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Akame ga Kill Parody: Tier 1



Lamia’s Blade

Tatsumi is given the village's treasure, a legendary blade that can extend and coil, slicing enemies to pieces. It’s a teigu with a secret power, allowing Tatsumi to transform into a monster. Two Cocks Tatsumi/Bulat/Lubbock/Green/Najasho/Harem

Chap 1

Just as humans gradually decompose, so too do countries inevitably crumble. Even the capital that has flourished for a 1000 years, is now decaying into a living hell. Wicked spirits in the form of humans infest the whole city and treat it like their own playground. Such evil that is unpunished by God, is disposed of in the shadows…


A carriage was making its way towards the city when a massive beast burst from the earth. “Waaahh it’s am earth dragon!!!” One of the men screamed. “I never heard of them being on this path!?” Shouted another.

“Run for it!” they tried to run leaving their cargo behind. The danger beast saw them and roared, diving for the men.

“Looks like I can help someone out!” a young man with brown hair appeared on the scene, drawing his weapon from a strange purple sheath that looked like scales, the blade was oddly curve, and the handle appeared to be a golden snake, and there was a green cloth with a snake pattern on it. He struck the beast stopping the assault on the two men. “A class 1 Danger Beast, Earth Dragon, a worthy opponent.”

The men weren’t convinced by the boy’s confidence. “It’s mad now!!!” It roared and went after the boy.

“Not to worry,” he unleashed the blade, it moved at such speed it looked like a glowing snake that quickly wrapped around the beast. “I got him!” The beast was trapped caught in a chain of blades that encircled his entire form. The beast tried to move, only for the blades to dig into him. “It’s over!” With a quick slashing motion, the boy reduced the beast to several pieces.

The men rushed over to him. “Kid that was amazing!”

He blushed. “But of course, that guy was nothing for the likes of me.” he smiles at them. “By the way my name is Tatsumi,” he introduces. “It’s a name that’s gonna be famous in the capital, so you better remember it.”

“Wait,” one of the men say. “Don’t tell me you're looking to find work in the capital?”

“Yep!” he smiles, but the men share a look. “I’m gonna make it big in the capital and send the money back to my village!” he says. The two men were quiet. “What?”

“The capital...isn’t as dreamy as you think it is. It’s lively sure, but it’s full of monsters even more vicious than that earth dragon.” That was a surprise for Tatsumi.

“What? So danger beasts come out into the city too?”

“No, it’s people, people with the hearts of monsters, that’s all you’ll find there...” Tatsumi took the man’s warning, but he had a mission. He sheathed his weapon.

“Thanks for the warning but I...We have a job to do, to save our village!” Tatsumi went to the capital and tried to find the barracks. It was quite the line, after waiting and waiting he met the receptionist.

“So you wanna join the ranks too huh?” the man didn’t look enthusiastic at all. “Fill out this form and hand it back to me.”

“Does this mean I have to start as a private?”

“What do you think kid? And you’ll most likely be sent to remote regions.”

“I don’t have time for that!” Tatsumi says and draws his sword. “I can show you my skills, just place me as captain!”

The guy got pissed and threw Tatsumi out. “You damn brat, we have too few spots to fill to deal with punks like you!” Tatsumi didn’t know what to do, he thought about looking for his friends but before he could he bumped into a blonde woman. Little did Tatsumi know he was her target, she could tell he was a country boy trying to make his dreams come true in the capital.

She got him to treat her to a meal, with the promise of telling the secret to make it big in the city. The woman pounded back several bottles of booze. “Aw man, nothing like a drink in the middle of the day.”

“Umm excuse me, but could you please tell me the secret now?” he asked.

“Oh right,” she smiled at him. “It takes connections and money.”


“Right, slip some dough into the right hands, and you’ll be in, in no time.” She claimed to have a friend high up in the army.

“I see...will this be enough.” he hands over a bag of money.

“OOO, that is more than enough, your pretty loaded kid,” she says.

“I’ve been collecting rewards from danger beasts I’ve hunted on the road.”

“Hmm, you must be pretty strong.” she took his money. “With this, you’ll be a captain in no time.” She left with 4/5 of his money. Tatsumi was told to wait for her, but…

One Hour Later…

Three Hours Later…

Ten Hours Later…

The bar owner told them they were closing soon. “But I’m waiting for...”

“I saw, sorry kid she scammed you, she stole your money.” Tatsumi’s jaw dropped. He paid his bill and was completely wiped out.

“So this is what she meant by learning from her, what a joke!” he was pissed. “I hope the others are okay if this is how city people treat others.”

“Hey,” Tatsumi was cut off by two punks. “A country bumpkin walking around with a fancy sword...”

“Hand it over. That’s an order heh-heh-heh.” said the second one.

Tatsumi was not in the mood for this, he didn’t even unsheathe his word and quickly pummeled the two into the ground. “That made me feel a little better,” he says. “With this place so big I wonder if I’ll find them, I’m sure they made it here.” he touched the blade. It was the village’s treasure, Tatsumi had always thought it was cool looking, but not many could even wield the blade.

He had no choice he found a spot on the road and sat down preparing to sleep. To his surprise, a young rich girl happened across him and invited him to stay with her. Tatsumi was clearly suspicious after what just happened. According to the guards with her, she does this a lot. “I can’t help myself!” She says.

She brought Tatsumi to her mansion, and her family also seemed very kind. Her mother said, “Helping those she brings home brings us happiness to.” Tatsumi wanted to believe they were actually nice people. So he thanked them for inviting him into their home.

Tatsumi told his story. “I see, you want to join the army and make money for your village. That’s quite the noble goal.” Aria’s father says.

“I’m also looking for my friends Sayo and Ieyasu, we set off together, but got separated.”

“Oh how horrible,” her husband nods. “It’s settled, I’ll talk to my friend in the army, and in the meantime we will look for your friends,” the husband says.

“Really!” Tatsumi says excitedly. “Thank you sir.” he bowed.

“Until you join the ranks officially, you can work here as a bodyguard for my precious Aria.”

“Daddy!” Aria blushed, making the man laugh. She looked to Tatsumi. “I’m sure you will see your friends very soon!”


‘I’m so lucky, I ended up being saved by nice people, I just hope Sayo and Ieyasu made it to the city safely.’ Tatsumi ended up working as a bodyguard/shopping buddy with the girl. The girl could shop, dragging Tatsumi and two other guards from place to place.

While Aria is shopping Tatsumi and one of the guards got to talk. He pointed out the palace, where the emperor. “The emperor is there, but he’s just a child, the real problem is the one ruling him from the shadows. The Minister!” the guard says. “He’s the one responsible for the decay in this country.” Tatsumi was shocked, the guard leaned in close. “Listen closely and don’t say anything, the minister has eyes and ears everywhere, they’ll take your head if they think you're against him,” he whispers.

“So the heavy taxes that have been plaguing my village?” The guard nods.

“The other thing you have to worry about is them.” he pointed to wanted posters on the wall. “Those are members of Night Raid.”

“Night Raid?” the guard nods.

“Like their name, they attack at night, attacking nobles and prominent figures in the government. Be on guard!”

“I will!” Tatsumi says.

Later that night…

A group eyed the estate. “The targets?”

“Three, along with all the guards who knew of their dark dealings.”

“Their lives end tonight!”


The mother was walking the hall, clutching her journal. “Time to write today’s entry...heh heh, I just can’t quit this hobby...” In a flash, she was cut in half, and her limbs severed. “Eh?” She was cleaved into pieces by a purple haired woman with giant scissors.

“Sorry,” the purple haired woman bowed. Tatsumi sensed the bloodlust, and quickly raced out to see what was happening. Tatsumi spotted Night Raid through the window, some of them were standing guard outside, having threads form a barrier around the manor.

‘Are they targeting this family because they are rich?’ he thinks. ‘Do I help the guards, or protect the family?’ A girl with black hair charges in and starts taking out the guards, just one cut released a curse that killed them instantly.

“This is...what I get...for having a rotten...soul...” he says before he died.

“They are monsters!” a guard tried to run away screaming, only to be killed by someone in armor.

‘They were killed in seconds!’ Tatsumi thinks. ‘I have to protect the family.’

It was a little late, the mother was dead and the father was being choked out by a familiar blonde woman but with beastly features. “Spare me...please...I have a daughter...”

“Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing her on the other side soon.”

“Not my daughter, have you no mercy?!”

“Mercy? That’s funny coming from you.” She crushed his throat.

One of the guards was taking Aria to the shed, where he believed her to be safe. Tatsumi found them. “Perfect timing we’ll seek shelter in the shed and wait for authorities, you stand guard!”

“Hey wait, that’s a bit much.” The raven-haired girl found them. “Oh crap, guess I have no choice.” he drew his sword.

“Not a target...” she says and jumps over Tatsumi to kill the guard. Aria falls back in terror. “I shall send you to rest.”

“Not so fast!” Tatsumi blocked her strike. “That’s enough! I can’t let you kill her.” Without missing a beat the raven-haired girl glared.

“Then I shall put you to rest too.” Tatsumi began to fight the strange girl and was actually proving more of a challenge to her than she expected.

“Don’t underestimate me!” Tatsumi releases his blade, catching the girl by surprise. She tried to block, but as soon as the blade struck hers, it curved up and struck her shoulder. Tatsumi pulled the blades back. The girl saw red and tried to strike a killing blow on Tatsumi, and to her shock he blocked it.

‘His weapon could it be...’ she pulled back.

“Let’s stop this fighting!” Tatsumi shouts. ‘This is bad, this girl is strong, I can’t even fight her seriously or I’ll be putting Aria at risk. It doesn’t matter I have to protect her if I can’t even save one little girl how can I be expected to save my village!’

To be continued...Chap 2 Tatsumi’s Treasure


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