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Had my nerve test today, if you know what that is they poked and prodded me with needles and then gave my nerves a shock, so after this I was in so much pain I was crying in the car, took my pain pills and ended up crashing hard.

So I hate how the human body is, the results were mixed but my left foot under performed, which even the doctor didn't know how that could be. but he showed me the results and my right foot had like a 10, but the left one wasn't even at 1. When I was being shocked I felt it up all over the right side of my leg but on the left side I felt almost nothing. The shocks on the right made my toes tingly but on the left they didn't tingle at all, and I have know idea if it means anything...but I go see doctor in a week or so...I'm praying this all works out


Damion Andrew

Hope it's nothing serious. Good Luck and feel better.