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One Piece Parody: Redux: New Word 2298 Original Word: 898


Chapter 2 Shadow Blade

Luffy was taken by his Grandfather, to be raised by bandits, which was both odd and bad for a number of reasons. One being he wanted the bandits to raise Luffy into a marine, two Luffy hated bandits after what happened. It was here where Luffy met his brother Ace, though their meeting was not the best one, but Luffy took Shanks’ advice and decided not to sweat the small stuff, like spit wads.

After many, many attempts of following Ace around, he eventually met his partner in crime Sabo. Ace had just robbed the Bluejam pirates and added it to their stash of loot, which Luffy discovered. While they plotted to kill him, they were found by the pirates Ace had stolen from. Porchemy was searching for the treasure like a mad beast, as his life was on the line.

He caught Luffy and planned to torture the info out of him. Ace believing the boy would crack in seconds, especially upon learning he was a shit liar. He and Sabo moved the treasure, but as Sabo learned the boy never gave them up.

Luffy had been tortured for hours, and he never gave them up. Ace and Sabo did come to save Luffy before Porchemy could kill him. The older raven, however, refused, to leave and fight Porchemy head on. It was a rough fight two kids against a vicious pirate, the match was slowly turning in Porchemy’s favor, but Luffy used his shadow power Brick Bats.

The swarm helped distract Porchemy, so Ace and Sabo could land the win. They escaped but needed to be patched up. Luffy’s shadow power was used to help protect his vitals, he truly believed they would have come to save him.

This changed something in Ace, as the boy truly valued him, a strange feeling due to Ace’s unique history. They eventually stole some of Dadan’s sake and shared a drink becoming sake brothers. From this day forward they were brothers, a bond they felt would never be broken. Not by pirates, not by bandits, not by Garp.

He didn’t try, as he saw it he had three brats to train to become Marines, with his mighty fist of love! In the dead of night, the boys escaped living on their own. While they set up traps, the boys did rely on Luffy’s shadow powers a bit, it was quite the ability, perfect for training and battle practice.

It was quite the group they had, Sabo who was running away from his past, Ace who was seeking his own place in the world, away from his father’s name, and Luffy who didn’t know anything about his parents but still seeking his own freedom in being a pirate. They had each other, and that was more than enough.

Sadly time would not keep them together forever, Sabo’s past wasn’t so easy to escape, as it was close to home. He gave up his brothers in hopes of saving them, not realizing the nobles had a wicked plan for Gray Terminal. A plot to burn it before the celestial dragons came, was in the works, and as pirates were tricked to start the flames, and as the light of the flames and smoke peeked over the walls that divided the noble and the rich, and the screams of the innocent roared outside.

The noble children just hoped they died quickly as to not interrupt their precious tea time. Sabo could find no one to help, all he could do was pray Luffy and Ace were okay. They did survive the fire, but the damage had been done. Sabo couldn’t live in the cage of royal rules and nobility, he tried to escape leaving behind a letter for his brothers.

He sailed away at the worst possible moment, on the arrival of the celestial dragon ship, who without hesitation blasted him and his ship away. Although, no body was found, it was believed he was dead. Luffy cried, and Ace swore to protect his little brother, and to carry Sabo’s name with him.


The time for them to be pirates came, Ace leaving to start his journey when he came of age. “Luffy no matter what, we live with no regrets!” the two smiled at each other and Ace sailed away. They had squabbled over who should join the other’s crew, with no clear victor. Luffy had a few more years before he would set sail.

A funny thing about the Gray Terminal, it was the place where the lost and unwanted usually ended up. It was here where Luffy met an old swordsman carrying a rather unique blade. Once Luffy matured the old man passed the blade onto him. Luffy developed his own unique style fitting with the blade.

He sparred with his shadow, improving his skills each day. He eventually set out, saying goodbye to Dadan the bandit leader who looked after him. “Hey Dadan, I still hate bandits, but I like you guys!” This brought tears to the bandit leader’s eyes, Luffy was leaving, going off on his own journey.

Setting sail he got some payback as the Lord of the Coast attacked him. “I’m ready for this, Shadow Shadow Fist: Pistol!” His shadow launched a fist that struck the lord of the coast and shattered some of his teeth.

He’d have lived but the monster only grew more pissed and attacked Luffy with his tail. Luffy’s shadow caught it. “You asked for this,” he balled his hand up into a fist and jumped, he punched the beast hard, shattering his teeth and cracking his skull. “I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!” he stated proudly.


Luffy continued training, finding an island to relax at. He was sparring with his shadow in hand to hand combat. Luffy was training in the forest with his shadow going blow for blow in their intense brawl. Luffy had grown into a fine young man, strong arms and legs, fine pecs and rock hard abs, he was wearing an open black vest, and loose shorts, a prominent bulge as his endowments pressed against the fabric.

He thought this island was deserted but he was wrong. Roronoa Zoro, a man who had made a name for himself as a pirate hunter and practitioner of the Three Sword Style.

Zoro was on the hunt, for who? Gecko Moria, he was charged with the task of restoring a young woman’s shadow, so he set out hunting Gecko Moria. However, he had no idea what Moria looked like only that he was a devil fruit user who could manipulate shadows and that he was one of the seven warlords. He wasn’t the warlord Zoro was interested in, but if he could bring down Moria he might find some clues into finding his target Dracule Mihawk.

He was given a map to find Moria’s location but he somehow wound up on the island Luffy was training. A sign appears out of nowhere pointing a Zoro. “Completely lost nowhere near Moria’s true location.”

The green haired swordsman passed by where Luffy was training with his shadow. ‘That must be him Gecko Moria. I knew I wasn’t lost.’ Zoro drew his swords and dove into Luffy’s training area. ‘According to the info Moria uses dirty tricks to win fights so best to cut him down quickly.’ He put on his bandanna and readied his swords.

He rushed out. “Oni Giri!” Luffy dodged his attack by switching places with his shadow, his Doppelman.

“Hey, what’s the big idea?”

Zoro pointed his sword at him. “Shut it pirate, I have a reason for taking you on, for your crimes you will pay!” Zoro attacked Luffy, swinging his blades, and to his shock, Luffy was avoiding his attacks.

“Crimes? I just started my pirate journey a few days ago.” Luffy tilted his head to the side confused.

“Don’t lie, I know who you are!” he charged at him again. “Gecko Moria, your head is mine!”

“Wait?” Luffy had no choice but to dodge again. He seemed to be reading his moves.

‘He’s trying to trick me, pirates, lie, cheat, and steal. I won’t be defeated by him!’ His attacks were fierce and strong.

“Whoa you are really skilled, I’ll admit I haven’t gotten to test my skills as a swordsman really.” Doppelman sank into the ground forming a portal. From the portal, a strange sword appeared from it, it looked like a giant pair of scissors, with a panda in the center, the handle was red.

Zoro was shocked, to say the least. “That blade it can’t be, that’s the legendary Scissor Blade!” Luffy twirled it around, handling it like a pro. He’s heard of the blade, a legendary sword said to choose its master, only opening into the twin blades, for one that is worthy.

“I don’t know who you stole that from, but I won’t lose in the fight with swords.” The two clashed, the clang of sword against sword, echoed through Luffy’s training area. ‘This kid is no amateur.’ As he fought the boy never lost his smile, and he was stronger than he looked.

The scissor blade was quite heavy, but Luffy was able to wield it so well. He jumped and twirled in the air, slashing through the air, bringing the blade down at Zoro who managed to block but the ground cracked under the force. Using both hands he swung it at great force, knocking Zoro back. While not an amateur, it was clear he was no master swordsman. “You won’t be able to beat me like this.” Zoro points out. ‘Why isn’t he using his shadow powers?’ he’s been on the defensive believing this was Moria and would cheat. The boy was full of openings...

“You are right, I can’t beat you like this, let’s fight for real!” Luffy pet the panda seal on the blade, and the face morphed from a cute panda to a fierce panda, the scissor blade opened and split into the true form. Luffy took a new fighting stance. “Let’s begin!”

This new stance, no openings, Zoro gulped and felt his heart pounding. ‘What is this, this is Gecko Moria, isn’t it? I shouldn’t be getting excited like this.’ Yet he was, he smirked and for a moment he forgot about Moria.

The two clashed again, both were moving at great speed, Zoro had to go on the offensive just to keep up with Luffy’s speed. They clashed for hours both getting tired, sweaty, and grinning like mad fools.

“I don’t get it why haven’t used your shadow power?” Zoro asked.

“Hmm? This is a duel between men, and I wanted to fight you in the art of a sword. How could I test my skills if I used my power?” Zoro lowered his swords for a moment and took the sword out of his mouth, and he laughed. It was a good point, he knew pirates lied, but the look in the

raven’s eyes was pure and honest.

He put the sword back in his mouth. “I didn’t think Gecko Moria would fight a fair fight but since you have I will go all out on you.” he started spinning his swords. “Three Sword Style: Three Thousand Worlds!”

“Moria?!” Luffy gasped. “I’m not Moria!” Zoro was charging at him. He had no choice. “Shadow Wall!” Luffy’s shadow extended and created a wall that took the greenette’s attack. “Now Shadow Trap!” The wall caught Zoro as his momentum sent him crashing into it.

He soon found himself trapped, he struggled but couldn’t escape. “I knew it, you dirty cheater, I’m gonna...” A shadow hand came out and covered his mouth, reducing his rant to a muffled mess.

“Now listen here, I’m Monkey D. Luffy, I’’m not Moria.” the shadow hand pulled back so Zoro could talk.

“Don’t lie to me, Gecko Moria is a shadow devil fruit user.” he struggled in his bonds. “Which you clearly are.”

Luffy sighed, Shanks had warned him about Moria, but he failed to mention he might get mistaken for him. Still being compared to the guy really miffed Luffy so he vented his frustration by smacking Zoro’s ass. “You idiot!” Smack!

“Ahh!” he grabbed him by the ear. “You dumb ass!” Luffy scolded. “We were having a nice fight and you ruined it!” he smacked Zoro’s ass again, making the swordsman struggle.

‘So strong!’ each smack sent vibrations racing through his channel. His man hole twitched from the force, insides tingling.

“Here’s a news flash for you, some devil fruits are similar. Moria ate the Shade Shade fruit, I ate the Shadow Shadow fruit.” Luffy smacked his ass again, and Zoro felt his manhood twitch, he was actually hard from fighting Luffy, the spanking was only stroking his arousal. “I’m not Moria!” he gave a smack for each word.

Zoro was left panting, and painfully hard. “Why are you after him anyway?”

“My client got their shadow stolen by Moria and asked me to retrieve it,” Zoro says and tries to glare at Luffy. “Why should I believe the word of some pirate?”

“Not all pirates are jerks, I know some really great ones, who like to sing and party!” he grins, and Zoro blushes. “Look if I help your client will you believe me that I’m not this Moria guy?”Zoro thought about it for a moment but nodded his head.

Luffy released him, he closed the scissor blade and stored back in his shadow. Zoro sheaths his swords “Okay but first, let’s go eat and we both could use a shower.” Zoro had to admit he was fatigued from the fight with the shadow user was more intense then he thought. “Alright.”

To be continued…Shadow Cure and New Crew


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