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Baka and Test Parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 https://www.patreon.com/posts/caged-yuuji-chap-23231556

Chap 3 Caged Learning

Yoshii wasn’t kidding by the articles, Do’s and Do’nts of S and M, How to Please Your Partner, Foreplay Is Everything, Find Your Partner’s Erogenous Zones, 7 Easy Ways To Make Your Partner Cum. Each article was well written, simple and clear, even an idiot like Akihisa was able to not only understand it but learn.  

He’d give him an A for effort and skill. His first time couldn’t have been better. As he read the articles he noticed some of the tricks Yoshii had pulled on him, and as he read more he was finding others he wanted to try. He shivers as his manhood twitches, and feels the bite of the cage keeps him from getting hard.  

Not just the articles, but the pictures were making things hot for him. He had to wonder how many times did Akihisa jerk off to these pictures, and who was he thinking of when he did. He saw guys with their cocks caged doing wonderfully perverted things with other men. In a few short minutes he imagined himself in the place doing these things with him. It was hard to believe the men in the pictures weren’t even as big as Yoshii. ‘Well if things don’t work out Aki could always be a porn star.’  

He was turned on, he could feel it even in his ass. Seeing these lucky guys get filled with cock served as a reminder he had a guy not to feet away, who could make horses jealous, and would gladly fuck his brains out if he so asked. His insides twitched, and he felt that itch that was wanting to be scratched.  

Yuuji had always been a fast learner. He was seeing guys look so happy lick feet and pits, and take pleasure from it. Guys who chose to have their dicks caged and locked up for days on end, who wanted to be tied up and fucked. He’s never thought about eating ass or sucking dick, but that door was opened and his own perverted mind was embracing the possibilities.  

In the back of each magazine was a collection of coupons and even those had Yuuji blushing. Edible underwear, flavored lube, sex oils and lotions, dildos of all shapes and sizes, vibes that can run for 10 hours non stop, there were even special pills for doms and subs. He flipped back there were some guys performing with some of said toys.  

He saw one guy with a vibe up his ass, while he sucked his partner off. He licked his lips imagining doing that to Aki. Could he suck it, Aki was so big, so very big! He knew one thing, he wanted to try. He wanted to try a lot of these things with Akihisa. “Keep reading, I’m gonna put the dishes away.” He kissed the boy’s cheek and left.  

As Yuuji did his research Aki put the dishes in the kitchen sink to be cleaned. He went around the house completely naked his big soft dick swaying as he walked. ‘Man I can’t believe Shoko did that to Yuuji, wait a minute yes I can she’s crazy.’ he sighed. Yuuji and he butted heads now and then but he didn’t deserve this, he didn’t deserve Shoko. For all the times she said she loved Yuuji she hurt him three other times.  

He wanted Yuuji to be happy, and the red head looked happier here than he had in months.  


Yuuji was reading a fascinating article. Yes No’s and Maybe’s, it talked about how you don’t have to try everything when it comes to sex. There were different strokes for different folks, and if your tastes don’t match you shouldn’t try forcing a relationship. It’s healthy to be open about your body and sex, but no one can like absolutely everything, it’s good to have limits and boundaries. ‘The best partner is one who respects your limits and boundaries and is willing to compromise and work with you.’  

That didn’t fit Shoko at all, she didn’t respect his boundaries at all, and if he tried to do things without her or do things he wanted to do that she didn’t like he was often punished for it. He remembered when Yoshii wanted to spend the night at his place, and she thought he was cheating on her with Yoshii. She stole his pants and tasered him.  

He did talk to Yoshii more than her now that he thought about it, in truth he talked to the guys more than her to. He turned back to the article. Kinks are never such straight forward, like people they grow and change and even evolve as you experience new things. Even a kiss has levels to it, from a peck on the lips, a heated kiss, to a passionate one. If you meet that special person you may find it in your heart to try new things, and experience new forms of love with them, so long as both parties are willing there is nothing wrong with experimenting. It can be scary trying something new, and you do not have to, but with the right person you never know. That is why the Yes No’s and Maybe’s exist. The Yes, stands for all things you 100 percent consent to and enjoy all the time. The No’s stands for things you do not want to do, things you feel you would not enjoy and do not have to experience. The Maybe’s stands for the happy medium, things you are not sure of, or that you are curious about. Its possible for Maybe’s to become a Yes or a No’s, and even stay as a Maybe something you do on special occasions not all the time. If you are worried about what other people might say, remember this a kink is a good way to describe a sexual act, not you as a person, as long as you are not hurting anyone its no one’s business what you like. You should never restrict what you like just because someone who is not your partner doesn’t like it, if you like guys like guys, if like girls like girls, if there is one special person you like regardless of gender don’t make them a No’s just because of what someone else might say.  

No one else can decide your happiness but you, so find your Yes No’s and Maybe’s and make a match, and one final tip no one is perfect, even if you don’t match every single item on your list that doesn’t mean you break up with someone, life is about compromise. When you meet someone special, it doesn’t mean all your No’s become Yes or Maybe’s, it means your partner respects your No’s and you respect theirs.  

There was more to the article, the different inter workings of the format. Yuuji had read enough to understand, and really think about it. Shoko caged him to try and force him to obey her, to control him. She wanted a Yes Man, a brainless fuck toy that obeyed her and served her whims. Yoshii took this cage and made him feel wonderful, and he felt special because of it. If he became a fuck toy for anyone he should have a say, he liked getting fucked by Yoshii, and he wanted more. He hadn’t given up on getting the key back from Shoko, but for now being caged wasn’t a No. ‘I just wish I could cum!’ he thinks blushing.  

He read more articles and looked at more pictures, feeling his heart pound in his chest. He wanted to touch himself and cum, but he couldn’t. That’s when he stumbled across a picture of a guy fingering himself. That part of him wasn’t trapped! He flipped back to some of the more erotic pictures in the magazines feeling his manhole twitch.  

Yuuji got his fingers wet, and got on his knees, leaning over the magazine and sticking his ass up in the air. He’s never done this before, this would be a first, masturbating through anal pleasure. He remembered how good it felt when Yoshii played with his ass, and seeing some of the pictures was getting him so horny his hole had parted.  

He caressed his no longer virgin entrance with his finger, playing with it and tracing it. His finger sank in and he chewed on his lip to hold back a moan. His insides were so warm and tight, how could he be so tight after having Yoshii’s monster inside him? His middle finger sank in easily enough, he played with his ass wiggling the finger and rocking it back and forth.  

It felt good but not as good as when Yoshii did it. He added a second finger and began fingering himself as he looked at the pictures. ‘So many poses!’ he thinks and licks his lips. ‘Aki’s dick is so big and reached so deep.’ He fingered himself faster, feeling little jolts of pleasure spread through him. ‘I may be stupid but I know this much if I’m gonna experiment I’m gonna do it with him.’ He added a third finger and really began turning up his insides. ‘Aki, Aki, Aki, Aki, Akihisa!’  

To Be Continued Chap 4 Caged Wet

Yoshii finds Yuuji  playing with himself, and the red head wants a round 2 with him. He’s enjoying the sex so much he doesn’t want it to end, even when Yoshii says he needs to stop due to reasons. Yuuji doesn’t want him to stop and says its fine. “You mean it really, thanks Yuuji, you’re a pal!” Yuuji learns he might be called a pervert but he doesn’t give a damn!


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