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Bleach Parody: Tier 1: PDF Copy Chaps 1-5


Chap 5 The Next Level

Ichigo poured himself into his research, he barely left his lab, and if he did it was usually when Renji and Shuuhei were on patrol. He'd give his report to Komamura, and then bring the Arrancar their food. It was like this a few days now, and with each passing day Renji felt worse and worse, but he never got a response from Ichigo when he knocked on the door. “Damn it how can I apologize, if he won't let me talk to him!?”

“Give it time, Ichigo believes he's on the road to a breakthrough.” Sajin points out to him.


Grimmjow was confused. He could get stronger? His chance for evolving wasn’t stolen from him? For so long he though he had reached a wall, and before he got the chance to overcome it Aizen came and he felt like he was put in a box. Yet, it seems that box was opened by another Soul Reaper, and he oddly trusted him more than Aizen.

The only thing that confused him more was Ichigo, he wasn’t a creep like Szayel, he might be a perv but not a creep. There was no denying the boy was strong, he learned that first hand. Hollows respected strength, so the boy earned his respect. The boy certainly had his lust, even before he started showering in the lab.

Ichigo had zero modesty, finding no time for such trivial matters so he stripped right there in front of the Arrancar. The boy wasn't joking he was packing a massive sword between his legs. Di Roy and Illfort were certainly impressed getting hard at the sight of the boy stripping. They had no qualms about jerking off to the shinigami either. Grimmjow would have to call himself a liar if he to didn't want to lick each droplet of water off the shinigami's body.

He wasn't kidding about the personal touch either. Di Roy got it first, Ichigo jerked him off while sucking on one of his nipples. “Ah ah ahh feels so good!” the other two watched, jealousy and lust burning inside them. Illfort asked if he could get a blow job, and Ichigo actually agreed.

Ichigo sucked the blonde's cock and played with his ass with one hand, a nipple with the other. “Oh kami, so hot, he's sucking me so good!” he saw stars, it was like Ichigo was sucking his very soul out of him. His toes curled and he came into the boy's mouth.

He fingered both of them at the same time, giving them a prostate massage while turning up their insides. All their toy time had helped them prepare for anal pleasure but being fingered by Ichigo felt so damn good. The boy's spiritual pressure caressed their insides and drove them wild. Grimmjow watching every second of it. As soon as they came Ichigo stroked them off, milking them of as much cum as possible.

Grimmjow resisted his urges for a while, still thinking Ichigo was messing with them. Illfort reminded him that in the time they've been under Ichigo they've gotten stronger, they've had good food, and have had more orgasms than before and after they met Aizen. He was a bit odd maybe, perverted probably, but he cared and showed them respect. They weren't blind they could see the Grimmjow was giving Ichigo, he wanted him, craved him. He was letting his pride get in the way of what he wanted, possibly needed.

He gave in one night when Di Roy and Illfort were sleeping, he'd been hard for a while and he wanted Ichigo badly. His cock was so hard it hurt. “Ichigo...”

“Yes?” the boy turned away from his monitor, looking at the aroused Arrancar, the bluenette blushed.

“Please...please touch me!” he expected the shinigami to laugh, and mock him for being weak, but instead Ichigo touched him. He came over, smelling so damn good, and began playing with Grimmjow's aching cock. “Ahhh!” his back arched and his toes curled. His touch felt fucking amazing!

A few strokes and he was cumming hard, and Ichigo stroked him through his release, helping milk a few extra spurts. “Is there anything else you would like, Grimmjow?”

“My ass, play with my ass!” again Ichigo didn't mock him, he spread his cheeks and kissed Grimmjow's twitching hole. “Ahhh!” he wasn't expecting that, but he wasn't complaining. Ichigo's tongue flicked his entrance, teasing the pucker and slowly worked inside. “Ahh fuck ahh ahh ahh!” His wet muscle wiggled inside.

His left hand slipped between his legs to fondle Grimmjow's big balls, while the right reached around to pump his weeping dick. Grimmjow's eyes rolled up, he growled and purred in pleasure. He came again, fireworks going off in his brain.

He fell into a pleasure fueled dream, a dream of Ichigo mounting him and filling his greedy ass with his big dick. It was a good dream!


After Grimmjow joined team Ichigo, the boy gave them more freedom. He gave them each a special collar, it would restrict their reiatsu, so they couldn't use their abilities, but it would also stimulate it so while they wear it they would slowly get stronger.

Ichigo invented it, while it did restrict one's abilities, if someone trained while wearing it, it would double their efforts. Mayuri approved of it, but it was turned down by Soul Society, cause if there was an attack while wearing the collar they would cost valuable time that could cost lives. Ichigo had modified the design, which was the ones he offered to the hollows.

Di Roy and Illfort took them quickly, Grimmjow hesitated but he to put it on. While wearing the collars they were allowed to wonder about Ichigo's lab freely. That didn't stop them from being fitted with toys. The only times their anal cavities weren't stuffed by either a dildo, plug, or vibe, was when Ichigo himself was teasing them with his fingers and tongue. (Grimmjow has been the only one he's rimmed so far.)

He didn't give it to Di Roy and Illfort before, cause he didn't want to influence Grimmjow.


Ichigo was burning the midnight oil again, he was analyzing the hollows' zanpakuto. He had a feeling they were the key to reaching the next level. He felt he was on the right track but he was missing critical info.

“You should sleep.” the naked Arrancar walked up behind him.

“I'm fine,” he rubbed his eyes. “Worried about me now?” he asked playfully.

“Shut it I don't care!” he crossed his arms. “I think you could use a break and I want you to play with me.”

“Alright,” he patted his lap. Grimmjow laid across it, and Ichigo began fingering him.

“Ahh,” he shivers and arches his back. “More!” One finger became two, and then three and the Espada was in heaven.

“I feel like I'm close, your zanpakuto contain your hollow powers in a sealed state.” Ichigo ponders, all while stirring up Grimmjow's insides. His free hand rubs his back.

“Mmm,” he purrs.

As Ichigo pondered and pondered his spiritual pressure fluxed making Grimmjow yelp and shudder in pleasure. “Hollows get stronger by eating souls, but Arrancar are different, they aren't just hollows they have shinigami powers too. Shinigami get stronger through training, and practice, and communicating with their zanpakuto.”

Grimmjow came, his insides tightening around the orangette's fingers. “Grimmjow have you ever communicated with your zanpakuto?”

“Why would I, it's my power, it's me?”

“Hmm, the release form is similar to our Shikai, and the zanpakuto is our power to, but it's more than that. We have another level of power the bankai. I wonder if your powers are the same way.” he massages Grimmjow's sweet spot harder and harder as his mind worked.

“Ichigo!” Grimmjow moans.

“I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakthrough, shinigami, hollows, something in between.” He drilled Grimmjow's ass and the male's body shuddered in delight. “The zanpakuto is the key.”

Grimmjow was trying to listen and pay attention, but hot damn he was drowning in the boy's pressure, and pleasure. “I only saw it once, I need to see it again.”

“You can fight me anytime.” Grimmjow was drooling, Ichigo shook his head.

“No, I need to observe the fight and properly analyze you while in your release form. I can't do that 100% while fighting you.” He added a fourth finger and Grimmjow came again. “You are quite powerful Grimmjow.”

The praise and pleasure caused him to come again, his brain seemed to melt as his cum spilled on the floor. “You got friends, don't ya?”

“Captain Komamura would agree, but his skills would not work for analyzing head to head combat...I'd have to ask Renji...”

“Then do it, you want to finish your research, and I want to reach the next level.” Ichigo chuckles.


Renji couldn't sleep, he hadn't seen Ichigo in days. Komamura said he was doing fine, but he wanted to see him. The door to the lab opened and out came Ichigo. “Ohh Renji...” the male hesitated, before stepping out. “I need to talk to you about something.”

“Ichigo!” the red-head rushed over. “I'm sorry, I was an ass, please forgive me!” he bowed.

“Renji...” Ichigo was stunned.

“I mean it, I'm sorry, I was just worried about you because I care.” he blushed. “I know I can be kind of dumb, and I say stupid things, but I know what my heart wants.”

He couldn't stop himself, he's been missing Ichigo for so long he was pent up. He wanted Ichigo to forgive him and to understand why he's so protective of him. “I've had a thing for you since the academy, I'm sure you didn't notice, but Ichigo I'm in love with you!”

“Renji,” Ichigo tried to stop him.

“I don't care if you hate me, well actually I do, but I needed you to know. I love you, and I want to protect you, I can't help it I...” Ichigo cut him off, by capturing the red head's lips, a searing kiss silenced the red-head.

Renji wrapped his arms around Ichigo and kissed back. The kiss broke for air. “Renji, I forgive you, and I know you can be kind of dumb, but you have a good heart.” he smiles. “I've had a thing for you too, and wanted to protect you too. That's why I gave you my charm.”

“You mean it?” Ichigo cupped his crotch feeling his hard-on, as he did he rubbed his own hard-on against Renji. “Ahh, I'll take that as a yes.” Ichigo palmed him, making the red-head shudder.

“But I don't want to be put in the corner, I want to fight with you, you have my back and I have yours.”

“Yeah, I got it, I'm sorry.” he hugged the male. “Is it too soon to ask for makeup sex?” Ichigo chuckles.

“No, but we can fool around, to celebrate making up.” Ichigo kissed Renji hungrily, the kiss deepened and their tongues met and battled. Renji shuddered at the boy's skill.

'Fuck, he's a good kisser.' his legs buckled, and his cock throbbed in his fundoshi and pants. Ichigo soon dominated the kiss and made Renji melt.

“Couch now,” he pulled the red-head over to the couch. Clothing was shed and by the time they hit the couch both were naked. Renji's hard 8 incher throbbed in the air, he was pushed down and laid across the couch. “Your tattoos are so sexy Renji.” he traced the tattoo's and Renji shivered.

His tattoos were special, he didn't tattoo himself, the tattoos appeared on his skin naturally as he grew stronger. The spiritual ink had marked his muscled form, painting his body in an erotic way. Renji blushed at the praise and moaned at the touch. Not a lot of people liked his tattoos or understood them.

“You are sexy!” Renji says, gazing at Ichigo's naked body, to the boy's monstrous dick. He had the biggest cock at the academy, he thought it was just locker room talk until he saw it wasn't just rumored the boy was packing. He licked his lips at the sight of the massive tool.

Ichigo spread his legs and settled between them. He took his time, licking Renji's tattoo's as he made his way down to his crotch. “Ahh, Ichigo!” His hips arched off the couch.

His penis began to twitch and leak pre-cum. “You have such a thick and manly scent Renji, it turns me on.” Renji gulped and moaned as Ichigo began to lick his manhood.

He fondles the red head's heavy balls as his tongue glides back and forth along his length, teasing the tip with swift swirls. “Oh Kami, Ichigo...” Renji moans, his toes curling in delight. He'd been pent up in more ways than one since taking this mission he hadn't touched himself, his balls were itching to release.

“Mmm, so tasty,” Ichigo says, licking up his pre-cum. “Your cock is delicious Renji!”

'Shit he's attacking me with words!' Ichigo wrapped his lips around the head and began to suck. Sucking and giving the head a tongue lashing. “Ohh fuck Ichigo!”

Ichigo swallowed him down to the root, and Renji arched off the couch. “Fuck!” His mouth and throat massaged his penis all at once. He inhaled and moaned, sending pleasing vibrations through his rod.

Renji came hard, his cock swelling as his seed shot down Ichigo's throat. Ichigo sucked him through his release, milking him of a few extra spurts. “Ichi...” Renji drooled.

The orangette supported Renji and brought a finger to his tight little hole. It slipped in easy, he was so horny he felt no pain. Ichigo added a second finger, as he bobbed his head back and forth. “Ahh Ichi wait I just came if you do that ahhh!”

Ichigo massaged his sweet spot and he lost it, cumming again. He didn't waste a drop. He pulled off the red head's cock but continued to finger him. “Delicious, your ass is twitching like crazy so warm and tight inside.”

Renji shivered. “Ichigo...” he pulls off the boy's digits and makes Ichigo sit. He spreads his legs. “I'm gonna suck your dick!” he caresses the massive piece of man meat.

The manly musk was incredible, making Renji's mouth water. He went right for the kill, taking Ichigo's cock into his mouth, what he could fit anyway. “Don't force yourself Renji.”

He took it as a challenge, he breathed through his nose and relaxed his throat, trying to swallow the massive man meat. Each inhale drew Ichigo's musk into him stirring his cock back to life. He bobbed his head back and forth, trying to get a little more into his mouth. As he slurped and sucked on Ichigo's penis, he felt his own cock throb in delight, he reached down and began playing with himself. While his mouth worked his dick, his hole twitched in jealousy.

Once Renji got to the base his eyes rolled up in delight, his throat was stuffed full, while Ichigo's pubes tickled his nose. He released his cock and held onto Ichigo's legs and began to bob back and forth, from base to tip, hollowing his cheeks as he sucked every inch. 'So big, so good, I love it!'

“Ahh, Renji!” Ichigo moaned in delight as the red-head sucked every inch of him. His mouth and throat were so tight and hugging him perfectly. His moans pushed Renji forward, and he sped up his sucks.

Renji moaned as he came from sucking Ichigo's dick, his cock spraying all over the floor. His moans helped push Ichigo over the edge and he came, pumping his seed down Renji's throat and filling his belly.

Ichigo pulled his cock free from the red head's lips, the last of his seed spraying into Renji's mouth and all over his face. Abarai licked his lips, savoring the flavor. “Hot damn...”

“You were great Renji, you sucked my cock down so well.” He cupped his cum covered cheeks and kissed him.

“So I'm forgiven?”

Ichigo chuckled. “Yes. In fact...How would you like to help me with an experiment with the Arrancar?”

“Sure, but what can I help you with?”

“I need you to fight them while I analyze the data.”

“Sure.” Ichigo pulled Renji up and cuddled with him on the couch.

“Perfect!” he smiled and snuggled up with him.


Sajin was a light sleeper and he overheard everything and got quite the show. The smell of sex was strong enough, but the noises they made, and the show they put on made the furry male cum into his fundoshi and trousers. 'Ichigo...amazing!'

To be continued...Chapter 6 Hollow Release Rumble


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