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Overlord Parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/tomb-play-chap-1-22817427

Chapter 2 Lord of Death

Nfirea and his grandmother would move to Carne village. A temporary placement as Nfirea would be joining Ains at Nazarick for more training. There was another very important matter to be done, and he had made the appropriate preparations.

You see necromancy was a powerful art, creating an undead from a body, or creating a zombie usually meant there was no way of restoring a person to life after. The body was corrupted changed unable to be restored by normal and low-level revival magic. However Ains was not a normal man, he was a tenth tier magic caster capable of super tier magic.

The zombie spells cast on the Swords of Darkness members was a joke. It was child’s play for Ains to reverse the zombification and restore their bodies to proper reviving order. The most difficult one was Ninya, the things Clementine did to her, the hell she had to go through. He had to use powerful memory manipulation magic.

Her skill would be of use to Momon, her unique skill got her the name, Spell Master. She could learn magic quickly, despite her young age was already a Tier 2 Magic Caster, and she knew much about this world’s magic. He’d have her work with Nabe, given a few years, she’ll be the greatest magic caster outside of Nazarick.

She would join his team, her goal was a noble one and he’d help her find her sister if possible. She was grateful to him for saving her life, she had that feeling even if she couldn’t remember. Ninya pledged her loyalty to him, and agreed to join his team. As for the rest of her team Ains still had plans for them. They were a good team sure, but they’d be better serve Nazarick more in other ways.


Peter Mauk was brought to Ains, his armor and clothing was disposed of. The male’s zombification was reversed, and his body properly repaired. ‘I must say I do excellent work. Now then Tenth Tier Magic God’s Breath!’ he exhaled releasing a white mist.

The mist caresses Peter’s body, filling it with color, bringing him back to life. His heart pulsed and began to beat and Peter gasped shooting up and coughing. “I...I’m alive...” he tried to stand up on shaky legs, his body felt tingly.

“That is correct.” Peter looked and saw Ains in his true form.

“An undead!” he fell back landing flat on his ass. He quickly realized his state of undress and his lack of weapons. He blushed and tried to cover himself.

“You do not have to be afraid Peter.” Ains approached him.

“How do you know my name?” he paused. “Wait a minute that voice, Momon?!” Ains chuckled.

“That is correct.” To prove his point he quickly equipped his armor and then removed it.

“You were an elder lich? No, you are something beyond that!”

“Impressive, as I said you do not have to be afraid. If I intended to kill you why would I bring you back to life.” Peter had many questions, which Ains answered, Nfirea and Ninya were safe, Clementine and her necromancer were dead. “You are safe with me, you have the word of Ains Ooal Gown.” he caressed the man’s cheek.

Peter shivered and leaned into his touch. “You are, quite lovely Peter you need not hide yourself from me.” the male blushed, and found his hands leaving his crotch exposing his growing 6-inch dick and heavy balls. “Life of an adventurer has been tough for you hasn’t it.” Peter nodded.

Ains had revived him, and if he was Momon that meant he was a good guy, he avenged them and even saved them. “You are a fine warrior,” Ains felt up his muscles, caressing his arms and legs, drawing closer.

He didn’t touch where Peter was wanting him to touch though, feeling up his abs and pecs. His nipples hardened, the power Ains emitted was washing over him, it felt like he was drowning, with Ains’ hands keeping him tethered. “I can offer you many things Peter, I’ve given you life, you can choose to leave with your friends and never see me again.” he pinched the boys perky nipples.

“No!” Peter moaned, blushing as Ains’ eyes flared.

“You can join me and serve in my party. Though this means I will not touch you like this.” he caressed his pecs, his fingers brushing his sensitive nipples.

“No not that, touch me more.” he was so close, he thought if Ains would only touch him once he would cream himself.

“Or you shall serve Nazarick my home, and my guardians. You will know pleasure and serve powerful beings created by my close friends.” The boy was putty in his hands, he’s barely touched him and he was weeping, his crotch drenched in his pre-cum.

“Does that include you?” Ains nods. “Then please take me I wish to serve Nazarick.” Ains chuckled.

“Good boy,” he takes hold of Peter’s cock and sure enough Peter came, blowing his load all over the floor. Ains pumped him through his orgasm, milking him of several spurts. The blonde’s back arched, his balls lurching as he came.

Even as his orgasm subsided Ains kept stroking him. A second orgasm quickly builds and throws him for a loop. “Lord Ains!” he moans as he cums again spraying his seed all over himself. He had hearts in his eyes, years of denying himself pleasure, being washed away by the overlord before him.

“Get on your hands and knees,” the blonde obeys, though he struggles as his arms and legs felt like jelly. Ains spreads his cheeks and caresses his hole. One finger slides in and Peter howls, cumming again and painting the floor with seed. “This hole of yours will need some training, would you like me to train you to serve Nazarick?”

“Yes, please train me!” the finger is removed and Peter whines at the loss.

“Create greater item,” A cock ring appears around Peter’s erect cock, it had the crest of Ains Ooal Gown on it. “This cock ring will deny you release, it will remain on you forever, and you’ll be allowed to cum at your master’s command.”

He didn’t have long to process it before he was scooped up. He was carried so easily as if he weighed nothing, it oddly excited him as it reminded him of Ains’ strength. He was brought over to what appeared to be a throne, Ains sits down and lays Peter out across his lap.

His fingers pull the boy’s cock back between his legs, Peter moans, his cock pulsing in a dry orgasm. His bony digits trail up his shaft before playing with his heavy balls. “Ahhh!” his cock twitched, if not for the ring he’d have made a mess again.

“You like this kind of pleasure?” his fingers trail up and caress his hole.

“Yes!” he moans, bucking back, wanting the fingers inside.

“Then you will have it,” he thrusts two fingers inside Peter and the blonde howls. His hole is scissored and stretched his tight ring of muscle getting opened up. “My men will take good care of you for the rest of your days.”

Peter pants and drools, he knows if not for the ring he’d have cum several times now. His insides were being turned up by talented fingers, his ass getting spread open wider and wider, while Ains’ power poured deep inside his body. It was so good, the way they opened him up, caressed and stroked his insides, all while his power lapped at his insides, stimulating them in ways Peter did not know were possible.

A third finger was added, Ains twisting them and thrusting them with vigor. Peter moans and arches his back, body shaking at the new addition. With three fingers Ains changed up his methods of fingering, increasing the pace and intensity. He took time to tease the blonde’s sweet spot, massaging it to drive the blonde wild. He did not know the pleasures of anal play and Ains was determined to show him.

The blonde slowly forgot about his quest, his heart singing with the pleasure that was tearing through him. This man was his master, a lord of death, he owed his very life to him. To think Ains would grant him a life of pleasure even giving him a choice. The thought his friends were gonna get the same treatment made him all the happier.

A forth finger was added, and Peter’s ass was stretched wide. The once virgin pucker was being opened up so beautifully and so erotically. The fingering carried on for hours, Peter basking in the pleasure and attention, the only thing that would make this better if he was allowed to cum.

His dick continued to twitch in want, but until his master gave the word, he would not be allowed to spill his seed. “Tell me, Peter, did you know undead could breed?”

“I did not Lord Ains,” it was amazing how the man’s words could cut through the fog of pleasure and draw him back.

“They have to evolve far beyond the normal limits to reach the highest tiers of power. I am in fact an Overlord, which grants me certain benefits.” Peter was liking the sound of this. “Before I give you to your knew master, the one who will keep you would you like me to claim you?”

“Yes please, take my first time!” Ains chuckles.

“Such an honest boy, but you will need more than honesty to survive in Nazarick I must be tough on you to train you properly. I hope you will not hold it against me.”

“I understand please, train me as you wish.”

“Very good.” With that, he plunged his whole hand into Peter’s body.

“Ahhh!” Peter cried out, he was being fisted, hard and deep and his toes curled, enjoying every second of it. His sweet spot was punched. He cried tears of joy and whimpered as he still couldn’t cum.

“Do you wish to cum Peter?”

“Yes please!”

“You have done very well, you may cum.” he conjured a golden pot and at his command, Peter felt it all come undone. Every second of pent-up release, the damn broke with one final punch to his prostate. He came hard, his cum erupting like a stream and pouring into the pot.

The pot was enchanted of course able to contain the several gallons of cum that were escaping the human. Peter passed out from the powerful orgasm, his body shaking in orgasmic twitches as his penis continued to spill his seed into the pot.

Nfirea entered the room, he wasn’t wearing anything but his collar. Seeing his master with a naked man across his lap with his fist up his ass didn’t make him jealous or angry, he got excited. “Mr. Peter did very well didn’t he?”

“Yes, you were right he will make a fine addition to Nazarick’s harem. Cocytus is gonna love him.” he pulled his fist out of the man’s ass, leaving his hole gaping. “Did you complete your task?”

“Yes sir,” he summoned an item from his item box. “I experimented with the red potion you gave and was able to make a new potion as per your request.” the potion was pink. “I tried it myself, and having appraised it I know it will serve Nazarick.”

“Very good my pet.” Nfirea shivered at the praise. He gave Ains the pink potion. Monsters and demons didn’t need as much sleep as humans did, going days without if needed. A human harem would need to be able to keep up. So Ains had Nfirea make a special potion, one that would evolve humans beyond their limits. He undid the cork, and poured the potion into Peter’s ass, it would absorb quicker this way.

His body would break down all food and drink now, and he’d even gain nutrients from drinking semen. His hole was now gonna exist solely for mating. “Mr. Peter will be so happy when he wakes up.”

“Yes, as for you my pet, you’ve earned a reward.” Nfirea blushed, he was ready.

To be continued Chap 3 Nfirea’s Reward and a Perverts Fall


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