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i am so upset, and worn out. Comp crashed again, looked up the error and surprise surprise its another common fucking windows 10 error. I HATE WINDOWS 10,, i have never had so many computer crashes on a laptop before. in the course of 2 weeks i've had to perform a factory restore several times. I've tried everything and I don't download on this laptop it is strictly a work laptop where i write on it and post, no downloads nothing screwy. I'd understand if i was downloading constantly and got something that fucked up my computer, but no, all I do is turn it on and shit seems to just die on its own and its common windows 10 errors theres whole guides on how to fix it, but i can't even boot the computer and the only way to escape it is a factory restore, so then theres no point



How old is the computer itself? Cuz' factory resets failing to correct the problem sounds like possible hardware failure, which could be due to encrusted grime and dust on the components… =X


Agreed, windows 10 is fucking useless


it does fix it for a few days, then it crashes again and i'm getting windows 10errors