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Digimon Parody: Patreon Reward

Chap 4 https://www.patreon.com/posts/digitally-chap-4-21987994

Chap 5 The Next Hero

A few days had passed since the Shellman incident, but that didn’t mean Aguman didn’t make appearances. Agumon suggested that Tai could practice his abilities, and help people. Sure enough the city had more to worry about than just Deviman, as some people gave into the darkness inside and people were going nuts.  

The police had their hands full. So Tai took on the role of a hero, lending a hand to the people, and giving them the courage to stand tall. Gennai was pleased with Tai’s work, the boy was using his powers for good, as intended. The power of light grew stronger, it might be safe to let another miraculous out. ‘Tai could use a hand, and their may come a time he won’t be able to transform.’    


It was swim class day, for gym, so it was skin skin and more skin. Tai was wearing speedos, his big dick bulging the garment, his ass being hugged by the tightness. He stretched as he made his way across the diving board.  

Matt was wearing traditional shorts, he was sitting and watching along with a group of other boys and girls. Could call it the Tai Fan Club as they were so excited to watch Tai dive.  

It was no secret Tai was popular, especially on swim day. Not many guys were daring enough to wear speedos, but Tai was the type to skinny dip if given the chance. His endowments and sexy body made swim day a treat.  

He wasn’t showing off or anything either, it was just natural charm and attraction. Matt didn’t mind the guys eyeing Tai but…

“Yoohoo Tai baby, do a perfect dive for me kay!” Sora was in a rather tasteless bikini, a two piece was fine the school offered that but hers was clearly to show off. Matt glared at her, before turning his gaze back to his boyfriend.  

Tai put on his goggles, and took a proper diving stance. He dove into the pool, which was met with applause, but what really got the spectators excited was when Tai got out of the water.

His body was dripping wet, his speedos clinging to his body even more, making his bulge more prominent. “Amazing!” Izzy says feeling his manhood swell, he cupped the bulge in his swim trunks.  

A few guys were suffering a similar state, cupping their aching manhoods. Matt chuckled. Before he started dating Tai, he’d have been in the same state, but now he was more experienced. “Yeah he is!”

“Ohh Tai, that was amazing!” Sora ran over to Tai with a towel, Matt seethed glaring at the girl. “Here’s a towel for you.”

“Oh uhh thanks Sora.” the girl was getting all clingy, and Tai was just too polite for his own good.  

“I didn’t think you got jealous?” Izzy asked.  

“Girls are different, and that girl seriously creases me!”  

“Fascinating.” Izzy says and observed the two. Sora was doing everything but give Tai a lap dance, pressing her boobs into his arm, the brunette not looking the least bit pleased.  

Someone else wasn’t enjoying Sora’s display. The captain of the swim team, Michael a transfer student from America. He was one of the few guys wearing speedos in class. He took swimming very seriously, though he had an attraction to girls in swim suits.  

So he was definitely jealous of Tai. ‘That guy thinks he’s so hot. I’ll show him!’  


Deviman awakened sensing the stirrings of dark emotions. “Oh yes he will do nicely, I just have to wait for the negative emotions to ripen.”  


Michael stomped over to Tai and Sora. “Hey babe, I can show you a real dive!” he says and gives Tai a dirty look. The brunette blinked in confusion. “Just watch me!” he gave Sora a wink and a smile.  

She gave him a look that showed her distaste. Michael wasn’t a bad looking dude either, he had a swimmer’s body and he followed the practice of shaving for speed, so he was silky smooth, he had blonde hair and blue eyes.  

Back in America, he was quite popular with the ladies, though he’s never had a girlfriend. He tended to show off, and make a fool of himself, especially in front of pretty girls. He thought Sora was quite lovely, and thought Tai was a jerk for ignoring her. ‘I’ll show her, this is how an ace swimmer dives.’  

“I dedicate this dive to you Sora!” he called and got ready, his form was much more refined than Tai’s.  

“I don’t need a dive from you loser!” Sora shouted, her shout caused him to lose focus and he slipped from the board, he hit the water hard, getting the wind knocked out of him. Michael wasn’t coming back up.

“Hey!” Tai dove into the pool and pulled the boy out of the water, and gave him the kiss of life. Michael slowly came to, and felt warm lips against his. ‘Did Sora come and save me?’ Imagine his shock when he realized it was Tai’s lips against his.  

He blushed and felt a heat stirring in his loins. Tai pulled back and Michael coughed, bringing a hand to his lips. ‘That was my first kiss!’ he thinks. A blush spread across his cheeks.  

Suddenly he was hit with the sound of laughter, he turned and saw Sora and some girls pointing and laughing at him. He looked down and saw he was hard, his 5 incher standing tall in his speedos. His whole face went beet red.  

“Hey, man are you okay?” Tai touched his shoulder.  

“Don’t touch me!” he shouts and pushes Tai away, causing him to fall into the pool. Michael ran off, upset, embarrassed, angry at himself and everyone laughing at him. He ran into the locker room where Agumon was in Tai’s gym bag having a snack. “I can’t believe my first kiss was with a guy, that guy, that big dicked guy!” how could he not notice, the boy’s size might have been a part of his jealousy.  

Everything piled up not allowing Michael to see things clearly and reflect on what happened. While some of the girls had laughed at him Tai hadn’t, a few of the guys hadn’t, and Tai had even saved him, and he didn’t even bother checking on Tai who he had pushed into the pool.  

“Such a deep pool of negative emotions,” his shadow rose behind him taking the form of Deviman. “You want revenge, make those that mocked you suffer and pay.” he appeared from the shadow overshadowing the blonde. “Feel the Touch of Evil!” He touched Michael and the boy cried out as dark power filled him.  

His speedos turned black , and his five inch dick appeared through the garment. The speedos spread over Michael’s legs and fused them together forming a serpent like tail but some blue fins came out on the sides and a red fin at the tip of his tail. His new attire was blue with red stripes. The speedos spread up covering his upper body, the red stripes covering his nipples. The blue latex spread over his arms and hands giving him claws with red nails, and webbing between his fingers. White latex covered his neck and a golden mask appeared over his face. “I am Seadraman!” he cheered. A final touch was his cock split into two. “I will make them all pay!”  

‘Oh this isn’t good!’ Agumon stayed hidden, he couldn’t come out now with two threats together.  

“Lure out the hero Aguman and take his miraculous, fail and go back to being a nobody everyone laughs at.” Deviman laughed as he vanished. “I will not fail!” Seadraman says.  

With a flick of his tail Seadraman broke the door to the locker rooms. He came out and people screamed. “Its a monster!”  

Tai gasped. He was still in the pool, he was fine though from the push and fall. ‘This is bad, that has to be Michael!’ Seadraman glared at the girls and smirked. He grabbed his twin dicks and pumped them.  

“Who’s laughing now ladies?” he asked, not only had his dick split in two but gained some girth to them. The girls blushed and found themselves getting a little excited at the sight of the twin dicks. “Mind Freezer!” his eyes glowed, and in a flash all the girls who got excited became frozen in ice. “Hahahahaha looks like it’s me!”  

The rest of the class tried to evacuate heading for the emergency exist. “Tai!” Matt called out.  

“Matt just run!” Tai called out as he swam to the edge to the pool.  

“You aren’t going anywhere Tai!” He grabbed Tai with his long tail and squeezed him tight.  

“Michael stop this!” Tai groaned as he was constricted. Agumon saw Tai was in trouble, but since he couldn’t transform in his current state, he flew off to get Gennai.  

“Shut up, you think you are so cool, I’ll show you what’s really cool!” He slapped the nearby water. “Water Wave!” The pool water explodes creating a tsunami, Matt and a lot of boys got swept out of the exit.  

Tai coughed and he was pulled forward. “You might be bigger than me but I’m packing double barrels!” he says and he slaps Tai in the face with his dicks. “I’m gonna show everyone that I’m the best! I’m not a little fish in a big pond, I’m the big fish!” He controls the water and sweeps them out.  

As he continues to humiliate Tai, and anyone who got aroused by the show he froze instantly using Mind Freezer. Those frozen were frozen rock hard or in embarrassing positions. The police were called but they were no match for this monster. He blasted people away with Water Shock, and even froze people using Ice Blast.

“Where is Aguman?” Matt asked aloud. Seadraman was going nuts why hadn’t the hero showed up. “Damn it!”  

Tai screamed in pain as Seadraman tightened his hold on him. “I just can’t decide if I should crush you to death or freeze you and smash you to pieces.”  

“Michael stop this, this isn’t you! Ahhh!” Tai screamed as he was squeezed again.  

“Michael is gone! I’m Seadraman now!”

“Leave him alone!” Matt shouted. “He tried to help you, why are you doing this to him?” The blonde stood up to the monster.  

“Matt...no...” Tai groaned in pain.  

“Oh are you his friend, good I’ll punish you as well!” he aimed an Ice Blast at him.  

“Stop it Michael, this isn’t about him if you have a beef with me I’ll take it!” he got squeezed tighter.

“So noble,” he glared at Matt. “You want to be his friend, pay for it! Ice Blast!” he fired his attack, but Matt was saved at the last second. Seadraman didn’t notice that what he froze was a doll conjured by Gennai.  


“That was very brave young man.” Gennai says.

“Who are you? Where is Aguman?” Matt was pissed. His boyfriend was hurting and he wanted to save him but he didn’t have the power.  

“Aguman is tied up dealing with another problem. I am Gennai the one who gave Aguman his powers.” he explained. “Do you wish to save that boy?”  

“Yes!” Matt says confidently.  

“I can give you the power to become a hero, will you take up the power and battle evil?” he asked, revealing a box with the crest of friendship on it.  

“If it means I can protect Tai, you got a deal. I’ll become a hero!” he’s given the box and inside is a ring. A flash of blue light appears and out comes the kwami Gabumon.

“Hello, you seem quite pleasant.” Gabumon says. “I am Gabumon!”  

“Matt, nice to meet you.” he was amazed, the little guy was like a dinosaur but with a fur coat and a horn. Matt puts on his ring on the opposite hand Tai does. “So how does this work?”  

“Call out my name and transform, and my power will be yours.” Gabumon explains.  

“Alright, Gabumon Transform!” Gennai watched as a new hero was born!

To be continued...Chap 6 Power of Friendship!


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