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Dragon Ball Z parody: First Look


Saiyan Magic

Magic existed even on Planet Vegeta, the saiyans that were able to use magic were known as priests or healers, but those that could fight and use magic were known as shamans. Such rare talent could not be wasted, and could be quite the asset.  

Chap 1 Visions and Power

On the saiyan planet, the saiyans were known as a warrior race, often trading and bargaining for technology to improve their society. As the warrior strength grew many saiyans lost the way of magic. Some saiyans were born weaker in strength but had an affinity for magic, these saiyans became priests or healers. While rare, it was possible for a saiyan to be born with both affiliations, these saiyans were known as shamans.  

Shamans were rare, but they were highly valued, as the unique combinations of ki and magic made them an unpredictable adversary. Bardock was one of these legendary shamans, while he neglected his magical studies, he had a unique skill as a shaman known as visions. Bardock saw it as a curse more than a gift. His visions were never wrong, unless actions were taken to change the course of fate. Because of the path of fate could sometimes be changed Bardock’s visions were often not taken seriously.  

His mate Toma took them very seriously. Toma was a member of Bardock’s squad, and after many hard fought battles together the two gave into their desires. The larger saiyan had made the first move as Bardock tended to be quite dense. The first kiss turned into wild foreplay that went on for hours, until Bardock ended up on top. If Toma felt that way for him, than Bardock would not hold back. Their first night together was the first of many, culminating in Toma carrying their first child. Saiyan bodies were quite different than a humans, their bodies broke down all food and converted it into energy, so their holes were exclusively for mating and breeding. Even male saiyans carried children.  

Bardock was the sire for their first son Raditz, he was the carrier for their second child Kakarot. Their first son was a born a strong warrior with a decent power level which had only grown over the years through training. Kakarot was born with a rather low power level, and that hadn’t changed over the years. It did make Raditz more protective of him though, and the two often shared a room.  

Toma watched his sons, giving a sigh at the adorable sight the pair made. Raditz was sleeping with Kakarot in their room, the elder brother was cuddled up around him, his tail wrapped protectively around the boy’s waist. Kakarot snuggled against him, giving a little coo. “His power still hasn’t grown, we might want to send Kakarot to the priests and have him study magic.”  

“Fat lot of good it’ll do him.” Bardock says bitterly.  

“He takes a lot after you Dock.” Toma says and kisses his neck.  

“Too much.” he pulls away from Toma, and goes into the kitchen and pours himself a drink. Being a shaman meant it was a higher chance the child he carried would become one, if not have an affinity for magic alone.  

“Bardock, did...did you have a vision?” Crash! Bardock broke the cup in his hand. He had squeezed it breaking the poor thing. The man had a recent vision that was plaguing him, and while many of his visions he dealt with himself, this recent one however was heavy! After taking a deep sigh, he told Toma what he saw, and what he’s been seeing day after day. “You can’t be serious, how could you keep this from me?” Toma was furious.  

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want it to happen, and I’ve done everything to try and change the path of fate, but...” Toma punched him.  

“Don’t give me that crap, damn it Bardock...how could...you should have told me!” he shouted, only to flinch hoping he didn’t wake the boys.  

“There is nothing that could be done, I tried to warn the king and I was laughed out of the palace. I even tried to get an audience with Lord Beerus but he’s gone to sleep, now we are at Frieza’s mercy.” He had been pulling any string he had, but no matter what he did the vision didn’t change.  

“Dock, is it really the end for us?” Bardock didn’t answer, which was answer enough.  

He got a new drink. “I’ve always hated my visions, I didn’t ask to be a shaman, I didn’t want this power, I just wanted to be a warrior.” He saw himself more as a scientist, many of the saiyan techniques were developed by Bardock. Which had gotten them higher status, as the techniques became the main arsenal of the saiyan race. 

Toma sighed, as much as he rejected magic, it was that creativity that helped him develop so many techniques. He could not fully understand the burden Bardock bared, shamans were rare and as supportive as he was he didn’t have the visions himself. He did understand the pressure on magic users, most warriors looked down on them, healers were highly valued sure but as science expanded and healing tanks were used most healers and priests were looked down upon more and more.  

King Vegeta had turned his back on the old ways, relying heavily on saiyan power and technology. Weapons and technology were making the mystical arts less and less demanding. The King respected Bardock sure, the techniques he had developed were truly amazing, but when it came to his visions they were often ignored, the fact his visions could be changed had many elite saiyans claim they weren’t reliable. “The saiyans forged their own path, with their own power!” the elites would say. He should have listened, as the vision Bardock bared on his soul was the destruction of their world and their race.  

“The saiyan race will survive, in parts I can see it. Prince Tarble has already been sent off world, and Prince Vegeta is on an intense training mission.” Bardock says. Prince Vegeta while just a little younger than Raditz was born with great power, and power held sway and priority. “And Raditz is going on his own mission soon so he will be sparred.”  

“What about Kakarot?” Bardock frowned. “No...”  

“His power level is too weak, and he’s still too young.”  

“You were born with a low power level to, he could be a shaman like you.”  

“Fat lot of good that does him.” Toma paced the floor. Be it sire or carrier the desire to protect one’s child was strong in a saiyan parent. They taught survival training young sure and saiyans could be tough on their kids again sure, but not to the point of their death, it was in an attempt to push them.  

“I have a mission to a planet known as Earth, we could put Kakarot on the ship.” Toma says.   

“But then you’ll die!” Bardock says. “Toma listen to me, we can’t win I’ve seen it.” He shook his head.  

“I would rather stay and fight, knowing my children were safe. If we are to die, let’s give them hell!”  

“Toma...” the two embraced. If Frieza was coming to kill them they didn’t have long. The demon was coming for a “visit” which was never a good thing especially when Beerus was sleeping.  


Raditz went on his mission, not knowing what was to happen. “I’ll be back soon Kakarot!” he hugged his little brother before getting in his pod. The two adults shared a look but said nothing. Raditz knew about Toma’s mission to Earth, and just figured Kakarot and Bardock were just there to see them off. He was set off to go and complete his mission.  

Toma was able to sneak Kakarot into his pod and the little boy looks at his parents. His tiny hands reaching out to them. “Our son, forgive us if fate had allowed we would have taught you so much.”  

“This is for your safety.” He was launched into space. The little one was so young, only knowing his saiyan name and a few things of their world. Now it was gonna be lost to him. Toma wished for their safety and that they would remember them. Bardock wished for their health and their strength, not so they could avenge them but so they could be happy.  

Bardock’s vision came true, Frieza had grown jealous of the favor they were gaining with Lord Beerus. Saiyans could be wild and fierce, but they knew the way to Lord Beerus’ heart...food! Keeping that favor with the god of destruction was problematic for Frieza. While his power was leaps and bounds above any other saiyan, he knew there were powers far beyond him in the universe, Majin Buu and Lord Beerus were two of such powers.  

For him the saiyans were mere beasts, and to allow them to continue to breed and grow stronger could not be allowed. He would not allow the day to come where a saiyan joined the ranks of those he had to bow and respect. So on his trip to the saiyan home world, he had suspended most missions and tricked the saiyans by sending them food and drink to celebrate. Frieza saw it as their last meal.  

There were a handful of saiyans still out on missions, but they were recorded and monitored. If he killed all the saiyans Lord Beerus or the Kais may take action upon him, keeping a few alive as loyal soldiers not knowing he was the one who slaughtered their people was just a bonus. King Vegeta was invited for a banquet on Frieza’s ship.  

What Frieza had not expected was two saiyans to go out and confront him. He sent out some soldiers to deal with the pests, but Bardock and Toma were strong. These fodder were nothing to them and they fought hard. The commotion did not go unnoticed by King Vegeta, he tried to confront Frieza on this. “Frieza what is the meaning of all this?”  

“Hohoho,” the alien laughed. “It’s funny, those two seem to have sensed my plan and are fighting back, but you walked into your own death.”  

“What are you saying? We are loyal, we fight for you and Lord Beerus!”  

“This is true, but I am still going to destroy your world, and all the saiyans on it.”  

“That is madness, do you fear losing your position that you will slaughter my people?”

“Hohoho, this is not a slaughter it is merely pest control.” in an instant he killed King Vegeta, with a single blow.  

Frieza came out, Bardock and Toma had taken out half of his soldiers. Even now he didn’t know how the two learned of his plan nor did he care, in the face of his grand power it meant nothing. He released a death ball , that killed the rest of his soldiers and drew closer to the two saiyans.  

“Dock? Will our boys be okay?” Toma asked.  

Bardock took his hand and held it tight. For the first time in his life he willingly looked into the future, he saw his boys years from now growing up into fine men. Raditz a fierce warrior, and Kakarot his son would be a shaman like him. “They will be amazing!” tears spilled down his cheeks but a smile never left him. Toma squeezed his hand back as the death ball consumed them before consuming their world.  

As Bardock died his vision flashed further into the future. His sons would reunite one day, and things would be different, and one day they would face Frieza. The tyrant would fall...one day…

Frieza spread the word of what happened to the saiyan world, how it was a tragedy an accident of a large meteor striking the planet and damaging the core. Raditz cried as he believed he lost his brother, but wanted to believe his carrier was still alive. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on the perspective one of Frieza’s spies in the Galactic Police informed them of the saiyan pod that went to earth was destroyed and no survivor was found.  

The report was made by Jaco, a rather lazy and partly incompetent officer. He was able to identify the ship heading toward Earth as a saiyan model, and had been tasked with killing the saiyan. He of course never even saw the saiyan, but made the report and spun a story that made it sound believable enough. Raditz didn’t want to believe it, something told him he wasn’t alone, that his family wasn’t completely gone, he clung to hope and used it to keep going. 

To be continued  


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