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Miraculous Parody: Tentacleween


Happy Tentacleween Chat Noir

Adrien decides to transform into Chat Noir on Halloween ignoring the warnings of his friend Miran, and protests from Plagg.  


Miran was Adrien’s boyfriend and partner, who the people called Lady Bug, and he was Chat Noir. Miran got his name because when his mother was pregnant with him all she would eat was her husband’s meringue pie. She wanted a name as close to it as possible because it was a pie made with love.  

His legal name was Mirangue, he thanked God every day people just called him Miran. He kept his hair in a long braid. They had been working together as a hero duo, Lady Bug and Chat Noir, but after more heroes joined the team it seemed silly to keep secrets from each other.  


“So what are you going as for Halloween?” Adrien asked him.  

“I was thinking, a pirate maybe, I got loads of designs.”  

“I was thinking couples costume,” he hugged the raven.  

“Ohh, I’ve gotten some good ones.” he went through his sketches.  

“Actually, how about we transform, and go as our other selves.” He thought it was a great idea, but Miran was looking at him like he had grown a second head.  

“Absolutely not, no way!” he pulled away.  


Miran brought a hand to his mouth. “Um uh, look I can’t explain but no transforming today.”  

“What about if Hawkmoth attacks?”

“He won’t trust me, today we are perfectly safe. Trust me I know your sizes I’ll make us the perfect couples costume, trust me?”

Adrien smiled. “Yeah,” he gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran off. ‘He’s being weird again. Why can’t we transform, I’ll ask Plagg later.’ After school, Adrien ran through his schedule. Miran was working on their costumes.

It was late when Adrien got home, the sun was already setting, let Plagg out, who dove into a plate of stinky cheese. “Plagg, how come Miran says we shouldn’t transform today?”  

“Oh um, sorry can’t talk eating cheese.” he popped a few in his mouth.  

“Sigh, I thought it would be hot if we went together as Lady Bug and Chat Noir.”  

“Well, not today!”  

“I don’t get it we transform almost every day to go on patrol.” he folded his arms.  

“Still got that Lady Bug boner champ, can’t blame you, Miran looks great, Tikki picked a wonderful master.” he finished his cheese.  

“No, I love Miran, and he is Lady Bug, they are one in the same.” he caressed his ring. “Just doesn’t feel right missing out on being Chat Noir.”  

“Trust me there’s always tomorrow.” he rubbed his full belly. The sunset, in the distance.  

“A few seconds won’t hurt right?” Plagg’s eyes widened. “Plagg claws out!”  

“Adrien waaaaaiiiiitttt!” he was sucked into the ring, changing it black. His street clothes changed as black leather spread over his body, hugging it like a second skin. He conjured the ears, the mask, and a belt-like tail.  

“Ahh much better,” he stretched, feeling his muscles relax and tighten. It felt so good to be Chat Noir, it was a major boost in confidence for him. “I don’t see what the big deal was.”  

He took a few steps and heard something moving. “Who’s there?” he took a defensive stance. His eyes darted around the room but could see nothing. He heard another shift and whipped around, and froze at what he saw. It was like the shadows were moving.  

There from the shadows slithering through the air like a snake were tentacles. Dark purple and orange tentacles they slithered out towards him. “What on earth?” he was so focused on the front he missed the back and was quickly snatched from behind, two purple tentacles caught his wrists and bound them tightly.  

Even for Chat Noir’s strength, he couldn’t break free. Two more purple tentacles bound his ankles and he was lifted up into the air. As he struggled and kicked to no avail, the tentacles spread his legs apart, holding him in an embarrassing x formation. “Let me go!”  

Green tentacles appeared, only two but two were enough. They touched his boots, and Adrien gasped as they dissolved into nothingness. His feet became exposed. The purple tentacles used the opening to slip into his pants.  

The tight leather flexed as the tentacles slithered inside, caressing his leg muscles, and tickling the back of his knee. “Ahh quit it!” his body shivered. The orange tentacles made their move, caressing his feet like tongues, licking along the heel, the sole and his pads, even between his toes.  

Adrien blushed harder, feeling his heart race and his blood rush south. “Mmm!” he tried to resist the pleasure but the tentacles weren’t done with him. A green tentacle tapped his crotch exposing his tiny 2 incher and big balls. He blushed harder than he had in his life. He was a bit shy about his size, but Miran didn’t care about his tiny tool, he loved him completely. He actually found it hot the way his tiny tool compared to his massive nuts. Before they were together he felt small and unmanly. It was probably why he liked being Chat Noir so much it made him feel strong and manly.  

The other green tentacle ran over his ass, the suit evaporated exposing his plump buns to the world. Purple tentacles groped his ass, giving the buns a little smack. “Ahh!” his hole twitches as the purple tentacles continued to fondle his bouncing booty.  

An orange tentacle came for his crotch, licking his balls and tiny tool all in one go. “Ahhh ahh ahh ahh ahh!” he moaned as his front and back were teased at once. More purple tentacles used his crotch opening to invade his suit, feeling up his abs and pecs. “Ahh, st-ahh ohhh!”

Adrien was trembling in pleasure, his skin growing hotter from the tentacles touch. An orange tentacle joined the purples ones playing with his ass, this when slithering between his cheeks and teasing his twitching hole. He was so excited his nipples had pebbled and were peeking through the skin-tight body suit.  

The green tentacles continued their work, flicking his perky buds, causing holes to open up in his upper suit exposing the perky nipples. Purple tentacles teased the pert nubs twisting and flicking the hardened flesh. “Ahh no my nipples I can’t ahh!” his back arched and he cried as he came, shooting his seed all over the orange tentacles.  

For a moment he thought it was over, the tentacles stopped moving as his cum splattered the orange tentacle, but then the tentacles began to move again, the green dissolving sections that covered his pits, exposing the smooth skin.  

Orange tentacles took this section lapping at his sweaty pits and making Adrien writhe in post orgasm pleasure. His whole body was extra sensitive now, which made the tentacles doubling their efforts on his body all the more intense.  

The purple tentacles smacked his ass, making the plump cheeks jiggle and bounce over and over. The orange tentacle at his ass was focused on his hole, teasing his tight pucker, swirling round and round and wetting his hole.  

Adrien drooled, his hole aching, itching to be filled. Even as his ass was spanked he found his hips raising up to take it. The orange tentacle at his front opened up to swallow not only his cock but his big balls too. “Ohh god!” he drooled as his whole crotch was sucked.  

The purple tentacles on his nipples parted into four prongs, and latched onto his nips, squeezing and stimulating, giving a tug, and Adrien loving every second.  

His skin grew hotter, and the orange tentacles lapped at his pits more, cleaning him of his sweat. The ones on the feet worked their magic, fast and swirling. The touches electrifying making him go crazy.  

Adrien came again, the tentacles slurping away his seed. As his balls were drained a second time, the orange tentacle at his hole plunged in, using his pleasure to slide right in. “Ahhhh!” his inner walls opened up wide and became slicked from the orange tentacle. It wiggled deeper and deeper before expanding, opening up to expel his very own cum up his ass, pelting his insides.  

A vicious cycle of pleasure caught the little kitty, his mouth wide open made the perfect home for an orange tentacle that filled his mouth and fed him his own seed. Sweetened like candy, the tentacle added a little something extra to it, making Adrien hot happy and oh so high.  

His eyes rolled up and glorious pleasure, as orgasm after orgasm tore through the blonde, and he was fed it back tenfold. All his erogenous zones were lit ablaze, he twisted in the air like a cat caught in yarn.  

Trapped but content in its bondage. The slithering purple tentacles slithered and coiled around his arms and legs massaging him, his abs and pecs and back muscles were stimulated, his ass turning a lovely shade of red.  

Time passed and the tentacles slithered and pleased him till he felt his balls ran dry. His stomach swelled from the excess. ‘Miran...’ his door suddenly opened, and Miran entered.  

The tentacles stopped their assault but did not release him. “Just couldn’t help yourself could you kitty.” he flicked his bell. He tried to put on a smirk but hiccuped. The orange tentacle in his mouth, and gave one final blast of cum at his face. It covered his mask and face, some even getting in his hair.  

“I think I’ve drunk too much cum hiccup!”  

“I bet you have,” he rubs his swollen belly. “I knew this would happen but couldn’t tell you. I did warn you. Power tends to draw the tentacles out.” he caressed his cheek.  

“I’m sorry,” he leaned into his touch.  

“Not yet your not.” Miran sent a text saying they wouldn’t be coming, Adrien’s been tied up with a project and he was gonna help him with it.  

Miran freed his dick, hard 9 inches long, Chat stared at it and licked his lips. “Carry on boys.” The tentacles began playing with Chat once more, as Miran lined his cock up with his lips. “Tentacles on Halloween night don’t release their prey till morning, so sit tight kitty you're in for a long night,” he slid his dick into Adrien’s mouth and down his throat as the tentacles toyed with the young hero's body all night long.  

Only stopping to let Miran switch his holes. Miran moaned as he slid into Adrien’s cum filled boy hole. The tentacles held him tight in absolute submission, and he fucking loved it. Once morning light came the tentacles vanished into the shadows and Chat Noir became Adrien once more.  

Miran held the cum filled blonde, fucked senseless by him and tentacles. He put the boy to bed, face down, and eyed his ass stuffed with cum. “Looks like I get a treat this year after all.” he buried his face in Adrien’s ass, lapping out a mix of their cum, but mostly Adrien’s. He cleaned the boy out for three hours, took that long to get all the cum out, before laying down with him. ‘You owe me big time.’ he snoozed with this lust drunk look on his face.

Adrien would apologize again and again, but he’d have to make it up to Miran next Halloween, and he would pay in wonderful ways.  



Lord Zero 1606

Love how this turned out. Thank you for this nice Halloween gift.