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Overlord Parody: Tier 1

 Chapter 3 https://www.patreon.com/posts/23576709

Chapter 4 Those in Need

In the frontier, in the ruins of a fallen village, Gazef Stronoff and his troops were checking for survivors. “Find any survivors and escort them,” Gazef says. This was the third village attack in a week. His vice-captain was worried. “Captain, I don't like this, with our number of troops, to handle something like this, this has to be a trap.”

“You might be right, there are many who do not approve of me being so close to His Majesty.” He was a commoner, as well as the Chief Warrior, the King trusted him and listened to him. So he had enemies among the nobles, as well as enemies of the kingdom that would want him dead.

“Then we should turn back. You are too important to...” he was cut off.

“We will not!”

“But sir...”

“You can turn back if you want, but I'm from villages like this. I know how it feels to be attacked and have no one come. You can turn back if you like but even if this is a trap I will not turn my back on the people!” It was true the weak were attacked by monsters, killed by warring factions, not many cared to save the mere commoners. The men were inspired by his words and they rode off hoping to save the next village. “Let's go, let's show them those that would save them despite the danger!”

“Yes, sir!”

They were heading towards Carne...


Sebas wasn't happy that Momonga was moving around without an escort. It was his job to serve the man, hard to do that if he can't even find him. “S-sorry...” Sebas smiled.

“I have today’s itinerary, everything in Nazarick is running smoothly.”

“Excellent,” Momonga figured he needed to keep a schedule, set time to practice his magic. He was in his office/throne room trying to get certain items and magic to work. It was still a little difficult to do things without his console, but he had to learn and fast.

He was given the Mirror of Remote Viewing to practice on, Sebas watching patiently at his side. It was always a dicey item in the game since so many skills could prevent or even block it completely. It took a few tries but Momonga was able to get it to work. “Well done, my Lord.”

'It was easy once I figured how to treat it, it's like a computer screen, I can manipulate the image perception, enlarging and minimizing the view.' he used certain hand gestures to make it work. 'I'm getting the hang of this.' It was almost like a giant magic tablet, he could scroll just by swiping.

He used the mirror to scour the surrounding area and spotted a nearby town. “Something is happening, a festival?”

Sebas took a look. “I don't think so, my Lord.” Momonga zoomed in.

“A battle...” there were men in armor attacking villagers dragging people out of their homes and corralling them. “Are they planning a mass execution?”

“Shall I send a suppression squad?”

“No, I'm not sure revealing myself or Nazarick is a good move yet.” he had no idea the state of this world yet, he had to move cautiously or risk losing everything.

“As you wish,” Sebas bowed.

Momonga looked at him, and couldn't help but see his creator Touch Me. 'Touch Me…' the two were the closest friends when he first started playing the game he had been attacked by a group of players. Lots of players liked to gang up on inhuman players and get double the exp and rewards.

He had almost been finished before Touch Me showed up and killed them. “You saved me...why?”

“Why?!” he laughed. “I don't need a reason! Helping Those in Need Is the Right Thing to Do!” a big banner appeared behind him his words in big gold letters. The two had gathered more inhuman players and started all of this, they grew so strong no one could beat them.

Still...Touch Me always followed his belief up to the end. 'If not for those words I would not be here now.'

“Sebas, raise the security level to maximum, have Albedo oversee things while I'm gone.”

“You shall be handling this yourself, Lord?”

“Yes, have Demiurge join me when he can.” he summons a gate. “I'll be going on ahead.”



The village was in trouble big time, Enri's mother and father had already been killed, and she had been injured protecting her sister. Before the knight could strike a killing blow, a gate opened up and out came Momonga.

“What the hell is that thing?” the two knights backed up in terror.

“What, you knights have the courage to face children but not me, how sad?”

“Why you?!”

“Grasp Heart!” he tried one of his skills, and it was super effective. The knight died instantly. 'Wow, that was a bit more than I was expecting.' He had hoped to try his combat skills a bit.

The other night screamed and tried to run. “I don't think so Chain Lightning.” with one shot he killed the other knight. “So weak.” The girls were still quite scared. 'Perhaps I'll try making an undead to protect them.'

“Create Undead!” things were a bit different from the game, the skill used an actual body, a dark aura invaded the corpse of the knight he killed, his flesh rotted and his body shifted becoming a Death Knight.

The girls cried out in shock. “Death Knight your enemy is those wearing that armor, only kill the ones in the armor.” The Death Knight roared and ran off. 'Oops, I need to think my orders more clearly, what's the point of summoning a guardian if you send it off to fight?'

From the gate appeared Demiurge. “Sorry I took so long, what is the plan, my lord.”

“Ahh a demon!” the little sister cried.

“Please don't hurt us!” Enri cried.

'Hurt you, I just saved their lives.' he sweat-dropped.

“So noisy,” Demiurge flexed his claws. “Shall I put an end to them?” his words made the girls flinch.

“Demiurge stop, I plan on saving this village!”

“Understood.” he calmed down, and Momonga breathed a sigh of relief. He offered Enri a red potion, to heal her wounds. She seemed scared of it at first, but she took and her wounds healing instantly.

“The pain, it's gone!” she gasped.

“Sister!” the two embraced.

Momonga created a barrier around them. “This should protect you as long as you remain inside if you run into trouble use this.” he gave them two items, small horns that were capable of summoning an army of goblins. “The goblins summoned by this horn will protect you and obey your command.”

“Please sir, tell me the name of our savior?”

'My name, my human one, my name in the game, I'm in a new world maybe I should go for a new name, one that if spread far enough if my friends are here they will come looking for me.' after some thinking. “My name is Ainz Ooal Gown!”

The two headed for the village. “What a fine name, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama!”

“You can call me Ainz.”

“Not possible, to call a supreme being by a shortened name...” Ainz chuckled and Demiurge blushed. “It would be insolence.”

“It is a name I hope if spread through the world, in honor of my old comrades.” he raised the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. “I want everyone to remember the name Ainz, I'll have everyone at Nazarick calling me Ainz as well.”

“Very well, Lord Ainz.” Well close enough. “So what is so special about this village?”

“Nothing, I simply want to save it.”

“I see, forgive my ignorance Lord Ainz.”

He conjured some gloves and a mask. The Mask of Envy, it wasn't anything special a giveaway item he got from being online over Christmas. “If those girls were any sign, showing up as I am would scare people.”

“Your form is glorious.” Ainz chuckled.

“You are just saying that.”

“No I mean it, you are glorious my lord.” He blushed. “Forgive me I...” Ainz caught his chin and looked him deep in the eyes.

“Do not shy away, do you want me Demiurge?”

“Yes Lord, so much. I want to be yours!”

“A matter we can discuss after this quest.” He cupped the male's crotch and fondled it.

“Ahh, I'm looking forward to it Lord Ainz!” He shuddered in delight.

“There are many things in this world, I'd like to explore.” His manhood was a surprise, and if Demiurge wanted to be with him.

“I will gladly be of service to you my lord!” he moans.

“I'll admit, I've been hesitant, I didn't want to force you, and I was worried about my comrades.”

“I'm sure my creator would not mind, he'd be happy that I found love and such a worthy mate.”

“You might be right,” he pulls away and Demiurge almost whines at the loss. “Oh, and by the way Demiurge, your form is very sexy as well!”

“Lord!” Demiurge felt his heart race at the praise.


While Ainz talked with Demiurge, his Death Knight was cleaning up the soldiers. Ainz showed up and put an end to the carnage. “Leave now, and I shall spare your lives, tell your masters this village is under the protection of Ainz Ooal Gown!”

The men ran in terror, but Ainz had a feeling this wasn't over. These guys were a joke, merely pawns answering to a higher power. Defeating the higher power would prove more of a test of his skills.

“Fear not people, my Death Knight will not harm you.” the villagers were still alive. “My friend and I are foreigners and magic casters.” That seemed to put them at ease but they were still suspicious. “My serves are not free of course, I will expect some compensation.” That put their minds at ease.

Turns out magic casters and adventurers were common, even in this small village they knew of them. It opened the doors, and Ainz was able to talk to the mayor. He learned their money wasn't good here, but the gold it was made of was still worth something. Before they could go into more Gazef and his men came to town.

To be continued...Chapter 5 Angels and Demons


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