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Reincaranated As Slime Parody: Patreon Reward

Chap 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/24028909


Chapter 2 Becoming A Slime Lord

Satoru is able to pass through the Endless Prison. The spell seemed focused only on Veldora, but a cute little slime not a problem. It was the first contact Veldora had with anyone in years. 'Since you’ve been bored and alone, have you tried...that?' Satoru asked him.

“Heh, as if a dragon would give in to self-pleasure.” He blushed, it certainly told Satoru he thought about it. Being a virgin himself, he knew the lonely nights spent with time with his alone time hand.

'300 years alone, you must be pent up.' Veldora blushed harder. 'Hey, we are friends, want me to give you a hand?'

“You...you would do that for me?” yep he was interested, he had needs like any monster. While a dragon could go 100 years not needing to mate, they frequently mated often. After 300 years he was definitely feeling the pressure.

'Of course, we are friends, I might be new to this body, but I’ll do my best.' he rolled up his nonexistent sleeves. 'Show me what you got, big boy!'

“Alright!” he was excited. His balls were internal but his cock was safely stored inside his sheath. “I’ll warn you I’m quite large for a true dragon!” he played with his sheath a bit, and his giant dick slipped from his sheath.

With Veldora’s size he was expecting it to be large, but damn! His cock tip left his sheath, then with each new bit of dick his sheath grew wider and wider to allow his monster of a dick to escape. 'So huge!' Quite the monster it was, not only was it huge he had erotic ridges running along his length. It made his dick look even larger somehow.

Veldora felt a surge in his pride as his dick settled outside of his sheath, even among dragons he considered himself endowed. “Impressed?”

'Very, you are amazing Veldora! Alright then!' Satoru climbed up Veldora's body, he stretched out and landed on the dragon's massive penis. His slime body stretches out and coils around Veldora's manhood.

“Ohh!” The dragon moans, his touch was cool against his heated flesh. “Mmm,” his penis twitches and throbs at the contact.

'Does this feel good?' he asked, tightening around Veldora's penis.

“Oh yes, more please.” Satoru adjusts his pressure, and slides back and forth along his manhood. “Mmm!” The ridges were fun to slide against. He guessed the stimulus was the same as a gel fleshlight. He encased the giant penis in his slime, swirling around his hot flesh. “Ohhh!”

His cock was squeezed and swirled around, stimulating the sensitive flesh. “Ahhh!” his strong legs buckles. He had his manhood was squeezed and stroked, pre-cum spilling out from his manhood. Satoru went to the tip and began to slurp away his essence.

The slime body began to heat up from it, creating more stimulus to the dragon dick. “Ah ah ah,” he pants and moans, his climax building to the end. Satoru helps him push over the edge, remembering how he sucked in the water before, he sucked on the giant dragon dick, treating his whole body as his mouth. Every inch of his ridged cock sucked all at once, making his hips buck. Since he didn't need to breathe so he could suck him relentlessly, he gave him the milking machine treatment. “Ahhhh!” he howls as his climax tips the scale and his cum erupts.

The force is so strong it actually pierces through the slime, hitting the Endless Prison, and even his seed couldn't pass through the barrier. His thick dragon cum flooded his prison, rising higher and higher.

Veldora blushed, his tongue hanging out of his mouth, as he rode his orgasm. When the cum reached above his knees Satoru acted jumping down to gobble up his thick dragon seed. Using absorb and dissolve, he broke down the cum quickly, which was necessary as Veldora came for a solid 30 minutes.

Gain: Dragon Breath skill acquired, Heat Touch acquired, Unique Skill Phallus Mimicry acquired. Magicules limit increased!

'Whoa you really were pent up, weren't you?' he says after slurping up all his cum. To his shock, Veldora was still hard.

“Please, please more!” he drops to his knees.

'More? You got it buddy!' he launched forward he coils around his dick once more. He used his whole body to stroke Veldora's massive dick making the dragon pant and moan. 'If he wants more then…' he slithered down Veldora's crotch and between his legs to his butt, finding his twitching hole. 'Alright here I go!' He stretches himself sliding into Veldora's tight ass.

“Ahhh!” Veldora moaned, the intrusion barely registering to him, except for the aura Satoru was unconsciously releasing caressing his inner walls. Satoru continued slithering deeper and deeper inside the dragon's tight heat until he his magic sense told him he located Veldora's sweet spot.

'Here ya go, buddy!' the slime rammed the bundle of nerves making the dragon arch his back, breathing fire as the sudden burst of pleasure hit him. 'You like that?'

“Yes!” Veldora moans, his body shaking from the prostate stimulus. Satoru surged forth ramming his sweet spot again and again and again! To make matters better Satoru was holding tight on his dick for balance, adding extra stimulus to the situation. “Oh ohh, so good, so good! SO GOOD!” he roars. His insides tightened but the clenching heat could do nothing to the slime, so the prostate massage and cock squeezing continued. All Veldora could do was take the pleasure the slime gave him.

Satoru heated up his body using Heat Touch to add extra stimulus to the dragon. The heat touch while capable of burning an opponent, but to a dragon, it could be used to stimulate them to higher plains of pleasure. The way Satoru saw it, it was like how some people could handle the hot wax fetish while others couldn't.

The dragon drooled, as his cock wept. Giving a test of his slime body, he shifted his form inside Veldora, increasing larger and larger, creating friction as he thrust in and out of Veldora's ass. His tail rose high and wagged in delight.

His ass was being stretched so wide, he loved it! “Yes, yes, I'm cumming!” Veldora howled as he came again. His climax was equally powerful lasting just as long as the first. Satoru stayed inside Veldora stimulating his prostate through his release, milking the dragon of a few extra spurts.

The pool cum reached above his knees before Satoru dropped down and cleaned up all his cum again.

Gain: Lightning Roar skill acquired, Mental Attack Immunity acquired, Black Lightning skill acquired.

“Thank you, that was amazing!” His cock was in a semi-hard state.

'Do you want to go one more round?' Satoru asked, wanting to try just one other skill.

“What do you have in mind?” he asked. Satoru showed him by transforming using Mimicry into a dildo of his Veldora's dick. Using his magicules he grew larger and larger to match the dragon's size.

'Care to try out your own dick?' Veldora blushed at the thought and his hole twitched in want. He collected him for a moment and began licking the copy of his dick. Satoru blushed, enjoying the licking.

Once he was nice and wet he was set down, Veldora straddled him the tip of the ridged cock lining up with his hole. He was excited, he's never bottomed before, but he was enjoying the anal stimulus so much he wanted more.

“Here I go!” He slides down the dragon cock. The ridges stimulating his insides, each new ridge meant the cock grew wider. His insides swallowed up each one, loving each minute of it. In this form, Satoru was actually able to feel Veldora's insides, the inner walls hugging him and squeezing him.

'Ohh he's so tight! His insides are squeezing me!' Veldora's ass consumes him.

“So full!” Veldora drooled loving the stuffed feeling. It took a moment, but the dragon began to move, the ridges teasing his insides as he moved up and down. “Ahh yes, yes yes yes yes!” He loved how the ridges stroked his insides, the growing friction driving him wild. His massive dragon cock bounced and bobbed as he rode himself.

Satoru filled him so well and so deep, he loved it. His climax came and he spilled his seed high, his cum raining down all over him as it once again filled the endless prison. With his cock finally spent, it slowly retreats back into his sheath.

The time allowed Satoru to slip out and revert back to his adorable slime form. He got to work cleaning up the dragon's semen, even to go as far as to give the dragon a slime bath. Not a single drop was wasted, Satoru slurping it up absorbing and dissolving it.

Gain: Wind Magic Learned Gust Force skill acquired. Tornado Roar skill acquired Bonus: Water Propulsion, Lightning Roar, and Tornado Roar have unlocked Storm Roar skill.

“This is the most fun I've had in 300 years.” Veldora pants. “Thank you, my friend.”

'Anytime, though is that all I can do? I can spend the rest of your days with you and make you happy but is that enough?' he touched the barrier.

He tried to destroy it from the outside but no luck. 'Hey Great Sage, could Predator dissolve and break the shield?'

Answer: Predator cannot destroy the shield on its own, but the analysis can be performed.

'I see,' Satoru hops back over to Veldora. 'Hey, Veldora I have an idea of how to set you free!'

“Really?” the dragon sits back up.

'Wanna get in my stomach?'

“Ehh?” Satoru explains his plan, he would swallow the Endless Prison with Veldora inside and he would analyze it on the outside while Veldora works on freeing himself on the inside.

'You weren't able to find a way out alone, but together maybe we can find a way.'

“I like it, but first how about I give you a name?”

'A name, I had one as a human, but since this is a new life or slife, maybe I should have a new name.'

“You can give me a name as well, call it a family name.”

'A family name huh?' he thought about, considering who Veldora was. 'Tempest, Veldora Tempest!'

“Tempest?!” Veldora roared, giving Satoru the impression he hated it.

'You...you don't like it?'

“It's a wonderful name, I love it! I am Veldora Tempest!” his body glowed as the name marked his soul. “I shall name you Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest!”

Rimuru glowed, his body shifting as the name marked his very soul. The power granted to him allowed Rimuru to evolve into a Slime Lord. 'Whoa that's amazing!' he felt different, stronger somehow.

“With this name, I grant you my protection, go forth and be strong my friend.”

'Right, see you soon Veldora Tempest, we shall play again once you free of that thing!' he used Predator and spread out consuming the prison completely.

Would you like to analyze the Eternal Prison Yes/No?

'Yes!' he says. It sucked to be alone again, but he decided to find his way out of the cave. He gains new skills as he searches for a way out. By moving across another lake he found he gained the skill Water Current Control.

Testing his skills a bit he acquired a new skill Water Blade and was able to learn the Wind Blade in kind. Through the water skills, he's learned he gained the Extra Skill Water Manipulation.


With Veldora gone, the creatures of the cave made their way out to try and establish their dominance in the area, attacking Rimuru when he came upon them.

He first met a Black Serpent, looking like a monstrous snake with horns and large fangs. It attacks Rimuru, who dodges quickly and he finishes it off quickly with Water Blade. The creature died, but Rimuru got the idea to eat the corpse and gain new skills.

Gain: Heat Perception, Poison Mist Breath skill, Mimicry Black Serpent Acquired.

He next met an Armorsaurus, and after turning into a Black Serpent and used Poison Mist Breath to melt the Armorsaurus into a puddle of goo. 'Oh jeez, I might have to shelve that skill under do not use often.'

After eating the Armoursaurus, he gained the skill Body Armour and was able to mimic the beast. He next killed and ate a creature known as Evil Centipede and gained the skill Paralysis Breath, and was able to mimic the creature.

He defeated a Black Spider next, gaining the Sticky Thread and Steel Thread skills, and as before he could mimic the creature he ate. Using these skills he was able to move through the cave using his new thread to pull a Tarzan and cross through caverns.

Using his new skills he was able to capture and devour a Giant Bat. This was his greatest acquisition, as the bat gave him Auditory Perception and Ultrasonic Waves. Through these skills, he could talk. “I can talk, I can talk, I can actually factually talk!” he was overjoyed. “I don't grunt, I don't oink, I don't even squeak or squawk when I wanna say something I just open up and talk!”

He finally found his voice and was able to speak, beyond his thoughts. He also gained the skill Drain Blood, but he filed that one away under do not use.

It had been some time since Veldora disappeared, and Rimuru finally able to find the door out of the cave. To his shock, the door opened, and three humans came inside, two men and a girl, it was his first sight of humans in so long. The girl used magic to make their weapons glow. They look around the cave a bit before one of the guys using a skill of his own turning the three invisible.

Rimuru left the cave hoping the three would be okay, they didn't appear to be very strong. He felt the sun for the first time in this world, and what a beautiful world it was.

To be continued… Becoming the Goblin's Protector

Rimuru meets a gang of goblins, they appear weak and have been getting attacked by Dire Wolves since Veldora's disappearance.


Damion Andrew

I hope Rigurdo gets some love. The guy reminds me of Alex from FMA and he makes me laugh.