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Reincarnated as Slime Parody: Tier 1


That Time I Got Reincarnated as an Incubus

Satoru Mikami is killed protecting his friend, and due to the man’s words, he finds himself reincarnated in another world as a monster. He dies with regret of never finding love and never having sex, so he’s reborn as an incubus. He’s slimmer in this new form, and has some devilish traits, he gains power not just from eating monsters, but drinking semen. Incubus Rimuru/Harem

Chap 1

Satoru Mikami was having a wild dream, he was younger and he had wings and a tail and he was having sex with all kinds of different monsters. Some he was fucking while others were fucking him. Hard muscle, smooth muscle, furry, long and hard, short and stout, so many different styles and sizes.

He woke up with a raging erection. “Oh man, what a dream?” the more he tried to think about it the more it faded from his mind. He chalked it up to his lack of sex and too many lonely nights. Despite being a hard-working businessman, he had a good job, and made good money, he still didn't have a boyfriend. His last 10 years alone, the only experience he had was with his left hand. He wasn't picky either, top or bottom, his V-Card was still intact.

His family was big enough, his elder brother took care of their parents and pretty much allowed him to live life as he pleased. He wasn't frivolous, he worked hard made his own way and his own money.

Satoru's Pov

After a shower, I dressed and headed into the city. Tamura had called me out for the day, he was my junior at work. He's cute, a bit of a hot shot, and he often came to me for help on more than one occasion. We worked together a lot.

He invited me out today, which was odd, we've hung out before outside of work but in a group. “Satoru-sempai!” he ran up to me. He's dressed night for a hangout. “I'm so glad you agreed to meet with me.”

“Of course, how could I turn you down. You are my favorite junior after all.” Is he blushing? Nah, must be the cold. “Where shall we go?”

“Anywhere you want, I'm paying!” That's sweet of him. We started walking when there was a commotion up ahead. People were screaming and ducking out of the way. A crazy guy wielding a knife came barreling down the street.

He was coming right at Tamura, the guy was frozen in terror. “Tamura!” I pushed him out of the way and I got stabbed. The crazy guy twisted the knife inside me, and I felt burning pain spread through me. He pulled it out and my blood came rushing out, as I hit the ground the crazy guy ran off. My blood...it feels so hot...and yet I feel so cold!

Accepted: Heat Resistance and Cold Resistance unlocked, the skills combined and unlocked Thermal Fluctuation Resistance.

Tamura rushed to my side and tried to stop the bleeding. “Satoru-sempai this is all my fault!” he was crying, what is he talking about. “I wanted to get you alone so I could finally ask you out?”

Seriously?! He liked me that way, I had no idea. “I've wanted to ask you out for so long, I've been in love with you for awhile sempai!” No way! I wish I could have seen it if I had known I would have accepted his feelings.

Accepted: Love Scope unlocked (A skill that allows the user to see feelings of low and who they are connected to)

“I've wanted to ask you out so many times, but I didn't feel comfortable asking you out at work or around others.” he held my hand and trembled.

“Tamura...I think you are cute...if I had known I would have rocked your world.” Tamura blushed and nuzzled my hand. It would have been nice to try out some of the things I've seen and read about. I'd make your first and every time after as amazing as I could.

Accepted: Selecting a creature with a vast knowledge of sex and the arts of pleasure. Pleasure Shock skill unlocked (A skill that can be channeled through hands, feet, and tail, it sends a jolt of raw pleasure through one's body stimulating all the erogenous zones at once.)

Who's talking, man I'm getting dizzy, it hurts, the wound isn't closing at all is this it for me.

Accepted: Confusion Resistance unlocked, Pain Nullification unlocked, Self Regeneration unlocked, Null Pain skill unlocked (Can temporarily null the pain of an alley or enemy)

Man, I can't believe this is how I'm gonna die, a virgin, in games they say 30 something warriors can change their class to wizards. In my case, I'd probably even be a sage by now, and with how hard I worked I'd grow even further. In my next life I'm not gonna hold myself back, top and bottom, I'm gonna go all out, maybe I'll even have a harem.

Accepted: Skill Sage unlocked, the skill is upgraded to Unique Skill Great Sage, High Stamina Skill unlocked, Harem Ruler Skill unlocked. Unique Skill Predator acquired!

“Tamura don't cry, I wanted to protect you, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I was weak, if I was stronger I'd have been able to protect you better.” I didn't want him to cry or blame himself. My throat is hurting, I can barely breathe, but I need to say this. “Go find yourself a good man, I want you to be happy.” I cough up blood, things were getting dark.

Accepted Unique Skill Lustful has been unlocked (In the world of eat or be eaten this quirk has a mighty use, not only does it allow the user to increase in strength by drinking cum, but gives those that drink users semen power as well.) Silence Resistance unlocked.

Who's talking, is it Tamura? No...its not...what's going on...everything is going dark...so this is how I die…

-x-End Pov-x-

Satoru changed, as his old life ended a new life began. The perfect body was selected for him, he was younger now, and he had two little horns, he had bat-like wings, and a long tail with a heart shaped tip, he had blue fur cuffs on his wrists and ankles. There were more changes but those he'd have to discover for himself.

He groaned as he stirred awake. “Hmm, where am I?” he looked around, it seems he was in some kind of cave, there was light, from glowing stones and even some glowing mushrooms. “A cave? How did I...AH!” he screamed. “I'm naked!” He was indeed. “Wah! I have wings and a tail!” He did indeed. He ran his fingers through his hair and found his adorable horns. “I have horns! I'm a monster!” he cried out. “What about…” he looked down. “Whoa-ho! It's huge, I'm huge, my little soldier you got an upgrade!”

His ounce 5-inch dick was now 9 inches soft. “I wonder how big it'll be when it gets hard?” he lazily strokes himself.

Answer: Most incubi are growers, their endowments are kept small while soft to aid in flight.

“Whoa who said that? This voice I heard it before.”

Answer: I am your skill Great Sage, you unlocked me from the Voice of the World.

“Skill? Wait. Incubus, I'm an incubus?!”

Answer: Correct, this is the monster best suited for you. Your heart and soul were read and upon your death, you were reincarnated as an incubus. You were given skills by the World, and as a monster you will gain more skills either by leveling up, evolving, or eating other monsters or objects.

“Wait I'm to eat other monsters and objects to get stronger? How am I supposed to do that anyway?”

Answer: Using the skill Predator you can absorb objects and creatures into a special second stomach inside you, you can break down those objects and gain new skills and abilities. It will be harder to absorb living things though. If you seek to gain power another way you can use your skill Lustful, it allows you to gain power and give power through sex.

“Holy crap that's awesome!” He was in a new world and had a new life to live, it was a bit strange being a monster but he got over it. No use dwelling on what he couldn't change, and focus on the now.

He had to get used to his new body and learn new skills in the process. He practiced trying to fly with his wings, it took a few days but he finally was able to learn Fly. With all his crashing and falling he learned about his Pain Nullification skill. It would help in the long run he felt.

“Is it weird that I'm not cold, I've been naked this whole time, and I don't feel chilly in the slightest.” Great Sage explained his Heat and Cold Resistance skills, and the combined skill Thermal Fluctuation Resistance. Basically, he could stand naked in a blizzard and not be cold, and sunbathe without getting burned.

The tail took some getting used to, but he got used to it faster than he did his wings. It was like having a very flexible and wiggling arm. He found a lake and got a good look at himself, despite the monster traits he still looked like himself only years younger. It's like becoming a monster took 12 years off him, he felt and looked amazing. Not only did he have the energy to burn, he only needed 3 hours of sleep to recover his strength.

Though something he noticed he didn't have to go to the bathroom. “Is this normal?”

Answer: All monsters, and humans with magic or skills, their bodies break down all food and convert it to energy to feed the magicules inside them. Most anal holes are for mating purposes only, some monsters even produce slick to aid in the process.

“That's pretty hot!” he blushed. Great Sage explained what Magicules was, though it had to be simplified. Basically, people places and even things had magicules in them, the number could increase through training and meditation and could decrease upon use but they could be recharged through rest and food. “I hope I'll be able to meet someone soon.”

He's been exploring the cave for days but found no one. He began practicing using his Predator skill. Finding rare herbs he was able to touch them, and upon using Predator, the item was consumed by blue energy and absorbed into him.

Since he had nothing to do and time to burn he absorbed as many herbs as he could find. He processed them and used them to make healing potions.

Gain: Healing Saliva skill unlocked, Bonus Species Skill Man Milk Drink. (This skill allows you to heal from drinking semen, your semen has strong healing powers as well)

“Cool, I wonder what else I can learn?” he was like a kid in a candy store. He found some rare magic ore and used Predator to store it inside himself. By absorbing the ore he gained experience and as an Incubus he began awakening new skills.

Awakened: Sexy Beam; a concentrated release of energy, the more lovers one has the stronger the beam is. Healing Touch; using this skill on an alley can recover one's health and stamina. Kiss Bomb; creates a bomb of energy by blowing a kiss, it grows more powerful the more lovers you have.

He used Predator on the glowing mushrooms.

Gain: Glow Ball skill unlocked; creates a ball of light that can follow the user around, if left alone the ball can last up to 24 hours. Flash skill unlocked; releases a burst of light, blinding an enemy and a small chance of stunning.

He even used Predator on a pool of water. Absorbing the water didn't do much except grant him some skills.

Gain: Water Manipulation; can manipulate and control water.

He tried it out, creating a move for himself. “Water Blade!” the skill was quite powerful, he had to be careful who he used it on. He was amazed how just trying things out allowed him to learn new things. He used water manipulation to give himself a shower.

Gain: Rain Conjuring Skill unlocked.

Now he could manipulate the water in the air, and the magicules to create a small rain cloud. It was kinda handy.

But all the skills in the world could not fill the loneliness he was feeling. Then he met someone amazing, a large a monstrous dragon named Veldora!

To be continued



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