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Yu Yu Hakusho parody: Tier 1


Minotaur Detective

Yusuke is a minotaur, his father was a demon his mother was human. He wanted him to have a human life, but Spirit World found him and locked him up. After 2 years of imprisonment, Koenma has to free Yusuke because he needs his help. Yusuke agrees on a few conditions. Minotaur Yusuke/Harem

Chapter 1 Freedom

Yusuke's father was a demon, no one knew his line as he wasn't a very powerful demon. Had someone dug some digging they'd have learned he came from quite the powerful line of demons. Now, this demon fell in love with a human, which was not an approved of union.  

You see, when a demon and a human fall in love it gave birth to something unique, if born human the child would have increased spirit sensitivity and power, if the child was born demon, they would be gifted with unique abilities making them dangerous to humans and demons alike. Both are quite terrifying options, but the third option was worse. If the child was both, if one had a demon parent and human one there was a chance to becoming a hybrid, a monster!  

All the monsters in human legend were the hybrid children between a human and a demon. They were capable of using both spirit and demon energy, naturally, and they grew up gaining strong skills and abilities. Now make no mistake there were some demons that were monster like, and could be called monsters by humans, but they didn't compare to true monsters.  

Yusuke Urameshi was born a monster, a minotaur. He had horns and a tail, and that would just be the start, as he got older more changes would appear. His father panicked and he tried to hide Yusuke's form. In order to protect Yusuke he sacrificed himself to hide his power and form, creating a powerful illusion. So long as he lived Yusuke would appear to be a normal human and would be allowed to live a normal life.  

Despite the illusion Yusuke knew what he was, since the time he was young he knew he was different. He was stronger than most people, his senses were sharper than most people, and he had to be careful around “normal” people. When an older boy pushed him and he hit a nearby wall he tore through the wall.  

He was considered a freak, and the dick kids he was forced to be around always complained to their parents, who took their side and scolded him and his mother. His mother had it rough, she was trying to keep it together but eventually turned to the drink to calm herself. She revealed what he was, told him how he was different, and that he had to be careful, so Yusuke tried...he really did...  

As Yusuke got older things only got worse for him, his troubles followed him from grade to grade, most teachers assumed he was bad from the start so didn't give him the time of day. All attempts for book learning grew more and more trifling. Soon Yusuke just stopped trying, stopped caring, the teachers always assumed the worst of him, so they didn't try to help him, or work with him.  

He felt alienated at school, he thought no one could understand him. A girl named Keiko tried to be his “friend” but she didn't understand him, she couldn't. He even tried to tell her the truth once and she just laughed at him, thinking he was messing with her.  

How could she understand, she couldn't see what he was, but Yusuke did. Since he knew his true name he was able to see past the illusion. He had magnificent minotaur horns, he had strong fur that went from his ankles to his knees, and his wrists to his elbows, a long tail, and when he trained his muscles took all of it, he had some really fine muscles. Being a monster wasn't all bad, his little soldier wasn't so little, in his human form he appeared to have 12 inches, but in his true form he was 17 inches and thick, with a matching set of heavy balls. He knew what he was and knew if he told anyone his true name they would see past the illusion. When he told Keiko he just said he was a monster, so she still had no idea. So being a monster might not have helped his human reputation but it had some benefits.  

His reputation also drew in punks who wanted to fight him, at first he just defended himself, but he liked to fight. It was a rush, even against human punks, he enjoyed a good fight. Not many could give him one either, except a boy named Kuwabara. He could certainly take a punch!   

No one thought anything of him, most people thought he was gonna end up dead in a ditch somewhere.  It was hard for Yusuke, he felt trapped, he couldn't be himself, he wondered one day if he would truly be free.  Though he didn't have an amazing life, it was a human one. That is until that fateful day…


No one believed Yusuke Urameshi died saving a kid, a boy had been playing ball near a street. The ball went out into the road and the boy chased after it. Yusuke saw the car speeding down the road, the two fools not paying attention.  

He dove into the road and pushed the kid out of the way. The car hit him and was totaled.  A funeral was held, people paid their respects to the grieving mother. However she knew her son wasn't dead.  

The death was a cover up…

When Yusuke was hit by the car, his human life came to an end. The spell broke and the illusion that had hidden Yusuke from the world had broken. Spirit World acted fast capturing her son and taking him away.

His soul was judged and he was found to be a pure soul, which meant they could not simply kill him, but in kind they couldn't let him wonder the human world either. So in the case of Yusuke Urameshi he was sentenced to life imprisonment.  

-x-2 Years Later-x-  

Yusuke didn't say a word, not when he was taken away, not during his trial, not even at his sentencing. His defense was called upon by one of the Grim Reapers, Botan. She witnessed Yusuke's act of heroism herself. The boy would have been killed if not for Yusuke, no one expected him to do it either.  

He said nothing in his time in prison either, the walls were made of holy stone, no amount of spirit or demon energy could break it. He had shackles on him that restricted his energy, but he could feel it.  

With the spell broken he felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He felt stronger and faster, his true form was out on full display. He meditated, doing some spiritual training, increasing his control of his spirit and demon energy.  He worked out and grew stronger, even as they tried to increase the weight of his bonds and bound his legs together. Yusuke still made it work.  

By the second year he was fully chained to the wall with holy chains, on top of the spirit and demon shackles placed upon him. Yusuke knew he had to keep his strength up, because monsters were rare, right? If some incident occurred and Spirit World needed help who would they turn to, maybe free the powerful Minotaur they had locked up.  

Botan would visit him everyday, and read to him, so through her he was able t learn a lot about demons, spirits and such. He'd trained his body, now it was time to feed his mind.  

Sure enough at the end of his 2 years, an incident did occur.  

The Spirit World vault had been attacked and raided, and three treasures were stolen from it. This occurred under Koenma's watch. Koenma was the son of King Enma, the ruler of the spirit world. He had gone on a trip and left Koenma in charge.  

The boy may have looked like a toddler, that was actually because his spirit energy was drained, his actual form was a pretty boy prince, but the constant drain on his spirit energy left him in a toddler-like state. Koenma was wigging out. “Dad is gonna be so mad, he'll wreck the world trying to get those treasures back, if I can't find someone in three days to get them back it'll be bad.” Koenma was tearing through paperwork. He needed a spirit detective, someone active who could track down the criminals and retrieve the artifacts of darkness.

“Koenma-sama!” Botan came flying in.  

“What is it Botan? Can't you see I'm busy?” he tossed papers this way and that. “Oh man, there isn't a human with the proper level of spirit energy that can be made into a spirit detective.” he cried.  

“Yusuke is talking.” Botan says.  

“Why should I care!?” he yells.  

“He says he's willing to help.” Koenma stopped freaking out.  

They went to Yusuke's cell followed by a few ogres. “Koenma sir, is this a good idea?”  

“Yusuke Urameshi is a powerful monster, his physical strength alone makes him a threat on Earth.”  

“Not to mention his spiritual strength!”

“Enough!” Koenma snaps. “Don't you think I know that but we need his help.” They soon stood before Yusuke's cell, the male was chained to a wall, his arms and legs shackled together, with heavy weights attached to his legs, with giant holy chains keeping him bound to a wall. “Finally talking Yusuke?”

“I hear you got some thieves you need captured.”

“Don't play games with me Yusuke, I'm sure you've heard the alarms and the whispers, and one blabbermouth.” He glares at Botan. “What do you want in exchange for helping me, retrieve the artifacts of darkness?”  

Yusuke smiled. “Out of this cell for a start.”  

“That can be done easily, I have the key to your cell and bonds.”  

“That's not all, I want my freedom.”  

“I told you, you would have it.”  

“No, I want true freedom. I want to live in the human world freely. I can mask my power and control myself easily. I don't plan on killing any humans either.”  

“Koenma you can't, your father would be furious if we let Yusuke roam free.” one of the ogres said.  

“Fine, then I can't help you.”

“Koenma, let Yusuke become our Spirit Detective. I'll train him personally!” Botan suggests.  

“That doesn't sound to bad, if I can live in the human world and you swear I won't be locked up again I'll become your spirit detective.”  

“Very well, we have a deal. No tricks Yusuke if you try to run we will find you.”  

“Where can I run? Anyone promise me I'll have my freedom, I'll take on whatever cases you want me to, but I'll handle it my way.”  

“Fine, but you have to get this mission done in three days understand?”  

“Deal!” Koenma got out the keys, and undid the holy chains binding Yusuke.  The boy dropped and landed, Koenma undid the seals restricting him.  

“I'll remove the rest of your chains.”  

“Don't bother,” with a flick of the wrist he broke the cuffs binding his wrists, and after a flex, he severs some chains and the shackles around his ankles. “I'm good!” the ogres were cowering in fear of him. “Consider your artifacts retrieved.”  

To be continued… Chapter 2 First Mission  


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