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Inuyasha Parody: Tier 1


Souta the Spirit Charmer

Souta: 9.5 inches

Spirits: Buyo, Keys, Drip, Ember, and Wig

Inuyasha 9 inches 

Chap 4 Inuyasha’s Brother

Inuyasha was basking in absolute heaven, his master was pampering him, brushing his hair with his newest medium. The comb really was a treasure, capable of cleaning as it moved through the hair, not only that, it felt amazing. His eyes were closed in bliss. Inuyasha’s demon blood has a healing factor on a whole other level. His wounds from Yura had recovered in less than a day, Souta’s powers would recover in time, so Inuyasha was sticking close to him. 

Souta was enjoying the happy noises Inuyasha continued to make. He was allowed to play with Inuyasha’s ears as he combed his hair. ‘So soft!’ They were recovering after the fierce fight with Yura of the Hair, as well as celebrating their victory. Souta had recovered the jewel shard, and his touch had purified it. After enjoying a nice relaxing bath and a well-deserved petting, they dried off and went to celebrate, hey they were already naked so why not.

As for their celebration, his encounter with Yura had revealed certain desires Inuyasha held, such as bondage. Killing two birds with one stone, Souta was able to practice with his new found medium, and explore Inuyasha’s current sexual appetite. The dog demon was strung up, hands and feet tied together behind his back, As soon as he was tied up, Inuyasha’s dick swelled to life, twitching and wanting attention. His hard penis had thread connecting to his nipples, so whenever his dick wiggled his nipples were tugged. 

Souta marveled at his work, Inuyasha was so sexy, and being all tied up made him all the hotter. The sight of him stirred his loins, hardening his 9.5-inch dick. ‘Buyo told me once that sex had a way of recovering and strengthening one’s magical or mystical abilities. I hope he’s right.’ He got behind his pet, lining his dick up with Inuyasha’s wanting hole. He slides right in, Inuyasha bucking back. “Full!” he moaned. 

“You love my cock puppy?” he groped Inuyasha’s buns. His tight ass hugged his dick oh so well. He had to admit he enjoyed being inside Inuyasha’s tight ass, his new demon blood made him hotter and tighter than before. Sex with a demon was intense, his hungry hole parting opening up wishing to be filled. Souta could slide right in all the way to the hilt and Inuyasha felt no pain. He claimed his hole in one go, and the dog demon moaned and shuddered in delight. 

“Ohh yes!” he ground his ass into his master’s pelvis, loving the friction and fullness. The heat of Souta’s cock seeped through his insides and made him feel alive. The boy began to move, setting a heavy pace that made his cock bounce and bob, his nipples getting stimulated at each move. “Yes, master fuck me, pound my ass!” he panted and moaned, toes curling in delight.

So he did, fucking Inuyasha’s wonderfully tight hole. His pelvis striking the toned buns making the flesh jiggle and ripple. The two were enjoying their time together unaware of a tiny demon following them. “Hmm is it him?” 


An army of humans was traveling, seeking to join the main forces. While they rested, they had a meal of a boar killed by the bare hands of their leader. “Just wait till I get my hands on our enemy general’s head, he will suffer the same fate.” the men cheered, praising their leader’s strength. 

The men were so engrossed in their thoughts of victory, they didn’t realize their camp had been invaded before it was too late. In an instant their leader was killed, his head being ripped off. The man who did it had long hair, and a crescent moon on his forehead, and strange markings on his cheek. “You are in my wave, move!” he dropped the head. “Jaken!”

“Yes, my lord!” a strange imp came over. The men stared in shock. The imp carried a strange staff, with two heads, one of a woman and the other an old man. He tapped the staff down, and the female head screamed. “The woman’s face screams, my lord, it seems the tomb we seek is elsewhere, my lord.” he bowed repeated. 

“Is that so...” the humans raised their weapons at them. “Hm?”

“These...these bastards aren’t human!” they surrounded the strange man with spears and swords. “Exterminate them!!” 

“How barbaric, I’ll leave these idiots to you, Jaken.” the demon looked bored. The imp chuckled wickedly. 

“Behold the power of the staff of two heads!” The old man’s head reacted, opening his mouth and a stream of flames came, incinerating the humans, leaving not a single trace of them. The special flames consuming flesh, bone, armor, and steel. The two were searching for something, well Sesshoumaru was searching, Jaken was loyally following. 

They got on a boat, and Jaken rowed as Sesshoumaru pondered what their next move should be. “Sesshoumaru-sama...” 

“What is it?” 

“About the tomb, wouldn’t Inuyasha know where it is?” 

“Inuyasha...” Sesshoumaru quickly dropped Jaken into the river and used the Staff of Two Heads to hold him under water. “You made me think about that hanyo...” 

“Ahh, I beg your forgiveness!” he gurgled and choked. 

“I have not thought about him in many years, I don’t even care what he’s doing now.” 

“That’s the thing, my lord. I’ve been keeping my ear to the ground, he was ruling a forest, but it seems he’s recently become a powerful demon.” 

“What?”Sesshoumaru was surprised. 


“My my, they are still going at it.” A tiny flea demon was watching the two boys go at it. Orgasm after orgasm, every three they stopped to change positions. Inuyasha was currently tied up against a tree his dick tugged back between his legs to cum all over the ground. Souta played with his nipples as he pounded the boy’s sweet man hole. “Ahh, the joys of youth.” He hopped over and jumped onto Inuyasha’s body. 

The two still didn’t notice to wrapped up in pleasure. Buyo was right, fucking Inuyasha not only felt great but restored his magical powers. Even as he came inside his pet, he didn’t feel spent he felt energized. His heart pounded and he fucked his puppy harder. 

He bit Inuyasha and sucked his blood. “Oww!” On reflex, Inuyasha broke his bondage to smack the flea. “Myouga?”

“A flea?” Souta gasped. Using the comb he undid the rest of the bondage. He was glad he didn’t make the bondage too strong in case of another attack. 

“Inuyasha at last, I wasn’t sure it was you at first, seeing as your sudden transformation,” Myouga says. “The taste of your blood has changed slightly, become more powerful, but I’d never forget, the flavor of Inuyasha-sama.” 

Souta gave Inuyasha his clothes back but Inuyasha was enjoying his nudity. They sat down as Souta dressed. “You know some guys are trying to find dad’s tomb?” 

“I was far too anxious to stay there as a mere grave-keeper...” 

“You deserted the tomb and ran away didn’t you?” Myouga sweatdropped. He quickly changed the subject talking about Inuyasha’s father. He was a monstrous dog demon, that ruled the lands of the west. 

“He was a strong and imposing demon lord, and his blood was tastier than anything.” 

“Your dad sounds amazing,” Souta says, and Inuyasha humphs. 

“Yeah, maybe I never knew him.” 

“Yes, Lord Inutaisho passed away before Inuyasha was a full moon old.” He means a year old. “His mother is also long gone, though she was quite the beauty.” 

“Shut it flea!” Inuyasha squished him. It was a sore subject, Inuyasha had grown up as a hanyo hated by humans and demons alike. His mother faced many hardships, it was no wonder Inuyasha grew up as he did. 

“There was a divide among the family, Inuyasha’s brother was supposed to look after them both but he...” Inuyasha stomped on him. 

“I said shut up! Don’t you ever mention that bastard.”

“You have a brother?” Souta asked. 

“Great, now you’ve done it.” he crossed his arms and pouted. 

“Full-blooded dog demons tend to look down on half breeds, believing them to be mutts.” Buyo appeared. Inuyasha growled at him and the two started fighting, only for Buyo to come out on top. “Damn cat!” 

“A spirit?” Myouga was surprised. “You must be a spirit charmer.” 

“I am,” Souta says, and introduces himself. 

“Souta-sama, I see now how Inuyasha could be tamed.”

“He’s a very good boy,” Souta says and Inuyasha blushes. 

“I take it his change was your doing?” 

“Yes, he wanted to be a full demon, so I used a spirit to help him.” 


Their talk was cut short as a powerful wave of demon energy befell them. Buyo’s fur and back hitched. “Souta danger!” he hissed. 

Inuyasha growled as well. A strange carriage appeared in the sky, seemingly pulled by nothing, the wheels lit ablaze as it traveled the darkened sky. Without warning, Inuyasha was attacked by a stream of flames, only for him to dodge. 

“Jaken, we’ll talk first, kill later.” A powerful demon appeared from the carriage. 

“Yes, my lord.” Jaken bowed. 

“You bastard...Sesshoumaru!” Inuyasha growled. 

“Oh? Well done, it seems you’ve remembered, the face of your elder brother.” 

“Elder brother? Him!?” Souta gasped. Looking between them, he noticed Inuyasha’s red demon markings matched Sesshoumaru’s only one stripe instead of two. 

Sesshoumaru eyed Inuyasha’s naked form. “Hmm, your demon power has certainly increased, but I can still smell human in you.” 

“So what, my master helped me achieve this power, and I’ll use it to kick your ass!” 

“Master?” he looked and spotted Souta. “A human? Did you learn nothing from our father Inuyasha, humans are weak. You continue to bring shame upon our family.” 

Inuyasha growled. “You bastard, did you come all this fucking way to say that?” 

“Moron, I do not have that much spare time.” he crossed his arms. “I’ve come to ask you for the location of father’s tomb.” 

“Dad’s tomb, that’s it? That’s it!” Inuyasha snapped. He launched into battle with his brother. Even Sesshoumaru was shocked at his brother’s speed and power. He blocked his brother’s attack and the two began to duke it out. Their demon energy sparked as they clashed. “You abandon me and my mother, the few times I’ve seen you, all you’ve ever done is insult me!” 

Sesshoumaru had to admit, Inuyasha had the power of a full-fledged demon, it seems his demon blood was no longer at war with his human. Still, it was too new Inuyasha lacked the experience to properly control it. Wham! Sesshoumaru smacked him down. ‘That human did this?’ 

Inuyasha rose from the hole his brother put him in, not caring about his nudity he tried to fight again. “I don’t know where dad’s tomb is, and even if I did know I wouldn’t tell a bastard like you!” Sesshoumaru avoided him and quickly took his wild power and tossing him aside. 

“A pity, it seems I need to find someone else to help me,” he zipped down and quickly snatched Souta. 

“Inuyasha!” he gasped, the demon was so fast and so overwhelming Souta didn’t have a chance to defend himself. Even Buyo was repelled by Sesshoumaru’s powerful aura. 

“Jaken, we are leaving.” he knocked the boy out. 

“Yes, my lord!” the carriage pulled off taking them away. 

“Souta!” Inuyasha shouted. The carriage was faster than him as it zoomed away. 

To be continued...Tomb of the Father


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