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Naruto Parody: Tier 6

 Chapter 11 https://www.patreon.com/posts/uzumaki-size-11-22194619

Naruto 17 inches
Kakashi 10 inches
Zabuza 10 Inches
Haku 7 Inches
Asuma 9 inches
Sasuke 9.5 inches
Kiba 9 inches
Shino 8 inches
Chouji 5 inches
Shikamaru 6 inches

Sakurai 8.5 inches

C 13 Inches

Atsui 13 inches (Thicker than C)

Killer B 16 inches

Omoi 14 inches

Kankuro 9 inches

Gaara 11 inches

Chapter 12 Kabuto’s Info Collecting and Cheat To Pass?

The exam room was filled with applicants with both familiar and unfamiliar faces. The Konoha Rookies were gathered together. “It’s not fair Sakurai how come you get to be on a Team with Sasuke?” Shikamaru and Chouji groaned. They were more grateful to be staying with Naruto lately as they didn’t have to hear Ino complain about Sasuke this Sasuke that. It was pointless anyway Sasuke liked guys so Ino should just get over it. She should tell by the annoyed look he gave her when she tried to hug him.  

Sakurai grinned and shrugged. “Just lucky I guess!” he pressed up against Sasuke who blushed.  

“Sakurai, now is not the time.” Many eyes were focused on their little group. Hinata hid behind Kiba and Shino.  

“The burning gaze of competition or something else?” Naruto says. He spotted the sand siblings along with Juugo, Kimimaro, and Kidoumaru. The orangette looked upset about something. ‘I wonder what happened?’  

Kiba was confident, as was Sasuke. “We might be rookies, but after this exam, we’ll be official Chunin.” Kiba said excitedly. Not only did the title hold rank and power, it also meant you gained access to more difficult missions, more money, and access to higher rank ninjutsu.  

“Let’s do our best, and watch each other’s backs I’d like us to get through this exam without any serious issues.” Naruto’s had a bad feeling since this morning. There was something in the air, Kyuubi felt it to. “We should work together as much as we can, if we don’t pass then we train harder and try again.”

“Oi Naruto, who died and made you Hokage, we don’t have to listen to you.” Ino snapped at him.

“Shut it Ino!” to her surprise it was Shikamaru who snapped at her. “Naruto is right, if we get too careless it could mean our death, people have died during this exam its serious.” The boys knew the truth though, Naruto was the head of the pack and he wanted everyone to make it through this alive, pass or fail, death was not an option.  

The two girls may have been in the dark, but the boys knew that some serious competitors were here, and ones that could and would kill. Shukaku was certainly gonna gun for him, and those marked by him. Naruto looked at Gaara, there was something different about him that’s for sure.  

‘Kyuubi what’s with this Shukaku guy?’  

Tch, he’s just being a baby. We had a mating duel long ago and he’s been pissed at me ever since I won and topped him.’  

‘And you sure that’s why?’  

Can’t think of any other reason.’ Naruto wasn’t sure he was getting the whole story here. From what his mates told him he was looking for those marked by their chakra. He was able to zero in on Sakurai, which made sense after the ritual.  

‘I won’t let anyone hurt my family!’ Naruto thinks feeling his own determination rise. Kiba put an arm around Naruto.  

“We got this, we gonna go far!” he cheers. Kiba's enthusiasm could be quite infectious. Little did Naruto know, his mates had a plan of their own. A sorta bet to see who could get where in the exam, if they all passed all fine and dandy, but if things happened and they couldn't all pass, those that got the farthest would get special alone time with Naruto. They would help each other as best they can, but they knew one of the tests was gonna be combat, so no matter what some would have to drop out.  

“So you lot are the nine rookies, that graduated this year?” the group turns and faces a newcomer. This boy had a grayish white hair, and wore glasses. “You lot are quite loud, read the room a little.”  

Everyone was staring at them now. The biggest glarers where those from the Hidden Rain village. “Don't mind them, those of the Hidden Rain have short tempers. Though everyone is tense right before the exam.”  

“Who are you?” from his headband he was from Konoha, but Naruto had never seen him before.  

“Hahaha, forgive me. I'm Kabuto one of your upperclassmen.” He was from the year above Lee and Neji. After some quick introductions Kabuto revealed some ninja cards. “How about I give my underclassmen some information?”  

The cards were recognition cards, they had info burned on them with chakra. They were protected with a seal recognizing only Kabuto's chakra. “There's a little over 200, I've gathered quite the extensive data collection.” it made sense, knowledge was power, if an enemy stole those cards it would be a big deal. So the cards were blank until the correct chakra was applied.  

His first card showed the ninja nations and villages, with a little graph showing how many applicants from each village were attending. Konoha had the highest, again made sense since they were hosting this year. The village hidden in the sand had the second highest, with the village hidden in the rain being third. It seems the village hidden in the mist was not partaking this year. Naruto sweatdropped hoping it wasn't his fault, he had a feeling things with Zabuza and Haku and the Mist Village weren't water under the bridge.  

The two lowest entries were Kumo and Sound. Naruto turned his gaze, Juugo's group was from sound, but they weren't standing with the other group from there. His gaze landed on the ninja from Kumo. 'They each carry blades, be careful of them, the sword skills from Kumo is wild and unpredictable.' Kyuubi warned.

“I don't get it why would we all do the Chunin exam together?” Ino asked.  

“Its simple, first: it's done to deepen the friendships between the ninja villages and other countries. Second: its to heighten the skills of all ninja involved.” Kabuto adjusts his glasses. “Although those are just the public reasons, the true reason is to gauge the power of the other ninja villages, and try to balance out the existing military powers. If they didn't do that countries would be invaded and territory disputes would be more frequent.”  

'Before the exams were more public, the only way to gauge each others strength was to go to war with them, and to the victor goes the spoils.' Kyuubi points out to Naruto.  

“Well is there anyone who interests you, I have data on ninja as well.”  

“Yes,” Naruto and Sasuke say in unison.  

“What can you tell me about Juugo of the Sound Village?”  

“Juugo?” he grabs one of his cards and loads his data. “He's a bit of a mystery. In terms of power and speed, he's a solid A rank. From my data collection he's only been on C rank and above missions. Jutsu skills unknown, chakra nature unknown, taijutsu skills unknown.”

“That's not saying much, what info do you know?” Kiba asked.

“His cock size is 12 inches!” Kabuto says, making the girls gasp in shock.  

“Heh not bad.” Kiba says, taking a glance at the orange haired male.  

“What about his partner Kimimaro?”  

“Lets see,” he got another card, and did his thing. “Incredible, he's taken A class missions, speed and power A ranked, his tactical abilities are S ranked. Ninjutsu unknown, taijutsu, unknown, chakra nature unknown, cock size 10 inches.”  

“Why do you have that information?” Ino screeched.

“Shut it Ino!” Sakurai snaps.  

“What about the guy with six arms?” Naruto asked.  

“He's Kidoumaru of the sound, I actually have some info on him. He's taken 1 A ranked mission, several B ranked, and a few C nothing below. His speed and tactical abilities are A class, physical strength B. He was born with a unique kekkei genkai, that gives him two extra limbs , for a total of six arms and two legs. His techniques are spider based, he's skilled at using different weapons at once, he has a summon and is said to be able to control spiders.”

“What no penis information this time?” Before someone could yell shut up Ino.  

Kabuto answered. “He has two dicks, both are 9 inches long.” Ino gagged.   

“Two dicks!” Ino almost screamed before someone covered her mouth, Kidoumaru sneezed.  

Sasuke asked about Gaara, and Kankuro. Kabuto gave them the run down on them, what he knew. Gaara has also completed an A mission and two B missions. Kankuro had completed a few B's and several C's and D's. “Gaara is the younger brother but he has an 11 inch dick, while Kankuro being the elder brother he has a 9 inch dick, but he's thicker than Gaara.”  

Ino wailed in frustration, she didn't wanna hear about anyone's dick but Sasuke's, but she couldn't ask with him right there.   

“Next I wanna know about Rock Lee.”  

“He's from our village, yes I have his info. Hmm, this is surprising he's on record of having 0 Ninjutsu and Genjutsu skills, however his skills in Taijutsu can be considered A rank. His cock size is...oh my 13 inches!” The boys whistled, as Lee sneezed.  

“Not a bad piece.” Kiba points out. 'Still doesn't compare to Naruto's!' was the shared thought among them. “Say Kabuto, out of the applicants who has the biggest cock?”

“Gah you perverts!” Ino wailed again, getting a Shut Up Ino, from the group.

“Hmm, lets see,” he checked his cards and he did have the answer. “The biggest cock belongs to Omoi from Kumo at 14 inches.”

“WHAT?!” Naruto's mates roar.  

“That's bullshit, Naruto's cock is way bigger than...” he was cut off by Naruto he placed a hand firmly over his mouth.  

“Hehehe, Kiba is such a joker. We should probably take our seats.”

Omoi however had overheard and had come over. “You think this blonde guy has a bigger dick than me?”  

“I know he does!” Kiba growled.

“Kiba!” Naruto slapped his butt making the dog nin yelp. “This is no time for a dick measuring contest.”  

“Oh I think it is, Kumo men have the biggest cocks and that's a fact!” He and Atsui high five each other. “You think he's packing something big, whip it out.”  

“Gladly,” Kiba tried to go for Naruto's belt.  

“Absolutely not!” Sasuke stepped in. “Are you crazy you can't go flashing Naruto's dick around dog brain, think before you act.”  he whispers.  

“I'm quite curious myself, through my data collecting I have little data on you Naruto-kun, won't you show me?” Kabuto asked, he was blushing fogging up his glasses. Kabuto's own 6 inch dick was throbbing heatedly in his pants. Thanks to Naruto's sealing underwear Kabuto was not able to gauge his size.  (Kabuto's glasses are chakra enhanced working as x-ray glasses, allowing him to gaze at people as if they were naked.)

Thankfully Ibiki showed up and made everyone sit down. It was time for the exam to begin. The first exam was a test, a literal written test. The rules were simple, do your best to answer the questions within the allotted time,  if you are caught cheating you fail.  

Naruto looked at the questions and they made his head spin, they made no sense. Kyuubi looked them over and chuckled. 'Hey Kyuubi, do you know the answers to these?'

'Oh I know the answer alright, but if you want to pass this you'll have to figure it out on your own.'

'What the heck!?' Naruto gasped.  

Naruto couldn't figure out any of the questions, but it wasn't long before students started failing. Kunai whizzed back and forth striking exam papers as a sign of failure. Sasuke was actually able to figure it out.  

'In order to pass we have to cheat!'  

To be continued… Distractions and the Forest of Death


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