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One Piece Parody: Xmas Gift

Chap 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/alpha-rubber-1-20552973

Chapter 2 Tales of the Monster Trio Part 2

Roronoa Zoro a green haired fighter from a very young age. He roamed around testing his strength by fighting any dojo he came across. He eventually found himself at a dojo for swordsman, and challenged the head. The boy did not fight him, but instead his daughter Kuina.  

She was a skilled swordsman, and Zoro had never wielded a sword before. Yet...even though he lost to her, he showed a remarkable talent for swords, having taken an excellent two sword style stance. He was invited to train at the dojo, and he agreed swearing to defeat Kuina one day. Time passed and Zoro trained harder than anyone else, strength training, endurance training, technique training. He bested every other student except for Kuina.  

He fought her harder and harder, trying to surpass her. “Your weak Zoro, nothing ever changes.” She would say. It burned him, and pushed him even harder. As they grew older, Kuina presented as an alpha.  

Meanwhile, even though Zoro hadn’t presented the boy’s cock continued to grow larger and larger, surpassing even some of the older alphas at the dojo. All the boys in class thought Zoro was gonna present as an alpha for sure. So imagine his surprise when his day came, and a warm heat spread through him, and a clear slick spilled from his hole. “Ahhh!” he crumbled to the ground as pleasure, so new and strange brought him to his knees.  

He blushed in embarrassment as the slick spilled out and ran down his legs. ‘But I thought...only omegas and betas in heat produce slick...’ his hole twitched and throbbed, and the swordsman trembled as he had his first orgasm.  

Zoro was shocked, scared, and confused. Wasn’t he supposed to be an alpha, was there something wrong with him? So he went Koushiro, Kuina’s father and the master of the dojo. Koushiro was a skilled swordsman, and mastered both 1 sword and two sword style, it was how he recognized Zoro’s talent. “Teacher...I think….something is wrong with me...” He told the man what happened, and Koushiro sighed.  

“Nothing is wrong with you,” he placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Zoro, what do you know about sub sexes?”  

“Well there are alphas, the betas, and the omegas.” Koushiro nodded. “I thought I was an alpha.”  

“It’s a common misconception that there is only 3 sub sexes, you see there are missing links, they are rare, but there is nothing wrong with you. You are a Gamma.” He explains about Gamma and Delta to Zoro, the importance of choosing the right first mate and to trust his instincts. “It’s normal for you not to get an erection until you get an alpha to mate with you, but don’t settle for the first alpha you see just to awaken your instincts, it’s important!” Zoro nodded.  

Little did he know Kuina was hanging around outside and heard the whole thing. She smirked, and slipped away. That night came a fateful duel, between Kuina and Zoro. The boy had been developing his Three Sword Style, while they usually trained and sparred with bamboo swords or wooden blades, this time they dueled with real swords.  

Zoro fought hard but he still lost to her. She pinned him down and smirked at him. “You are still weak Zoro.” In truth she had been jealous, Zoro’s strength almost rivaled her own, and as much as she pushed him he pushed her just as hard. You might say it was her alpha drive trying to remain at the top, but she also wanted to inherit her father’s swords.  

Her dad had two the Wado Ichimonji, a sword with a white sheath and a white handle. It had a sister sword, with a matching black handle and sheath, the Wado Nijimonji. She had passed the test to inherit the Ichimonji, but she would only inherit the Nijimonji upon taking over the dojo. In her mind Zoro was standing in her way of that, she thought when she presented as an alpha, like her father, he’d hand over the dojo to her.  

“Get off me Kuina.” he says, expecting her to pull back, but instead she pressed forward. She leaned in close, and whispered. “I know what you are Zoro?” he froze, and got a whiff of her pheromones.  

It did not excite him, it in fact soured him greatly. “I mean it get off me Kuina!” he growls.  

“Trying to act tough when you are still weak.” she chuckled. “We can help each other out, submit to me, I’m stronger than you, I’d make a fine alpha for you.”  

“No,” he says. Her scent didn’t excite him, he didn’t want to be with her that way. “We are friends and rivals Kuina nothing more.”  

“You gotta be joking, I’m an alpha and I’m strong, why wouldn’t you choose me?” She growled. “I don’t care if your some missing link, as you are now you are just an omega with a freaky body.” she pulled back, and took a fighting stance. “I challenge you Zoro, when I defeat you, you will submit to me.” She knew Zoro never backed down from a challenge, if he accepts he would be hers. She didn’t love Zoro, she wanted to own him, so he could never surpass her.  

This was an alpha challenge, it was a very old school way for an alpha to seek a mate. Zoro took up his swords. “Fine, but when I win you’ll never challenge me to mate again!”  

“Fine!” she smirked. ‘I got him!’ she had just beaten Zoro, so she was full of confidence. The two clashed, but this fight was different. Zoro didn’t go easy on her, even if she was a girl, or even if she was an alpha, he gave it his all every time. This fight however was different, an alpha challenge was often between two alphas, two prove one alpha was superior to another.  

Such a duel had a way of bringing out one’s limits, breaking through the current barriers. Zoro fought harder than he ever had, and when it was Kuina on the ground with her sword knocked free of her grasp she was shocked.  

After the shock wore off came the anger. “You...have you been holding back all this time!”  

“No,” he says, and it was true, everything was a blur, his heart was pounding, his hands felt hot. He fought with his instincts, and he had beaten her. “You lost, I will not mate you.”  

She growled and pushed him off her. “Fine, stay a limp dicked alpha for the rest of your life, because let me tell you something Roronoa Zoro, no alpha is gonna want you!” she ran off.  

Zoro was hurt by her words, he had no idea what was going through her head. He never saw her in a romantic light, and there were plenty of guys in class that did want her that way.

This duel had repercussions, Kuina was a young alpha, and young alphas often acted stupid and made mistakes but they had to be held accountable for their actions. Their were alphas who lost their alpha status challenging an older and experienced alpha, and not only did they lose they submitted. Such changes could not be reversed by normal means.

Kuina’s pride was certainly hurt, but she didn’t think anything more would come of their duel, that is until she was called into her father’s room. “Kuina, you must return Wado Ichimonji to me.”  

“What?!” she gasped.  

“I thought you were fit to carry this blade, but you are not.”

“But why?” she rises.  

“I saw your match with Zoro, I saw how you acted and how you carried yourself.”  

“It was one loss, it’s not...” he slammed his hand on the ground, and silenced her.  

“It’s more than that, it’s one thing to lose, but how you carried yourself and how you handled your loss that concerns me.” he frowned. “Zoro has lost to you many times, but he takes that loss to heart and works to improve himself. Instead of improving yourself you lashed out, it was unbecoming of an alpha, it was unbecoming of a lady, it was unbecoming as a swordsman!”  

She clutched her sword with shaky hands, and snapped tossing the sword on the floor. Turning to leave her father stopped her. “Kuina, use this loss to better yourself, and work on yourself and try to improve and maybe you can earn the sword back, and become fit for the Nijimonji and this dojo.”

Kuina was furious, she couldn’t see past her own ego and pride, her father was trying to help her. She couldn’t rise out of the spiral she was bringing herself down. So it was she stood before the Nijimonji, the sword to be given to the one who would take over the dojo.  

She stole it and left, taking a handful of students with her. Some blinded by her beauty and status and couldn’t see the toxic nature brewing in her. Zoro wanted to retrieve her, and bring her back, Koushiro said no.  

“Kuina is following her own path, it has to be her path to get through, forcing her back she’ll just go running again.” Zoro was upset feeling he caused this. “This was not your fault, Kuina was walking down a bad way before you got here, I thought you were making her better, I never thought she would challenge you as an alpha.” Kuina had looked down on him because of his sub sex.

“It’s my goal to be the strongest, I want to become the world’s strongest swordsman. Nothing changes that.” Koushiro smiled, seeing the strength he wanted to instill into Kuina. Being a Gamma wasn’t gonna stop him, because one’s sub sex shouldn’t matter.  

Zoro decided it was time to leave the dojo, he wanted to face off against Mihawk, the one who held the title as the World’s Strongest Swordsman. As a parting gift Koushiro gave him the Wado Ichimonji. He didn’t really have a plan, he just traveled around looking for clues to finding him, when he got hungry he took down a pirate or two collected the bounty got food and sometimes his swords repaired.   

He met a beta and omega duo, and while he liked them he could not mate them in his current state. All the alphas he met, never aroused him, and most were weaker than him.  

In a rather noble move, Zoro found himself stripped and tied up by a marine. The stupid alpha son, of a bastard alpha father, the two were quite the pair. Morgan aka Axe-Hand Morgan ruled his base with fear, to him status was everything. His son Helmeppo was a spoiled alpha, instead of trying to be strong, he rode his daddies coat tails.  

He walked around like he was god’s gift to the universe, when really he was just an idiot, and caused trouble with no consequences because he was Morgan’s son. He used the local betas as furniture whenever he wanted a chair or foot rest. His attitude went to far, when his dog tried to kill a little girl.  

Zoro killed the beast, and would have killed Helmeppo. However, the stupid alpha told him that Zoro wouldn’t be around forever, and that the store owner and their daughter was in trouble. So he made him a deal, if Zoro took the punishment, they’d all be forgiven.  

So Zoro agreed, and ended up being tied up in the execution yard, the time was one month. Most people thought Zoro was an alpha, so Helmeppo wanted to humiliate him, a weak way of saying who the better alpha was.  

He took his swords and clothes, and left the gamma swordsman bound and naked. It had been three weeks, just one more week and all would be forgiven. He was starving, he felt weak, and tired.  

No one dared help Zoro, out of fear of retaliation from Morgan. No one, except the little girl he saved. She tried to bring him food, Zoro tried to be mean to scare her off, but too late Helmeppo showed up and was a dick as usual, stomping her food into the dirt and tossing her out. She could have been hurt had Luffy not been nearby.  

Helmeppo left mocking Zoro as he left. Zoro closed his eyes and tried to focus on staying alive. These past 3 weeks have been hard on him.   

Then came Luffy. “Hey, you’re Roronoa Zoro right?” he opened his eyes and gazed upon the rubber alpha. A light breeze carried the boy’s scent to him. Zoro got a whiff and fireworks went off in his brain. “You got a nice piece there, are you an alpha?” the boy asked getting closer.  

“Ahhh,” he moaned, his insides twitched and he began to produce slick. The clear fluid ran down his legs and Zoro blushed.  

“Ohh, you’re a gamma!” the boy grinned. “That’s so cool!” he got in closer and Zoro shivered.  

“Please...” he panted.  

“Oh sure,” he embraced the bound swordsman, and Zoro nuzzled his neck. Zoro had his first orgasm, taking in the alpha’s musk. It was amazing, the stiffness in his shoulders melted away and he felt warmth spread through his arms and legs. “Wow you’re so wet!” Luffy caressed his hole, making the swordsman moan.  

Zoro was told to listen to his instincts and they were screaming, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. “Your name?”  

“I’m Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy I’m a pirate.” he says. Zoro was shocked, his desired mate was a pirate, and he didn’t seem that strong. “I’m looking to build strong pirate crew.” He slipped a finger into Zoro and made the swordsman moan.  

“L-look somewhere else, I have no intention of becoming a pirate.” he says, his body was trembling. He felt so hot and horny, his big balls itching to release. Luffy had just one finger inside him.  

“Why not pirates are cool, they sail the seas looking for adventure.” he rocked the finger back and forth and curled it massaging the gamma’s insides.  

‘Shit this feels so good.’ he never felt such pleasure before and his body was wanting more by the second. He spread his legs wanting the alpha to settle between them.  

“Besides, I haven’t decided if I want you to join my crew yet.” he pulled his finger out and Zoro whined at the loss.  

“You...” Zoro blushed as Luffy licked his slick off his finger. ‘Oh fuck!’  

“If you wanna mate with me, we can but I don’t think you want your first time to be tied to a post, huh?” Luffy’s hands roamed Zoro’s body, the swordsman shivering in delight. “So you are a pirate hunter?” he asked feeling up Zoro’s muscles.  

“I’ve never acknowledged that name.” he says.  

“Lot of people think your a bad guy.” he fondles Zoro’s pecs, brushing the man’s nipples with his thumbs.  

“People can think what they want, but never in my life have I done everything I’ve regret.” Zoro smirks at Luffy. “So I won’t become a pirate, I’ll surpass this trial and walk away a free man.”  

“I see, then I’ll hang around until then.” he was about to leave when Zoro stopped him and asked for the smashed food. Luffy gave it to him even though it was mostly dirt.  

“Tell her, it was good.” Luffy smiled.  

To be continued...Chap 3 Zoro’s Awakening and Luffy’s First Mate


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