomura smirked. “You are coming with me.” He had Kurogiri open up a portal and he reached out through it, he planned to pull Izuku in.


Tomura's hand was shot and the boy was knocked to the ground. Before he could get up his legs were hit with bullets too. “Tomura!” Kurogiri erected a wall to of mist, taking the other bullets into his warp. “We have to go!”

“Damn it we were so close.”

The pros had shown up, Pro Hero and Teacher Snipe, was taking out the villains left and right from long range. With his help, Kamenari was freed from the hostage situation. Present Mic blasted the riffraff with his voice knocking them unconscious.

Ectoplasm used his quirk to create clones to assist with the search and rescue. Vlad went around binding the villains using his quirk. The pros were really amazing, they swept through the villains like a knife through butter.

Tomura was forced to withdraw. “This isn't over, I will be back, I'll kill All Might and take Midoriya as mine!”

“Hey!” too late he vanished with Kurogiri's warp.

Izuku couldn't move and All Might was transforming back, thankfully Cementoss came in and was able to cover for both of them. Izuku was taken to Recovery Girl with All Might, Aizawa, and Thirteen.

The villains that didn't escape were captured and arrested. So far only Tomura and Kurogiri escaped, even Nomu was found and captured. This fight, however, was a win, on paper, but Nezu was concerned about what this would mean for the future. His students proved they were capable, handling an unpredictable situation, facing real villains. 'Is this just the calm before the storm?'

To be continued Chap 14 Counseling and Full Moon

After giving statements to the police, everyone has to speak to the school's counselor Hound Dog. A common practice for traumatic events. Despite this incident neither Izuku or Katsuki want this to sour the upcoming full moon.


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