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Naruto Parody: Tier 6


Naruto Moon Orb Adventure

During their first “real” mission Team 7 has to protect a bridge builder, from a dangerous smuggler. They try to bring him down, taking out some of his warehouses, where Naruto finds a strange mystical object. It changes him, and awakens him to the things around him.  

Chapter 1 The Treasure

Team 7 consisted of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Uchiha Sasuke, and was led by Kakashi Hatake. After the team became genin, and passed Kakashi’s bell test, they became official ninja. They ended up having a bunch of “boring” missions only getting the lowest of the low, such as pet finding, dog walking, gardening. Even Sasuke was getting annoyed with these low ranked missions.  

So they were overjoyed to get their first C-Ranked Mission, they were to escort a bridge builder to the Land of Waves. As they quickly learned this wasn’t a C Mission, it was a B. Tazuna lied about the level of danger he was in. He was being targeted by Gato, the man was a shipping magnet and founder of the Gato company, but it was all a cover for his real business, smuggling drugs, weapons, and even people.  

Tazuna’s bridge would become a problem for Gato, he’s worked hard to control the Land of Waves’ shipping routes and was isolating the country. The bridge would threaten that. Using dirty money and his underground connections he hired strong ninja to try and kill Tazuna. Things got a little hairy when Team 7 had to face Momochi Zabuza, the demon of the mist. He wasn’t an actual demon but held the title of one.  

His skills were even overwhelming for Kakashi, but he underestimated the young genin, Naruto and Sasuke performed a perfect combo, and helped their sensei escape a trap and was able to bring down Zabuza using his sharingan and skills. Before they could land a finish blow, a strange anbu from Mist appeared and seemingly took out Zabuza, and made off with the body.  

Kakashi realized too late that, that anbu was actually partnered with Zabuza. The fight had worn both of them out, and as Kakashi needed time to recover so did Zabuza, but a deadly rematch was gonna happen. They brought Tazuna back to the village, and reunited him with his family, but their mission wasn’t done just yet.  

Tazuna still had a target on his back, and Gato wasn’t gonna rest until he was dead. They stayed at his home with his daughter Tsunami and his grandson Inari. “As you are now, you can’t fight Zabuza, we need to accelerate your training!”  


Gato was pissed off at Zabuza’s failure. “What am I paying you for, you are supposed to be an elite ninja!?” The anbu was Haku, Zabuza’s student. Gato tried to strike Zabuza, but Haku caught his wrist and nearly crushed it in a bruising grip.   

“I underestimated the young ninja with Hatake Kakashi, it won’t happen again.” Haku released him and Gato glared.  

“You bet it won’t!” he hissed. “I have a big deal coming up, I’m selling a big item to the kage of the village of sound. I need this bridge builder dead you understand me!”  

“It will be done, that’s the job.” Gato left. “Haku you did not need to interfere.”  

“If I hadn’t, you’d have killed him.” Zabuza had a kunai in hand ready to slit the man’s throat if he so much as touched him. Haku was treating his wounds, but without a medic ninja he’d need time to heal. “This big item, should we retrieve it?”  

“No, it’s not worth the trouble. We are already being chased by the Mist, we don’t need that snake after us as well.” Zabuza says and closes his eyes.  


Kakashi began to accelerate their training, teaching them better chakra control. Naruto wasn’t conjuring enough chakra, Sasuke was drawing out too much chakra, and Sakura had good chakra control but lacked large surplus of chakra. Sakura often turned in from training leaving Naruto and Sasuke alone. The two were pushing each other, going farther and farther each time.  

Sasuke was beginning to notice, that Naruto might not have been the joker he was in school. Upon given proper instruction by Sakura and Kakashi Naruto got the handle of his chakra control and was catching up to Sasuke quickly. The raven wondered why Naruto failed so many exams, what he didn’t know was that Mizuki was purposely teaching him the wrong way, playing on the young blonde’s need for approval. Now that Naruto was receiving proper instruction he was actually doing well.  

Once the blonde surpassed him, he had no choice but to swallow his pride and ask for help. Naruto did help him and the two grew closer. Kakashi was impressed with how fast these kids were developing. First was the tree climbing test, once all three made it to the top of the tree it was time for the next test. The water walking test, not only would it work on their control but work on their chakra muscles to, helping build their stamina.  

Sakura stayed dressed, but Naruto stripped down to his boxers to train in the water. Sasuke was a tad embarrassed but he to followed Naruto’s lead. They walked on water, and meditated on water, using their chakra to keep them afloat and stationary against the flowing water. The two ended up getting wet, their underwear clinging to their bodies. “Man, this is tough.”  

Sasuke kept stealing glances at Naruto, watching the water dance along his sun kissed skin. ‘Focus!’ his mind scolded, but the blush still remained. This training was a lot tougher, but progress was being made. After training they returned to Tazuna’s home to eat, and replenish their strength. “Kakashi-sensei, can’t we be doing more. This Gato guy is a creep, shouldn’t we take him down?”

“Well, you aren’t wrong, but it’s not that simple. Launching a head on attack on Gato would prove difficult.” Naruto didn’t like it, this guy was bad, as ninja shouldn’t they bring down guys like him?  

“If you wanna knock him down a peg, hit him where it hurts his warehouses.” Tazuna says. “He’s got a few but he’s increased security on this one.” he gave them a map. “No doubt he’s got all kinds of weapons and drugs in there, wreck that and that’ll knock him down a peg.”  

Naruto brightened. “Can we do it Kakashi-sensei?!”  

“Well...” he wasn’t sure about this.  

“It would be a good way to test our skills, and if this guy is after Tazuna-san, then destroying his access to weapons would be beneficial in the long run.” Sasuke points out.  

“I’m for it!” Sakura says, since Sasuke was for it.  

“Alright, we’ll hit this warehouse, but we go in smart.” Naruto cheered, and hugged Sasuke excitedly. The raven blushed and pushed him away.  

“You are all idiots!” Inari yelled. His mother scolded him. “You guys don’t know what Gato is like, he killed my dad, and we’ve seen what heroes get!” Inari ran off from the table.  

“Forgive him, Gato has been...a plague on this family. My husband worked with dad, on the bridge, he died supposedly in an accident but Gato made threats, and said things that all but proved he had a hand in his death.” she frowned. “He died before Inari ever got a chance to new him. Then I met Kaiza, a fisherman who moved here chasing his dreams. He was so sweet and kind, I fell in love with him, and he was a great father figure to Inari. He tried to stand up to Gato’s take over but...”  

“What happened?”

“Gato made an example of him, drugged him up and broke his spirit. He trussed him out in front of everyone buck naked, and had him lick Gato’s shoes. To see such a proud man reduced to a dog broke the rebellion.” Tazuna says and took a drink. “He was sold off after that, we don’t know what happened to him after that.”  

It was official they wanted to bring Gato down!  


The plan went into action, Team 7 was dressed all in black, using their training they moved swiftly and silently, taking out guards before they even knew they were there. “Alright, let’s move, check and make sure there aren’t and human or animals being trafficked and set the exploding tags.” Kakashi ordered.  

“Yes sir!” The trio split up and searched the whole warehouse. Sakura found some people, and got them to safety. Sasuke found drugs and weapons, and places exploding tags on the boxes. Naruto was finding random junk until he came upon a strange back room door. Naruto picked the lock and went inside to find a fancy box.   

“What is this?” he opened the box to find a strange orb inside. The orb had a moon inside and stars, and it gave off a strange presence. Naruto was drawn to it like a moth to the flame. He picked up the orb. “What would he need with some...” the orb pulsed, sending chakra through Naruto’s body. “Gah!”  

He couldn’t release the orb, it was like grabbing a live wire, energy poured through Naruto’s body. His baby fat melted away, his muscles becoming more solid and defined. His nipples peeked through the dark shirt he was wearing. He got a little taller, his bones getting hot and his skin sparking. The sensation wasn’t painful, it was pleasurable.  

His dick and balls began to grow, pushing and pushing at the fabric of his pants till the tight garment couldn’t contain him, his massive nuts and growing dick overloaded his pants ripping free. “Ahhh!” the boy panted. He was always proud of his size at 7 inches, but now his cock was double that, and his balls were so huge. “Ohh fuck!”  

The moon in the orb glowed, and the final change began to take hold. Naruto’s feet ripped trough his shoes, his new nails making the shoes into scraps. His nest of pubes became a treasure trail up to his navel and formed a belt around him, from the spot where the hair met out sprang a fluffy fox tail. Fur spread over his hands, making claws, and the fur spread up to his elbow. His other hand suffered the same fate. He gained some fur around his ankles up to his knees, and his ears gained a slight curve. His whisker scars became more defined.  

“What the heck!?” Naruto gasped.  

Congratulations kid…’  A dark voice, rumbling with a purr met Naruto’s ears. The world around him faded and he found himself before a cage. ‘You found the Moon Orb, and here I thought being sealed inside you would be boring.’

‘You...you are the Kyuubi!’ Naruto gasped.  

To be continued...Chapter 2 Kyuubi’s Training Naruto Reaches The Next Level


Lord Zero 1606

Great start, really nice to see another Naruto fic from you. Hopefully this one gets continued soon.


Lemme guess, etherious01 commissioned this? =p Not that I'm complaining, it's a good trope to use and I'm looking forward to what you do with it. ;)


Mmmmmm wonderful job as always Paper! I have to admit, this is perhaps one of the most unique starts you’ve had as well, what you’ve done with Kaiza also has me very intrigued. The closer relationship between Naruto and Sasuke is great as well, between how they handle training and of course seeing each other in their underwear~ a bit sad Sasuke didn’t see what Naru was packing at first, but I suppose he’ll see soon~ And of course the final part was wondrous~ hehe, Naruto has no idea what he’s unleashed, and oh my it’s gonna be fun and messy and epic~ can’t wait to see him Put that new form into action, and for the Orb to continue its path~ thanks so much!!!