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Naruto Parody: Tier 6

Chap 1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/22790871

Chap 2 Kyuubi’s Training: Naruto Reaches the Next Level

Every bijuu knew of the Moon Orb, along with its sister orb the Sun Orb. Both orbs were created by the great sage who made them. The sun orb, often called the orb of man, is said to grant strange powers to any human who holds it. It is said to evolve humans, beyond their born limits. In kind the moon orb was said to be known as the orb of beasts, in the hands of humans it is said to awaken them to their truest self, tapping into their what you might call their spirit beast and changing them. Both orbs gave power in their own right but both orbs together...its best to not let that happen.  

Give humans a little power and they could go mad with it. Kyuubi shuddered to think what a human would do with both orbs. Not a matter for today, as his vessel had found the moon orb. He looked the blonde over and nodded in approval. “You look good as one of us.”

“You...you did this to me?!” he accused pointing a finger at Kyuubi. He knew about the demon fox from his encounter with Mizuki and Iruka, but this was their face to face.  

You were the one who touched the orb. The fox traits are a coincidence, that just happens to be your inner beast.”  

“No, no, no, what am I gonna do? The village already hates me, if I go back looking like this they...they’ll...” his tail thrashed in frustration, and he tugged at his hair helplessly. Kyuubi could smell the panic in him.  

Stop it you’ll hurt yourself!” Kyuubi shouted. Naruto froze and slumped to the ground.  

“Why do you care, you hate humans right?” he hugged himself.  

Kyuubi hesitated, in truth he didn’t hate humans long ago, but over time he was seen only as a weapon, and forced to fight others’ battles. When he revolted he was called a monster and hunted, and then sealed when he tried to fight back. “I do not like being caged, but I have no reason to hate you, Naruto.” he says and the boy looks up at him. “Man or beast, we are all creatures of this world.”

“Does that mean, you have a name just like me?” Kyuubi blinked.  

Ehh?” he looked away from the blonde.  

“You do don’t you, tell me, tell me your name!” his tail wagged excitedly.  

Kyuubi couldn’t believe it, how long had it been since someone asked him for his name. “It’s Kurama, my name is Kurama.”  

“Kurama,” the boy grins. “That’s a very nice name.” Kyuubi blushed. Naruto gets up. “So there is no way to reverse this?” he looked himself over.  

No, the moon orb’s power is absolute,” it was true any who’s had their inner beast awakened can’t reverse it, it can be hidden, but not reversed.   

“To be honest I feel a lot stronger.” He flexed his claws, and his furry ears twitched. “I think I can get used to this.” Naruto felt up his furry balls, and caressed his long dick. Kyuubi couldn’t help but smirk.  

He thinks its big now, it’ll be a lot bigger when he’s older.’ Kyuubi thinks.  

“So do you think, I can get stronger like this?” he asked.  

You’ve already tapped into new power thanks to the orb, but if you don’t hone your skills properly they will go to waste.”

“Can you teach me?” the question surprised Kyuubi. “Please, I want to become stronger. If you can teach me I’d appreciate it.” he brought his hands together in a prayer stance. Kyuubi didn’t have a choice but to help him, if Konoha saw his form, they’d know about the moon orb and things would get complicated. He’s watched the boy grow since he was a baby, in his hands the orb may find its proper purpose.  

I can teach you, but in exchange I want you to protect the moon orb.”

“This thing?” Naruto looked at the orb. “Why does Gato have this?”  

Couldn’t say, from what your sensei said, he moves weapons and drugs, he could have been moving it planning to sell it not knowing what it truly was but knowing it was important.” Naruto nods. “So will you protect the Moon Orb?”  

“I’ll do it, I want to get a lot stronger!” He would have to get stronger in order in order of protecting the orb in kind.  

First, you need to learn a proper henge, to hide your appearance until the time is right.” Kyuubi began to explain how the jutsu was to work. It was a special ninjutsu, using the wind nature chakra. Air Henge Jutsu: It used the air around the caster to create the henge, and with every breath it helped keep the jutsu up, so even while he slept the jutsu would remain intact. Only someone with special eyes could see the truth, and only if they looked deep, they would have to peer through a layer of chakra to see underneath.  

Naruto learned this just in time as Sasuke came looking for him. “What are you doing, Naruto?” What Sasuke saw was just normal Naruto, clad in orange, but the truth was Naruto was very much naked. His big dick was pointed right at Sasuke.  

“Just making sure nothing was left behind. Hehehe,” he rubbed the back of his head. It was kinda hot standing naked in front of Sasuke like he was. He wondered what the boy would think if he saw him like he was and his size.  

“You are acting weird.”  

“Seems normal to me. Let’s go.” He walked by the raven haired boy, and his new senses revealed many things about him. He could hear the raven’s heart boy increase when he got close, he could smell the boy’s musk, his true scent that existed beneath behind soap and body wash. His hands itched as strong urges filled Naruto. ‘We both should be naked together.’ His manhood throbbed.  

He wanted to rip of Sasuke’s clothes and feel up the raven’s body. ‘Kid, control yourself, you are on mission.’ Kyuubi helped snapped him out of his daze.  

‘Fine!’Naruto grumbled and headed off, but not before giving a playful slap to Sasuke’s ass. “Let’s move Sasuke!” he says.  

Sasuke blushed. “What got into him?!”


Gato was furious when he learned one of his storage facilities was hit, only to get pale when he learned that a certain item was being stored there. ‘If he finds out I lost it, he’ll kill me slow and painfully!’  

“Zabuza, I need you to track down something from me.”  

“I heard about the hit on the warehouse, what was stolen?”

“Never mind that, those ninja you fought had to be the ones who hit my warehouse right?”   

“Its possible.”  

“Good, go and kill them and I’ll retrieve my parcel myself.” he says.  

“I’ll need a few more days to recover to deal with Kakashi.”  

“Fine, a few more days and no more.” Gato was sweating, whatever he lost must have been very important.  


In the few days that followed Naruto continued doing Kakashi’s training with the others, while Naruto was having a hard time keeping his hands to himself his tail seemed to act on his desires. Whenever he walked past Sasuke or got near enough his tail would brush against the boy sensually. Sasuke shivered and quickly looked around but saw nothing.   

After they retired he continued to train but under Kyuubi. His new form had the wonderful benefit of needing very little sleep, he could run 100% on only three to four hours of sleep. Without his chakra being siphoned to suppress Kyuubi he had chakra to burn.  

Kyuubi took things to the next level, teaching him how to walk on water with chakra, and even teaching him a higher level of walking on air. A unique trick for those that could tap into wind chakra. Naruto learned his nature was wind, and Kyuubi gave him jutsu after jutsu to practice in order to become a wind jutsu master.  

“What’s the difference?” Naruto asked.  

You know how normal hand signs are spun yes?” Naruto nodded. Usually with two hands weaving complicated hand signs to conjure the appropriate chakra to release jutsu. “A chakra nature master needs only one hand to weave signs.”

“That is so cool!” he went back to training.  

Naruto...do you wanna fuck that Uchiha boy?” Naruto fell over in shock, from the question.  


Do you wanna fuck him, breed him, make him your bitch, do the devils tango with him?”  

“I uh, I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it before I became like this.” Naruto lazily stroked his dick. “Now I’m thinking about it a lot, and not just Sasuke.”  

This is normal, the orb breaks down the barriers of the soul. Humans can get shy in the matters of love and sex.”  

“I still remember our first kiss, I can still feel his lips against mine, and if no one else was there I wonder if I’d have reacted different.” he caressed his lips with one hand, and pumped his dick with the other. “Do you think Sasuke feels the same?”  

I think your little village has potential, if you want a mate you’ll find them.” Naruto pulls out the orb.  

“Do you think I should turn Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke?” the orb pulsed.  

You should wait until you get your skills higher, if you wanna keep your alpha status.” Naruto nodded. This was better than the Kyuubi hoped, Naruto wanted a harem and wanted to awaken others with the orb. The boy’s playful/prankster nature was coming out more now that his inner beast was freed.  

He may have taught the boy some jutsu but that was nothing compared to the jutsu and pervy jutsu he came up with himself. ‘The kid is gonna make an interesting harem.’

To be continued Chap 3 Battle on the Bridge

Naruto tests a new jutsu to give Sasuke and Kakashi a happy ending. Zabuza and Haku attack the bridge while Naruto is sleeping, things are tough but when Naruto’s awaken he faces off with Haku and if he thought Sasuke was tough Naruto isn’t gonna hold back, going as far as to drop his henge and fight all out.  


Lord Zero 1606

Great chapter two, still mostly teasing but it really makes me want to reach chapter three to see what Naruto is going to do with Haku. I hope he survives and becomes part of Naruto's harem.