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Reincarnated As Slime Parody: Tier 1


Satoru’s Life With Monster Boys

Satoru was a simple hardworking young man, though he didn’t have a lover. To finds some excitement in his life he signs up to be a host for monster boys not realizing what he would get or how many he’d take in. Satoru/Rigur/Ranga/Harem

Chapter 1 Host Family

Satoru was a simple business man, he worked hard and climbed up the ladder, he used to be the guy who kissed a lot of ass, and did a lot of leg work now he had guys under him that kissed his ass for help. He was a good guy though, he looked after those on his team, and sought the best results on projects.  

He worked hard, and got rewarded. He made decent money, and had a nice place. If he had one complaint, he didn’t have a lover. He worked, he came home, he ate, and he slept, sometimes he went out with coworkers and drank, did karaoke, but it was always sad that he came home to an empty place. “I’m home!” he would say and be greeted with silence.  

His business received a lot of work recently due to the discovery of monsters, and the Tempest Monster Protection Act. The act gave monsters protection, allowing them to live with humans without fear of being harmed. In kind the monsters were not allowed to harm humans, things were difficult and punishments were strict. So a human or a human family signed up to be a host family, and a monster registered, would come and live with them. They would learn about human society and learn skills, and would be able to get a job, and be given a chance to have their own place, or they could stay with their host family.  

Satoru’s business got contracts to upgrade homes for monster stays. So many businesses were struggling with should they work to support monsters. Satoru pressed his bosses on it and they were able to get the contracts before anyone else.  

With so many monster boys requiring different needs, it required support housing support, modifications to homes, and special needs. His work was on the frontier and they made billions from the government, and were even paid by businesses to modify stores to handle monster employees and monster customers. Not to mention getting contracts for housing for monsters alone, there were a lot of idol groups now consisting of monster boys and girls.  

To say Satoru got a bonus was an understatement, but all the money in the world couldn’t shake the loneliness and lulls. Every night he saw interviews with host families, they looked so happy, and the monsters looked happy. He met the requirements for being a host family, he owned his home, he had a steady income, and he had a clean history.  

He went to the Host Family Registration website, and registered to be a host family. He went through the questionnaire, and sent it in. All registrations were analyzed by the program Great Sage. It wasn’t a perfect program none ever were, but it had a success rate of 98% with matching monsters with the perfect host family.  

Great Sage took in Satoru’s record, income, and answers, running them through its system. “Match Found!”  


Suzu was a hard working examiner and case worker, she got the job because she wanted to help people. She just had no idea how intense her workload would become. Not only did she have to interview monsters, she also had to interview host families, inspect and over see that the homes were up to code and could handle monster tenants, deal with monster trafficking, runaways, and rogue monsters, and the mountains of paperwork. It wasn't though she didn't have help, she had three assistants but they often made more work for her. Like taking the monsters to the wrong host family, losing paperwork, getting lost when taking the monster to the host family.   

While the Great Sage program did its best to match people, there were a lot of monsters, and personalities didn't always click. While some humans wanted to host a monster, they often were expecting something cute like a Slime, a Weresheep, a Wererabbit, and they get a goblin, an orc, or an ogre. It wasn't always easy.  

She received a report of a recently approved host family. “Satoru-san huh,” she read over his report. She heard that name somewhere, and after a bit of research learned that he was one of the people on the frontier of monster support. “This could be interesting.”  


Before the monster was allowed to move in Shizu visited Satoru to examine his home and to make sure it was up to standards. “Satoru-san, you understand if we need to remodel for the sake of the monster in your care, we will.”  

“Yes, I'm well aware.” he made them some coffee.  

“Good, good,” she sipped her coffee. “You cook?”

“Yes, being a bachelor I had to learn.” he chuckled.  

“You have quite the nice home Satoru-san. Great Sage has found a match for you already, we'll be bringing him around.”

“I can't wait to meet him, what's his name?”

“Monsters typically do not have names, they are able to communicate telepathically so it is not needed.”  

“I see,” he sweatdropped. 'How am I gonna talk to him then, I can't just be saying hey you, that sounds rude?'  

“You'll be hosting a Goblin, so you won't need many alterations to your home.”  

“A goblin huh?”  

Shizu gave him a stern look. “Were you looking for something specific?”  

“No, not at all. Anything is fine.”  

“Please note, I'll be making regular appearances and check ups Satoru-san.”  

“So I'll be seeing you a lot then?”  

“If not me, one of my assistants. Thank you for the coffee, ours isn't as good at the office.”

“Hehe, I've had to do my fair share of coffee runs, so I know how to make a good cup.” They shook hands and Shizu left.


Satoru was actually excited, he couldn't sit still with anticipation. Each tick of the clock was agonizing. 'I hope they like me.' he was nervous.  

His door bell rang and Satoru came to the door. “Hello,” he looks and sees Shizu.  

“Here he is,” From behind her came a tiny goblin. He had a little red bandana on his head. He was a bit on the scrawny side, he had gray hair and black eyes. “Say hello to Satoru-san.”  

“Hello, thank you for hosting me!” he bowed.  

“Now, now, you don't need to thank me or bow.”  

“I'm sorry!” Satoru gave her a look.  

“Let's go inside.” they enter his home.  

“Woah!” his eyes sparkled. There was so many things he'd never seen before, he's heard about some of it but not seen it. . “This place is amazing, Mister, are you a lord?”  

Satoru chuckled. “No, I just work very hard, there are people a lot wealthier than me.” The goblin was walking around touching things.  

Shizu gave Satoru a pamphlet on Goblins. “Goblins are not a strong species they are often bullied and act as servants and soldiers to stronger monsters. I doubt he's had a proper bed before.”  

“I see, poor guy.”  

“This program is to help give monsters a shot at a better life, many monsters still don't like humans so we can't enter monster territories to help them.”

“I see,” he's seen on the news, most of the more dangerous creatures are happy just ruling their own territory, none were really seeking world domination.  

“The pamphlet has information on goblins, and this is rules and requirements as a host.” she gave him a small book. “Please take care.” she left waving goodbye to the Goblin.       

“How about a tour,” the goblin nodded. He showed him around, the living room; having a large couch, two reclining chairs, a coffee table, and an entertainment center, dining room/kitchen; kitchen table and chairs, the stove and over, the fridge, and the kitchen sink along with all the cupboards, the washroom; a washer and dryer, and clothes hamper, and there was a shower in there, the hall closet; with coats, cleaning supplies, vacuum, broom, mop, was on the first floor. Up the stairs to the second floor, Satoru's office; with his work computer, office chair, lamp, desk, and book case, (he was able to work from home a lot more now), his bed room, the bathroom; it had gotten an upgrade a nice big tub and two showers, a dress down area with a hamper and towels, and a sink for washing the face, there was a toiletries room with a toilet/bidet. He showed him the attic which was just used for storage. “Last but not least we have your room.”  

“I get my own room?”  

“Of course, I got it all set up.” The goblin's eyes lit up. “I didn't know what you liked but I stuck to the basics.” He had a large fluffy bed, a rug, a night stand and lamp, he had a dresser and a closet, and he even had his own computer. It was a learning computer that Satoru purchased.  

It would help teach the goblin more about the world and how to function in society. The goblin began to tear up and then cried. “Hey, I'm sorry if you don't like it we can go shopping and find you something better.”  

“No...” he sniffled. “It's great I'm so happy!” he cried. Satoru smiled and gave him a hug. The goblin hugged him back. He calmed down, and the two had dinner.  

“Mmm,” the goblin blushed, his taste buds singing at Satoru's cooking. “So good!”  

“I'm glad you like it, we can try take out from time to time, but I have a few recipes.” he sat down and had his food. It was a simple meal, some rice, some cooked fish, some veggies, some with melted cheese on them.  

“It's so good, and you are being so nice to me.”  

“Why wouldn't I?”  

“My big brother didn't want me to join the host program, but my grandfather did.”  

“Does your brother not like humans?”  

“He doesn't trust them, but a lot of monsters are like that.” Some monsters were old school still in the old days when monsters and humans fought each other to the death.   

“Its new things will change, just give him time.” the goblin smiles.  

“Satoru, I actually like humans, I like you a lot.” Satoru smiled.  

“I'm glad.”   

The goblin was having fun, he had a nice warm bath with bubbles, he got to watch some tv, and he did some studying then it was time to rest. Satoru didn't put any restrictions on him, but it had been a long day.  

His bed was comfortable, but he couldn't sleep. He left the room and headed to Satoru's room. Knock knock

“Come in,” the door opened. “What's wrong, do you not like your bed?”

“No its good...I'm just not used to sleeping alone.”  

“Ahh, and its a different house, different place, do you wanna sleep in my room tonight?” he nods. Satoru lifts up his blankets and the goblin comes over and crawls into bed with him.  

Today has been weird, its been difficult to talk to the goblin boy without a name. Whenever he wanted to call for him he didn't want to say hey you or hey goblin, he felt in his heart it was rude.  

“Hey, how would you like a name?”  

“A name?” the goblin blushed.  

“Yeah, lot of humans have names, and having a name would probably help you out getting into human society.” he says.  

“You want to give me a name?” he got fidgety. He looked almost like a shy girl who was getting a love confession.  

'Is it a big deal giving a name?' Satoru smiled. “Sure,” the goblin nodded. “How about Rigur?” The goblin smiled and nodded, his body glowed for a moment. Satoru was confused but felt really tired all of a sudden.  

“Well Rigur, welcome to your new home, lets get along.”  

“Thank you Satoru-sama!” he cuddled up to him. Satoru fell asleep not fully aware of what he had done.  

To be continued...Evolution!


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