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Overlord Yaoi: Tier 1


Tomb Play

Momonga loves the tomb of Nazarick and his subjects work very hard, so it’s only fitting for him to collect proper rewards for them. Monsters x Humans

Chapter 1 Preparing A Reward

It hadn’t been long since Momonga had been brought to this strange new world, along with the Great Tomb of Nazarick. His guardians had pledged their loyalty to him, and swore to work hard to achieve his goals. His goal being spreading the name of Ains Ooal Gown to the world, he even adopted the name Ains.  

He created armor, to surpass his restrictions as a caster, and went out to see the world he found himself in. Demiurge followed him not wanting him to be harmed, or jumped without an escort.  

This world was truly beautiful, he wanted to collect the treasures of the world and use them to decorate the tomb of Nazarick and his guardians. Demiurge was in awe of his lord, he deemed it necessary to work twice as hard to bring glory to Nazarick and to him.  

Ains noticed that Mare was working hard, completing his task at hiding the Tomb, using dirt to create mounds. “Hmm, what should I do for Mare, I’d like to give him a gift for his hard work.”

“I think he would be happy if you just spoke to him my lord.” Demiurge says.  

“Is that all?”  

“Hmm, perhaps he would like a pet, I’m sure the male guardians would enjoy having some pets to play with.” he suggested.  

“That right, even you Demiurge?” the demon blushed, and Ains chuckled. Getting some pets would be nice, so long as they were properly trained of course. He had to make sure his targets wouldn’t be of use to him.  


Ains saved a village, a village of humans and met a man known as Gazef. He saved his life and took care of some pests that were attacking the village, as a way of luring him out. Ainz decided to create another persona Momon, an adventurer, using the armor he made. One of the battle maids of the Pleiades accompanied him, he didn’t have a choice the Guardians were adamant about him having an escort or guard at all times.   

A small set back was that he had to start as a Copper Plate, which meant restrictions. It was seriously troublesome. In the game he was max level, capable of taking on the greatest of missions, now it felt he was starting back at Level 1, with all the power of being level 100.  

He was having trouble getting a mission, only to be invited by the Swords of Darkness, a group of adventurers. He was happy to join them on a quest, but fortune smiled on them as Nfirea Bareare had requested for Momon specifically. A compromise was made and Momon’s team and the Swords of Darkness teamed up to protect him and escort him to Carne Village and back. They were an interesting group, and Ains got to see them in action. They covered each other’s weaknesses, and worked well as a team.  

Ains was impressed, he thought about staying with this group and seeing them grow and having them help spread his name as an adventurer. It was not to be…

A mad woman named Clementine and a necromancer named Khajit had their sights set on Nfirea, because he was a talent holder. Nfirea could use any magical item without any formal training. Which worked perfectly for their needs.  

Ains got revenge for them, he killed Clementine and Nabe killed Khajit. They had to drop the adventurer personas and fight seriously but they crushed the two with ease. Ains literally crushing Clementine with his bone hands.  

Nfirea was stripped naked and blinded, put in a trance thanks to the Crown of Wisdom. “You wanted to become my disciple to get stronger. Little Nfirea, I think I will take you up on that offer. You will serve me, and I will make you strong.” He touched the crown and destroyed it. Nfirea fell into his arms, he scooped up the naked boy and heals his eyes and mind.  

Nfirea groans softly, his eyes fluttering, and he gazed at Ains in his true form. “Y-you saved me.” he was a little scared, a bit intimidated.  

“Of course,” his voice sent shivers down Nfirea’s spine. He blushed.  

“Mr. Momon!? I mean Lord Ains!” he learned the truth do to a slip up by Nabe and hearing the story of how he saved Carne Village. Ains cupped his cheek and Nfirea shivered. Without the armor Nfirea could feel all of Momonga’s power as it washed over his naked skin. Neferia’s cock hardened the boy’s dick rising to stand at 5 inches. “I’m sorry!” he blushed and stuttered like a fool.  

“Don’t be,” he held the boy close, his hand circling around the boy’s dick.  

“Ahh!” he moans, cock weeping already. A few strokes was all it took for the blonde to cum, body shaking, as he spilled his seed. Momonga sat down and held Nfirea in his lap. “Lord Ains...ahh!” the boy drooled.  

In his grasp Nfirea’s cock remained hard, so Ains pumped him, teasing the tip of his dick. “Does it feel good?”  

“Ohh yes!” the boy pants. “I...I’m cumming again!” his back arched and he came spraying his semen across the floor. Momonga milked him, stroking him through his release, pumping more cum from the boy. He brought up a free hand to play with the boy’s chest. His nipples had hardened from the pleasure. Just caressing a pert bud caused him to cum again.  

Nfirea felt so hot, the terror Clementine put him through was being erased, and replaced with glorious pleasure. The boy writhed in his lap, legs jerking, toes curling as he spilled what made him a man across the ground and over Momonga’s hand.  

He felt the man’s power pour into him, pour into his very soul. With every orgasm he felt energized, like he could be hard for days with no side effects. His insides felt hot and throbbing. His touch was both hot and cold, creating an electrifying experience across his skin.  

After some time, Ains stopped pumping him and released his cock. Nfirea whined at the loss, only to moan as both his nipples were played with. Ains pinched both nipples and the boy arched his back cumming again. “Ahhh,” his cum erupted and his body shook.  

“You have quite the naughty body.” he toyed with the nips driving him mad.  

“Please forgive me!” Nfirea begged.  

“There is nothing to forgive,” he whispers and the boy shivers again. “You are quite lovely, naughty or not.” the praise made the human’s heart flutter.  

“Please Lord Ains, please touch me more!” he moans.

“More, it seems your nipples are enough to make you cum.” to prove his point he pinched the buds and made the boy cum again.  

“Yes, but I want your touch, touch my dick, my balls, my ass, anywhere, everywhere!” he begs.  

“That is quite the request, I believe you had another request for me yes?” the boy was embraced from behind. “You wanted to be my squire did you not?” the boy nodded. “Would you give up that request for something more?”  

“More?” he shakes.  

“Become my pet, and serve me complete! Devote yourself to my pleasure. Submit your mind, body, and soul to me, and I will teach you, train you, and return that pleasure ten fold.” Nfirea didn’t even hesitate.  

He wanted to get stronger because he wanted to protect the girl he thought he loved. Now he wanted to serve, gain strength to be of better use to Lord Ains. He wanted to be his pet and be by his side always. “Yes, I submit, you have my mind, my body, my heart, my soul and my life. I’m yours!” he turns around and embraces him. “I swear I will do my best to please you, master!”  

Momonga’s red eyes glowed bright. “Well done, I will hold you to that promise, you will be the pet of Ains Ooal Gown, I will hold you to that title.” Nfirea smiled, his heart fluttering. “Create Greater Item!” A black collar appears around Nfirea’s neck, with a skull charm.  

The blonde blushed, caress the collar and feeling the quality of it. A wave of pleasure washing over him, he moans in delight. “Thank you master!”  

‘So I can make items not in Yggdrasil, that’s good to know. It will make training the future pets of Nazarick all the easier.’ He offered his cum covered hand and Nfirea blushed and began licking his cum off his hand. ‘He’s more into it than I thought he would be.’ Momonga learned that in this world even an undead like himself upon reaching a certain level can mate and breed. ‘I’ll keep him for myself, and find some other humans to train for Nazarick, my my so much work, but such fun work it’ll be.’ Nfirea worshipped his fingers shaking in pleasure with each lick, it wasn’t long before he made a mess of himself. ‘Such fun!’  

To be continued...Chapter 2 Lord of Death!    



Mmm very nice~ it is confusing for me that undeads can breed and fuck, but nice job still~!