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Reincarnated As Slime Parody: Tier 1


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Lamia

Satoru Mikami is killed protecting his friend, and due to the man’s words he finds himself reincarnated in another world as a monster. From his words My blood is so warm, he is given a cold blooded creature and soon finds himself in the body of a lamia, he retained most of his human features but he’s a lamia now, with his skill predator he’s able to gain skills and even makes friends with a dragon. Lamia Two Cocks: Rimuru/Harem

Chapter 1 Stabbed To Death

Satoru Mikami was having a strange dream, there were strange creatures, of all shapes and sizes and they were following a snake-like creature. “Hmm, what a weird dream?” the more he tried to remember it the more it faded from his mind. He stretched and got ready for his day.  

He didn't have a lot to complain about in life, he had a good job that he worked hard to establish. He had a decent apartment, decent food, and decent clothing. Food, clothing, and shelter what more could a guy ask for…

Well if he was being honest he wanted a lover, he was middle-aged and he still didn't have a partner. He hated being one of the oldest guys at the office that still had his V-card. What bugged him more, was the young bucks that came in were cashing in early.  

Like his newest junior Tamura, don't get him wrong, the guy's a good kid, he needs help with his work from time to time but he always gets his work done. The fact is he already had a girlfriend, Miho Sawatari.  

He got invited out by Tamura so he could show off his girlfriend, and how in love they were. Honestly he couldn't blame him, if he had a hottie on his arm he'd want to show off to. It was clear what he was doing, you don't ask a single guy for marriage advice.  

'Well, at least he's treating. I should be happy for him.' he walked with them.  

“Out of my way!” a man shouted running towards them, he was carrying a large knife.  

Tamura tried to protect Miho, but Satoru was stronger, he pushed the two out of the way and took the hit. The knife tore through his flesh, blood gushing from the wound as the man twisted the knife in him. “Gah,” he coughed up blood. 'Damn it!' he tried to grab the guy, but he pulled the knife out, causing his blood to spill out, and his knees to go weak. He dropped to the floor blood gushing from his wound.  

“Sempai!” Tamura rushed over and tried to put pressure on the wound. “Hang in there, someone call 911.”  

'What's this am I dying, guess I really was stabbed then huh, he cut me good, I can't feel my legs.'       

Acknowledged: Creature selection narrowed down to monsters without legs. Physical Attack Resistance Skill Acquired.  

Satoru looked at his blood on his hands. 'Its so warm, my blood is so warm. Is it supposed to be this way?'

Acknowledged: Creature selection narrowed down to cold blooded creature. Heat Resistance Skill Acquired

He could feel Tamura trying to keep the pressure on the wound to try to keep him alive. 'It hurts, its no use the wound isn't gonna close, its over for me.'  

Acknowledged: Pain Nullification and Self Regeneration Skills Acquired.  

'Who's that who's talking, Tamura?' his friend was there but things were getting dark. “Hey, buddy you gotta do me a favor.”  

“Anything, this is all my fault.” Satoru shook his head.  

“I need you to get rid of my computer, clear the hard drive, throw it in the tub if you have to. Fry it!” (As the anime and manga state, do not actually attempt.) His friend chuckles.

Unable to Confirm: Electricity Resistance and Paralysis Resistance Acquired.   

“Making jokes, when I've been such a jerk if I hadn't asked you out you wouldn't have...” he chokes up and sobs.

“Shut up,” he chokes. He looks to Miho. “Take good care of him for me.”  

She tears up. “I will.”  

“Both of you be happy, and take care of my computer.” He coughs. 'Everything is getting dark, I can't see.'

Acknowledged: Night Sight Skill Acquired – Heat Resistance and Night Sight, have unlocked the skill Thermal Sight. Bonus Blindness Resistance Skill unlocked.   

'Man I wish I could have stopped that guy, if only I took him out when he hit me. If I was stronger he wouldn't have gotten away. If I was faster I could have grabbed him before I was stabbed.'

Acknowledged: Counter Skill Acquired, Quick Strike Skill Acquired, the two skills unlocked Quick Counter Skill and Physical Counter Skill unlocked.  

'I can't believe I'm gonna die a virgin, I'm sorry my neglected manhood, if I am reborn in the next life I promise to give you twice the pleasure you deserve. I'll follow my heart and devour those that catch my eye!'  

Acknowledged: Monster Species Identified: Scan Skill Acquired, Unique Skill Predator Acquired.

'Skills? What are you talking about Tamura? You are so young, I've spent my life working hard. I'm over 30 and a virgin in legends when a virgin reaches 30 they can become a wizard.'


'Hell, if I worked a little harder I'd have become a sage. Over time I'm sure I would have reached the ranks of Great Sage.' He loved fantasy and adventure games when he was younger.

Acknowledged: Unique Skill Sage will be upgraded to Great Sage!  

'Ehh skills? What are you talking about? Guess I really am gonna die...I had...a good life…


He felt like he was floating, if you could describe it it was like a rainbow was washing over him. Things felt warm and tingly, and he didn't feel lonely.  

A figure stirred awake, the city he was once in was gone and he now found himself in a cave of some kind. 'A cave, how can I see?'  

Answer: Night Sight Skill allows user to see in the dark.

'I have skills?!' he tried to move but his legs didn't work. He looked back and gasped. “Ehhh!” where his legs used to be was a long snake like tail.  

“I'm not human anymore!” He looked himself over. “My super manly and muscular body is gone!” in his mind he remembered himself jacked all to hell, so ripped shirts cried when he put them on. Of course he was simply average back then. “No way, I'm a monster what am I?”

Answer: You are a lamia, a cold blooded snake like race. Basic Lamia Skills have been collected and will be unlocked in kind.  

The lamia gasped, this was so weird, he died and now he was reincarnated as a lamia? “I still feel like me, did that...” he looked down and saw his manhood and balls were missing. “My little soldier is gone!” he sulked.

Answer: Lamia's testicles are internal, their manhoods exist inside a sheath hidden by a protective layer of scales.

He checked, following Great Sage's instructions to find his sheath and sure enough he had two dicks. “Two dicks!” This was amazing, his cocks left his sheath and stood in their current glory of 8 inches. He had to see what he looked like, he sniffed the air and tried to find water. It wasn't easy slithering around but as he tried to move he slowly got the hang of it. H slithered over too a nearby pool and was able to see his new self. 'It's me!' He had longer hair, but he looked like a younger version of himself, though his body was more toned. His ears had a slight curve to them and he had scale stripes on his cheeks. “Not bad, not bad at all. So I guess I'm a lamia now.” no point trying to resist or deny it.  

With a little focus he was able to retract his cocks back into his sheath, he had free control over them.  

Answer: Lamia's often refer to their cocks as the cobra cannons, they can freely control how their dicks move, this is quite pleasurable to the partner. When fully aroused small barbs will appear under the cock head to add extra stimulus to…

“I get it, thank you umm...”

Answer:  Great Sage I am your unique skill, I can answer your questions and should you need me just call upon me. What you heard before was actually the voice of the world before you were brought here.  

“Thank you, Great Sage. Is there anything else I should know?” Great Sage gave him the basics of the world, how skills used one's magicules to be cast, what were magicules were, they were basically the building blocks of magic that made up all things in this world.  

Answer: You have one other unique skill Predator, it allows you to devour creatures and objects and analyze them in your second stomach. Depending on the things you eat you can learn new skills and more.  

“Ohh that's so cool!” his tail wagged excitedly. He looked around and found some strange plants. “What are these?”  

Answer: You can analyze items and people with your skill scan, it will assist with your skill Predator.  

Satoru used Scan, his eyes glowing green. Upon gazing at the plant he was able to learn what it was. It was a rare herb brimming with magicules. “What should I do with it?”

Answer: Test out your predator skill, you can use it with your hands mouth or tail.  

“Alright, Predator!” The herb glowed in his hands before vanishing. “Whoa what happened?”  

Answer: The things that are eaten by the skill predator are transferred to your second stomach, using this move on things that are alive decrease its effect rate, but you can target organic matter, inorganic matter, skills, and magic. You can choose to break down certain items and use them to create items and new skills for you.  

“That's so cool, let's do it!”  

Answer: Need more materials, the more materials the increased result of acquiring items and skills.  

“You got it!” He began to explore the cave devouring the herbs with his skill predator. He was able to break down the herbs and make healing potions, the glasses not included, but he can store an ocean of the stuff in his stomach it was like a sub space.  

New Skill Gained: Healing Saliva

“That could come in handy.”  

Answer: The potion you've made has an extremely high heal effect. Your healing saliva has low tier healing to it.  

“Good to know.”  


It had been a few days of exploring the cave, he continued eating the herbs and even found some high quality magical ore. Using his tail he coiled around the ore and used Predator and was able to store it inside of him. He had nothing else to do, he required very little sleep and there seemed to be no one around. (They are hiding do to the storm dragon)  

He reached a dead end due to a massive lake. “Hmm can I swim, I knew how when I was a human?”

Answer: You can swim, but warning being cold blooded, prolonged periods of time in the water could cause your temperature to drop, and you'd fall into hibernation.  

“Hmm, that would be problematic.” That's when he got an idea. He put his hands in the water and he drained the whole lake using his Predator skill.  

Cold Resistance Skill Acquired, Heat and Cold Resistances combined, Thermal Fluctuation Resistance Acquired. Water Skating Skill Acquired. Deep Dive Skill Unlocked.  

He made his way further, any lakes he found he simply bathed at and slithered across. Singing Bink's Brew from his favorite pirate anime. Days had passed, and Satoru just felt so lonely.  

The lamia had mostly been talking to his own skill, to learn about his new ones. Imagine his shock when he learned he could beak boulders. “Whoa gotta be careful with that.”  

Answer: Strength limiter in place, will be automatically unlocked if gone into battle mode.  

He slithered deep into the cave, it turns out he was not alone, there was something very big in this cave, something large and powerful that forced the other creatures into hiding. “Greetings little one, so nice to have company.”  

“D-Dragon!” Satoru shouted in shock.  

To be continued… Chap 2 Friends and Names


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