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My Hero Parody: Christmas Gift

Chap 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/frog-quirk-chap-19784073

Chap 2 First Times

Izuku let out a heavy sigh. He was visiting his cousin Tsuyu and playing games with his cousin Samidare. “That’s the fourth sigh today what’s wrong?” Tsuyu asked. Izuku said nothing, so Samidare spoke up.  

“He probably got into it with Katsuki again.” Izuku blushed. “You two should just kiss already.” Izuku’s whole face got red and Samidare managed to take out Izuku’s video game character.  

“Kacchan hates me, it’d be nice if we could at least be friends again.” he says.  

“I don’t think Bakugo hates you, not really. Maybe he just doesn’t know how to process his feelings for you.”  Tsu points out. “Maybe you should talk to him.”  

“Tsu-chan, its not that simple, he barely lets me get close to him.”  

“I think you deserve better, Katsuki’s a prick.”  

“Samidare!” the two scold.  

“Well he is!” which resulted in the two laughing.  

Izuku trained with Tsuyu for a bit before heading home. She told him not to give up on Katsuki, and that it would probably work out for the best. Izuku agreed, though a part of him was still thinking about, what it would be like to kiss Katsuki.  

He planned to do some homework and maybe check the web for hero activity to add to his notebook. What he wasn’t expecting was for Bakugo Katsuki to be sitting on his door step waiting for him. “Kacchan?!” Izuku gasped.  

“Where have you been nerd!?” Katsuki growled.  

“I was visiting my cousin, what are you doing here?”  

“I was in the neighborhood.” he says, but mentally cursed himself. Izuku tilted his head to the side. He’s always been in the neighborhood.  

“Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?” Izuku asked.  

“No!” Katsuki snapped. “I mean yes! Damn it!” he face palmed. He took a deep breath to calm himself. Giving Izuku a serious look he stomped over to him. He had a blush staining his cheeks, but his eyes were burning with determination. “Listen up nerd, cause I’m only gonna say this once!”  

Izuku nodded, to stunned to argue. This sounded important. “I...I...I’m in love with you damn it!” he shouts.  

“Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” you could have knocked Izuku over with a feather split the earth in two with a penny. He was pretty sure demons were ice skating in hell right now.  

Katsuki’s face was beat red. “But Kacchan, I thought you hated me!”  

“Don’t be stupid, dumb ass!” he snapped. Izuku sweatdropped.  

“Is this some kind of joke, it isn’t funny.” Katsuki grabbed Izuku and pinned him against the door.  

“I’m serious.” They were so close, they could smell each other, their hearts pounding in their respective chests. So close their lips were near kissing distance. Bakugo gulped, and licked his lips. ‘I’ll show him how serious I am!’ he inched closer.  

It felt like everything was moving in slow motion, all he could hear was the beating of his heart, all he could see was Katsuki drawing closer to him. Then their lips connected, and fire works. As Izuku’s eyes widened, Katsuki’s eyes closed. A moan was shared between them as heat spread through their bodies and warmed them. Izuku kissed back, adding fuel to the fire.  

Bakugo’s heart fluttered and he got more into the kiss. He licked Izuku’s lips wanting entry into the boy’s mouth, his lips did part but he wasn’t given entry. Izuku’s tongue came out and began to battle with Katsuki’s. This only aroused Katsuki more, as what started as a simple kiss became a sinful dance for dominance. He thought he had Izuku on the ropes, but he should have considered Izuku’s quirk.  

Izuku had a skilled tongue, and a powerful one. When Izuku went in for the kill he had Katsuki pinned against the wall and trembling from his kiss. His tongue had Katsuki’s wrapped and was able to explore the blonde’s mouth with ease. Katsuki moaned into the kiss, his knees buckling, and his cock harder than diamonds. The insides of his boxers were completely soaked with pre alone.  

His pride raged, believing it should be Deku melting under his kiss not the other way around, but his lust was doing back flips and doing the cancan that Izuku was kissing him back and that he was such a good kisser. The kiss broke for air, and Katsuki felt as though if Izuku wasn’t supporting him he’d collapse onto the ground. His legs felt like jelly, and he thought for a moment he was gonna cream from Izuku’s kiss. Red eyes met green, and Izuku cupped his cheek. “Kacchan,” he leaned forward and kissed him again.  

As Bakugo’s pride cried out. ‘Not like this, not like this!’ his lust was positively bubbling as his orgasm built higher and higher until he finally came. His orgasm was explosive so to speak, tearing through his cum soaked boxers and running down his legs. He was on cloud nine, soaring high on a sea of fluff and pleasure.  

He barely noticed when Izuku unlocked his door and brought them into the home. Shoes were discarded and he was brought to Izuku’s room. “You made quite the mess of yourself Kacchan.”  

“Shut up!”  

“Do you wanna go home like this?” Izuku’s tone was firm, and it sent shivers down Katsuki’s spine. He shook his head no, his boxers were already beginning to cling to his crotch, not fun. “Then take off your clothes and I’ll put them in the wash, you can hang here until they are finished.”  Katsuki obeyed, getting a little excited as he stripped. He exposed his fat 5 inch dick, and big balls, and his nest of manly hair, all drenched in a mix of pre-cum and semen. He removed his top, exposing his chiseled physique. Izuku collected his clothing. “Be back in a flash.” he left.  

It was so weird being naked in Izuku’s bedroom, he lazily scratched himself as his eyes roamed. Not a lot of it surprised him, wall to wall All Might stuff, along with other pro hero merchandise. He grabbed some tissues and began to clean himself off. What did surprise him was the bottle of pills he found near the tissue box though. Izuku came back as Katsuki finished reading what they were for. “What the hell is this Deku?” he asked.  

“Those are my quirk suppressants, I need them.”  

“The fuck you do, why are you suppressing your quirk?” Never shy, Katsuki was arguing with Izuku bare ass naked.

Izuku blushed. “Because my quirk changed my body, my sweat its not normal its a...powerful aphrodisiac.”       

“So!” he snapped. “Your quirk is your quirk, you shouldn’t be suppressing it!”  

“Kacchan, I need those pills more than ever now, especially if we are gonna be together.”  

“What you think I can’t handle it, you think I’m some limp dicked pussy who can’t handle his boyfriend’s quirk?” he grabbed Izuku by the front of his shirt and growled. “No more pills, I’ll take responsibility!”  

In truth there was no excessive danger. Izuku’s sweat could make people, hot, horny, and a little high, while also stimulating a person’s natural healing factor. It wasn’t addicting, though someone could get addicted to it in their own way. If the person doesn’t get off once in 4 hours there could be some damage, but otherwise there was no risk of death.  

“Okay, you better be ready for it Kacchan.” he pulled the boy in and kissed him. Katsuki tugged at Izuku’s clothes and they made their way to the bed, Izuku’s clothing being discarded on the floor.  

“Holy fuck!” Katsuki cursed at the size of Izuku’s manhood, and what really got his hole twitching was the pearls. Izuku’s dick was 12-inches long, with two pearls per inch.  

“See something you like Kacchan?” he rubbed his big dick against Katsuki’s smaller one. The blonde shivered as his penis and balls were teased by the greenette’s manhood. The pearls teased his skin, and the friction was just the icing on his cake.  

“Shut up Deku, you big dicked...” he was cut off as Izuku kissed him lovingly. They felt up each other, Bakugo marveling at the muscles his childhood friend has developed. Izuku feeling up Bakugo’s muscles and groping his ass. The blonde moaning in delight, arching so sexily as Izuku found his erogenous zones. The two came together, the blonde’s cum exploding all over Izuku’s massive dick, and Izuku cumming between their toned bodies.  

They had their first kiss and first frot. Izuku used his tongue to clean them up, and pulled a blanket over them.  


This was the first of many first between the two. Bakugo wanted to explore the possibilities of their new relationship. To his surprise the shy nerd he had been crushing on for years, was quite the creative pervert. After giving each other their first hand job, Katsuki marveling at the pearls and Izuku’s size and Izuku impressed with Katsuki’s girth.  

Izuku took it a step further, having Katsuki sit in his lap, and he gave Katsuki a tongue job. He stretched his tongue and wrapped it around his cock and balls. “Ohh fuck!” the blonde moaned and bucked. Izuku’s tongue squeezed and stroked, teasing the blonde’s crotch. “Fuck Deku!” The icing on the cake, was when Izuku began playing with his nipples.  

The pleasure had caused his nips to harden, so now Izuku could play with them much to Katsuki’s horror. The blonde moaned and wailed, every pinch and tug sending pleasure straight to his cock. Izuku was such a good multi tasker, capable of teasing Bakugo with his tongue, and play with his nips at the same time, all while memorizing every reaction the blonde made. ‘You got harder when I started playing with your nipples, are they a weak spot Kacchan?’  he thinks.  

He had his tongue pump him faster, and he teased his nipples harder. “Ahhhh!” Katsuki saw stars and came, thick ropes of cum launching into the air. In a flash Izuku’s tongue whipped out and caught the flying ropes before they could hit the ground before his tongue retracted back into his mouth.

“Mmm, delicious.” he licked his lips as Katsuki stared at him in awe.  

“I fucking love you!”  

“I love you too, Kacchan!” the two made out.  

To be continued...Chap 3 Sweat and Cherry


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